FULL-TIME | WINNIPEG LOCATIONS BUGEF-DP Business Administration-General

Courses and Descriptions

Courses and Descriptions

(Click the course name to view the description of the course)
Year 1
Term 1Credit Hours
Term 2Credit Hours
Year 2
Term 3Credit Hours
Term 4Credit Hours
ADMN-2053Business Law
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In addition to Transfer of Credit from a recognized post secondary institution, other RPL processes are available for RPL courses. Click here for more information. For courses with no RPL, please check www.rrc.ca/rpl for additional contact information.
ACCT-1071Accounting FundamentalsRPL
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In this course, the student will be introduced to fundamental accounting principles, concepts and techniques. This course will focus on double-entry bookkeeping and the preparation of financial statements focusing on corporations. Period end processes, such as adjusting accounts, and the closing process are also discussed. The result is a complete presentation of the accounting cycle for service and merchandise businesses. Throughout the course, interpreting financial statements from a non-accounting manager perspective will be included.

ACCT-1079Tax Fundamentals
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In this course, the student will develop a basic understanding of the structure and concepts of the Canadian income tax system and its administration for individuals and corporations. The student will learn how income and tax are calculated for individuals, corporations, and will be introduced to planning principles for tax strategies. The student will apply their knowledge by performing calculations to solve practical problems and case analyses. This course provides the student with a practical knowledge base in accounting and the financial services.

ACCT-2014Management Information Systems
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Management Information Systems (MIS) examines people, processes and technology in an organizational context. MIS deals with how organizations and individuals use systems, how systems can benefit organizations, and how to manage this widespread technology. This course will provide the student with an introduction to the role of information systems in business, information technology, hardware, software, data resource management, telecommunications and networks, and the Internet. The student will also learn about the new information technology infrastructure, systems development, systems security and control, and higher-level information systems. Through discussion and practice, the student will discover how systems thinking is used as an approach to problem-solving and how people and technologies work within the context of larger systems.

ACCT-2071Financial AccountingRPL
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This course builds on the knowledge the student developed in the Accounting Fundamentals course. It begins with a detailed view of adjusting and closing entries followed by an examination of inventory costing methods and accounts receivable, short-term notes receivable, capital assets and current liabilities. Accounting for partnerships along with an introduction to corporation accounting covering the issuance of shares and dividends will also be examined in this course. Other topics covered include accounting for non-current liabilities and the statement of cash flows.

ACCT-3070Intermediate Accounting 1
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This course moves beyond the fundamental accounting processes of the introductory courses. The student will learn about measurement, valuation and the presentation of all balance sheet elements. The importance of user objectives in financial reporting and a professional’s responsibility to society are discussed. The student will learn how to develop comprehensive financial statements for public companies and will participate in broad discussions on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Accounting Standards for Private Enterprise (ASPE). The remainder of the course will cover the variety of accounting policy choices that are available to measure and value assets and the criteria used to make those choices. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to properly measure and value balance sheet elements using appropriate standards, recognize situations where choices between accounting policies exist, evaluate the choices, and prepare recommendations. The student will also learn to develop professional rapport and client service skills.

Take ACCT-2071, or take both ACCT-1971 and ACCT-2043. Take MATH-2078, or take MATH-1051.
ACCT-3072Accounting Applications
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This course will build upon accounting principles, concepts, and processes introduced in Accounting Fundamentals and Financial Accounting. In this applied course, you will enter transactions, prepare journal entries and adjustments, and prepare financial statements for a variety of accounting transactions using accounting software. You will also learn basic automated accounting setup. Knowledge gained in this course is transferable to all computerized accounting solutions.

ACCT-4070Intermediate Accounting 2
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In this course, the student will continue to learn about measurement, valuation and presentation of liabilities and shareholders’ equity. In class, we will cover current and long term liabilities, shareholders’ equity, complex debt and equity instruments, leases, income taxes, pensions and accounting changes. We will continue our study of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and introduce financial statement analysis concepts and methods. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to properly measure and value balance sheet elements using appropriate generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). This course may be used as a transfer credit into other educational institution programs or towards a program of professional studies (e.g. CPA) provided a satisfactory level of achievement is obtained. The student will also learn persuasiveness, negotiation skills, and client service skills to connect with a broad client base and manage their professional reputation.

