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Enhance your business-related skills through a variety of business-oriented workshops and seminars. You can develop your ability to deal effectively with a wide range of work-related, organizational, and daily living situations.

Choose one or more workshops to learn how to manage stress, become an active listener, resolve conflict, or prepare for a job interview.

Courses and Descriptions

(Click the course name to view the description of the course)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In addition to Transfer of Credit from a recognized post secondary institution, other RPL processes are available for RPL courses. Click here for more information. For courses with no RPL, please check for additional contact information.
COMM-1942Grant Proposal Writing
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Participants will gain an understanding of the necessary components of proposal writing and submitting grant proposals. Topics include the steps and process in writing grant proposals, understanding philanthropy and organizational readiness in grant seeking, setting the stage for asking for support, determining what is a good case for support in proposals, and the importance of good stewardship and lasting donor relationships.

CORR-1012Professional Portfolio Development
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Develop a professional portfolio that will be the foundation of your career development.  Developing a professional portfolio will build your own and other's awareness of your proven skills, knowledge and understanding.  Learn what to document, how to document it, and how to use your professional portfolio for a successful job interview.

MGMT-1871Performance Evaluation
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(No description available at this time)

PDEV-1097Job Search Techniques
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Do you know that 85% of jobs are not advertised?  Good job search techniques are important.  Learn how to get started and how to make a self-assessment. Prepare an effective resume that sells YOU. You can increase your job hunting success by learning the most effective and least effective methods.

PDEV-1252Work Habits for Success
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(No description available at this time)

PDEV-1456Business Ethics
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Professionals are under constant scrutiny from clients, colleagues, and the media. This short course will help the participant understand the impact that ethical behavior can have on professional performance and business profitability. Through video presentations of real-life scenarios, the participant will identify and resolve ethical dilemmas that can occur on the job.

PDEV-1947Exceptional Customer Service
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Attracting customers and keeping them: these are the goals of quality customer service. This workshop looks at who your customers are, what their needs are and how your business can satisfy those needs. Topics covered include internal and external customers/clients, top customer turn-offs, customer/clients with special needs and customers with problems.

PDEV-1981Reducing Stress/Time Management
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Learn how to handle common time wasters such as disorganization, procrastination, and indecision. Determine the time wasters in your home or work environment and be able to effectively budget your time. Learn the dynamics of goal setting and see how delegating and prioritizing can help you in your quest to be better organized.

SAFE-1260Workplace Safety and Health
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This workshop will provide a basic introduction to workplace health and safety regulations. Discover the rights and responsibilities of employees and the responsibilities of employers and supervisors in complying with safety and health legislation. Learn to identify unsafe working practices and places and how to promote safety in your organization.

SEMR-9003Managing Young Workers
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Learn as managers and supervisors the facts about the new generations of workers. Explore innovative techniques to ensure effective skills transfer and how to maintain a productive workplace.

SEMR-9013Stress Management
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Learn how to relax and how to overcome and prevent stress. Common problems and effective solutions are presented and explored.

SEMR-9020Logistics: Cargo Claims Prevention
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A freight claim or cargo claim is the cost that is incurred when goods are damaged in transit. The cost of this figure in the global supply chain industry is staggering, amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars per annum. As trade continues to grow, so does this cost. Ultimately, freight claims are mostly preventable by way of the proactive strategies and practices. By attending this seminar you will learn about how to mitigate freight claims, and the process for resolution when a claim occurs.

SEMR-9095Working With Difficult People
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In this seminar you will learn how to improve your skills when interacting with others. You will also learn how to deal with people who are aggressive, loud or threatening. Identify stressful “losing” situations and resolve “uncomfortable” conversations.  This interactive seminar identifies several types of difficult behaviors and the strategies and techniques used to deal with these behaviors.


SEMR-9096Conflict Resolution
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We can expect to face conflict situations whenever we spend time with others; conflict gets resolved whether the situation is to our liking or not. This conflict resolution workshop addresses the interpersonal scope for such activity so that you can resolve your conflicts with others in a stable and safe environment, while still maintaining your own dignity. Topics include: safety procedures, how to maintain control of a situation, defusing techniques, how to listen and ask questions, mediation, and how to come to an eventual agreement.

SEMR-9106Negotiating Skills
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Explore the principles and practice of skilled negotiations. Learn to assess various negotiation situations and apply principles to arrive at an acceptable solution. Note: you will learn through a combination of lectures, discussion and group exercises.

SEMR-9115Managing Change
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Begin to understand the change management process, how to assess an organization’s readiness to implement change, and build the commitment to change. In this workshop, work through strategies to “make change stick”, cover create and implement change strategies, and learn to assess and evaluate the success of change strategies through lessons from the field.

