Courses and Descriptions

Courses and Descriptions

(Click the course name to view the description of the course)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In addition to Transfer of Credit from a recognized post secondary institution, other RPL processes are available for RPL courses. Click here for more information. For courses with no RPL, please check for additional contact information.
ACCT-1971Financial Accounting 1RPL
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This first course in accounting covers the double-entry bookkeeping procedures, adjustments, and production of financial statements pertaining to sole proprietorships. Coverage is also given to special journals, subsidiary ledgers, and control accounts. This results in a complete presentation of the accounting cycle for a service or merchandise business. Later in the course more in depth study of inventory costing methods, control procedures for cash including petty cash, and bank reconciliations is presented.

BUSA-1081Customer ServiceRPL
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This course develops knowledge and skills necessary to deliver outstanding customer service.  Students will develop skills related to listening, empathy, customer motivation and diversity, communication, and conflict resolution.  Since customer service consists primarily of interaction with others in various situations, students will enhance their interpersonal communication skills.

BUSA-1083Event Planning
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This course develops knowledge and skills for students who will be responsible for planning or coordinating events, meetings, or conferences in office environments in the corporate, private, government, and non-profit sectors.  Students will learn the process and logistics to create and stage successful events.

BUSA-1132Marketing and Media in Sport Management
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Learn the essentials of marketing and media relations in the sport industry. Identify and create marketing strategies for sport, recreation and leisure programming and develop marketing and media plans for your organization. Learn the role of the media person in a sporting organization and develop the skills necessary to meet the needs of a variety of sports organizations, using public relation strategies and skills that will positively impact a sports organization.

COMM-1000Business Communication 1RPL
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This course will guide students through the techniques and processes involved in writing, speaking, and listening effectively for business. Students will be taught skills for networking, meetings, and working in teams. Students will apply a direct approach to create professional emails and letters. Students will learn strategies for competent information report writing. Students will be taught how to create and deliver a memorable oral presentation. The proper use of business writing rules, grammar, and etiquette will be emphasized throughout the course.

COMM-1023Basic Business CommunicationsRPL
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Develop the basic principles of business writing and discuss topics such as: standard business formats, the ability to write clear, readable letters and memos.  It also reviews correct grammar and usage and how to improve effectiveness as a speaker.

COMP-1081Computers - IntroRPL
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Increase your knowledge of computer fundamentals using a current Windows operating system. Content includes an introduction to the Internet and common Microsoft Applications including Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

If you are taking courses by distance delivery, you must have access to a computer with the appropriate Microsoft Office software and Microsoft Windows 7, 8 or 10.

COMP-1218Word 2013
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Learn the basics of word processing along with some advanced Word 2013 features. Skill areas covered will include: basic word processing, formatting and editing; inserting and customizing pictures and graphics; formatting for multiple page documents; utilizing wizards and templates; adding charts, tables, columns, and mail merging for letters, envelopes and labels.            

If you are taking courses by distance delivery, you must have access to a computer with the appropriate Microsoft Office software

* This class is recommended for students with a good working knowledge of Microsoft Windows. Students who need to upgrade their computer skills prior to taking this class should take  Computers - Intro (Comp-1081).

COMP-1237Excel 2016
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Become familiar with spreadsheet concepts, use basic features, obtain skills for further training and be able to use Excel 2016 in the workplace environment. Topics covered include using worksheets to make decisions, planning, building, testing and documenting worksheets, formatting and printing, functions, formulas and absolute references, charts and graphing, solving complex problems, and working with multiple worksheets and workbooks.

* This course is recommended for students with a good working knowledge of Microsoft Windows. Students who need to upgrade their computer skills prior to taking this class should take COMP-1313 Introduction to Computers.

Distance Delivery:
Students must have access to a computer with the appropriate Microsoft Office software.
Excel 2016 and Excel 2016 Advanced are not suitable for use with Mac computer software
Required textbook sold separately and can be purchased at the Campus Store.

COMP-1238Word 2016
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Learn the basics of word processing along with some advanced Word 2016 features. Skill areas covered will include: basic word processing, formatting and editing; inserting and customizing pictures and graphics; formatting for multiple page documents; utilizing wizards and templates; adding charts, tables, columns, and mail merging for letters, envelopes and labels.

If you are taking courses by distance delivery, you must have access to a computer with the appropriate Microsoft Office software.

* This class is recommended for students with a good working knowledge of Microsoft Windows. Students who need to upgrade their computer skills prior to taking this class should take Computers - Intro (Comp-1081)

MATH-1051Business and Financial MathematicsRPL
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This course introduces the key mathematics of business and finance. Business topics include payroll, taxes, indexes, currency exchange, and merchandising. Finance topics include simple and compound interest with business applications.

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The course is designed to provide students with a current and relevant strategic approach to the principles of marketing. Terms such as target markets, marketing mixes, and strategic planning will be uncovered through lectures, activities, cases, and assignments with a student-centered approach focusing on how to connect with the customer in today's digital and global world.

MRKT-1007Marketing Management
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Develop and practice marketing skills within a wide variety of business situations and environments, both domestic and international. Prepare to discuss weekly cases in this senior level case course in marketing. Group preparation of cases for class discussion will be permitted and encouraged, but is not mandatory.

MRKT-3010Consumer Behaviour
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This course will build upon the foundation established in the introductory marketing course. The course will analyze consumer segmentation dimensions and will explain in a comprehensive manner why consumers act and behave as they do.

MRKT-3011Marketing Research
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Students will be exposed to the theory behind marketing research in general and behind specific research steps. Case studies will be assigned to show practical application of the research steps and will help give students a reasonable insight into marketing research. Through a formal research project, this course should also provide students with skill in planning, performing, and evaluating research and presenting marketing research.

MRKT-3012Personal Selling
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This is a practical course designed for students who have an interest in a career in sales or related disciplines in the marketing field. Basic theories are discussed and employed. Emphasis is on development of specific sales preparations and presentation skills. Field research, prospect planning, videos, and role-plays will be included.

MRKT-3015Integrated Marketing Communications
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A concentrated course to learn the fundamentals of creating, implementing, and evaluating an integrated marketing communications plan within the marketing arena. You will learn the skills required in planning and executing advertising and promotion programs requiring research, creativity and timing.

MRKT-3016International Marketing
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This course is designed to survey global marketing in all its facets, starting with an examination of its economic base and going on to examine its practices and problems. The course will deal with the planning and development of products and services for international markets as well as their pricing, packaging, promotion, and distribution. Specifically, among other topics, the course will deal with multinationals, joint ventures, franchises, cultural differences, political climates, and legal and economic systems as they pertain to international marketing.

PROJ-1030Project Management FundamentalsRPL
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Study the fundamental aspects and principles of project management including life cycle, integration, planning, organization and communication. Learn about work breakdown structures, diagramming, cost management and resource allocation. Examine today’s issues affecting project management including risk management, quality, conflict, and team building.

Page produced on 2025-02-15 20:20:03
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