ACCT-4071Cost Accounting
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This course will introduce the student to various cost terms and concepts. Job-order and process costing (e.g. weighted average method) will be covered. The student will perform Cost-Volume-Profit analyses and breakeven calculations as well as a comparison between variable costing and absorption costing methods. Activity-based costing and budgeting will also be explored in class. Other topics that will be covered in this course include standard costs, flexible budgets and analysis, decentralization, and relevant costs for managerial decision-making.

Take ACCT-2071, or take both ACCT-1971 and ACCT-2043.
ADMN-1010Introduction to Canadian BusinessRPL
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This course is designed to introduce the student to the complexities of the Canadian business environment. Exposure to business frameworks, accounting, finance, marketing, management, human resource management and operations management will be provided. Special emphasis is placed on small business; the driver of the economy and creator of most new jobs. The course will include case studies, applications, and analyses of Canadian businesses.

ADMN-1012Research Methods
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This course introduces the student to the importance of designing, gathering, and analyzing research in order to make better business decisions. It is their first step in learning how to perform a detailed data analysis. Through classroom lecture and discussions, the student will explore the research process by focusing on monitoring key performance indicators, problem definition, hypothesis formulation, and variable types and data sources. By the end of this course, the student will be able to analyze data, interpret their findings, and present the results of their research.

ADMN-1017Introduction to International Business
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This course will provide the student with an introduction to the economic, political, and cultural factors that influence the international marketplace. Through discussion and practice, the student will learn how to apply international business theory as it relates to current trends and practices in international business. The student will also develop a global perspective on business and acquire the intercultural awareness skills required to work in an increasingly global and diverse workplace.

ADMN-1020Introduction to Supply Chain Management
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Supply Chain Management connects the integrated flows that get products to market through the combined efforts of various functions and organizations that make up the links in a Supply Chain. This course focuses on sourcing, production, demand management, order management, inventory management, transportation, and distribution. The course will also explore how Information technology enables collaboration and coordination throughout the Supply Chain from supplier to the final customer. Students will be introduced to industry specific terminology, the function of logistics, managing supply chain risk, and the move to “green” or sustainable Supply Chains.

ADMN-2014Basic Business Analytics
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This course focuses on data, statistical analysis, and reporting to help investigate and analyze business performance, provide insights, and drive recommendations to improve performance. Students will learn to use insights from data utilizing Excel.  Applications include summarizing data, inference, hypothesis testing, and single variable linear regression and correlation. 

Take ADMN-1012, and take COMP-1255 or COMP-1975
ADMN-2022Transportation and Logistics Fundamentals
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In this course, students will focus on the vital role that transportation plays in the global supply chain. Students will learn about the importance of transportation to the economy, trade and the socio-economic development of a region. The characteristics of each transportation mode will be analyzed, and the costs of each mode will be evaluated. The key logistics activity areas of inventory management and warehousing will also be examined.  

ADMN-2047General Studies
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This course provides a course credit within the Business Administration program to recognize course work completed at Red River College or another post-secondary institution. The course taken must be at a level equivalent to courses offered in the second year of Business Administration and must examine relevant business-related subject material not currently included as a component of the Business Administration program. A student is not eligible to receive both a Students' Association credit and a Business Administration General Studies credit.

ADMN-2048Global Entrepreneurship
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This course will engage the student in an immersive experience with faculty, students and representatives from an international institute or organization in one of Canada’s trading partner nations. The course includes academic study, where the student will learn a global approach to business, innovation and entrepreneurship. The student will extend their learning through field study, visiting enterprises to learn about their operations, challenges and innovative approaches, while examining similarities and differences in environments. The student will broaden their world view by engaging with a diverse team to develop an entrepreneurial solution for a real life situation.

ADMN-2049Applied Research in Social Innovation
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This intensive course will provide the student the opportunity to collaborate with a team of students, faculty and community representatives to explore innovative and transformative solutions to complex social and/or environmental issues. The student will conduct research to gain perspective of the issues, engage in community fieldwork, and develop a proposal to promote systems change.

