PART-TIME | WINKLER CAMPUS EDUAP-CT Educational Assistant Certificate

Courses and Descriptions

Courses and Descriptions

(Click the course name to view the description of the course)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In addition to Transfer of Credit from a recognized post secondary institution, other RPL processes are available for RPL courses. Click here for more information. For courses with no RPL, please check for additional contact information.
EDUA-1001Basic Computer ApplicationsRPL
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The purpose of this course is to increase fundamental knowledge and skills using a current Windows operating system. The course content includes an introduction to Microsoft Office 365, including Outlook, Word and PowerPoint applications. Being able to competently use basic computer technology should enable you to assist teachers and support students more effectively.

EDUA-1002Academic WritingRPL
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This course instructs the techniques and processes for educational assistants to produce accurate documentation in written communication skills using a variety of genre. It outlines the use of a thesis statement and APA format for research purposes. Emphasis is placed on sentence structure, developing a variety of sentence types and the correct use of grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation. The intent of this course is to provide educational assistants with the skills to support students in the writing process. The course should improve the educational assistant’s written communication with teachers.

EDUA-1003Inclusive EducationRPL
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This course examines the evolution of inclusive education in the public school system with an emphasis on the supportive services available to students in an inclusive classroom setting. The majority of educational assistants working in Manitoba school are employed to support students receiving inclusive education services.  This course supplies background information that assists educational assistants to contribute to meaningful discussions about students who have exceptionalities. It puts the educational assistants “in the loop” without requiring that they be “experts” and without implying that they are in any way responsible for programming decisions.  This course helps the educational assistants to better interpret program instructions and implementation strategies. This knowledge assists educational assistants to participate on a more meaningful level than simply following instruction. It helps educational assistants to prepare for the variety of challenges that they encounter in schools with an emphasis on making their work more effective in the supporting role that they serve with teachers in assisting students to work toward achieving the outcomes that have been identified in their program.  This course provides basic terminology related to inclusive education that enables educational assistants to dialogue with teachers regarding students who have specific exceptionalities. 

EDUA-1004EA Roles & ResponsibilitiesRPL
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This course familiarizes you with the school system and how to effectively operate within this setting. It provides a detailed study of how a school system functions. Emphasis is placed on the roles and responsibilities of the educational assistant in the classroom and within the educational support system.
Educational assistants serve an important and dynamic role in providing educational opportunities to students and in making schools more efficient and effective. Gaining knowledge concerning the school system’s operations and the role descriptions of educational assistants and other staff enables you to attend to your duties with confidence.

EDUA-1005Portfolio DevelopmentRPL
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Develop a professional portfolio that will be the foundation of your career development.  Developing a professional portfolio will build your own and other's awareness of your proven skills, knowledge and understanding.  Learn what to document, how to document it, and how to use your professional portfolio for a successful job interview.


EDUA-1006Communication & PartnershipsRPL
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This course provides an overview of communication skills and strategies that foster effective team functioning as well as a rationale for effective communication and collaborative teamwork. There is a focus on interpersonal communication that involves relating to others in verbal, non-verbal, visual and written forms. Throughout this course, students will have the opportunity to try the techniques suggested and self-evaluate to find the communications styles that work best for specific individuals. 

EDUA-1007Characteristics of LearnersRPL
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This course examines the process of learning for all children. Topics include stages of development, learning styles, theories of learning, influences on learning and theories of intelligence.

EDUA-1008Managing BehaviourRPL
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Management of student behaviour is a major concern for teachers and educational assistants because of its importance in establishing a positive learning environment. This course provides information and strategies on how educational assistants can contribute to an effective behaviour management approach.
Supporting the teacher in providing behavioural and social support to students is one of the main roles of educational assistants, therefore, it is important for educational assistants to have the skills to effectively manage student behaviour and assist in the development of the social interaction skills of students.

EDUA-1009Supporting Learning EnvironmentRPL
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This course provides an overview of how the learning environment influences learning outcomes and the ways that educational assistants support students. The main function of an educational assistant in a classroom is to provide support for students and assist teachers so that students can achieve the outcomes that have been identified for them in their program.  Student contact time is identified as a main role of educational assistants. This course provides a detailed description of an educational assistant’s role and responsibilities in providing tutorial support for students.

EDUA-1010Observation & DocumentationRPL
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This course provides an overview of the reasons for student assessment and evaluation with a focus on how the educational assistant can assist in student observation, record keeping and reporting to the teacher. Educational assistants observe and record student performance, therefore it is important that they are aware of the assessment process and gain knowledge regarding ways that they can support this process.

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This course explores aspects of professional conduct and ethical practices as they relate to interacting with students, teachers, other school staff and the community. Educational assistants encounter ethical issues, including confidentiality, record management and the demands placed upon them by teachers and staff. Therefore, it is important that educational assistants discuss and practice ethical guidelines.

