FULL-TIME | WINNIPEG LOCATIONS GAMPF-AD Game Development - Programming

Courses and Descriptions

Courses and Descriptions

(Click the course name to view the description of the course)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In addition to Transfer of Credit from a recognized post secondary institution, other RPL processes are available for RPL courses. Click here for more information. For courses with no RPL, please check www.rrc.ca/rpl for additional contact information.
COMM-3065Development and Narrative Design 1
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This is the first of four Development and Narrative Design courses and is a shared course for both game artists and programmers. Development and Narrative Design 1 explores the foundational concepts of the game design process. Evaluating a game, and all its components, allows game developers to determine areas of strength, weakness, and opportunities for user experience improvement. Students will learn to create a variety of engaging gameplay scenarios with the aim of creating a balanced and rewarding gaming experience.

COMM-4065Development and Narrative Design 2
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This is the second of four Development and Narrative Design courses and is a shared course for both game artists and programmers. This course explores the core concepts of the game design process. Evaluating a game, and all its components, allows game developers to determine areas of strength, weakness, and opportunities for improvement or new game elements. In this course students will learn to create concept art, mood boards, environmental designs, and concept art.

COMM-5065Development and Narrative Design 3
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This is the third of four Development and Narrative Design courses and is a shared course for both game artists and programmers. Development and Narrative Design 3 explores the core concepts of the game design process. Evaluating a game, and all its components, allows game developers to determine areas of strength, weakness, and opportunities for improvement or new game elements. Students will explore topics such as designing for accessibility, gameplay conventions and genres, and the roles of AI and camera placement in game design.

COMM-6065Development and Narrative Design 4
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This is the fourth and final Development and Narrative Design course and is a shared course for both game artists and programmers. Development and Narrative Design 4 explores the core concepts of the game design process. Evaluating a game, and all its components, allows game developers to determine areas of strength, weakness, and opportunities for improvement or new game elements. Students will explore the process of taking a game idea from pitch to promotion.

COMP-3010Software Development and Documentation 1
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This is the first course in a two-part introduction to software development and documentation in the game industry. Students will explore foundational software engineering techniques used to develop modern applications and games. The course will cover software life-cycle topics such as requirement gathering, planning, design, implementation, and maintenance. Problem solving techniques will also be covered. Additionally, there will be an introduction to source control tools and other software development best practices.

COMP-3015Programming 1
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This is the first course in a two-part introduction to object-oriented programming in the context of graphics and sound programming. Students will learn to design, write, compile, and debug procedural and object-oriented programs that make use of 3rd-party graphic and sound libraries. Assignments will pull from real-world game development problems with an emphasis on modern tooling and coding best practices.

COMP-4010Software Development and Documentation 2
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This is the second in a two-part course on software engineering techniques and technical documentation. The course will focus on four distinct types of technical documents: learning-oriented tutorials, goal-oriented how-to guides, understanding-oriented explanations, and information-oriented reference materials. Students will learn to plan and produce these four types of technical documents. Quality assurance, automated testing strategies, and team source control workflows will also be covered.

COMP-4015Programming 2
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This is the second course in a two-part introduction to object-oriented programming and design in the context of graphics and sound programming. The fundamentals of object-oriented programming are reinforced through applied design, implementation, troubleshooting, maintenance, and testing. Learners will move beyond the basics of OO programming to explore advanced topics such as parameterized types, and robust error handling. An overview of the latest additions to the language of study will also be included.

COMP-5015Programming 3
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This course is an introduction to algorithms and design patterns as they apply to common game development problems. Students will learn to develop efficient and elegant software algorithms for solving complex problems involving CPU / memory intensive operations. Students will also explore several advanced object-oriented data types and algorithms available in a modern object-oriented programming language.

COMP-6015Programming 4
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This is the final course in the program devoted to programming concepts. Programming 4 is an introduction to the fundamentals of 3D graphics. Concepts of 3D geometry, rendering, graphics pipelines, lighting, materials, texturing, and shaders will be covered. Learners will work with each of these concepts in an industry standard graphics/game engine.

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Students in Game Development-Art require: COMM-6065">COMM-6065 DMMT-6008 DMMT-6009 DMMT-6010">DMMT-6010 MGMT-6016">MGMT-6016 and MUME-6003. Students in Game Development-Programming require: COMM-6065">COMM-6065 COMP-6015 DMMT-3013 DMMT-4012 DMMT-6010">DMMT-6010 and MGMT-6016">MGMT-6016.
DMMT-3010Game Studio 1
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This is the first of four Game Studio courses and is a shared course for both game artists and programmers. Game Studio 1 is an introduction to the Unreal game engine. Students will develop strategies and workflows to create basic production workflows in a game engine. Working in teams, students learn to create small experimental gameplay prototypes. Students will also learn foundational Visual scripting techniques along with team-based version control workflows.