ADMN-2050Applied Projects
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Applied Projects prepares the student to engage as a consultant in client based projects requiring cross-functional teamwork while meeting client requirements and providing client deliverables agreed to in the project charter. The student will be assigned to project teams. Each project team will be given a business case developed by the client that will require each project team to develop and present their research and their proposed solution to the client at the end of the term. The student will learn to evaluate, analyze, plan, research, model, design, document, develop and manage a solution based project and how to organize and present project results. The course also provides practice to further develop interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills through teamwork and collaboration with project stakeholders. All team members will enhance their critical thinking, problem solving, research, independence, and life-long learning skills.

Take ACCT-1071, or take both ACCT-1971 and ACCT-2043.
Take COMP-1255 or COMP-1975. Take MRKT-1017 or MRKT-1002. Take HUMR-1064 or HUMR-1015.
Take COMM-2174, or take both COMM-1000 and COMM-2000.
ADMN-2050Applied Projects
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Applied Projects prepares the student to engage as a consultant in client based projects requiring cross-functional teamwork while meeting client requirements and providing client deliverables agreed to in the project charter. The student will be assigned to project teams. Each project team will be given a business case developed by the client that will require each project team to develop and present their research and their proposed solution to the client at the end of the term. The student will learn to evaluate, analyze, plan, research, model, design, document, develop and manage a solution based project and how to organize and present project results. The course also provides practice to further develop interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills through teamwork and collaboration with project stakeholders. All team members will enhance their critical thinking, problem solving, research, independence, and life-long learning skills.

Take ACCT-1071, or take both ACCT-1971 and ACCT-2043.
Take COMP-1255 or COMP-1975. Take MRKT-1017 or MRKT-1002. Take HUMR-1064 or HUMR-1015.
Take COMM-2174, or take both COMM-1000 and COMM-2000.
ADMN-2051Sustainable Business
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This experiential, project-based course explores how individuals and organizations can make a positive impact on the world. The student will learn innovative strategies and processes used by market-based, government, and non-profit organizations to address complex economic, social and environmental problems. Working individually or in collaboration in groups, the student will use these methods to develop a new venture with a positive social or environmental impact.

ADMN-2052Business Strategy
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In the final semester, this program capstone will integrate and apply the knowledge gained by students throughout the program to assess the strategy of a business. Determining the ramifications of the strategy and how it impacts the business both short and long term is critical to business success. Through group case studies and simulations, students will focus on how an effective strategy provides a clear roadmap, consisting of guiding principles that define and prioritize actions organizations should take to achieve desired goals given the external environment, internal resources, and the needs of multiple stakeholders.   

This course should be taken in your final academic term.
ADMN-2053Business Law
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In this course the student will develop an understanding of the legal rights and responsibilities attached to a wide range of activities necessary to conduct business and commerce. The goal of this course is to teach the legal aspects and consequences of various business endeavours and to introduce the following areas of law: contract, tort, property, and case analysis using legal writing.

ADMN-2054Small Business Plans
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A practical opportunity for the student to realistically develop a detailed program or plan for a small business of their own. Students will increase their understanding of what it takes to succeed in an entrepreneurial career and create a comprehensive business plan for their new venture concept. The venture can be a completely new business idea, the development of a franchise, the purchase of an existing business, the succession of a family business or expansion of an existing business. The final business plan is developed, designed, written and printed entirely by the participant.

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This course focuses on innovation and entrepreneurial skills vital for success as a startup business or within larger organizations. The student will learn innovation, ideation, and business modeling strategies as well as obtain opportunities to explore and connect with Manitoba’s entrepreneurial community. New venture proposals will be tested through validation techniques, building of a minimal viable product and a feasibility report. The student will also learn and practice effective pitching techniques.

ADMN-2057Topics in Global Business
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This course will acquaint students with significant domestic and global issues facing Canadian organizations. Using historic and current events, this course examines the ethical, social, technological, and sustainability challenges confronting the world and how these affect organizations. Students will answer the questions: “What does it mean to be a responsible business in a constant state of flux?”, and “How does a responsible business adapt?”

