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  • One-year certificate
  • April entry date
  • Paterson Global Foods, Winnipeg
  • 4 month paid co-op work placement
  • Credit transfer opportunities:
    • Culinary Arts Diploma Program (RRC Polytech, Paterson Global Foods)
    • Hospitality and Tourism Management program (RRC Polytech, Paterson Global Foods)
    • University of Manitoba
  • International applicants please visit Academic Program, Dates and Fees for a listing of programs for international students, current availability and online application instructions.

The Culinary Skills International program is designed to prepare you to work in the culinary industry by providing courses aimed at developing fundamental skills and knowledge, including basic business skills. Courses will be presented through a combination of classroom based theory and lab-based practice. You will also obtain certifications in Food Handler Level 1, Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS), First Aid, and Fire Safety. The first two terms will consist of a combination of lab-based culinary skills development and theory classes. The third term will be spent working in a cooperative work placement in the culinary industry. Students are paid by the industry partner during the co-op term.

Admission Requirements

Your Academic History
If your academic history includes any of the following, please visit My Education for important information: post-secondary studies at an institution other than Red River College Polytechnic; Modified (M), English as an Additional Language (E), or GED high school courses; or home schooling; international secondary (high school) studies.
The college requires transcripts verifying your complete academic history including any public or private high school, college, university, or technical institute you have attended.
Please check the Program Overview page, to see if this program is for Manitoba residents only.


Upload Through Your Future Student Account

  • Scan your document(s) and save the file. Ensure you keep your original documents as the College may request to see them at any time.
  • Go to apply.rrc.ca and log in.
  • Click on your application, then Supplemental Items & Documents.

If you do not have a Future Student Account or require assistance, please contact our Student Service Centre at 204-632-2327.

Internationally Educated Applicants - visit www.rrc.ca/credentials for credential assessment information.

Submission of required documentation indicating proof of completion of admission requirements is due within 15 days of applying unless otherwise noted in the program's admission requirements.

However, if you apply within 6 weeks of the program start date, admission requirements are due within 5 days of applying.

If you have a food allergy, review our accommodation of food allergies information before applying.

Regular Admission Requirements

  1. Grade 12
    • Submit proof of graduation from or enrolment in Grade 12.
    • If you provide proof of enrolment at time of application, your official final grades indicating successful completion must be submitted by July 15 for fall enrolment or by the deadline specified in your admission letter.
    • If you are required to complete an English language assessment, do not submit your transcripts until requested to do so.  See English Language Requirements (ELRs) for more information.
  2. English Language Requirements (ELRs)
    • Have you successfully completed the equivalent of three years of full-time secondary (high school) education in Canada, the United States, or an ELR exempt country where English was the language of instruction? To view a list of ELR exempt countries click here.
      • If yes, you appear to meet English language requirements. Submit your transcripts for verification purposes.
      • If no, you are required to submit proof of meeting an English language requirements option.  If you choose to complete an English language assessment, review this program's approved assessments and required levels.
      • If you completed all of your education in Canada, the United States, or an ELR exempt country in English but did not complete three years of high school, submit your transcripts for review.

Mature Student Admission Requirements
If you are 19 years of age or older and have been out of high school for a minimum of one year at time of application, and you do not meet the regular admission requirements, you may apply under the Mature Student admission requirements. You must meet Regular Admission Requirement 2.

English Language Assessments

Approved English Language Assessments

English Language Assessment Minimum Scores for Certificates, Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas, and Post Graduate Certificates, Post-graduate Diplomas Minimum Scores for Bachelor Degrees and Creative Communication (excluding Nursing) Minimum Scores for Applicable Health Related Programs***
CAEL Online or In-Person Overall band score of 60 Overall band score of 70 and Writing of 60 Overall band score of 70 and Writing of 60††
IELTS Academic Level Overall 6.0 and No band below 5.5 Overall 6.5 and No band below 6.0 Overall 7.0 and No band below 6.5
Password Skills Overall 6.0 and No band below 5.5 Overall 6.5 and No band below 6.0 Overall 7.0 and No band below 6.5††
LINC Certificate 7 8 Successful completion of Communication for Health Care Professions††
Duolingo Language Test 115 and above+ with a min. of 95 in each section 125 and above with a min. of 100 in each section N/A††
New English for Academic and Professional Purposes Successful completion of the program 5 (min 70%) Successful completion of the program 5 (min 70%) N/A††
PTE 54 overall
Min 50 in each skill
60 overall
Min 55 in each skill band
TOEFL-ibt Academic Level 80
(20L, 20S, 19R, 21W)
(22L, 22S, 22R, 24W)
(24L, 23S, 24R, 27W)
Academic English Program for University and College Entrance Program (AEPUCE) Successful Completion Successful Completion N/A††
CELBAN N/A N/A 8, 8, 8, 7††

The Duolingo Language Test will no longer be an approved English proficiency test for applications to the Bachelor of Nursing and Allied Health Programs

††These English Language Assessments will not be accepted by Medical Laboratory Sciences

***Applicable Health Related Programs:

  • Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography – Echocardiography
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography – Ultrasound
  • Health Information Management
  • Medical Device Reprocessing Technician
  • Medical Laboratory Sciences
    Only accepts the following English language proficiency tests:
    • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
    • TOEFL iBT
    • International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
    • IELTS – AC
    • Canadian Test of English for Scholars and Trainees (CanTEST)
  • Medical Radiologic Technology
  • MRI and Spectroscopy
  • Nurse Prescriber Reproductive Health/STBBI
  • Nurse Prescriber Travel Health
  • Nurse Re-Entry
  • Nursing
  • Nursing – Licensed Practical Nurse to BN Pathway
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Paramedicine – Advanced Care
  • Paramedicine – Primary Care Paramedic

Who Should Enrol?

