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  • Five-month certificate
  • August and February entry dates
  • Locations:
  • Credit transfer opportunities: This is not an apprenticeship program, but may provide apprenticeship credit transfer opportunities
  • Due to high demand, this funded program is open to Manitoba residents only. Applications received from non-Manitoba residents for this program will be cancelled and the application fee will not be refunded. 

The Carpentry program provides you with a knowledge of woodworking machines, blueprint reading and sketching, safe working practices and a familiarity with the materials and procedures needed to enter related occupations.  

You will learn the safe and proper use of hand and power tools and woodworking machines. You will develop practical skills in framing, roofing, and surveying and have some exposure to concrete form construction.

Prior to starting the program, you will be invited to attend a program overview information session. You will also be invited to participate in a math and reading skills diagnostic testing session that will advise you of your program readiness.

This is a not an apprenticeship program, but may provide credit transfer opportunities towards apprenticeship.  Apprenticeship Manitoba offers apprenticeship training that combines on-the-job practical skills development with levels of technical training.  If you are interested in applying to an apprenticeship program, please visit www.manitoba.ca/tradecareers

Admission Requirements

Your Academic History
If your academic history includes any of the following, please visit My Education for important information: post-secondary studies at an institution other than Red River College Polytechnic; Modified (M), English as an Additional Language (E), or GED high school courses; or home schooling; international secondary (high school) studies.
The college requires transcripts verifying your complete academic history including any public or private high school, college, university, or technical institute you have attended.


Upload Through Your Future Student Account

  • Scan your document(s) and save the file. Ensure you keep your original documents as the College may request to see them at any time.
  • Go to apply.rrc.ca and log in.
  • Click on your application, then Supplemental Items & Documents.

If you do not have a Future Student Account or require assistance, please contact our Student Service Centre at 204-632-2327.

Internationally Educated Applicants - visit www.rrc.ca/credentials for credential assessment information.

Submission of required documentation indicating proof of completion of admission requirements is due within 15 days of applying unless otherwise noted in the program's admission requirements.

However, if you apply within 6 weeks of the program start date, admission requirements are due within 5 days of applying.

Regular Admission Requirements

  1. Grade 12
    • Submit proof of graduation from or enrolment in Grade 12, including one credit in each of the following:
      • Grade 12 English (40S)
      • Grade 12 Math (40S)
    • If you provide proof of enrolment at time of application, your official final grades indicating successful completion must be submitted by July 15 for fall enrolment or by the deadline specified in your admission letter
    • If you are required to complete an English language assessment, do not submit your transcripts until requested to do so.  See English Language Requirements (ELRs) for more information.
  2. English Language Requirements (ELRs)
    • Answer this question to determine if you meet this program’s ELRs:
      Have I successfully completed 3 years of full-time high school (secondary) education in Canada, the United States, or an ELR exempt country where English was the language of instruction?
      • If YES, you meet English language requirements.  Apply and then submit your transcripts* for review
      • If NO, submit proof of meeting an ELRs option.  If you choose the English language assessment option, review this program's approved assessments and required levels.
      • If you completed all of your education in Canada, the United States, or an ELR exempt country in English but you did not graduate high school, submit your transcripts* for review. 
    • * If your transcripts are from the USA or an ELR exempt country, we will assess an International Credentials Assessment Fee to be paid before your transcripts will be reviewed.

Mature Student Admission Requirements
If you are 19 years of age or older and have been out of high school for a minimum of one year at time of application, and you do not meet the regular admission requirements, you may apply under the Mature Student admission requirements.