ADMN-2058Organizational Behaviour
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This course serves as an introduction to the field of organizational behaviour with a specific focus on how individuals work together within organizational systems to achieve common goals. The student will study the impact individuals and groups have on the organization through a wide breadth of theories and applications. Topics include dealing with different personalities, diversity, innovation, adaptability, Emotional Intelligence (EI), group dynamics, perception and decision-making, conflict, and ethics. The student will study and develop an awareness of how these topics can create an effective work environment and cultivate positive organizational citizenship.

ADMN-3022Supply Chain Integration
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In this course, the student will explore the importance of integration to effective logistics operations within successful and sustainable organizations. The student will learn how to create and manage efficient logistics systems and decision-making environments, integrating all activities involved in the cost-effective and uninterrupted movement of materials and information from their source to the point-of-consumption.

ADMN-3023Supply Chain Strategy
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A supply chain requires collaboration with all the partners and functional areas to plan and deliver the flow from origin source until it delivers to the end customer, and sometimes back again. This course is the capstone of the Logistics and Supply Chain Management major. The student will integrate and further develop knowledge and skills attained through other specialization courses by using case-based analysis. The student will apply best practices to create an end-to-end supply chain management strategy in a real-life case scenario.

COMM-1173Communication StrategiesRPL
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Everyone communicates, but are they doing it well? Communicative competence takes practice and self-awareness. In this foundational course, students will learn through discovery and project-based activities to practice approaching situations critically and collaboratively. By developing their communication skills, students will improve their interpersonal ability, intercultural competence, and digital fluency to prepare for success in the workplace and beyond. The strategies students will gain in this course will be useful throughout their program and in their chosen industry. 

COMM-2055Client Relationships
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This course further develops the student's communication skills as they apply to the world of business. The student will learn to select appropriate modes of communication and practice with applying different types of strategies in managing client relationships and building networks. The significance of teamwork in business through participation in group work will be examined. The student will also practice and develop client interview skills applicable in all areas of business to support internal and external customer service, problem solving, needs assessment and sales. Technologies will be explored including the application of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The student will also submit a series of documents used in business communication. 

COMM-2174Communication for Business
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In this business-sector communication course, students will continue to develop their ability to communicate effectively with their peers and stakeholders. Students will strengthen their collaboration skills to accomplish shared goals and practice negotiation and persuasion in a team context to reduce, prevent, and manage conflict. Through engaging project-based learning, students will also demonstrate their ability to collect, manage, and share information across various communication channels. These skills will prepare students for real world challenges and opportunities in business providing them essential tools to succeed in their professional careers.

COMM-3064Human Resources Communications
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Human Resources (HR) communication impacts employee engagement, productivity, and organizational success. This course will build on the skills taught in earlier communication courses by focusing on the purpose, audience, context, and tone in HR-specific contexts. Students will apply communication techniques to HR activities including recruiting and orientation, preparing HR documents and policies, and explaining complex HR concepts. Students will tailor messages for diverse audiences and communicate strategically across a variety of formats and multiple communication channels. The course will require students to practice active listening, coaching, and delivering difficult messages.  

Take COMM-2174, or both COMM-1000 and COMM-2000.
Take HUMR-1064 or HUMR-1015
COMM-3117Integrated Marketing Communications
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Integrated Marketing Communications links all forms of communications and messaging in a marketing campaign to ensure clarity, consistency, and maximum impact. In this course the student will evaluate the strategic roles of a variety of communications, identify target customers, communicate brand awareness and create communications. The student will also work in teams to collaboratively develop an integrated marketing campaign. The student will also explore the customer journey, storytelling, and writing communications for messages for target audiences. Learning experiences will incorporate lecture, discussion, group project, presentations, and case study methodology.

COMP-1255Business ApplicationsRPL
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This course is offered in a blended format featuring online content with in class workshops on current topics in computing. This is a hands-on course where the student will develop skills in the use of Windows, Word, and PowerPoint, advanced skills in Excel and exposure to relational databases. A final project integrates these applications.

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This course introduces the student to the principles of economic theory through discussion and application of the economic concepts that will help the student improve their problem-solving and decision making skills. Course content will focus on supply and demand, elasticity, market structures, monetary systems, economic growth, and international trade. Alternative economic systems and economic reconciliation will also be discussed.

