Other Information

Training Exemptions Proof of Course Completion and Required Documentation

A student may be granted a training exemption by the CFAA in one or more of courses 2, 3 and 4. Training exemptions are based solely upon courses that have been previously completed at the college, university or trade school level.

To apply for a training exemption with the CFAA,  a minimum grade of 60% must be achieved for an exemption. Work experience and high school courses are not grounds for an exemption.

The required documentation for an exemption is to complete a CFAA Exemption Form, a photocopy of your official college transcript, photocopies of your course outlines. Each student will be assessed on an individual basis.  Please go to the Canadian Fire Alarm Association website for the CFAA Training Exemption Form and more information.

Page produced on 2024-09-13 11:06:57
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