You should enrol in this program if you are looking to begin a career in the culinary industry. The program combines theory and practice to develop well-rounded culinary skills and knowledge. In addition to courses aimed at developing and advancing culinary skills, you will take courses to develop basic business skills. Previous culinary experience is an asset. 

To be successful in the program, you should enjoy cooking, working with your hands, and have good manual dexterity.

You must be in good physical condition as you will be on your feet most of the day. Working in a commercial kitchen is very demanding, often involving long hours, shift work, and working under pressure. Ability to work in teams is essential.

For information on the Accommodation of Food Allergies for Culinary, Baking and Hospitality students, please click here.

Locations, Dates and Fees

Costs (estimates only; subject to change)

Books and Supplies
Year 1
Other Fees
Year 1
Program/Student Fees (International)
Year 1
1Health and Dental (International Students)
2Includes coop term, First Aid Workshop ($70) and Food Handlers Certification Course ($36)

Students may apply for financial assistance through the Manitoba Student Aid program. For general information on applying please call 204-945-6321 or 1-800-204-1685, or visit their website at www.manitobastudentaid.ca, which also includes an online application. For detailed information, please visit one of the RRC Polytech Student Service Centres or call 204-632-2327. Applicants requiring financial assistance should complete their student loan applications well in advance of the class start date.

Courses and Descriptions

(Click the course name to view the description of the course)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In addition to Transfer of Credit from a recognized post secondary institution, other RPL processes are available for RPL courses. Click here for more information. For courses with no RPL, please check www.rrc.ca/rpl for additional contact information.
COMM-1141Culinary Skills Communication 1
More Information

Your success in the restaurant industry will depend on your ability to communicate effectively in a professional manner with people in your own organization, as well as with guests and the public.

This communication course is designed to develop your basic understanding of the principles of communication, promote real-life language production with an emphasis on the practical application of communication in the restaurant industry. You will learn how to prepare and use written and oral communication effectively and efficiently. Since clarity, coherence and conciseness are essential to effective workplace communication, this course will emphasize socio-cultural communication skills, grammar and punctuation as well as style, content, and strategies. By reading assigned material, participating in discussions, honing your writing skills, completing assignments, and making oral presentations, you will have the opportunity to develop sound communication skills required in the restaurant industry.

COMM-2008Culinary Skills Communication 2
More Information

As students’ progress in their program towards employment, further development of their communication skills will be required in researching, preparing for, and attaining a job in the culinary industry. Success at their job will rely on communication skills between them and their employer, co-workers and customers. 

This course will build on the written, verbal, and nonverbal communication skills that were learned in Communications 1. Students will learn how to prepare cover letters and resumes to apply for employment.  They will create and deliver an elevator pitch to enhance their ability to present themselves with confidence. They will prepare for, and participate in, employment interviews. Additional emphasis will be placed on developing the communication skills to participate effectively, and resolve conflict, in a Canadian workplace. 

CULI-1003Garde Manger
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The purpose of this course is to provide students with the basic food knowledge and skills to prepare cold food items. Students will apply basic knife skills, and apply safety and sanitation procedures appropriate to the preparation of foods in a Garde Manger kitchen. Students will apply basic skills through the mise en place and the preparation of salad dressing, basic salads, sandwiches and hors d’oeuvres. Students will also study and identify the application of basic garnishing and presentation techniques.

CULI-1005Patisserie 1
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Baking and pastry proficiencies are important in developing a comprehensive skill set for Culinary Professionals. This course focuses on developing an understanding of essential pastry production methods. Concepts related to ingredient function and characteristics, baking and pastry equipment, and basic baking principles will be covered. Students will become proficient in the production of basic baked products such as yeast-raised goods, quick breads, cookies, pastries, cakes, custards, sauces and basic desserts through theory and practical application.  Daily practical evaluations, projects, and final practical exam are used to facilitate learning and assess student progress.

CULI-1008Basic Food Preparation
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This course is to provide students with the basic foundation on which to build a fundamental knowledge of hot food preparation. While working in a hot preparations kitchen, students will further develop knife skills by learning fundamental cuts and techniques while applying those basic skills safely and effectively. Students learn the basic skills and food knowledge used in the hot kitchen through the mise en place and the preparation of stocks, sauces, thickening agents, vegetables, starches and protein cookery. Through theoretical and lab work, students will also learn to apply appropriate basic cooking methods to hot foods in both  classical and modern applications.

