FULL-TIME | WINNIPEG LOCATIONS THERF-CT Therapeutic Recreation Facilitator for Older Adults

Courses and Descriptions

Courses and Descriptions

(Click the course name to view the description of the course)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In addition to Transfer of Credit from a recognized post secondary institution, other RPL processes are available for RPL courses. Click here for more information. For courses with no RPL, please check www.rrc.ca/rpl for additional contact information.
COMM-1170Interpersonal Communication 1
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Content is focused on human communication experienced in the helping professions. Emphasis is placed upon the student's growth, self-knowledge and behaviour in groups. Instructional methods will include discussions and activities to expand understanding and experience.

COMP-1164TR - Computer Applications
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Learn the basics of Microsoft Windows and the MS Office (Windows) skills to create multi-page reports in Word, presentations using PowerPoint , newsletters, cards, and signage using Publisher. This course is not suitable for MAC system. 

DCSP-1001Academic CommunicationRPL
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Students will develop the writing skills that will assist them to communicate their ideas in an academic setting (e.g. how to write a term paper), complete an incident report at work, and make oral presentations (e.g. public speaking skills) for both the work and college environment. For this last area, students will prepare and deliver a multimedia presentation on a self-selected topic.

HCAP-1006Introduction to Gerontology
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Explore the concepts of the aging process. Examine the critical issues that affect aging, personal adaptation to aging, and community resources. Topics include the demography of aging, societal and personal attitudes to aging, major theories of aging, physical aging, psycho-social aging, economic, social and political factors.

HEAL-1846Emerg. First Aid with CPR C
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This course provides simple First Aid and CPR techniques taught in an interactive environment for individuals who want an overview of First Aid and CPR for the home or workplace. This  course covers the role, function and responsibilities of the first aider, skills needed to recognize and respond to emergencies, shock and  treatment, major bleeds. obstructed airway and other breathing emergencies, cardiovascular emergencies,  and CPR Level C. CPR Level C covers adult/child/baby CPR - one rescuer, adult/child/baby choking, barrier devices/pocket masks, AED, adult/child 2-rescuer CPR.

PRAC-1052TR - Field Work - Community Based
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You will put all skill area theories into practice, with particular emphasis on group program planning in community based settings. The seminars will integrate the concepts learned during the TRF for Older Adults program with your own experiences in a community setting. 

PRAC-1053TR - Field Work - Facility Based
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Gain exposure and experience working in facility-based settings. Put theory into practice, and address the key skill areas of professionalism in assessing/meeting a client's needs in facility-based settings. The seminars will integrate the concepts learned during the TRF for Older Adults program with your own experiences in a facility setting. 

RECF-1001TR - Adaptations & Intervention
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Develop an awareness of how physical, emotional and social disabilities may limit performance and learn to adapt activity programs to meet an individual's specific needs.

RECF-1023Specialized TR Applications
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Explore a variety of specialized recreation applications for older adults in community and institutional settings. Topics will cover volunteer inclusion, special event planning, sensory stimulation, cognitive programs, music programs, food-related programs, horticultural programs, intergenerational programs, movement/exercise programs, animal assisted programs, humour programs, reminiscing programs and spiritual programs. Upon completion of the course, you will be able to implement program options that meet the expected outcomes of your clients' care plan.

RECF-1035Therapeutic Fitness Leader
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This course will allow you to gain the theoretical and practical proficiency to develop and implement safe, therapeutic fitness programs for seniors at varying levels of functional well being. The course will involve study in the areas of human anatomy and physiology, basic fitness components, leadership development techniques, strength/resistance training theory/design/ implementation, specific challenges/common disorders/ safety considerations for working with the older adult population and program design, implementation and evaluation for programs at varying levels of functional abilities (independent/high; moderate; or low functioning). Skills such as how to incorporate music, how to adapt the class to work with different levels at once, how to provide progressions and how to utilize different apparatus/equipment to provide variety and prevent over-use or over-training. At the conclusion of this course the students will be able to develop and implement at least 1 exercise program for all 3 functional levels that they can use in the workplace. 

RECF-1045TR - Foundation to Therapeutic Recreation
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Learn the basic concepts, principles, procedures and terminology of Therapeutic Recreation (TR) including standards of practice and code of ethics.

RECF-1046TR - Leisure Concepts
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This course provides an introduction to the concepts of leisure, recreation, work and play. It differentiates between general leisure pursuits and how trained recreation facilitators can use this knowledge to assess, plan, implement and evaluate therapeutic interventions. The five main bodies of philosophical thought will be discussed as they pertain and influence leisure experience and service delivery. The procedures, tools, and forms, used in community and long term care settings in the design and delivery of leisure programs will be reviewed and discussed. Potential theories of what this means in the future for individuals, societal components as well as for the profession of therapeutic recreation will be explored.

RECF-1047TR - Cognitive Impairment
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Improve your confidence in working with clients with Alzheimer's Disease and related dementia disorders. Examine causes, functional ability, assets, deficits and communication. Through practical case studies and situations, learn about therapeutic activities that will enhance the functioning of this population and lessen the extent of unwanted behaviour.

RECF-1048TR - Group Dynamics & Interdisciplinary
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Learn the processes involved in group dynamics, the importance of attending and listening skills and group goals. Develop skills through group activities and observational learning. Study group communication, diversity, leadership, and how groups make decisions. Learn how to build a strong team.

RECF-1049TR - Valuing Diversity, Faith & Culture
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Study demographics in regards to current immigration patterns, religion, aging, healthcare and community supports. Explore the role culture plays in society and how it influences TR interventions, communication, value of TR and the role of family and the individual.

RECF-1050TR - Dealing with Loss & Palliative Care
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Examine the various types of losses that occur throughout the life span, and the methods of providing support in these situations, relating to the elderly in particular. Learn to identify the stages of grief and cultural and spiritual perspectives on loss, grief and death. Develop an awareness of the grief process and ethical dilemmas associated with loss, grief and death. Explore end of life care and the differences between palliative and hospice care.

RECF-1051TR - Documentation Skills
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Become familiar with documentation skills and how they apply to therapeutic programming, the planning process and assessment. Discover the value of assessment as an ongoing process, and learn charting etiquette and technique. Discuss different charting styles, and the issues of confidentiality in relation to documentation.

RECF-1052TR - Program Planning
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Become familiar with the different concepts and methods involved in assessing, planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating programs within facility-based and community-based settings. Learn how to assess your client's needs, deal with leisure barriers and determine the differences between individual and group planning.

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The Workplace Hazardous Materials System (WHMIS) is a system for ensuring that important information about hazardous products is communicated where products are used, stored and handled. This course provides Information necessary to understand and interpret information about hazardous products, including pictograms (symbols), labels and Safety Data Sheets.

SEMR-9078Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (r) Training Program
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The Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (R) Program is a safe, non-harmful behaviour management system designed to aid human service professionals in the management of disruptive and assaultive people, even during the most violent moments. It has been developed by the Crisis Prevention Institute, a training organization devoted to training staff in the safe management of potentially violent individuals.

WRKS-1033TR - Infection Control Workshop
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Learn proper procedures to manage infection control while working with clients in both facility and community settings.

WRKS-1034TR - Assisting with Dignity
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Learn how to assist clients with dignity while attending to their personal needs.

Page produced on 2025-03-13 16:28:14
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