DMMT-3012Game Development 1
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This is the first of two project-based game development courses where learners design, document, implement and test a simple two-dimensional game. Learners will be shown how to use and extend a commercial game engine to develop this project. This course will introduce game engine architecture including graphics, sound, resource management, physics, collision detection, basic artificial intelligence, user interface, and more.

DMMT-3013Modern Tech in Games
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This course will be structured as collaborative workshop on new and emerging technologies in video game development. Learners will research new game technologies, create prototypes, develop tutorials, and present their findings to their peers. This process will expose learners to numerous cutting-edge game development technologies, while providing them with practice at being self-directed learners.

DMMT-4010Game Studio 2
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This is the second of four Game Studio courses and is a shared course for both game artists and programmers. Game Studio 2 focuses on analyzing and designing games. Working in teams, students leverage skills, assets, and software applications to create small experimental gameplay prototypes. Foundational skills in game design workflow, automation, implementation, testing and debugging will be covered. 

DMMT-4012Game Development 2
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This is the second of two courses focused on game development. This course will be an introduction to game play programming with a focus on building and prototyping game mechanics using an industry standard game engine. Learners will get hands-on experience with game subsystems including character controls, enemy behaviors, camera movement, story logic, player progression, and multiplayer networking.

DMMT-5010Game Studio 3
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This is the third of four Game Studio courses and is a shared course for both game artists and programmers. Game Studio 3 focuses on analyzing and designing solutions for creating games. Working in teams, students leverage skills, assets, and software applications to create experimental gameplay prototypes. Skills in game design workflow, automation, implementation, testing and debugging will be reinforced.

DMMT-6010Game Studio 4
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This is the fourth and final Game Studio courses and is a shared course for both game artists and programmers. Working in teams, students leverage skills, assets, and software applications to create an experimental gameplay prototype. Skills in game design workflow, automation, implementation, testing and debugging will continue to be reinforced.

INDP-6002Industry Project
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(No description available at this time)

Students in Game Development-Art require: COMM-6065">COMM-6065 DMMT-6008 DMMT-6009 DMMT-6010">DMMT-6010 MGMT-6016">MGMT-6016 and MUME-6003. Students in Game Development-Programming require: COMM-6065">COMM-6065 COMP-6015 DMMT-3013 DMMT-4012 DMMT-6010">DMMT-6010 and MGMT-6016">MGMT-6016.
MATH-3009Applied Mathematics for Games 1
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This is the first of three courses covering the mathematics required for video game development. Learners will solve common game development problems by applying mathematical and logical solutions. Students will study numeral systems, trigonometry, probability, precision, and the basics of 2D vectors and geometry. The mathematical concepts introduced in this course will be explored through small coding challenges and larger coding projects.

MATH-4009Applied Mathematics for Games 2
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This is the second of three courses covering the mathematics required for video game development. This course covers the essential geometric and algebraic tools and techniques used in game development and graphics programming. Students will learn how to represent objects mathematically, and how to perform translation, rotation, scaling, and basic collision detection in 2D and 3D. Other common game-related mathematical topics will be explored.

MATH-5009Applied Mathematics for Games 3
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This is the final of three courses covering the mathematics required for video game development This course covers kinematics, dynamics, particle systems, and the basics of light and sound propagation. Students will learn how to apply these principles to problems encountered in physics-based games. The underlying mathematics involved will be covered as will third party libraries and engines that implement these ideas.

MGMT-3016Game Business Management 1
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This is the first of four Game Business management courses and is a shared course for both game artists and programmers. This course provides an overview of the Game Industry development process, with a focus on the principles of Project Management. Students will develop their own game industry project ideas. Students will also learn foundational skills relating to budgets, funding models, design documentation, and Agile management principles.

MGMT-4016Game Business Management 2
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This is the second of four Game Business Management courses and is a shared course for both game artists and programmers. In this course students will analyze the Game Industry development process, with a focus on the principles of project development and management. Students will develop their own game industry project ideas and plans. Students will continue to develop skills relating to budgets, funding models, design documentation, and Agile management principals.

MGMT-5016Game Business Management 3
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This is the third of four Game Business Management courses and is a shared course for both game artists and programmers. In this course students will analyze the Game Industry development process, with a focus on the principles of project development and management. Students will develop their own game industry project ideas and plans. Students will continue to develop skills relating to budgets, funding models, design documentation, and Agile management principals.

MGMT-6016Game Business Management 4
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This is the fourth and final Game Business Management course and is a shared course for both game artists and programmers. Game Business Management provides students with a grounding in the three key areas of business associated with game development. The course focuses on legal considerations, funding, economics and the marketing of game projects.

Page produced on 2025-01-15 17:04:37
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