PART-TIME | WINNIPEG LOCATIONS TEALP-PC Teaching for Learning in Applied Education

Other Information

General Information
  • Students must be formally admitted to the program before they can register for courses (see How to Register for Courses below).
  • Once admitted to the program, a student’s start date is determined by an available registration period and relevant course offerings. 
  • Students can hold either a CAE or a TFL certificate, but not both.

Academic Term Dates and Course Length

       There are three, 10-week terms per calendar year (Fall, Winter, Spring)

Fees for regular admission students

       Program Application: $116

       Tuition per course: $501

       All fees are subject to change.

How to Register for Courses

The Teaching for Learning in Applied Education program uses a student, self-serve registration system called Student Planning. Once program applications are processed, new students receive information about how to register for courses.            

Graduate Profile

  • Communicate with students and colleagues using a variety of modalities to build relationships and facilitate learning.
  • Demonstrate personal competencies including empathy, critical thinking and problem solving to support personal, team and organizational effectiveness.
  • Apply principles of Universal Design for Learning to foster an inclusive learning environment.
  • Plan instructions using learning outcomes and a variety of instructional methods to meet the unique needs of adult learners.
  • Facilitate learning by developing rapport and actively engaging students to achieve learning outcomes.
  • Assess achievement of learning outcomes using a variety of assessment methods to guide learning and determine competence.
  • Integrate technology to support teaching, learning and communication.
  • Support student success through coaching, advising and counselling within the limits of the role.
  • Collaborate with colleagues to ensure program coherence, quality and effective utilization of resources.
  • Model professionalism through integrity, confidentiality, accountability, consistency, and adhering to organizational expectations.
  • Pursue professional growth through reflection, professional development and professional associations for life-long learning.
  • Engage with the community to provide authentic learning opportunities.
  • Manage resources and facilities safely to support program outcomes.

Page produced on 2025-02-15 10:23:49
Red River College Polytechnic endeavours to provide the most current version of all program and course information on this website. Please be advised that classes may be scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any course, program, process, or procedure without notice or prejudice. Fees may change without notice.