Courses and Descriptions

Courses and Descriptions

(Click the course name to view the description of the course)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In addition to Transfer of Credit from a recognized post secondary institution, other RPL processes are available for RPL courses. Click here for more information. For courses with no RPL, please check www.rrc.ca/rpl for additional contact information.
ACCT-1071Accounting FundamentalsRPL
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In this course, the student will be introduced to fundamental accounting principles, concepts and techniques. This course will focus on double-entry bookkeeping and the preparation of financial statements focusing on sole proprietorship. Period end processes, such as adjusting accounts and the closing process are also discussed. The result is a complete presentation of the accounting cycle for service and merchandise businesses. Throughout the course, interpreting financial statements from a non-accounting manager perspective will be included.

ACCT-1074Managerial Accounting
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This course will introduce cost terms and concepts and show their impact on profitability and decision-making. Topics covered include job-order costing, process costing both weighted average and FIFO (first-in, first-out), and activity based costing. The budget process, its implementation, and the usefulness of standard costing and variance analysis will be discussed. Also reviewed are common performance measures, cost-volume-profit analysis, and the concept of relevancy in making common decisions.

ACCT-1076Payroll and Benefits
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This course will introduce students to federal and provincial employment standards, the calculation of gross earnings, statutory and non-statutory deductions from earnings, taxable benefits, the calculation of net pay, and the remittance of payroll taxes. The calculation of pensionable earnings for Canada Pension Plan and insurable earnings for Employment Insurance will be included. The calculation of payroll taxes and premiums for employment related expenses in various jurisdictions in Canada will be covered. The course will conclude with discussions of year-end payroll reporting requirements and the steps required to document the termination of employees.

ACCT-2071Financial AccountingRPL
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This course builds on the knowledge the student developed in the Accounting Fundamentals course. It begins with a detailed view of adjusting and closing entries followed by an examination of inventory costing methods and accounts receivable, short-term notes receivable, capital assets and current liabilities. Accounting for partnerships along with an introduction to corporation accounting covering the issuance of shares and dividends will also be examined in this course. Other topics covered include accounting for non-current liabilities and the statement of cash flows.

ACCT-3072Accounting Applications
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This course will build upon accounting principles, concepts, and processes introduced in Accounting Fundamentals and Financial Accounting. In this applied course, you will enter transactions, prepare journal entries and adjustments, and prepare financial statements for a variety of accounting transactions using accounting software. You will also learn basic automated accounting setup. Knowledge gained in this course is transferable to all computerized accounting solutions.

ADMN-1010Introduction to Canadian BusinessRPL
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This course is designed to introduce the student to the complexities of the Canadian business environment. Exposure to business frameworks, accounting, finance, marketing, management, human resource management and operations management will be provided. Special emphasis is placed on small business; the driver of the economy and creator of most new jobs. The course will include case studies, applications, and analyses of Canadian businesses.

COMM-1173Communication StrategiesRPL
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Everyone communicates, but are they doing it well? Communicative competence takes practice and self-awareness. By developing their communication skills, the student will improve their interpersonal ability, intercultural competence, and digital fluency to prepare the student for success in the workplace. In Communication Strategies, the student will learn through discovery and project-based activities to practice approaching situations critically and collaboratively. The strategies the student will gain in this course will be useful throughout their program and in their chosen industry.

COMM-2055Client Relationships
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This course further develops the student's communication skills as they apply to the world of business. The student will learn to select appropriate modes of communication and practice with applying different types of strategies in managing client relationships and building networks. The significance of teamwork in business through participation in group work will be examined. The student will also practice and develop client interview skills applicable in all areas of business to support internal and external customer service, problem solving, needs assessment and sales. Technologies will be explored including the application of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The student will also submit a series of documents used in business communication. 

COMM-2174Communication for Business
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Do you trust your own judgement? Can you make decisions confidently, give feedback constructively, and handle disagreements professionally? Your ability to successfully work in the business sector requires strong communicative competence.

In this Communication for Business course, the student will continue to develop their communicative competence by collaborating with their peers to manage and present information in oral and written form, demonstrate active listening, and practice negotiation/persuasion strategies in a business context (marketing, sales, and customer service).

COMP-1255Business ApplicationsRPL
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This course is offered in a blended format featuring online content with in class workshops on current topics in computing. This is a hands-on course where the student will develop skills in the use of Windows, Word, and PowerPoint, advanced skills in Excel and exposure to relational databases. A final project integrates these applications.

MATH-1078Business Mathematics
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This foundational course demonstrates the importance of mathematics in today’s business environment. Through a modular design, the student will explore the terminology, characteristics, and calculations of business measures as they relate to general business skills, accounting, human resource management, logistics, marketing, and financial services

PDEV-1055Professional Development 1
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Learn and practice skills, attitudes and behaviours to succeed in a diverse professional environment. The student will reflect on past and current experiences to gain confidence in their abilities and build better professional relationships. Through a series of interactive workshops, discussions and role playing, the student will compare differences in behaviours and ethics in various business environments.      

PDEV-2055Professional Development 2
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Learn and apply traditional and innovative job-search techniques and resume writing skills required to gain employment in today’s competitive marketplace. The student will also gain knowledge about their chosen career path by developing networking and business etiquette skills. Through a series of interactive workshops, discussions and role playing, the student will improve their interpersonal skills, intercultural awareness and personal brand.

Page produced on 2024-07-26 19:43:00
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