Tips for Applying for Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries

Don't forget to review some of our suggestions to help you fill out a simple application form.

Here are some common tips to improve or strengthen your application for awards, scholarships or bursaries.

Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships

Throughout the academic year, Red River College Polytechnic assists students by administering awards, bursaries and scholarships that have been donated by concerned corporations, community organizations and individuals. These awards cover the specific requests of the donors and are intended to assist students who have shown outstanding abilities in academic or vocational areas and/or are in need of financial assistance. For further information, please contact the appropriate academic department or one of the Student Service Centres, or call 204-632-2327. For information on other awards, bursaries, and scholarships, an excellent website is located at

Definition of Terms

  • An Award usually involves multiple criteria such as academic achievement, demonstrated financial need, and school or community involvement.
  • A Bursary is usually given to a recipient based on demonstrated financial need and satisfactory academic progress.
  • A Scholarship is given to a recipient primarily based upon academic achievement.
  • Entrance Awards may require an application and may be awarded to recipients prior to their starting a program.
  • General Awards are available to current RRC Polytech students through most academic programs based upon specific award criteria.

Finding awards, scholarships and bursaries

All awards are listed alphabetically by program or category, to aid your search. You may also visit individual program pages and click on Awards and Scholarships for a list of awards specific to that program.

Entrance Awards

Business Council of Manitoba Indigenous Education Awards
Specific Application

Awards are available to persons of Indigenous ancestry who are Canadian citizens and Manitoba residents who are presently enrolled or planning to enroll in a Manitoba public post-secondary institution in any program. You must maintain full-time status (60% or more course load) and be in need of financial assistance. Awards for college students are valued at a minimum of $2000.00 and students are eligible to reapply each year of their studies. Recipients may be considered for summer and part-time employment with one of the Business Council’s member companies. Applications are available from the Business Council's website at (  Please submit applications as soon as possible even if you are not yet registered for classes.  Award application deadline is May31st.

Please contact us with any questions:  or (204) 942-3637.

C.P. Loewen Family Foundation Bursary
Bursaries valued at $1000 each are available to full-time students attending post-secondary programs at the Red River College Polytechnic Steinbach Campus (Steinbach, Manitoba).  Selection will be based on demonstrated financial need.   A letter providing additional information regarding financial circumstances and how this award would make a difference should accompany the application.  Deadline for applications is October 15th for fall start programs and February 15th for winter start programs.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Construction Management Entrance Award

One award of $2000 has been established by Paul Charette, the former CEO of Bird Construction and graduate of the college’s Civil Technology program. Paul also played a pivotal role in helping to establish the Construction Management Degree program at RRC Polytech. This award is available to students who are entering or are in the first year of the Construction Management Degree Program.  To be eligible applicants must be full time students and will have achieved a minimum 70% average using three Grade 12 (40S) courses: English; Mathematics; and one additional 40S course (highest grade). To be considered for this award, applicants should submit an application, high school transcript, maximum one-page statement indicating why they have chosen this program and how they will benefit from this award. Although not a requirement, a letter of reference from a teacher, guidance counselor, employer or other individual with whom the applicant is well acquainted is recommended and will be considered an asset. Recipient selection will be based on financial need, statement content and, if included the letter of reference. Deadline for applications is September 15th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.   

CUPE Local 998 - Manitoba Hydro Joint Bursary
This bursary, established to commemorate the local's 40th anniversary as a chartered union, is intended to promote and support higher education for members and their families.  A bursary valued at $600 is available annually to a full-time student at Red River College Polytechnic.  A letter confirming CUPE 998 affiliation, including member name and employee number, must accompany the application.  Selection will be based on financial need.  Application deadline is July 31.  For further details, please contact CUPE Local 998 at 204-415-5114.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Dave Orton Award
Established by his family and friends in memory of Dave Orton, a 1979 Red River College graduate of Electrical Engineering Technology.  Two $1500 awards are available to students enrolled in regular full-time programs at Red River College Polytechnic.  Applicants will have graduated from Murdoch MacKay Collegiate or Transcona Collegiate; preference will be given to graduates of Transcona Collegiate.  The successful recipients will have displayed the same qualities and standards exhibited by Dave Orton; family-oriented, community-minded and involved in sports.  Those interested in being considered should submit an application form accompanied by a one-page essay describing how you display the qualities noted above.  At least one letter of reference should also be submitted.  Deadline for applications is December 1.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Early Childhood Education Entrance Award