EDUA-1012Instructional TechnologyRPL
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This course uses a hands-on approach to familiarizing students with the various ways in which technology can be used as an instructional tool. Students are engaged in acquiring knowledge and practicing subject specific skills and procedures using technology. Being able to competently use instructional technology should enable educational assistants to assist teachers and support students more effectively. This course gives a focus to curriculum support and assistive/augmentative technology.

EDUA-1013Exceptional StudentsRPL
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This course provides information about specific student exceptionalities, how certain characteristics may affect the learning process of students and strategies that can be utilized by educational assistants working with students who experience these challenges.  As an educational assistant, it is important to be knowledgeable about the diverse educational characteristics of students in classrooms and the implications of these characteristics for instruction. This course provides an emphasis on making the educational assistant’s work more effective in the supporting role with teachers in assisting students to work toward achieving the outcomes that have been identified in their program. This course provides the basic terminology that enables educational assistants to dialogue with teachers regarding students who have specific exceptionalities.

EDUA-1014ELA Content & PracticeRPL
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This course provides information and practical strategies for educational assistants that should make their work more effective when supporting students in the English Language Arts curriculum. The language arts program is a major content area that educational assistants will encounter when working with individual and groups of students. By developing knowledge and strategies in this content area, educational assistants will be more informed to assist teachers and support students more effectively.

EDUA-1015Math Content & PracticeRPL
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This course focuses on building encouragement, positive attitudes, confidence and academic content, practice and strategy application that can be utilized by educational assistants when supporting student learning in Mathematics. Developing knowledge of the curriculum, math processes, positive attitudes and core competencies will enable educational assistants to support students and teachers more effectively.



HEAL-1047Mental Health First Aid - Youth
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Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health issues in youth, to provide initial help and to guide youth toward appropriate support.

The Mental Health First Aid for Adults who Interact with Youth (MHFA) training course was developed to help people provide initial support to youth aged 12 to 24 who may be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. MHFA Canada teaches mental health first aid skills. The course does not train people to be therapists, counsellors or mental health professionals, but if crises do arise, members of the public can take action that may reduce the harm that could result.

HEAL-1846Emerg. First Aid with CPR C
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This course provides simple First Aid and CPR techniques taught in an interactive environment for individuals who want an overview of First Aid and CPR for the home or workplace. This  course covers the role, function and responsibilities of the first aider, skills needed to recognize and respond to emergencies, shock and  treatment, major bleeds. obstructed airway and other breathing emergencies, cardiovascular emergencies,  and CPR Level C. CPR Level C covers adult/child/baby CPR - one rescuer, adult/child/baby choking, barrier devices/pocket masks, AED, adult/child 2-rescuer CPR.

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Learn to recognize challenging behaviour and develop the skills that focus on your response. Improve your communication skills to help the student return to a safe learning state.

NOTE: We are not currently offering WEVAS for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Students in the Educational Assistant program may take SEMR-9078 Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training (r). 

PDEV-2001Portfolio Development - Online
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Develop a professional portfolio that will be the foundation of your career development. Learn what to document, how to document it, and how to use your professional portfolio for a successful job interview. Learn about e-portfolios and how to evaluate and select an appropriate e-portfolio platform.

PRAC-1035Practicum - E.A.
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This course provides practical experience through interaction with students and staff in an approved educational setting. It provides the student with an opportunity to shadow and observe experienced educational assistants, to have student contact time and to participate in tutoring activities with students while supporting classroom teachers. At the practicum site, educational assistant candidates are expected to participate as fully as possible in the delivery of support services. This includes working cooperatively as an active team member, sharing responsibilities for carrying out prescribed duties, demonstrating self-initiative, attending required meetings and contributing new ideas and approaches appropriate to the placement. Educational assistants are under the supervision of the site supervisor or designate for the entire duration of the placement period.

PRAC-1036Practicum Option - E.A.
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The Practicum Option course component of the program integrates an educational assistant employee’s knowledge, skills and attitude as part of the employment experience in a school environment. Knowledge is defined as what an educational assistant knows and can apply. Skills are defined as what an educational assistant can do. Attitude is how an educational assistant conducts herself/himself as an employee of the educational system.

At the time of registration in the Practicum Option, students must be employed as an educational assistant with a minimum of 1000 hours worked in a classroom in the school system. The total number of hours may include educational assistant substitute employment worked within the last three years.

SEMR-9078Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (r) Training Program
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The Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (R) Program is a safe, non-harmful behaviour management system designed to aid human service professionals in the management of disruptive and assaultive people, even during the most violent moments. It has been developed by the Crisis Prevention Institute, a training organization devoted to training staff in the safe management of potentially violent individuals.

Page produced on 2025-02-18 14:21:23
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