SEMR-9130Indigenous Staffing Strategies
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This is a one day interactive workshop designed for all levels of management and staff interested in learning about and developing Indigenous Employment Strategies.  Throughout the day you will discuss building a business case for Indigenous employment strategies while learning from the experience of others.  Discover the tips, resources and tools available which will help you to develop your Indigenous workforce as well as best practice models you may wish to utilize in your own workplace.

SEMR-9142Customer Service Skills
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Discover the art of effectively serving and keeping customers.  Learn about attitudes, body language, listening skills, customer conflict and solutions.  Recognize how to get the customer to come back for more by making a favourable impression.

SEMR-9158Building Workplace Loyalty
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Pressure is being placed on managers to build progressive working environments that encourage and support employee growth and job satisfaction. Participants will be introduced to a simple tool to assess their ability to foster a working environment that ensures high levels of employee engagement. We will also discuss practical techniques to identify and nurture employee ability and to build higher levels of employee commitment and contribution.

SEMR-9167Workday Management Tools
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Learn how to identify, manage, and control time-wasters at home and work. Learn how to set goals and plan the most effective use of your time. Take control of your time.

SEMR-9173Time Management
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Learn how to handle common time wasters such as disorganization, procrastination, and indecision. Determine the time wasters in your home or work environment and be able to effectively budget your time. Learn the dynamics of goal setting and see how delegating and prioritizing can help you in your quest to be better organized.

SEMR-9182Report Writing Seminar
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Learn a variety of reference works which are the tools of the report writer's trade: dictionaries, style manuals, grammars, and text of writing plans will be discussed and examined. Basic report writing plans will be presented and two techniques for designing, drafting and revising reports will be discussed. Techniques for drafting, revising, and editing will be explored through four written exercises which will be completed in class.

SEMR-9191Value-Focused Thinking
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Recognizing and articulating fundamental values can lead to the identification of decision opportunities and the creation of better alternatives. Focusing on the values that should be guiding the decision situation makes the search for new alternatives a creative and productive exercise.

SEMR-9206Preparing Newsletters
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Learn the purpose of newsletters, preparation methods, content guidelines, deadline issues, various page layouts, paper selection, and reproduction or printing considerations.

SEMR-9275Effective Recruitment
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(No description available at this time)

SEMR-9301Meeting Management-Robert's Rules
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During this seminar you will learn how to make your meetings more productive, increase attendance and participation, learn the basics of Robert's Rules, and learn tips on conducting your meetings in a professional manner.

SEMR-9316Interview Skills for Employers&Supervis
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(No description available at this time)

SEMR-9322Workplace Conflict Resolution
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(No description available at this time)

SEMR-9332Resume Writing
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This hands-on workshop will help you to create a clear, concise and effective resume that will help you in your job search. Topics include: writing and formatting your resume, various resume styles, what content to include in your resume, how to use references to your advantage, and creating a cover letter that stands out from the rest.

SEMR-9336Employment Essentials
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Topics covered will be Recruitment and Retention, Hiring, Termination, Health and Safety.

SEMR-9339Negotiating Strategies
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The number one reason that negotations fail is poor communication. Negotiating for what you want not only involves what you want and going for it, but also involves being able to effectively communicate your wants and needs to another party and being able to openly hear their concerns.

Students enrolling in Part-Time and Online Education courses may be required to purchase textbooks and materials at participating Campus Store locations or online at Student booklists will be available approximately 3 weeks prior to scheduled course start dates. Please ensure materials are purchased in advance, to be available for the start date.

Note: Courses requiring a textbook will show "TR" in the Delivery field.

Click the "More Info" link beside the course's name to view the description of the course.

Course Dates and Fees

2025 Spring Term - Continuing Education
SEMR-9158 Building Workplace Loyaltymore info
Location: Notre Dame Campus
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Jun 07, 25 - Jun 07, 25Sa9:00AM - 5:00PMA. Busby264840$179
Location: Notre Dame Campus
Jun 07, 25 - Jun 07, 25
Class days
9:00AM - 5:00PM
A. Busby
SEMR-9115 Managing Changemore info
Location: Roblin Centre (Prev. PSC)
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Apr 26, 25 - Apr 26, 25Sa9:00AM - 5:00PMS. Penziwol265058$179
Location: Roblin Centre (Prev. PSC)
Apr 26, 25 - Apr 26, 25
Class days
9:00AM - 5:00PM
S. Penziwol
SEMR-9106 Negotiating Skillsmore info
Location: Roblin Centre (Prev. PSC)
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
May 31, 25 - May 31, 25Sa9:00AM - 5:00PMS. Penziwol265059$179
Location: Roblin Centre (Prev. PSC)
May 31, 25 - May 31, 25
Class days
9:00AM - 5:00PM
S. Penziwol

