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  • Post-graduate diploma program
  • Classes will be held in the evenings
  • How to enroll:
    o    Step 1: Submit an Application - Submit an online application for admission into the program. To apply for Fall 2024, click here.
    o    Step 2: Register for Courses - Once admitted, register for courses according to your preference. You may enroll in as many courses as you wish, in any order, except for the final Industry Project course. Upcoming courses are listed on the Course Dates and Fees tab.
  • Program may be taken part-time or full-time (full-time program will be 8 months, or 1 academic year, in duration)
  • Program includes a work-integrated learning component (industry project)

In the Mechatronics post-graduate diploma program, you will have the opportunity to prepare for a multi-disciplinary engineering specialty that integrates mechanical and electrical engineering with computer and control technologies. The coursework and hands-on activities in the program will allow you to gain the skills and competencies needed to succeed in the ever-growing and emerging field of mechatronics. The program emphasis is on the designing and optimizing of complex mechatronic systems as well as project and process management principles. An industry project will provide you with an authentic, work-integrated learning experience with an industry partner. Successful graduates of the program who meet eligibility requirements will be eligible to write the level 3 of the Siemens Mechatronic Systems Certification Program (SMSCP) certification.

Course Delivery Methods
The courses in this program will be delivered online, in-person and/or in a blended format. The courses may be taken in any order except for the last industry project course.

Work-Integrated Learning
The Industry Project in Mechatronics course provides 160 hours of work-integrated learning. This industry project will be completed with an industry partner.

Admission Requirements

Your Academic History
If your academic history includes any of the following, please visit My Education for important information: post-secondary studies at an institution other than Red River College Polytechnic; Modified (M), English as an Additional Language (E), or GED high school courses; or home schooling; international secondary (high school) studies.
The college requires transcripts verifying your complete academic history including any public or private high school, college, university, or technical institute you have attended.


Upload Through Your Future Student Account

  • Scan your document(s) and save the file. Ensure you keep your original documents as the College may request to see them at any time.
  • Go to and log in.
  • Click on your application, then Supplemental Items & Documents.

If you do not have a Future Student Account or require assistance, please contact our Student Service Centre at 204-632-2327.

Internationally Educated Applicants - visit for credential assessment information.

Submission of required documentation indicating proof of completion of admission requirements is due within 30 days of applying unless otherwise noted in the program's admission requirements.

Regular Admission Requirements

  1. Post-Secondary Education
    Submit proof of graduation from or enrolment in a diploma or Bachelor's degree in science or engineering from a recognized post-secondary institution:
    • Electrical, or Mechanical Engineering Technology Diploma
    • Data Science and Machine Learning Diploma
    • Electrical, Mechanical, or Information Engineering Bachelor's Degree
    • Post-Secondary transcripts must have been issued within 6 months prior to your application date and submitted directly from the post-secondary institution. 
    • If you are required to complete an English language assessment, do not submit your transcripts until requested to do so. See English Language Requirements (ELRs) for more information

  2. Work Experience
    • Relevant mechanical or electrical work experience (minimum 8 months - criteria to be determined and evaluated)
    • Work related experience may be demonstrated by submission of a job verification letter, proof of employment, or letter of employment from your employer.

  3. English Language Requirements (ELRs)
    • Have you successfully completed the equivalent of three years of full-time secondary (high school) education in Canada, the United States, or an ELR exempt country where English was the language of instruction? To view a list of ELR exempt countries click here.
      • If yes, you appear to meet English language requirements. Submit your transcripts for verification purposes.
      • If no, you are required to submit proof of meeting an English language requirements option. If you choose to complete an English language assessment, review this program's approved assessments and required levels.
      • If you completed all of your education in Canada, the United States, or an ELR exempt country in English but did not complete three years of high school, submit your transcripts for review.

Program Outline

To earn the diploma, you must successfully complete all 10 courses with a minimum GPA of 2.0.

You may take courses in any order, except for the 'Industry Project in Mechatronics' course, which requires the completion of all 'First courses of study'.

 First courses of study:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cybersecurity for Industry 4.0
  • Robotics Applications in Manufacturing
  • Embedded Systems for Mechatronics Applications
  • Leading Change

Second courses of study:

  • Industry 4.0 Technologies
  • Innovation, Project, and Technology Management
  • Advanced Mechatronics Systems Design
  • Mechatronic System Project
  • Industry Project in Mechatronics

Courses and Descriptions

(Click the course name to view the description of the course)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In addition to Transfer of Credit from a recognized post secondary institution, other RPL processes are available for RPL courses. Click here for more information. For courses with no RPL, please check for additional contact information.
COMP-3023Artificial Intelligence
More Information

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to have a profound impact on modern industrial processes. In this post-graduate course, students will review how AI algorithms work and then explore the current capabilities, risks, applications, evolution, and ethics of AI in advanced manufacturing and mechatronics. Having identified an opportunity to use AI at their workplace, students will conduct cost-benefit analyses to enable informed decision-making for AI investments. Students will examine strategies for monitoring the integrity of AI solutions. Finally, students will identify factors used to evaluate the success of implementing an AI solution, including cost, quality, delivery, and performance metrics.

