PART-TIME | WINNIPEG LOCATIONS LIBIP-DP Library and Information Technology

Program Outline

You must successfully complete the following courses and three field placements to earn a diploma. 

Courses are listed by term to help those students who wish to complete part of the program by distance delivery and attend the College for part of the program. 

Except for the first two courses of study, you may take these courses in any order as long as you meet the course prerequisites. See Course Descriptions for prerequisites.

Term 1: (first two courses must be taken in order)

  • Internet Research - D
  • Introduction to Libraries - D
  • Business Computing Self-direct/Open D - OR Computers - Intro Self-directed/Open C/D
  • Multimedia Services - D
  • Cataloguing-Introduction  (formerly Descriptive and Derivative Techniques) - D 
  • Communications 1 (academic course) Self-directed/Open - D

Term 2:

  • Collection Development & Acquisitions - D
  • Cataloguing: Library of Congress - D   
  • Introduction to Reference - D
  • Human Behaviour in Organizations - Self-directed/Open - C/D
  • Reader's Advisory for Children - D
  • Communications 2 - D
  • Field Placement 1  (arranged individually) - D            

Term 3:

  • Cataloguing: Dewey Decimal - D
  • Reference: Social Sciences and Humanities - D
  • Marketing the Library and Information Services - D
  • Canadian Government & Contemporary Canadian Issues - D
  • Readers' Advisory for Young Adults - D
  • Communications 3 (formerly Career Writing) - D
  • Field Placement 2 (arranged individually) - D

 Term 4:

  • Cataloguing: Multimedia - D
  • Reference: Science and Technology - D
  • Records Management/Archives & Preservation - D
  • Issues in Libraries - D
  • Field Placement 3 (arranged individually) - D
  • Readers' Advisory for Adults - D


  • C/D - Classroom or Distance Delivery
  • C - Classroom Delivery
  • D - Distance Delivery

If you plan to attend the College for one or more semesters, use this list to assist your planning. You have a maximum of six years to complete this program. As you progress through it, make sure you obtain a new program outline every September. This will keep you updated on any changes that may apply to you. 

For complete program outline, see Day Program Library and Information Technology  

Page produced on 2025-02-07 02:18:16
Red River College Polytechnic endeavours to provide the most current version of all program and course information on this website. Please be advised that classes may be scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any course, program, process, or procedure without notice or prejudice. Fees may change without notice.