CULI-1011Culinary Computer Applications
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The use of modern technology is essential to operating in the hospitality industry. By the end of this course, students will be able to use Microsoft productivity software efficiently and effectively. Using a teacher-led, practical approach, students will work through a variety of tutorials and exercises that will enable them to develop, demonstrate, and apply introductory and intermediate competencies using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.

CULI-1014Introduction to Culinary Arts
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This course applies the fundamental practices and procedures used at all levels in the foodservice industry and in preparation for working in the kitchen labs. Practicing food safety and sanitation, following safe working procedures and accurately reading, converting and measuring recipes and ingredients are critical skills used in foodservice. Students will analyze food safety and sanitation case studies and write a report on critical practices and procedures. Students will identify professional kitchen tools and equipment and explain basic safety procedures when using hand tools or equipment and working in a professional kitchen. Students will use basic math skills to convert recipe yields and measurements.

CULI-1003 and CULI-1005 are corequisites.
CULI-1021Short Order Cooking
More Information

Short order cooking is the foundation to the workflow and organizational structure of any restaurant. Students will learn the basic skills used in the short order kitchen through the mise en place and preparation of breakfast, beverages, dairy products, soup and hot sandwiches. Working in a kitchen brigade, students will be expected to work safely while demonstrating teamwork, leadership and professionalism. Students will also develop methods of seasoning, flavour building and presentation skills through the practical application of basic short order techniques. Theoretical study will include the study of breakfast cookery; uses of eggs, and dairy products.

More Information

The Workplace Hazardous Materials System (WHMIS) is a system for ensuring that important information about hazardous products is communicated where products are used, stored and handled. This course provides Information necessary to understand and interpret information about hazardous products, including pictograms (symbols), labels and Safety Data Sheets.

SEMR-9067Certified Food Handler Training Program Level 1
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Students will take an examination focusing on commercial food service sanitation and safety issues. Upon successful completion they will receive a Food Handlers Certificate provided by the City of Winnipeg Environmental Health Services.

SEMR-9080Emergency First Aid
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This course covers initial assessments, airway management, breathing, shock, poisons, how to call for emergency and medical assistance, secondary assessments, wounds, HeartSaver, CPR, and medical emergencies. Upon completion, students will receive an Emergency First Aid certificate from St. John Ambulance.

SEMR-9197Fire Safety
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Students will learn to handle fire emergencies through exploring the ABC's of fires, different types of extinguishers, and getting hands-on experience with a fire extinguisher. The training will involve a combination of hands-on work and practical theory using a computer-based training package.

WRKE-1016Co-operative Education 1
More Information

Students will spend a minimum of 400 hours in a paid culinary industry-specific work placement. This provides them with an opportunity to apply, reinforce, and enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they have acquired in their first year courses at Red River College in a real-life, professional setting. Performance is monitored and evaluated by the employer, the student, and the Hospitality Department.

Take CULI-1021 and any one of the following: COMM-1202, COMM-2008 or HOSP-1017.

Computer/Laptop Requirements

You will be required to purchase a laptop computer and related software for use throughout the program.

The use of laptop computers is an integral part of this program. It will enhance your learning and competitiveness in the job market. This universal-access approach to learning is a shared one between students and the College. Laptop and software specifications will be provided to you by the College after you are accepted into the program to ensure the laptop complies with the program requirements.

Do not purchase a laptop until you have been accepted and registered in the program. Laptop Requirements

The College will also provide a detailed list of required software, network access, and help desk support if you require assistance. You will have on-campus access to e-mail, College networks, and the Internet.

Off-campus access to the Internet is the responsibility of the student.

Please refer to https://www.rrc.ca/future-students/computer-requirements/ for further information on Computer Requirements for Students.

Transfer Credit Opportunities

Some of the courses offered in Culinary Skills are identical to those offered in the College's Hospitality and Tourism Management program. Culinary Arts Students wishing to continue their education in that program are eligible for credit in common courses successfully completed. Students who complete the one year certificate may choose to continue in the two-year Culinary Arts diploma program at Paterson Global Foods Institute (RRC Polytech).

Credit toward programs at other post-secondary institutions:

Ryerson University

For more information, contact the Ryerson University Admissions department.

University of Manitoba

For more information, contact the U of M Faculty of Science (Human Nutritional Sciences).

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process which documents and compares an individual's prior learning gained from prior education, work and life experiences and personal study to the learning outcomes in College courses/programs. For more information, please visit www.rrc.ca/rpl.

Employment Potential

Employment opportunities for Culinary Skills graduates are excellent, and culinary students have consistently found employment in the hospitality industry in Manitoba and in other provinces and countries.

Co-operative education placements have played an important role in the success our graduates have experienced in the culinary field. Many of our students return to their former co-op employers on a full-time basis after graduation.
Academic Advising Service
Our academic advising service can provide information about our full-time programs, explain program admission requirements, and help you select the right program to meet your career and academic goals. We can also connect you with helpful people, resources, and supports.
Page produced on 2025-03-11 02:01:37
Red River College Polytechnic endeavours to provide the most current version of all program and course information on this website. Please be advised that classes may be scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any course, program, process, or procedure without notice or prejudice. Fees may change without notice.