2025 Spring Term - Distance Education
SEMR-9115 Managing Changemore info
Location: Online
Jun 01, 25 - Jun 30, 25S. Penziwol265963$179
Location: Online
Jun 01, 25 - Jun 30, 25
S. Penziwol
SEMR-9106 Negotiating Skillsmore info
Location: Online
Jun 01, 25 - Jun 30, 25S. Penziwol265964$179
Location: Online
Jun 01, 25 - Jun 30, 25
S. Penziwol

2025 Summer Term - Distance Education
SEMR-9115 Managing Changemore info
Location: Online
Aug 01, 25 - Aug 31, 25S. Penziwol268071$179
Location: Online
Aug 01, 25 - Aug 31, 25
S. Penziwol
SEMR-9106 Negotiating Skillsmore info
Location: Online
Jul 02, 25 - Jul 31, 25S. Penziwol268072$179
Location: Online
Jul 02, 25 - Jul 31, 25
S. Penziwol

Computer/Laptop Requirements

Online learning is a critical component of course delivery in all Red River College programs. To ensure each student has the tools they need to achieve their academic goals, all Red River College students require, at minimum:

1.  Off-campus access to a current computer with a webcam

2.  A high speed internet connection

• Recommended minimum speed: 10 mbps for download, 3 mbps for upload
• Slower internet connection speeds may result in audio and video issues. Please keep in mind that if others in your home are using the same internet connection at the same time as you are, you may also experience audio and video issues.
• Please refer to for further information on Computer Requirements for Students.

Please note that any anticipated costs are not included in Books and Supplies estimates.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process which documents and compares an individual's prior learning gained from prior education, work and life experiences and personal study to the learning outcomes in College courses/programs. For more information, please visit

Awards and Scholarships

A complete list of awards, bursaries, and scholarships can be found at

Entrance Awards

UFCW Local 832 Annual Scholarship Award
Specific Application
Scholarships are available for those who are UFCW members employed by companies that contribute to the Education and Training Trust Fund. Students enrolling in both full-time and part-time studies are eligible. Application deadline is June 1. For further information, contact the UFCW Training Centre.

General Awards

Louis Riel Bursary
Through funding provided by the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) and matched by the Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative (MSBI), bursaries, valued a minimum of $1000, are available to eligible Metis students attending a certificate, diploma or degree program (excluding Apprenticeship and upgrading programs) at Red River College Polytechnic, who are maintaining satisfactory academic progress in their program.  There are two applications that must be submitted:  1. the Louis Riel Bursary online application is available from Louis Riel Institute; 2. the General RRC Polytech Application for Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships (link above) should be completed and submitted online. Only applicants who have submitted both applications by the application date will be eligible for consideration. Selection will be based on financial need (those receiving other funding, including MMF funding are still eligible to apply).  Applications will be accepted from August 1st to September 15th each year.  Applicants must be attending their program at the time of the application deadline.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.

Richard (Asher) Webb Social Justice Activist Memorial Award

This is an $1000 award given annually to a student who demonstrates exceptional effort and/or the ability to lead, organize and engage students or members of the community in embodying the values of equity, diversity, inclusion, multiculturalism and social justice.

The successful recipient will be a community activist, advocate or leader who has worked for systemic changes at various levels and with various social identities in mind. Their advocacy may involve (but is not limited to): human rights, LGBTT* issues, anti-racism, anti-poverty, public health, non-violence, community-building and student engagement, or encouraging others on issues of social justice that impact the lives of students and the broader community.

Applications will be evaluated by the Selection Committee, based on the following criteria:
• Making a significant contribution to equity, inclusion and social justice through community engagement, either in specific positions of responsibility or while involved in organizing activities. (Requirements: Student statement and at least one reference letter)
• Engaging and inspiring other students or members of the community to advocate on social justice issues that impact the lives of students or the general community.
• Financial need may also be considered. Applicants may choose to complete the financial section of the application, and/or include information.
All full-time and part-time Red River College students are welcome to apply. The general application form must be accompanied by a student statement and required letter(s) of reference in order to be considered. The deadline for applications is March 1st.  Completed application forms should be submitted by email to .

RRC Polytech Students' Association Chad Hildebrand Memorial Award
Chad, a BA student, was a member of the Student Advisory Board (SAB) during the 1998-99 school year. He died in March of 2000 as a result of a hockey accident. The 1999-2000 SAB agreed to dedicate the Students’ Association Scholarship fund’s first award in Chad’s memory.  One $1,000 award shall be presented to a Red River College Polytechnic student, who is a current Student Association Board member, exhibits leadership qualities and is actively involved in the college and/or community. Applicants must submit a one-page statement describing their involvement in the college and/ or community.  The application deadline is February 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Southern Chiefs’ Organization Every Child Matters Scholarship

