BUSA-1068Customer Sales and Service 1
Effective communication skills contribute to academic and professional achievement in this course, students will move towards success by exploring and applying strategies for communicating with greater confidence and effectiveness. Students will read and analyze different text types, and demonstrate critical thinking as they synthesize information, evaluate ideas, or persuade an audience to take a course of action in their research or presentation. Student will use credible sources of appropriate documentation to promote learning with academic integrity. Students will also examine and practice communication strategies for interacting with people in different levels of formality.
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Learning Outcomes
1. Describe exceptional customer service.
2. Outline barriers to exceptional customer service.
3. Describe strategies for providing responses and follow-up in a timely fashion with internal and external clients.
4. Document client communication.
5. Describe communication issues related to diversity.
6. Analyze the impact of unsatisfactory customer service.
7. Analyze ethical issues related to the insurance industry.
8. Plan, compose, and edit several types of routine letters, memos, and e-mail.
9. Revise documents to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, language, voice, and sentence and paragraph structure.