FULL-TIME | WINNIPEG LOCATIONS CNCAF-DP CNC Machining and Advanced Technology

Objectives/Learning Outcomes

After successfully completing the program the student will be able to:

1.      Demonstrate understanding of  common manufacturing processes other than machining by:

1.1.      Describing the casting process and determining a parts suitability for this process

1.2.      Applying sheet metal layout concepts to the construction of a sheet metal project

1.3.      Describing other production methods and determining their effectiveness for a given part

1.4.      Creating a report outlining the production, inspection and costing of a project produce in the lab

2.      Demonstrate understanding of common business considerations for companies in the manufacturing sector by:

2.1.      Describing many of the expenses and related calculations associated with manufacturing

2.2.      Applying calculations to determine cutting time and metal removal rates to arrive at a part estimate

2.3.      Reviewing and demonstrating Project Planning and Report Writing, Manufacturing Processes for High Production, and Routing Practices (shop orders, operation sheets, routing cards)

2.4.      Determine the Payback Period and Simple Rate of Return

2.5.      Evaluate proposals with differing lifetimes using the method of Capitalized Costs

3.      Produce CNC programs using CAD/CAM software by:

3.1.      Creating 2D geometry in CAM software

3.2.      Creating CNC toolpaths using 2D geometry

3.3.      Creating CNC toolpaths using solid models created in CAD software

3.4.      Applying previously learned machining concepts to CAM programs for both turning and machining centers

3.5.      Producing required EIA/ISO code and transfer code to CNC machines

4.      Demonstrate use of intermediate level CNC techniques by:

4.1.      Applying previously learned machining concepts in addition to collet chuck and tailstock use on a CNC turning center to create parts with a CAM produced program

4.2.      Applying previously learned machining concepts in addition to 4th axis operation on a CNC machining center to create parts with a CAM produced program

4.3.      Creating tool reports and completing part reports explaining how the programming, tool selection and procedure were determined

5.       Apply manufacturing design, planning and production concepts to a student project by:

5.1.      Analyzing design requirements and determining the best production method

5.2.      Calculating costing for a variety of elements

5.3.      Creating fixture designs for various operations

5.4.      Producing presentations and proposals outlining their production plan

5.5.      Analyzing problems as they arise and determining an effective solution

5.6.      Drawing conclusions about their production plan and execution in a comprehensive report

6.      Demonstrate understanding of the use and programming of industrial robots and related automation by:

6.1.      Programming industrial robots

6.2.      Describing how robots and automation are used in industry

7.      Discuss the physical properties of common metals and determine their suitability for a given part by:

7.1.      Analyzing microstructures in metals

7.2.      Describing the physical properties of common metals

Page produced on 2025-01-26 06:58:48
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