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization Every Child Matters Scholarship was created in honour of the children who attended residential schools and those who never made it home. Southern Chiefs’ Organization recognizes that all First Nation people, families, and communities have been impacted by the residential schools. The $2000 scholarship is intended to support Survivors and their descendants, as well as descendants of the families of the children who died.  The scholarship is to be awarded on the basis of academic merit to a status citizen of one of the Southern Chiefs’ Organization member First Nations (Berens River, Birdtail Sioux, Black River, Bloodvein, Brokenhead, Buffalo, Canupawakpa, Dakota, Dauphin River, Ebb and Flow, Gambler, Hollow Water, Keeseekoowenin, Kinonjeoshtegon, Lake Manitoba, Lake St. Martin, Little Grand Rapids, Little Saskatchewan, Long Plain, O-Ch-Chak-Koo-Sipi, Pauingassi, Point Pegui, Pinaymootang, Plains Pine Creek, Poplar River, Rolling River, Roseau River, Sagkeeng, Sandy Bay, Skownan, Tootinaowaziibeeng, or Waywayseecappo), who is a full- or part-time continuing student at the Red River College Polytechnic, who has successfully completed at least 12 credit hours, and who has made contributions to their school community or their community at large.  Applicants must submit a letter describing their school or community involvement.  The contact information of the chosen recipient shall be disclosed to the donor each year. Southern Chiefs' Organization Inc. observes an annual commemoration of all successful applicants. By submitting an application for the scholarship, the recipient of the Scholarship consents to be contacted through electronic mail or telephone for a brief interview with a member of Southern Chiefs’ Organization.  In the unlikely event of a mitigating circumstance, such as a protection order or equivalent, anonymity will be granted to the recipient of the Scholarship.  Application deadline is January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Indigenous Student Awards

Louis Riel Bursary
Through funding provided by the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) and matched by the Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative (MSBI), bursaries, valued a minimum of $1000, are available to eligible Metis students attending a certificate, diploma or degree program (excluding Apprenticeship and upgrading programs) at Red River College Polytechnic, who are maintaining satisfactory academic progress in their program.  There are two applications that must be submitted:  1. the Louis Riel Bursary online application is available from Louis Riel Institute; 2. the General RRC Polytech Application for Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships (link above) should be completed and submitted online. Only applicants who have submitted both applications by the application date will be eligible for consideration. Selection will be based on financial need (those receiving other funding, including MMF funding are still eligible to apply).  Applications will be accepted from August 1st to September 15th each year.  Applicants must be attending their program at the time of the application deadline.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.

Southern Chiefs’ Organization Every Child Matters Scholarship

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization Every Child Matters Scholarship was created in honour of the children who attended residential schools and those who never made it home. Southern Chiefs’ Organization recognizes that all First Nation people, families, and communities have been impacted by the residential schools. The $2000 scholarship is intended to support Survivors and their descendants, as well as descendants of the families of the children who died.  The scholarship is to be awarded on the basis of academic merit to a status citizen of one of the Southern Chiefs’ Organization member First Nations (Berens River, Birdtail Sioux, Black River, Bloodvein, Brokenhead, Buffalo, Canupawakpa, Dakota, Dauphin River, Ebb and Flow, Gambler, Hollow Water, Keeseekoowenin, Kinonjeoshtegon, Lake Manitoba, Lake St. Martin, Little Grand Rapids, Little Saskatchewan, Long Plain, O-Ch-Chak-Koo-Sipi, Pauingassi, Point Pegui, Pinaymootang, Plains Pine Creek, Poplar River, Rolling River, Roseau River, Sagkeeng, Sandy Bay, Skownan, Tootinaowaziibeeng, or Waywayseecappo), who is a full- or part-time continuing student at the Red River College Polytechnic, who has successfully completed at least 12 credit hours, and who has made contributions to their school community or their community at large.  Applicants must submit a letter describing their school or community involvement.  The contact information of the chosen recipient shall be disclosed to the donor each year. Southern Chiefs' Organization Inc. observes an annual commemoration of all successful applicants. By submitting an application for the scholarship, the recipient of the Scholarship consents to be contacted through electronic mail or telephone for a brief interview with a member of Southern Chiefs’ Organization.  In the unlikely event of a mitigating circumstance, such as a protection order or equivalent, anonymity will be granted to the recipient of the Scholarship.  Application deadline is January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Continuing Education

Gervin Alexander Dobbin Memorial Award
A $1000 award has been established to honour the memory of former Red River College Evening Program Supervisor, Gervin Alexander Dobbin. The award is available annually and is presented during the fall term to a part-time evening/Saturday program student who is a single parent with a financial need and who is currently registered in a Continuing Education program at RRC Polytech.  Application deadline is October 1st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
Page produced on 2025-03-16 23:59:16
Red River College Polytechnic endeavours to provide the most current version of all program and course information on this website. Please be advised that classes may be scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any course, program, process, or procedure without notice or prejudice. Fees may change without notice.