Awards valued at $4000 each are available to first-year Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Education Workplace students (both domestic and international students) at Red River College Polytechnic (all campuses).  Selection criteria will include course load, financial need, and essay content.  Award funds will be paid first to any program fees for the current academic year; if all fees have been paid, any remaining award funds will be released to the recipient.  Award funds will be paid in two disbursements.  $2000 will be released in the fall term and, for recipients who have achieved a minimum 2.00 GPA in the fall term, $2000 will be applied to winter term fees.  (Any students who have not achieved a 2.00 GPA will not receive the winter term portion.)  Those interested in being considered should submit a completed application form, accompanied by a short essay (maximum 250 words) describing career plans after graduation.  Students receiving other funding for tuition (full or partial) should include this information on their application form.  Deadline for applications is October 31st. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited Entrance Award
A $4000 entrance award is available annually to full-time domestic student entering a diploma program at Red River College Polytechnic. Eligible applicants will have graduated from high school not more than 18 months prior to the beginning of the RRC Polytech program with an average of at least 75% in their graduating year. Selection will be based primarily on financial need, but consideration may also be given to commitment in community or other extracurricular activities. The recipient may also be eligible to have their award renewed for an additional year of full-time studies in the same program, if he/she continues to demonstrate financial need, has maintained full-time enrolment, and achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 in the previous year. Deadline for applications is July 31st. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
Fausto Yadao Award
Established by Mr. Fausto Yadao, a former Dean of Student Affairs at Red River College, to encourage and assist young adults from the Filipino community to access educational opportunities at Red River College Polytechnic. Two awards valued at $500 each are available annually to applicants from the Filipino community who are accepted into full-time diploma, certificate or degree programs. Selection will be based on an essay submission not to exceed 1000 words describing their career plans and objectives as well as their involvement in community service. Application deadline date is August 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Gary Coleman Award for Inner-City Scholars

Removing barriers to post-secondary education from enrollment to graduation, the Gary Coleman Award will support two domestic students who:
• Graduated in the previous 24 months from one of the Inner City High Schools (Argyle Alternative High School, Children of the Earth High School, Daniel McIntyre Collegiate, Gordon Bell High School, R. B. Russell Vocational High School, Sisler High School, St. John’s High School, Technical Vocational High School); and
• Have been accepted into one of the following Red River College Polytechnic programs:  Applied Accounting (Certificate), Business Administration (Diploma), Applied Development and Delivery (Diploma), Commerce Industry Sales and Marketing (Certificate), Data Science and Machine Learning (Diploma), IT Operations (Diploma) or Information Security (Post Graduate Diploma).

This award will cover tuition, program fees and books and supplies required for successful completion of the program (no cash will be provided to the student). Students receiving other tuition funding need to specify this on their application so that the amount of the award may be adjusted accordingly. Students fully funded by private or public sources will not be eligible for the award. Selection will be based on financial need and the content of the reference letter and essay. Preference may be given to applicants who have demonstrated community /school involvement.  To be eligible applicants are required to submit:

• Proof of acceptance/conditional acceptance as full-time student to one of the eligible programs
• General RRC Polytech Awards application form with financial need section completed
• Documentation to support financial application: Income Tax Notice of Assessment form from the previous tax year from a parent/guardian; or from the applicant (if applicant no longer lives with his/her parents). If, due to your family situation, tax forms cannot be obtained, please provide an explanation of the situation in your essay or contact the Student Awards and Financial Aid office at 204-632-3979 or
• Reference letter from a school counselor, community leader, teacher or school principal, specifically addressing this statement: The qualified candidate is smart, ambitious and has a career dream. Financial challenges are the main barrier to fulfilment of this dream. Please describe how, in your experience, this applicant fits these criteria.
• An essay, based on the following statement: I have ambition, and a dream to become a successful professional. With financial assistance, I will be able to achieve great things in my program at Red River College Polytechnic, and in my career. In a statement, please describe your motivation and ambition, and why your talent makes you an ideal candidate for this award.
• Reference letter confirming community/school involvement, if applicable.
• A Release of Information in order to communicate the award recipient's name to the donor.