  1. Academic Requirements
    • High school graduation is not required, but you must have successfully completed or be enrolled in: 
      • Grade 10 Applied Math (20S) or Pre-Calculus Math (20S), or Grade 11 Consumer Math (30S) or Essential Math (30S)
      • Grade 10 English (20F) is not required but is strongly recommended
    • If you provide proof of enrolment at time of application, your official final grades indicating successful completion must be submitted by July 15 for fall enrolment or by the deadline specified in your admission letter
    • If you are required to complete an English language assessment, do not submit your transcripts until requested to do so.  See English Language Requirements (ELRs) for more information.
  2. Meet Regular Admission Requirement 2

English Language Assessments

Approved English Language Assessments

English Language Assessment Minimum Scores for Certificates, Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas, and Post Graduate Certificates, Post-graduate Diplomas Minimum Scores for Bachelor Degrees and Creative Communication (excluding Nursing) Minimum Scores for Applicable Health Related Programs***
CAEL Online or In-Person Overall band score of 60 Overall band score of 70 and Writing of 60 Overall band score of 70 and Writing of 60††
IELTS Academic Level Overall 6.0 and No band below 5.5 Overall 6.5 and No band below 6.0 Overall 7.0 and No band below 6.5
Password Skills Overall 6.0 and No band below 5.5 Overall 6.5 and No band below 6.0 Overall 7.0 and No band below 6.5††
LINC Certificate 7 8 Successful completion of Communication for Health Care Professions††
Duolingo Language Test 115 and above+ with a min. of 95 in each section 125 and above with a min. of 100 in each section N/A††
New English for Academic and Professional Purposes Successful completion of the program 5 (min 70%) Successful completion of the program 5 (min 70%) N/A††
PTE 54 overall
Min 50 in each skill
60 overall
Min 55 in each skill band
TOEFL-ibt Academic Level 80
(20L, 20S, 19R, 21W)
(22L, 22S, 22R, 24W)
(24L, 23S, 24R, 27W)
Academic English Program for University and College Entrance Program (AEPUCE) Successful Completion Successful Completion N/A††
CELBAN N/A N/A 8, 8, 8, 7††

The Duolingo Language Test will no longer be an approved English proficiency test for applications to the Bachelor of Nursing and Allied Health Programs

††These English Language Assessments will not be accepted by Medical Laboratory Sciences

***Applicable Health Related Programs:

  • Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography – Echocardiography
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography – Ultrasound
  • Health Information Management
  • Medical Device Reprocessing Technician
  • Medical Laboratory Sciences
    Only accepts the following English language proficiency tests:
    • Michener English Language Assessment (MELA)
    • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
    • TOEFL iBT
    • International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
    • IELTS – AC
    • IELTS – GT
    • Canadian Test of English for Scholars and Trainees (CanTEST)
  • Medical Radiologic Technology
  • MRI and Spectroscopy
  • Nurse Prescriber Reproductive Health/STBBI
  • Nurse Prescriber Travel Health
  • Nurse Re-Entry
  • Nursing
  • Nursing – Licensed Practical Nurse to BN Pathway
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Paramedicine – Advanced Care
  • Paramedicine – Primary Care Paramedic

Who Should Enrol?

You must be in good health, be physically fit, and have good eye, hand, and finger coordination. You will need average learning skills and the ability to mentally picture the position and shape of objects, do detailed and exacting work, and perform quick and accurate arithmetic computations.

If you are seriously considering a career in carpentry, you should be prepared to work at any height. Because your work will often take you out of doors, you should also be prepared to face some unpleasant weather conditions. Overtime is periodically required. The location of the work site may mean that you need to commute to your work or temporarily reside away from home.

You should be prepared for occasional late shifts at the College as courses may, from time to time, run until 6 p.m.

Locations, Dates and Fees

Next Estimated Term 1 Start Date (subject to change)

Location Start Date Apply Link
Notre Dame Campus Feb 02, 2026 Apply Now

Costs (estimates only; subject to change)

Program/Student Fees
Year 1
Books and Supplies
Year 1
1Regional Campus fees may vary.
2View a required equipment list at www.rrc.ca/files/file/catalogue/CarpentryList.pdf

Students may apply for financial assistance through the Manitoba Student Aid program. For general information on applying please call 204-945-6321 or 1-800-204-1685, or visit their website at www.manitobastudentaid.ca, which also includes an online application. For detailed information, please visit one of the RRC Polytech Student Service Centres or call 204-632-2327. Applicants requiring financial assistance should complete their student loan applications well in advance of the class start date.