FNCE-1011Fundamentals of Insurance
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Starting with the history of insurance, this course will guide the student through the common definitions, functions, and major classes of insurance. General knowledge of all major areas of insurance is provided, including personal and commercial insurance, legal liability insurance, automobile insurance (e.g., MPI), and accident and sickness insurance. The student will also learn about insurance contracts and will examine various insurance licensing regulations and laws.

FNCE-1016Personal Finance
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This course introduces the student to the concepts, products, and typical decisions made by individuals planning their personal finances. The student will learn concepts such as money management, credit management, as well as tax, investment, retirement, and estate planning. The student will also become familiar with the Canadian banking system, its regulatory environment, and security issues.

FNCE-1021Financial Services Selling 1
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In this course, students will develop the business communication and client relationships skills required for success in financial services sales. Through classroom discussions and simulated activities, students will hone their questioning and listening, verbal and non-verbal, and collaboration skills. Students will also be introduced to different careers in sales related to the financial services sector. This course is the first of two sales courses required for the Financial Services major. 

FNCE-2015Life License Qualification
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The Life License Qualification Program prepares the student for a career in the life insurance and accident and sickness insurance areas of the financial services industry. This course uses the materials from he Investment Funds Institute of Canada Harmonized Life License Qualification Program, which covers segregated funds and annuities, accident and sickness insurance, term and permanent life insurance, and the role and responsibilities of an agent. Case studies and discussions will be used for to apply knowledge. After the course, the student can seek to become a certified Life Insurance agent by writing industry exams.

FNCE-2016Commercial Insurance
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In this introductory course, the student will identify, define, and explain the essentials of commercial property insurance. Critical concepts will be identified to underwrite commercial insurance, as well as describe specialized insurance products important to business owners such as crime and business interruption insurance. At the end of the course, the student will write industry recognized exams. Completion of the Fundamentals of Insurance and Commercial Insurance courses will provide a solid base for employment and eventual licensing in the property and casualty insurance industry.

FNCE-2021Financial Services Selling 2
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This course is the second of the two required sales courses for the Financial Services major. Through discussion and practice, the student will develop the ability to perform successfully in an introductory sales role in the financial services sector. This course integrates communications skills with a structured sales process that begins with uncovering a client's needs and ends with closing the sale.

FNCE-2022Professional Selling
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This course will introduce interpersonal and business-to-business selling approaches as well as application of tactical and strategic selling skills essential for achieving career success. The course focuses on the establishment and maintenance of profitable long-term customer relationships. The student will identify target market opportunities, engage with prospective customers and demonstrate sales techniques using role plays. The student will also learn to design a sales pipeline customer relationship management (CRM), populate it with prospects, and create interactions with customers.

FNCE-2121Personal Financial Planning
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In this capstone course, the student will build on the practical knowledge gained in other courses in the Financial Services Major.  The student will apply their knowledge of various financial planning concepts to determine the appropriate strategy for clients based on analysis of their financial information and goals. Case analysis will be used to integrate concepts to solve client problems in such areas as investment and tax planning, retirement and insurance planning, will and estate planning, and financial planning for small business.

FNCE-3013Canadian Investment Funds
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Throughout this course, students will be given information and exercises that are relevant to the work of mutual funds salespeople. The sequence of instruction parallels the process that one will follow much of the time with clients. Students will learn to analyze case studies to put knowledge into practice. With the opportunity to practice and apply knowledge, students will participate in a mock client multi-stage project that provides a challenge to integrate many relevant skills. Upon completion of the course, students will be eligible to write the Canadian Investment Funds Course (CIFC) exam delivered through the Investment Funds Institute of Canada (IFIC).

FNCE-3014Small Business Finance
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The student will learn basic financial concepts that help managers and entrepreneurs make sound decisions in start-ups, and small to medium sized business. The course focuses on finance fundamentals, such as financial ratios, sources of financing for specific purposes and their associated costs, cash flow, taxation and working capital management. The student will explore concepts of cash management services and products, components of the cash conversion cycle, and financing options. The concept of risk versus reward will be emphasized with a focus on overall costs and returns to a business.