COMP-3024Cybersecurity for Industry 4.0
More Information

The interconnected and digitized nature of Industry 4.0 delivers numerous benefits to manufacturing organizations, but also introduces cybersecurity challenges. In this post-graduate course, students will learn to identify cybersecurity threats, and vulnerabilities throughout the manufacturing environment.  Students will illustrate why cybersecurity challenges must be addressed and then follow a standard-based systematic approach to tackle them.  Students will learn the importance of continuous attention to cybersecurity to stay ahead of evolving threats and vulnerabilities, and how to build this ongoing attention to cybersecurity into their organizations. The course enables students to communicate effectively with stakeholders about cybersecurity.

ENGI-3010Leading Change
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In this post-graduate course, students will advance their ability to communicate accessibly and inclusively throughout organizational change in the manufacturing industry. Students will practice leading and communicating about change throughout its lifecycle, from proposing the change, to supporting an organization during change, through to evaluating the success of the change. Students will learn strategies to create psychological safety within their teams and with stakeholders through open communication, inclusive practices, clear processes, and collaboration.  The skills students learn in this course will support their role in organizational growth and innovation.

INDP-4005Industry Project in Mechatronics
More Information

In this culminating course of Mechatronics program, students will demonstrate their knowledge and skills in the manufacturing workplace. Working closely with their workplace supervisor and the course instructor, students will identify a need of actual interest to their company or for local companies and communities. After devising a solution, students will draft a technical report analyzing the requirements to implement the solution and evaluate the return on investment. Students will prepare a pitch and present it either to the class or to company leaders. Students may develop and oversee the implementation of their solution.

INST-3002Robotics Applications in Manufacturing
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Is a robot the solution to automating your manufacturing process? Building on their knowledge and experience in advanced manufacturing and mechatronics, students in this course will review the types of robotic systems available and learn to identify inefficient processes and “dirty, dull, or dangerous” tasks. Students will examine key performance indicators and investigate the requirements and constraints that inform a robotic systems solution. They will learn how to organize a team of specialists and tradespeople to design, install, commission, and deploy a robotic system. Finally, students will explore strategies for predictive maintenance and continuous improvement of the manufacturing process.

INST-3004Industry 4.0 Technologies
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By the end of this post-graduate course, students will be able to describe the Industry 4.0 Revolution in manufacturing, giving real-world, local examples. After reviewing the capabilities of Industry 4.0 approaches, students will examine existing processes and products to identify opportunities for improvement. Applying their knowledge of the hardware, software, and sensors required to generate and retrieve data, students will determine what data should be collected and how data can be analyzed to drive process decisions without human intervention. Finally, students will discuss considerations and strategies for designing for future innovations and capabilities in advanced manufacturing and mechatronics.

INST-3005Innovation, Project, and Technology Management
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In this post-graduate course, students will synthesize principles of innovation, project, and technology management required to support and lead projects in technology-driven manufacturing environments. Students will review the basic practices for project execution based on Project Management Institute concepts and then tailor project management methodologies, ethical considerations, and effective communication strategies to the manufacturing environment. Students will examine project scope, estimation, planning, and scheduling. Students will explore strategies for tracking management and engineering activities to ensure that work remains aligned with plans and requirements. Students will apply these principles, strategies, and skills in the mechatronic systems Industry Project.

INST-3006Advanced Mechatronic Systems Design
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In this post-graduate course, students will trace the complete mechatronic system life cycle, from sales and suppliers to production and performance. Students will define the functional requirements of a mechatronic system based on customer and user needs and then develop high-level designs by translating those functional requirements into technical mechatronic system specifications. Students will examine and justify the ethical, environmental, societal impact of their design choices and formulate the return on investment of the design. Students will practice project and change management principles and strategies that they will implement later in the mechatronics Industry Project.

INST-3007Embedded Systems for Mechatronic Applications
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In this post-graduate course, students will follow a roadmap for integrating embedded systems into mechatronic applications from start to finish. After surveying the hardware and software of embedded systems, students will identify mechatronic system requirements and select sensors and actuators. Students will apply appropriate communications protocols to collect data and then select control systems and signal processing methods tailored to each mechatronic application. Finally, students will develop strategies for diagnosing faults and refining embedded systems to continually improve performance, power efficiency, and resource utilization in mechatronic systems.

INST-3008Mechatronic System Project
More Information

In this post-graduate course, students will apply design, integration, and project management skills required to implement mechatronic solutions but scaled down to mechatronic cells that perform specific functions. Students will begin by investigating the technical and financial feasibility to perform given mechatronic functions and design computer-aided design (CAD) models and schematics that integrate mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, and control components. Students will work in teams to install and troubleshoot mechatronic cells. Once the cells are operational, students will analyze logged data to develop strategies for predictive maintenance. Finally, students will propose improvements to their mechatronic system and estimate the return on investment.