Courses and Descriptions

(Click the course name to view the description of the course)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In addition to Transfer of Credit from a recognized post secondary institution, other RPL processes are available for RPL courses. Click here for more information. For courses with no RPL, please check www.rrc.ca/rpl for additional contact information.
COMM-1101Technical Communications
More Information

This course is an introduction to the technical communication processes required in the carpentry field. Topics include writing e-mail and letters, writing short incident reports, completing trade-related documents, preparing for employment, and examining related workers’ legislation.

PRAC-1101Equal Pitch Roofing, Practical
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This course gives students the opportunity to transfer theoretical knowledge of equal slope roofing to practical layouts and projects. Students will practice laying out, cutting and assembling components of a gable, hip and intersecting roofs.

PRAC-1341Surveying, Practical
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This course is designed to help students transfer their theoretical knowledge of builders’ level and transit level to practical situations.   Students will use both levels to lay out a typical house.  Students will take readings, accounting for the difference in elevations and layout angular measurements.

More Information

The Workplace Hazardous Materials System (WHMIS) is a system for ensuring that important information about hazardous products is communicated where products are used, stored and handled. This course provides Information necessary to understand and interpret information about hazardous products, including pictograms (symbols), labels and Safety Data Sheets.

SEMR-9015Surveying, Theory
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This course is designed to teach the use of builders’ levelling tools. Students will learn the use and care of the builders’ level and the transit level. Students will learn a variety of leveling terms, learn to read leveling rods, fill out charts for differential leveling, calculate angles for the transit level and learn uses of the laser level as well as an introduction to the total station.

SEMR-9209General Safety Training
More Information

This General Safety Training (GST) teaches basic general safety content to arm students with the core information necessary for them to protect themselves in workplaces on all descriptions. Although some examples may consider Manitoba legislation, this course has been developed by occupational safety and health professionals using generic information that is not provincially specific.

SEMR-9522AC-166 Accreditation for Level 1
More Information

The Carpentry five month program closely resembles the Level 1 and Level 2 Apprenticeship program. Upon completion of this program with a mark of 70% or greater, students may apply to receive accreditation toward the academic portion of Level 1 Apprenticeship. More information about this process can be received from instructors and Apprenticeship Manitoba.

TOOL-1011Hand Tools, Practical
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Practical use of all tools in project such as woodworking joints, coping moldings, quarter round, brackets, drawers. Sharpening hand saws, chisels and plane blades.

TOOL-1035Hand Tools, Theory
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This course is designed to teach students to read linear measurements, convert units of measurement in metric to imperial and vice versa, and identify, select, safely use, and care for various hand tools and devices. This course also introduces students to various fasteners and adhesives used in the trade.

WOOD-1004Blueprint Reading & Sketching
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This course introduces students to blueprint reading, drawings, specifications, and building codes; measuring with scales; produce drawings using orthographic, isometric and oblique views; and material symbols and abbreviations.

WOOD-1008Equal Pitch Roofing, Theory
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This course introduces students to roofing terms, definitions, and conventions. Students will learn about different types of roofs as well as advantages and disadvantages of each. Trade-related calculations will be performed on a variety of worksheets which will commence during class time and assigned for homework to be reviewed in class the following day/s.

WOOD-1019Carpentry Mathematics
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Fractions, decimals, percent, board measure, area, rectilinear, square root circular measurement, ratio and proportion, volume, cylinder, cones, pyramids.

WOOD-1021Intro to General Framing
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This course introduces students to the theory underpinning general framing. Topics include girders and beams, columns, wood sills, floor joists, floor openings, bridging, cantilevers, subflooring, wall framing, wall openings, wall sheathing, partition framing, furring, backing and types of house framing.

WOOD-1022Intro to Concrete Form Construction
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This course introduces students to the theory of  underpinning concrete form construction. Topics include cast in place concrete, precast concrete ,concrete tools, material handling equipment, preliminary preparation, footings, foundation walls, grade beams, concrete slabs, sidewalks, piles, beams, columns, concrete floors/ceilings, curbs, concrete forming methods ,slump, curing, joints, defects, additives, finishes, reinforcing bars and types of concrete.