The Award shall be renewable by award recipient, for use in subsequent years/semesters of study at RRC Polytech, provided the award recipient continues to be enrolled full-time in the original program of study at the College and achieves a minimum 3.0 GPA.  For students commencing their studies in the fall term, the application deadline is the first Friday of July.  The secondary deadline is September 10th (preference will be given to the July applicants).  For students commencing their studies in the winter term, the application deadline is November 30th. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to connect with the Student Awards and Financial Aid office at 204-632-3979.  Completed application forms should be submitted by email to .

Gudmunder Myrdal Bursary
Specific Application
This bursary was established in tribute to Gudmunder Myrdal, first Executive Director of Seven Oaks General Hospital, to assist full-time students in the health profession with the cost of tuition fees.  One bursary of $750 is available annually. Candidates must be enrolled or accepted for enrolment in a post-secondary institution on a full-time basis in a health service program of studies. Deadline for applications is usually late April.  For exact deadline date as well as application forms, contact Educational Services at Seven Oaks General Hospital, phone 632-3180 or  visit the SOGH website at
Harold and Julia Saddington Award
Automatic Selection
Through The Winnipeg Foundation, a $2000 award is available to a first-year Nursing student, enrolled full-time (minimum 60%), who has graduated from a regular Manitoba high school program.  Eligible candidates will be from the "high school entrants" and selection will be based on academic achievement in the following Grade 12 courses: English 40S; Math 40S from the student's (regular) Grade 12 year, as well as Human Anatomy and Physiology grades (as included in the AGPA calculation for admission to the Nursing program).   Only students who have successfully completed the first term of the Nursing program will be considered; selection will be done in June.
Jim Mandryk Civil Engineering Leadership Award
This award, valued at $1000, has been established in memory of Jim Mandryk to assist individuals entering the Civil Engineering Technology program at Red River College Polytechnic. Selection criteria will include academic standing (minimum 2.5/C+ average in Grade 12) and volunteer/leadership roles in school and/or community organizations. A statement from the applicant should accompany the application and will be considered in the selection process. The statement should include examples of volunteer/leadership roles as well as the answers to the following questions: a) On what basis have you decided to choose this career? and b) How do you foresee this training benefiting you? Application deadline is September 30th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Joey Restaurant Culinary Entrance Award
A $500 award is available to a first year RRC Polytech Culinary Arts student.  Selection will be based on financial need.  The application form should be accompanied by a one-page statement explaining the applicant's career goals and impact the award will have in achieving those goals.  Application deadline is January 31st. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Manitoba Hydro Bursaries
Specific Application
Manitoba Hydro offers a number of awards, bursaries and scholarships to Red River College students who are of Indigenous ancestry or members of employment equity designated groups (women, Indigenous people, members of visible minority groups, and persons with disabilities).  A complete list including eligibility criteria, deadline dates, and application forms are available from their website .  Manitoba Hydro reviews all applications and selects the recipients.  Those selected are generally notified by early December.  Completed application forms should be submitted directly to Manitoba Hydro by the indicated deadline date (October 1 in most cases).
Manitoba Schools Science Symposium (MSSS) Entrance Scholarships
Automatic Selection
A $1500 tuition scholarship is available to a participant of the Manitoba Schools' Science Symposium planning to attend a regular full-time program at Red River College. Selection will be made by the Symposium Committee.
Partners in Education Scholarships
Automatic Selection
Red River College has entered into agreements with some Manitoba High Schools/School Divisions to provide Partners in Education Scholarships for their graduating students who are continuing their education in a full-time program at the College. The scholarships are valued at a maximum of $1000. For more information, contact your high school.
Paterson GlobalFoods Entrance Bursary for Professional Baking & Patisserie
One bursary valued at $1000 is available annually to a student entering the Professional Baking & Pastry program at Red River College Polytechnic.  Those interested in being considered should submit an application form including the financial information section, as well as a 250-word essay outlining their career goals.  Applications are due September 30th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Paul Charette Entrance Award for Civil Technology and Construction Management
Five awards valued at $5000 each towards first-year tuition are available annually to students entering the Civil Engineering Technology or Construction Management program at Red River College Polytechnic. Preference will be given to students coming directly from a Manitoba high school. Criteria include having achieved an academic standing of a minimum 70% or "B" average for Grade 12 courses, and financial need. Applicants will also have displayed leadership qualities in the family, school and/or community. Applications should be accompanied by a high school transcript, a one-page essay indicating information regarding the applicant's financial need, and responses to the following questions: What impact will this bursary have on your career goals? What are some examples of how you have demonstrated leadership qualities? Will you be considering a career in the construction industry?.  Also required are two letters of recommendation (one from a teacher or guidance counselor and the other from someone who knows you outside of school (not a relative).  Application deadline is June 1st for students who are in Grade 12.  Others may apply by the deadline date of September 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Price Entrance Scholarships for Manufacturing CAD
Automatic Selection

