Everyone communicates, but are they doing it well? Communicative competence takes practice and self-awareness. In this foundational course, students will learn through discovery and project-based activities to practice approaching situations critically and collaboratively. By developing their communication skills, students will improve their interpersonal ability, intercultural competence, and digital fluency to prepare for success in the workplace and beyond. The strategies students will gain in this course will be useful throughout their program and in their chosen industry.
Immunology is the study of the immune system. In this course, students will examine the role the immune system plays in health, disease and medical laboratory sciences. Students will begin to develop the skills required to apply their knowledge of immunology in a clinical setting.
In this course, students will be introduced to the interdisciplinary theory and applications found in the medical laboratory environment. Students will examine concepts of laboratory safety, basic laboratory practice, specimen collection and handling, and quality assurance principles that are required within a medical laboratory.
Clinical Chemistry is an area of chemistry that is generally concerned with analysis of bodily fluids for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Students will be introduced to the basic biochemistry (the study of chemical processes in living organisms) and metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids. Using manual, automated and microscopic techniques, students will perform analysis on blood and urine and practice reporting on clinically significant lab results.
Clinical microbiology is a complex discipline that utilizes many different methods to test and identify various microorganisms. In this course, students will be introduced to the theoretical principles of the physical and biochemical properties of clinically significant microorganisms. Students will have an opportunity to apply the basic skills required to recognize, identify and perform antimicrobial susceptibility testing on microorganisms in a laboratory setting in adherence to safety and quality assurance best practices.
In this course, students will continue to explore important topics relevant to Allied Health professionals. In addition, students will develop interdisciplinary partnerships and team-building skills through collaboration, consultation and discussions.
In this course, students will further examine concepts of chemical processes in living organisms through testing of body fluids. Focus will be on testing and reporting of respiratory, renal and liver disease as well as those used to detect hormones, drugs, tumors and nutritional markers. Applied laboratory activities will give students the opportunity to further develop skills and apply theoretical concepts to clinical chemistry practice.
Histotechnology involves the detection of tissue abnormalities by treating tissues with chemicals and dyes, which react and produce colors, making it possible to distinguish tissue structures. In this course, students will continue to explore the theoretical and practical application of various staining techniques in addition to learning how to identify stained tissue components, and how to distinguish normal tissue from tissue pathologies. Applied laboratory activities will enable students to perform the techniques and evaluate the results.
In this course, students will use different testing methods to identify microorganisms that cause disease. Students will learn them according to the different body sites and types of infections, and determine their susceptibility to antimicrobials. In addition, students will further develop their skills to culture, process, identify, and report clinically significant findings from various specimen types.
Clinical Hematology is a discipline focusing on the science or study of the numbers and various forms of cellular elements in the blood (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets) and their associated diseases. In this course, students will begin with the study of normal blood cells and progress to a deeper knowledge related to a wide variety of abnormal conditions. Through applied laboratory activities such as microscopic examination, students will begin to develop the ability to recognize and report on various normal and abnormal cellular conditions. In addition, students will learn the theory and application of manual and automated techniques along with quality control practices that ensure reliability of laboratory test results.
In this course, students will explore the principles and applications of blood banking. Focus will be on characteristics of blood group systems, testing methods, and production and use of blood components and products for use in human transfusion therapy. Applied laboratory activities will give students the opportunity to further develop skills and apply theoretical concepts to transfusion science practice.
In this course, students will continue to learn about abnormal cellular elements, hematology principles and concepts related to the diagnosis of pathologies involving red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Instruction will also focus on Coagulation, the study of abnormal bleeding and clotting conditions. Students will further explore topics such as hematological testing methods, reference ranges, reporting and quality control practices. In addition, hands-on laboratory activities will give students the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts to clinical hematology practice and develop essential skills such as trouble shooting, critical thinking, and decision making.
In this course, students will learn about new, emerging and advanced methodologies relevant to the field of Medical Laboratory Sciences.
A Medical Laboratory Technologist must have a thorough understanding of the underlying principles and the relationship between disciplines of the Medical Laboratory Sciences in order to deliver safe and comprehensive medical laboratory services to patients and clients. In this online course, students will examine the relationship of the five disciplines and how the skills they have developed in each will be used to promote and implement interdisciplinary and inter-professional professional practice, increase competence and ensure the safe and effective delivery of service.
In this course students will apply concepts of Histotechnology to clinical practice at an RRC affiliated Clinical laboratory. Under appropriate supervision, students will build on the theoretical knowledge and practical skills learned in the didactic phase of the program and apply them in a clinical setting. Upon successfully completing this experience students will be able to perform processing, cutting and staining procedures in a routine clinical pathology laboratory.