To register for courses in this program, students must first apply and meet entrance requirements.
To apply, CLICK HERE

Students enrolling in Part-Time and Online Education courses may be required to purchase textbooks and materials at participating Campus Store locations or online at Student booklists will be available approximately 3 weeks prior to scheduled course start dates. Please ensure materials are purchased in advance, to be available for the start date.

Note: Courses requiring a textbook will show "TR" in the Delivery field.

Click the "More Info" link beside the course's name to view the description of the course.

Course Dates and Fees

2025 Winter Term - Continuing Education
INST-3006 Advanced Mechatronic Systems Designmore info
Location: Notre Dame Campus
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Feb 10, 25 - Mar 12, 25M W5:00PM - 9:00PMK. Janzen259078$763
Location: Notre Dame Campus
Feb 10, 25 - Mar 12, 25
Class days
5:00PM - 9:00PM
K. Janzen
INST-3004 Industry 4.0 Technologiesmore info
Location: Notre Dame Campus
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Feb 11, 25 - Mar 13, 25Tu Th5:00PM - 9:00PMT. Michaels260379$763
Location: Notre Dame Campus
Feb 11, 25 - Mar 13, 25
Class days
Tu Th
5:00PM - 9:00PM
T. Michaels
INST-3005 Innovation, Project, and Technology Managementmore info
Location: Notre Dame Campus
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Mar 24, 25 - Apr 23, 25M W5:00PM - 9:00PMK. Janzen259077$763
Location: Notre Dame Campus
Mar 24, 25 - Apr 23, 25
Class days
5:00PM - 9:00PM
K. Janzen

Computer/Laptop Requirements

Online learning is a critical component of course delivery in all Red River College programs. To ensure each student has the tools they need to achieve their academic goals, all Red River College students require, at minimum:

  1. Off-campus access to a current Windows based laptop computer with a webcam
  2. A high speed internet connection
  • Recommended minimum speed: 10 mbps for download, 3 mbps for upload.
  • Slower internet connection speeds may result in audio and video issues. Please keep in mind that if others in your home are using the same internet connection at the same time as you are, you may also experience audio and video issues.
  • Please refer to for further information on Computer Requirements for Students.

Please note that any anticipated costs are not included in Books and Supplies estimates.

Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the program, the graduate should be able to: 

  1. Apply cyber security measures to safeguard data in mechatronics systems.
  2. Develop intelligent solutions to optimize processes, manage maintenance, and improve production equipment.
  3. Create products, systems, machines, installations, or industrial processes by integrating mechanical, electronic, and automation tools and functions.
  4. Design mechatronics system solutions to reduce waste, increase efficiency, and maximize return on investment.
  5. Develop products, equipment, and mechatronic systems in compliance with technical, economic, and security requirements.
  6. Evaluate energy demands, costs, budgets, and other factors to determine return on investment in Mechatronics.
  7. Provide technical support for people and groups during the assembly, commissioning, support, and maintenance of installations and production systems. 
  8. Practice ethical conduct and professional responsibilities in Mechatronics environments. 
  9. Formulate engineering solutions by considering their global, economic, societal, and environmental impact.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process which documents and compares an individual's prior learning gained from prior education, work and life experiences and personal study to the learning outcomes in College courses/programs. For more information, please visit

Graduation Requirements

Successful completion of all first and second courses of study with a minimum of 34 credit units and a minimum 2.0 GPA is required to receive the credential.

Employment Potential

The manufacturing sector in Manitoba and Canada continue to harness the technological drivers of Industry 4.0 to adapt to the changing industry landscape. Mechatronics is an emerging area of employment in this area. Specific labour market data for Mechatronics is not readily available currently. Investigation into the labour market associated with this program was conducted using related job categories that currently do have data. The investigation in Lightcast of those jobs showed 705 jobs and that Manitoba is currently behind other provinces in this area. The Manitoba Labour Market Outlook for 2021-2025 shows an increasing need for employment in the related jobs that were examined but as with Lightcast the specific area of Mechatronics is not indicated as the data is not available for this emerging field. 

To develop the labour market analysis and program, several other sources were used. Interviews with six students were conducted. Interviews were pursued with Manitoba’s top 22 fastest-growing manufacturing companies, and 12 companies accepted the invitation and participated in interviews, including:  
  • AGI
  • Boeing Canada Operations
  • Carfair Composites
  • Custom Castings
  • Décor Cabinets
  • Dynamic Machine
  • Melet Plastics
  • Motorcoach
  • Monarch Industries
  • Precision ADM
  • PTI Transformers
  • Standard Aero
Further significant conversation occurred with Price Industries, NFI Group (New Flyer), Roquette and others. Focus groups have also been conducted. In all cases the participants indicated the need to hire trained people and/or upskill current employees in the area of Mechatronics.
Academic Advising Service
Our academic advising service can provide information about our full-time programs, explain program admission requirements, and help you select the right program to meet your career and academic goals. We can also connect you with helpful people, resources, and supports.
Page produced on 2025-02-07 01:17:35
Red River College Polytechnic endeavours to provide the most current version of all program and course information on this website. Please be advised that classes may be scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any course, program, process, or procedure without notice or prejudice. Fees may change without notice.