The Price Family established 3 entrance awards of minimum $1,500 for students entering the Manufacturing CAD program as full time students. Recipient selection will be made faculty, with consideration given to interim academic achievement (mid-term), leadership qualities, class participation, and attendance.

Red River Exhibition Foundation Inc. Business Industry Scholarship
Specific Application
Students entering or continuing in the Business Administration program at Red River College are eligible to be considered for a scholarship of $1000. Applicants must provide proof of successful completion of last level of education, acceptance to the program, and submit a letter of reference and an essay. Further information is available from the Red River Exhibition website Business Scholarship Red River Exhibition Association.  Deadline for applications is 11:59 p.m., the second Friday in May each year.
Red River Exhibition Foundation Inc. Tourism Industry Scholarship
Specific Application
The Red River Exhibition Foundation Inc. offers scholarships to students who are entering their first or second year of a Tourism Management Program. Each award is a minimum value of $1000. Applicants must provide proof of successful completion of their last level of education, acceptance or enrolment in the program, letters of reference from an educator and employer, and an essay. Application deadline is the second week of May. Further information is available from the Red River Exhibition website Tourism Scholarship - Red River Exhibition Association.  Deadline for applications is 11:59 p.m., the second Friday in May each year.
RRC Polytech Adult Learning Centre Bursaries
Two bursaries valued at $750 each are available to students who have attended a minimum of four courses, achieved a minimum 75% average in their final term and graduated from an RRC Polytech Adult Learning Centre, who are continuing their education at RRC Polytech.  The bursaries are intended to assist with program fees for a certificate, diploma or degree program at the College and, as such, will be applied directly to those fees.  Students, whose fees are being covered by a sponsoring agency, will be eligible to receive the bursary to assist with other related costs.  Selection will be based on academic achievement and financial need.  Deadline for applications is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
RRC Polytech Employees' Dependent Award
Specific Application

An award valued at a minimum of $400 is available annually to a student who is currently enrolled in a full time certificate or diploma program at RRC Polytech, and is a dependent (defined as: an employee's or their spouse’s unmarried and financially dependent natural, adopted or step child or any other unmarried financially dependent child for whom you or your spouse has been appointed guardian and who is less than 25 years of age; or your spouse or common-law partner who is not engaged in full time employment and dependent on you for financial support) of an RRC Polytech employee (member of the MGEU bargaining unit).  To be considered, students should submit an application form, accompanied by a one-page letter describing why they chose RRC Polytech, and specifically their program, for their post-secondary education, as well as their short- and long-term career goals.  Also required is a statement from the RRC Polytech employee, including their full name, work address and phone number as well as the number of years they have been employed at RRC Polytech.  Application deadline date is September 30th.

