PART-TIME | WINKLER CAMPUS BUSCP-NA Business Training - Courses and Seminars

Courses and Descriptions

MGMT-1020Performance Appraisal Techniques

Learn how to conduct effective performance appraisals that result in improved employee performance and motivation. Topics covered during this workshop include: overview of the performance appraisal process, performance appraisal tools and techniques, conducting performance interviews, common mistakes and traps to avoid, record-keeping, and using performance appraisal results for employee development.
Page produced on 2025-01-25 00:01:56
Red River College Polytechnic endeavours to provide the most current version of all program and course information on this website. Please be advised that classes may be scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any course, program, process, or procedure without notice or prejudice. Fees may change without notice.