HUMR-1064Human Resource ManagementRPL
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This course introduces the student to the comprehensive responsibilities of Human Resource Management in today’s evolving and diverse business environment. The student will learn how Human Resource Managers apply best practices, provide value, manage the global marketplace, and oversee talent in the workplace. Specific emphasis will be placed on the topics of recruitment, job analysis, legal compliance, human capital, training, performance management, and building and maintaining stakeholder relationships.

HUMR-2016Contemporary Topics in HR Management
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This course offers a dynamic approach to learning where the student is encouraged to discuss and evaluate current events in Human Resource Management that impact the formulation and administration of policy. Applying theoretical concepts and personal experience, the student will participate in a variety of learning activities including discussion sessions, lectures from industry, case studies, role-plays and simulations. Topics include disability management, accommodation, return to work, wellness, workforce diversity, HR systems, change management, policy development and implementation, and privacy issues.

HUMR-2065Recruitment and Selection
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This course will provide a conceptual understanding of the staffing function in the human resources management department. The student will learn recruitment sourcing, selecting, hiring, and on-boarding techniques to address organizational needs. The student will also learn the benefits of workplace diversity, inclusion and equity and how to apply these principles to recruitment and selection processes. Social media and network platforms will be used to develop proactive recruitment and acquisition techniques. The student will participate in mock recruitment and interviews to learn best practices and follow workplace policies for selection and hiring. The student will also learn to evaluate existing staffing programs for efficiency and legal compliance.

HUMR-2066Training and Development
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This course will examine the connection between learning and development and the strategic goals of an organization. The student will learn to review job analyses to determine the need for training and development, plan internal and external methods of delivery, and determine ways to measure the effectiveness of programs. The student will identify conditions for effective training, and design and deliver training initiatives using best practices. The student will explore a variety of training methods to meet the needs of diverse audiences and types of work, and how to provide accommodations to meet the needs of learners. This course will utilize technologies that support, track and report the progress of employee training and development.

HUMR-2067Compensation and Benefits
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As part of an organization’s overall strategic human resources framework, a competitive compensation strategy is vital to attracting and retaining employees with the necessary skills and abilities while aligning employee and organizational goals. This course provides the student with a framework for the creation and evaluation of effective compensation systems that support organizational strategies through effective decision analysis, job evaluation, job analysis, salary surveys, labour market data analysis and internal/external equity alignment. Topics also include legal compliance, motivational theories, pension plans, recognition and reward programs, performance management, termination, and emerging trends/issues in compensation and benefits.

Take HUMR-1064 or or HUMR-1015
HUMR-2068HR Management Research and Planning
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In this capstone course the student will apply the competencies gained in prior courses taken in the Human Resource Management stream. Working in a team, the student will demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities in the collaborative development of a strategic plan. The student will apply skills related to strategic planning including forecasting workforce supply and demand, implementation of HR information management systems and analytics, and other current trends in HRM. This course culminates in a presentation of their team's strategic plan.

HUMR-2069Labour Relations
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This course explores contemporary labour relations in Canada. The student will explore the interactions between employers and employees with specific emphasis and a deeper focus on management-union relationships. Major topics include the Canadian labour market, the history of unions, labour legislation, the negotiation process, collective agreements and collective bargaining processes, dispute resolution methods, and contract administration. The student will learn to develop their communication, collaboration and negotiation skills through mock negotiation and bargaining processes.

MATH-1078Business Mathematics
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This foundational course demonstrates the importance of mathematics in today’s business environment. Through a modular design, the student will explore the terminology, characteristics, and calculations of business measures as they relate to general business skills, accounting, human resource management, logistics, marketing, and financial services

MATH-2078Financial Mathematics
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In this course, the student will learn how to calculate compound interest and the time value of money involving single payments and annuities. The student will also explore the topics of leasing, renting, mortgages, investing and borrowing, marketable bonds, and capital decision-making.