RRC Polytech Students' Association Entrance Scholarship for Rural Students

A $1000 scholarship shall be awarded annually to a student who is a resident of Canada, coming from a small rural community, who has enrolled full-time in the first year of any Red River College Polytechnic program.  Selection will be based upon high academic standing as indicated by the high school transcript which must be included.  Applicants must also provide a short statement discussing why they chose RRC Polytech and how they plan to be successful in transitioning into college life.  If a tie for GPA occurs, the contents of the statement will be considered to select the successful recipient.  The application deadline is August 15th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

St. James Collegiate (SJCI) 50th Anniversary Alumni Reunion Legacy Award
Automatic Selection
Two awards consisting of a tuition credit (amount to be determined annually) are available annually to students graduating from SJCI and entering a regular full-time program at Red River College. Criteria for both awards will include school involvement and spirit demonstrated through participation in student groups, volunteer activities, student government, athletics, music or the arts. One award will be presented to a student who has demonstrated particular aptitude in one or both humanities and social science courses in high school. The other award will be presented to a student who has demonstrated particular aptitude in mathematics, science and technology courses in high school. The awards will be presented annually in June at SJCI Convocation with the recipients’ tuition account at Red River College being credited in September.
UFCW Local 832 Annual Scholarship Award
Specific Application
Scholarships are available for those who are UFCW members employed by companies that contribute to the Education and Training Trust Fund. Students enrolling in both full-time and part-time studies are eligible. Application deadline is June 1. For further information, contact the UFCW Training Centre.
Westland Foundation Education Scholarships
Specific Application
Scholarships are available to students who are entering full-time programs at Red River College within 30 months of graduating from one of the high schools in the Westland Foundation's catchment area; Argyle Alternative High School, Children of the Earth High School, Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Institute, Gordon Bell High School, R.B. Russell Vocational School, St. John's High School, Sisler High School and Tec Voc High School.  The value of each student's scholarship will be determined by the number of 70% or higher marks, earned by the student during grades 7 through 12 (in a school within the Westland Foundation catchment area).  The scholarship is available to students for up to 30 months from the date of their Grade 12 graduation.  Please visit the Westland Foundation website at for further information about the Foundation, as well as the application form.  Scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.  Application deadline is July 31.
Youth in Care Tuition Bursaries
Specific Application

Removing the financial barriers to education, RRC Polytech has a minimum of nine one-year tuition bursaries (maximum $6500 each) available (three of which will be for Trades programs) to Youth in Care. Youth must meet College entrance requirements, be enrolled as full-time students and be in financial need.  Information and an application form is available from the Futures Forward website:  Paying for Post-Secondary School | Futures Forward .

General Awards

Assistive Technology Award
Specific Application

One award, valued at $1000, is available annually for a student with a disability, registered with Student Accessibility Services or Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services, who would benefit from assistive technology.  Students must be eligible to continue in their program and demonstrate efforts in academic progress.  They must also be ineligible for government assistive technology grants (e.g., Canada Student Grant), and not be sponsored by a government or community agency.  To apply, students should write a brief letter, jointly with their Student Accessibility Services Accessibility Specialist or Deaf and Hard of Hearing Manager (when applicable), requesting the specific equipment/technology the student would like to obtain, and stating how that equipment will be beneficial.  The letter should be submitted to the Student Accessibility Services Assistive Technologist.  Deadline for applications is December 5th. 

Atticus Award to Support South East Manitoba Region

Award funds to cover up to 50% of a student’s annual tuition cost to a maximum of $4000 are available annually.  At the discretion of RRC Polytech officials, the $4000 in award funds may be distributed amongst up to 3 students.  Additionally, the award(s) may be split into two payments based on the program and tuition payment requirements. This award has been established by a community advocate who lives in the South East Manitoba region. The donor is a strong believer in giving to the next generation by assisting a South East regional student in furthering their education and thus investing in the future and economy. This award is meant to support a prospective student who might otherwise not attend post-secondary education and faces financial barriers as a limitation to entering post-secondary. Preference will be given to a student who is a Southeastern Manitoba resident (Piney, Reynolds, Stuartburn, LaBroquerie, Ste Anne, Taché, Hanover municipalities, including the urban municipalities of Ste Anne and Steinbach) and who is accepted to a program at Red River College Polytechnic Steinbach Campus. To maintain funding, the student must maintain satisfactory grades of C+ or greater. The student is not required to reapply for the continuation of the award with a satisfactory GPA. Funds will not be advanced for subsequent terms for withdrawals or failing to meet minimum grades. The successful applicant(s) will have to demonstrate a financial need, reside in the South East region, and complete the general application. In addition, proof of residency and a short statement outlining why you should be chosen as the award recipient should accompany the application.  The application deadline is September 30th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Bob and Jessie Ritch Bursary
This bursary was created by Bob Ritch, in memory of his late wife. A $1000 bursary is available annually to assist a full-time student enrolled in a regular full-time program at Red River College Polytechnic.  Selection will be based on satisfactory academic progress and financial need.  Application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.
Brenda J. and Roger L. Kennedy Award