WOOD-1031Carpentry Science
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This course introduces students to scientific principles in underpinning carpentry. Topics include a study of wood, timber fastenings, simple machines, adhesives and glues, insulating materials, and stresses.

WOOD-1071Woodworking Machines, Practical
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This course provides students with opportunities to safely use woodworking machines that complement the machines covered in the theory portion of the course. At least two projects will be constructed to help practice several uses for these machines.

WOOD-1072Woodworking Machines, Theory
More Information

This course introduces students to safety requirements in a woodworking shop. Students will focus on safe and efficient operation and maintenance of woodworking shop machines as well as portable power tools. They will learn the parts of the machines and accessories that come with most machines. Students will also have an opportunity to research and give a brief presentation on a machine selected by the instructor.

WOOD-9000Carpentry Learn
More Information

(No description available at this time)

Computer/Laptop Requirements

Online learning is a critical component of course delivery in all Red River College Polytechnic programs. To ensure each student has the tools they need to achieve their academic goals, all Red River College Polytechnic students require, at minimum:

1.  Off-campus access to a current computer with a webcam

2.  A high speed internet connection

• Recommended minimum speed: 10 mbps for download, 3 mbps for upload
• Slower internet connection speeds may result in audio and video issues. Please keep in mind that if others in your home are using the same internet connection at the same time as you are, you may also experience audio and video issues.
• Please refer to https://www.rrc.ca/future-students/computer-requirements/ for further information on Computer Requirements for Students.

Please note that any anticipated costs are not included in Books and Supplies estimates.

Transfer Credit Opportunities

Apprenticeship opportunities
Students just starting in the trade can, after completing the program successfully, enter the provincial apprenticeship program.

You may be granted one level of in-school training towards the carpentry apprenticeship. Time credit, which would reduce the length of your apprenticeship, is at the discretion of the employer. For the next three years of your apprenticeship program, you will be required by Apprenticeship Manitoba to return to the College for additional theoretical and practical training.

Students who have worked previously in the trade, and have the required practical experience, can apply on graduation to write the Provincial Examination under the Apprenticeship and Trades Qualification Act.

Apprenticeship Manitoba
Manitoba Entrepreneurship, Training and Trade
1010 - 401 York Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3C 0P8
Phone 204-945-3337
Fax 204-948-2346
Toll-Free: 1-877-978-7233 (1-877-97-TRADE)
Email: apprenticeship@gov.mb.ca

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process which documents and compares an individual's prior learning gained from prior education, work and life experiences and personal study to the learning outcomes in College courses/programs. For more information, please visit www.rrc.ca/rpl.

Other Information

View a required equipment list for this program at https://catalogue.rrc.ca/files/file/catalogue/CarpentryList.pdf  

An alternate related program is the Carpenter Apprenticeship program offered by the Government of Manitoba and delivered by Red River College Polytechnic. For more information, visit http://www.gov.mb.ca/tce/apprent/trades/cabinetmaker.html.

If you are more interested in woodworking (furniture and cabinetry) than carpentry (roofing, framing, concrete forming, etc), you may want to consider these programs:

Cabinetry and Woodworking Technology
Cabinetmaker Apprenticeship (Gov of MB)

Employment Potential

Graduates may find work across Canada in commercial construction, house building, or factories.

You may choose to enter the apprenticeship program, as graduates who reach journeyperson apprenticeship level may progress to:

  • Foreman
  • Supervisor
  • Building inspector
  • Draftsperson
  • Estimator
  • Superintendent
  • Specialist in a related field
Academic Advising Service
Our academic advising service can provide information about our full-time programs, explain program admission requirements, and help you select the right program to meet your career and academic goals. We can also connect you with helpful people, resources, and supports.
Page produced on 2025-02-09 02:22:53
Red River College Polytechnic endeavours to provide the most current version of all program and course information on this website. Please be advised that classes may be scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any course, program, process, or procedure without notice or prejudice. Fees may change without notice.