MATH-3014Statistical Analysis
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In this course, the student will apply advanced statistical and decision-making techniques to a wide variety of business scenarios. The student will be taught how to build predictive models using correlation and regression techniques while assessing the validity of these models. Methods for predicting future sales will be explored in this course, along with the application of logical decision-making and decision optimization. The topic of quality control is introduced through discussion on Total Quality Management (TQM) practices.

MGMT-1093Conflict Resolution
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This course will examine a range of perspectives, practices, and strategies for resolving conflict. Through readings and hands-on activities, the student will explore the history and causes of conflict and discover how individuals act and react in different conflict situations. The student will apply the materials in this course to their own experiences, contexts, and settings, and develop an integrative perspective in which the implication of different theories and research for conflict resolution practice is understood. The student will also apply strategies for resolving conflict and develop skills for positive, performance evaluation. By exploring Indigenous approaches to conflict resolution, the student will learn to appreciate the importance of culture in conflict resolution. The student will also review a number of tools for conducting self-assessments and identifying their personality profile to develop greater self-awareness and Emotional Intelligence.

MGMT-1094Introduction to Total Quality Management
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This course covers the Total Quality Management (TQM) approach and its underlining principles: quality as a competitive driver with its positive impact upon the customer, the parent organization and the employees. The course covers how TQM interfaces with ISO9000, Six Sigma and the seven primary management tools. Leadership, strategic planning, organizational culture, human resources, and business execution are also covered in this course.

MGMT-2023Procurement and Supply Management
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This course explores procurement and supply management and how they impact an organization by aligning procurement acquisitions with supply chain objectives and improving an organization's competitive advantage. Students will discover the importance of supply management as strategic and tactical functions in organizations, differentiate between service and product procurement, centralized and decentralized procurement, and general versus public sector procurement. Through analyzing data, students will utilize tools for the procurement process, “make or buy decisions”, effective price and cost analysis, supplier selection, and relationship management. 

MGMT-2024Operations and Process Management
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Operations and Process Management is the design, operation and improvement of systems that create and deliver products and services. In this course, students will use decision based modeling and LEAN principles to manage and improve supply chain processes. Students will gain an understanding of resource management and operations scheduling. Spreadsheet modelling will be used to solve operations management and supply chain problems.  

MGMT-2025Small Business Management
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This course will serve as a strategic and operational view of how entrepreneurs undertake managing their business. It will introduce the concepts of self-employment, small business start-up, and an initial business plan. The goal of this course is to give the student an understanding of all considerations involved in entering independent business and the steps involved in starting a new venture. The student will have the opportunity to develop their skills in problem solving and decision-making in an applied practical environment.

MGMT-2026Management and Leadership
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This course introduces students to the concepts of management in today’s ever changing business environment. The student will examine the multi-faceted role of managers and leaders within organizations. The course covers leadership, motivation, adaptability, innovation, empowerment, control, and planning for operating in an ever changing economic and political climate. The student will develop skills in management, in light of sustainability and ethical and diversity issues, within a competitive climate.

MRKT-1017Marketing Foundations
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This course focuses on the high level role that marketing plays in strategic planning and organizational management. This course takes a student-centred approach to the current customer-focused marketing landscape in today’s digital and global world. The student will gain an in depth understanding of the marketing mix and the impact these elements have on the marketing process. The student will apply the broad framework of market segmentation using the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP). The student will segment a market by organizing the market into groups, use targeting to send a message to potential segments, and use positioning to identify how customers view a product or service.

MRKT-1045Digital Marketing 1
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Digital marketing has redefined how customers interact with businesses. This course provides an introduction to the foundations of the marketing of goods and services through the use of digital marketing. The student will apply key digital marketing strategies and practices using online platforms, social media platforms, email marketing, analytics dashboards. The student will learn to write copy for web and social media, implement Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and manage website and content. The student will also explore Design Thinking and User Experience (UX) to better understand the consumers' needs and create innovative solutions.

MRKT-2010Marketing Research
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Marketing research is integral to the development and ongoing assessment of a marketing strategy. Students will collaborate in planning, analyzing, evaluating, and presenting marketing research to make better business decisions. Using analytics dashboards, questionnaire design workshops, and statistical software, students will demonstrate the practical application of research toward marketing problems and opportunities. 