An award, valued at $2500 is available to a full-time first-year Red River College Polytechnic student enrolled in a program of two or more years in duration. The recipient will have their award renewed for the additional years required for their same program, if the criteria continue to be met each year.  This award will support a student who lives in Manitoba and has confidence in pursuing post-secondary education with the intention of contributing to Manitoba’s economy after graduation.   A qualified candidate will:


•            Be a Canadian citizen, and Manitoba high school graduate


•            Have achieved a minimum 2.5 GPA or 65% or C+ average


•            Have demonstrated financial need


•            Maintain full-time studies


To be considered, an application should be submitted, accompanied by a birth certificate or citizenship card and a Manitoba high school transcript. This award will be available for the 2023/24 academic year.  Application deadline is January 15, 2024.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Business Council of Manitoba Indigenous Education Awards
Specific Application

Awards are available to persons of Indigenous ancestry who are Canadian citizens and Manitoba residents who are presently enrolled or planning to enroll in a Manitoba public post-secondary institution in any program. You must maintain full-time status (60% or more course load) and be in need of financial assistance. Awards for college students are valued at a minimum of $2000.00 and students are eligible to reapply each year of their studies. Recipients may be considered for summer and part-time employment with one of the Business Council’s member companies. Applications are available from the Business Council's website at (  Please submit applications as soon as possible even if you are not yet registered for classes.  Award application deadline is May31st.

Please contact us with any questions:  or (204) 942-3637.

C.P. Loewen Family Foundation Bursary
Bursaries valued at $1000 each are available to full-time students attending post-secondary programs at the Red River College Polytechnic Steinbach Campus (Steinbach, Manitoba).  Selection will be based on demonstrated financial need.   A letter providing additional information regarding financial circumstances and how this award would make a difference should accompany the application.  Deadline for applications is October 15th for fall start programs and February 15th for winter start programs.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Cindy Petrowski and Phillip Marsh Helping Hands Bursary
This bursary was created by Cindy Petrowski and Phillip Marsh to support a First Nations or Metis student in their academic aspirations and help with the financial burden. One bursary valued at a minimum $875 is available to a full-time student attending any program at Red River College Polytechnic. Application deadline is January 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Co-operative Education Manitoba (CEM) Co-op Student of the Year Award
Specific Application
Two awards (one valued at $1000 and one valued at $500) will be presented annually to students enrolled in a co-operative education program at Red River College Polytechnic who are considered by the Selection Committee to have demonstrated outstanding performance during their co-op work term. Complete eligibility guidelines, selection criteria and application forms for each year's award will be available after September 15 from the Co-operative Education page on Red River College Polytechnic website Deadline for applications is early December.
Coca-Cola Sustainable Future Bursary
Automatic Selection

The Coca-Cola vision encompasses a commitment to curate beloved brands and beverages that delight consumers, while simultaneously rejuvenating their physical and mental well-being. This vision is executed with a steadfast dedication to fostering a sustainable business model, thereby contributing to a more equitable and promising future for individuals, communities, and the planet at large. In alignment with this ethos, a bursary has been established to provide financial support to students enrolled in full-time programs at RRC Polytechnic. Through the creation of a $1000 bursary, assistance is extended to individuals facing financial constraints, preference given to Indigenous students, new Canadians, and students who are dependents of RRC Polytechnic employees. The recipient of this of this bursary will be selected from a pool of applicants for other existing bursaries, available to students in all full-time programs; no applications are accepted specifically for this bursary.

