Courses and Descriptions

Courses and Descriptions

(Click the course name to view the description of the course)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In addition to Transfer of Credit from a recognized post secondary institution, other RPL processes are available for RPL courses. Click here for more information. For courses with no RPL, please check www.rrc.ca/rpl for additional contact information.
ACCR-9002AC-025 Accreditation for Level 1
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AUTO-1279Service Advisor
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This course is designed to introduce the students to the role of the Service Advisor in the Transportation industry.

FIEL-1279 and AUTO-1279 are corequisites.
AUTO-2094Advanced Engine Repair
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COMM-1173Communication StrategiesRPL
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Everyone communicates, but are they doing it well? Communicative competence takes practice and self-awareness. In this foundational course, students will learn through discovery and project-based activities to practice approaching situations critically and collaboratively. By developing their communication skills, students will improve their interpersonal ability, intercultural competence, and digital fluency to prepare for success in the workplace and beyond. The strategies students will gain in this course will be useful throughout their program and in their chosen industry. 

FIEL-1279Service Advisor Field Experience
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This is the field experience portion of the Service Advisor course. In this course the students will spend time in the industry, shadowing and learning from a service advisor.

FIEL-1279 and AUTO-1279 are corequisites.
FIEL-2000Field Experience
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Students will have the opportunity of gaining valuable real-life field experience with an industry partner of their choice or one chosen by a core instructor. During this time, the student will shadow a licensed technician and observe actual repair and diagnostic techniques. Students will be responsible for recording all tasks and repairs into a College-issued Log Book during their time out in industry.

Academic Requisites/Eligibility: You must have successfully completed all first-year courses and maintained a GPA of 2.0 or better in your program. These requirements apply right up until the start of work placement. An arranged placement may be canceled should a student fail to fulfill the eligibility requirements.
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This course is designed to develop the necessary skills to perform scheduled maintenance on a piece of mobile equipment. Students will have hands-on experience working with the required tools and equipment needed to complete various levels of scheduled maintenance. Students will receive guidance to accurately document their observations during preventative maintenance tasks.

HETC-1022Wheel Ends, Tires and Brakes
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This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge needed to diagnose and repair both air brake and hydraulic brake systems, tires, and wheel end components. Students will gain an understanding of safe work practices, terminologies, tools, and equipment used when servicing and repairing brakes,wheels,and tires systems. Both classroom and shop work will be part of the learning experience.

HETC-1029Powertrain Foundations
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This course will provide students with the working knowledge necessary to identify a variety of standard transmissions, clutches, rear axles, and driveline designs. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities by using manuals, learned knowledge of procedures, and tools to diagnose, service, and repair powertrains and their individual components.

HETC-1032Suspension, Steering, and Frames
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This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge to work on frames, suspension, structural systems, and steering systems, including safe handling and adjustment of wheel bearings, on and off-road tires, steering gear boxes, and steering geometry.  Beginning with terminology and safe work practices for frames, suspension, and cab systems. This course will cover the tools and equipment used to service and repair, wheel bearings, steering, suspension, frame, and cab systems while working on heavy duty vehicles.

HETC-1043Hydraulic Foundations
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This course is designed to provide students with the foundational knowledge to work on hydraulic systems. Beginning with terminology and safe work practices, the course explains theories, principles, and calculations needed to diagnose and repair hydraulic systems.

HETC-2001Diesel Engine Overhaul
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HETC-2002Engine Management
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HETC-2015Torque Converters and Automatic Transmissions
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Take SAFE-1101.
HETC-2016Advanced Hydraulic Systems
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Take SAFE-1101.
HETC-2017Air Brakes
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Take SAFE-1101.
MARP-2079Powersports, Performance and Tuning
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Take SAFE-1101.
MARP-2080Lawn and Garden
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Take SAFE-1101.
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This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to use mathematics with precision, resourcefulness and confidence as it applies to the automotive service trade. Beginning with a review of basic mathematical operations, this course of study will progress towards the more advanced mathematical topic areas that an automotive service technician needs to work with in order to perform the tasks of the trade in an effective and accurate fashion.

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The Workplace Hazardous Materials System (WHMIS) is a system for ensuring that important information about hazardous products is communicated where products are used, stored and handled. This course provides Information necessary to understand and interpret information about hazardous products, including pictograms (symbols), labels and Safety Data Sheets.

SAFE-1101Shop Safety and Tools
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This course is designed to provide students with knowledge about the basic scientific principles on which the mechanical, hydraulic and electrical systems of the automobile are based. Matter and energy, heat and thermodynamics, metallurgy, simple machines, basic hydraulics, basic electricity and basic engine fundamentals and engine performance calculations are the areas that will be covered in this course.

SEMR-9209General Safety Training
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This General Safety Training (GST) teaches basic general safety content to arm students with the core information necessary for them to protect themselves in workplaces on all descriptions. Although some examples may consider Manitoba legislation, this course has been developed by occupational safety and health professionals using generic information that is not provincially specific.

TRAN-1003Electrical Foundations
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This course is designed to provide foundational knowledge of relevant electrical principles and ideas used on modern vehicles and equipment. The course will look at terminology, design, and components used in electrical circuits. Series and parallel circuits, diagnostic test equipment usage, schematics, symbols, and theory and maintenance of batteries will be covered.

TRAN-1028Engine Fundamentals
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This course will enable students to develop the necessary skills to distinguish between a four-cycle and two-cycle engine, and perform common engine calculations like displacement and compression ratio. Students will be able to identify engine components and their function, and maintenance requirements and relationship to engine operation. Shop activities will allow students to demonstrate proper procedures for measurement, diagnosis, and repair of internal combustion engines. Lubrication, cooling, intake, and exhaust systems will be discussed.

TRAN-2003Electrical Systems
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This course is a continuation of TRAN-1003 Electrical Fundamentals. This course is designed to provide students with fundamental knowledge of vehicle and equipment electrical systems. An introduction to starting, charging, and ignition systems will be covered. The diagnosis and repair of these systems and circuits using tools, schematics, and service information will be practiced. 

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This course introduces students to the basics of oxyacetylene welding and cutting. Topics include torch safety, hook-up and take down of equipment, types of welding and cutting operations along with practical activities. This course will also provide students with practical skills based on machine shop activities of drilling, tapping and use of measuring and marking tools.

Page produced on 2025-03-01 16:48:33
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