MRKT-2016International Marketing
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Global commerce has changed dramatically in just one generation due to disruptors such as the Internet, smart phone technology, integrated communications and social media. International Marketing explores the impact of these phenomenon by examining both domestic and global marketing environments. With emphasis on the mechanics and methodologies of marketing to an international consumer base, the course also explores the influence of geography, culture, geopolitics and infrastructure on the world’s financial leaders. As well, this course also explores issues such as tariffs, currencies, import duties and trading blocks, and their impact on Canada and from a world perspective.

MRKT-2017Consumer Behaviour
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Consumer behaviour is the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences. In this course, the student will consider why consumers behave as they do and the relationships they have with brands. Factors influencing buyer behaviour will be taught from the perspective of the individual, group, and society.

MRKT-2018Event Marketing and Management
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Event planning, management, and promotion as well as experiential marketing are some of the skills the student will acquire in this contemporary course. The primary focus of this course is on the strategic design and implementation of practical event marketing methodologies for sports, arts and entertainment, cultural events and festivals, along with strategic direction specific to non-profits. These concepts are applicable to sponsorship, corporate partnerships, promotions and paid media functions. The student will gain insights and practical knowledge about the integrated world of marketing in relationship to events, along with a foundational understanding and the applied skills employers value.

MRKT-2019Service Marketing
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The service and not-for-profit sectors represents over 70% of Canada’s economy and the likelihood of one working within these sectors is very high. The student will explore how marketing decisions apply to the design, delivery and management of the target market’s service experience. The course will emphasize the importance of managing customer relationships and building loyalty using the customer management tools. Through discussion, case analysis and research, the student will develop the skills to successfully market and manage services.

MRKT-2045Digital Marketing 2
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Digital marketing has redefined how businesses interact with customers. Building on Digital Marketing 1, this course introduces and then allows you to explore various social media platforms then strategically select and implement off-site social media campaigns on a variety of platforms. You will develop a digital marketing campaign. Using a simulation you will implement, monitor and adjust paid advertising campaigns, online analytics portals, social media platforms, and pay-per-click samples to gain a deeper understanding of digital marketing in an applied setting.

MRKT-3019Marketing Strategy
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Marketing Strategies is the application of marketing principles and research. Strategic marketing aims to reach prospective consumers and turn them into customers of the products or services the business provides. In this Capstone course, the student will develop analytical and decision-making skills using case studies to make sound and informed planning and marketing recommendations. The student will also work collaboratively in teams to develop a marketing plan, implement a digital marketing campaign and create engagements with prospective customers using a customer relationship management system.

Take MRKT-2010 or MRKT-3011, Take MRKT-1045 or MRKT-3018, and take COMM-3117 or MRKT-3015.
PROJ-1009Project Management
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Project management is required by every business and industry to deliver products and services to the marketplace. In this course, the student will learn how to manage multiple projects on time and on budget. This course is the first step in preparing the student to initiate, plan, execute and control a project from start to finish. Through lectures and hands-on exercises, the student will develop a  strong foundation in project management that applies to organizations of all types and sizes.

SABA-3001Student Association
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This an optional credit that may be claimed by a student elected to one of the following positions within the Students' Association: President, Vice President Academic, Vice President Internal, or Vice President External Affairs. The student must complete the entire term of office (May 1st to April 30th of any given year) to obtain the Students' Association credit. A student is not eligible to receive both a Students' Association credit and a Business Administration General Studies credit. For more information on the positions within the Students' Association and how to run for election, please refer to their website https://rrcsa.ca/

SAFE-2020Workplace Health and Safety
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This course focuses on the role of legislation and government initiatives in protecting the safety and health of workers. The student will learn the rights and responsibilities of employees, employers and supervisors in complying with safety and health legislation. The student will also explore the ways that Human Resources departments support health, safety and wellness committees and other initiatives in the workplace by writing policies, designing safety training, and assisting with discipline. The student will also learn how to motivate employees to work safely, create an emergency plan, and conduct a job hazard analysis for health and safety risk management. This course will also cover respectful workplace conduct and legislation and workplace harassment and violence prevention.

Page produced on 2025-02-15 10:50:34
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