CUPE Local 998 - Manitoba Hydro Joint Bursary
This bursary, established to commemorate the local's 40th anniversary as a chartered union, is intended to promote and support higher education for members and their families.  A bursary valued at $600 is available annually to a full-time student at Red River College Polytechnic.  A letter confirming CUPE 998 affiliation, including member name and employee number, must accompany the application.  Selection will be based on financial need.  Application deadline is July 31.  For further details, please contact CUPE Local 998 at 204-415-5114.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Dave Orton Award
Established by his family and friends in memory of Dave Orton, a 1979 Red River College graduate of Electrical Engineering Technology.  Two $1500 awards are available to students enrolled in regular full-time programs at Red River College Polytechnic.  Applicants will have graduated from Murdoch MacKay Collegiate or Transcona Collegiate; preference will be given to graduates of Transcona Collegiate.  The successful recipients will have displayed the same qualities and standards exhibited by Dave Orton; family-oriented, community-minded and involved in sports.  Those interested in being considered should submit an application form accompanied by a one-page essay describing how you display the qualities noted above.  At least one letter of reference should also be submitted.  Deadline for applications is December 1.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
David and Barbara Schroeder Award
This award was established by Sophia Schroeder, to distinguish her parents, David and Barbara, who made Canada their home, worked hard to raise a family and emphasized the importance of education. A $1000 award is available to full-time domestic students at Red River College Polytechnic who have dependent children and are facing financial barriers to achieve their educational dreams.  Eligible applicants will have been born outside of Canada and since made Canada their permanent home. Applicants must have completed at least one academic term and achieved a minimum 2.50 GPA to be considered for the award. Those interested in being considered should complete a general application, including financial information, and attach a document that indicates the country of origin. The application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.  
David and Joan Rew Bursary
This bursary is created by family friends and colleges to celebrate David and Joan Rew for their lifelong commitment to Red River College. A $650 bursary is available to a full-time first year student enrolled in any regular full-time program at Red River College Polytechnic, based on financial need.  Application deadline is January 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.  
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) Award
Specific Application
Two awards, valued at $500 each are available annually to assist students who are registered with DHHS and are experiencing a financial hardship or a complex situation that may place them at academic risk. Students must be eligible to continue in their program and demonstrate efforts in academic progress.  To apply, students must contact the DHHS manager and include an essay or summary describing the situation and/or need for financial support. Deadline for applications is October 15th for fall term and February 15th for winter term.
Emergency Loans and Bursaries
Specific Application
Assistance is available for full-time students experiencing temporary financial difficulties that may prevent them from continuing their studies. Inquiries should be directed to the Student Service Centre. Funds available for this purpose are may also be provided from the following sources made available through The Winnipeg Foundation: A.J.S. (John) Taunton Fund and Ida Mary Trotter Fund, available to Indigenous students; Myrta & Bruce Moorhead Memorial Fund, Katherine Bender Bursary and Press Radio Fund, available to any student.
Enterprising Women Award
An award of $2500 is available annually to a female student enrolled full-time in a diploma or degree program at RRC Polytech. Applicants should have completed at least one year of their program and be entering their final year of the program. Selection will be based on financial need and satisfactory academic progress. Some consideration may also be given to community service.  The application should be accompanied by a one-page letter talking about yourself, your career goals and plans for the future. Please include any community service you have done, if applicable. Deadline for applications is July 31.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Entrepreneurial Spirit Global Giving Award for International Students
One $1000 award, established by the Centre for International Education and Global Partnerships department at Red River College, is available annually to International students who have graduated from one of the following RRC programs: Business Administration, Business Information Technology, Business Technology Management or Social Innovation and Community Development and intend to start a business in Manitoba. Eligible applicants will have been enrolled full-time as an International student, graduated within the previous twelve months, developed a business plan and intend to start a business in Manitoba. The application form should be accompanied by a business plan. The award will be available until 2024. Application deadline is October 15, annually.  Completed application forms should be submitted by email to .
Explore Spring/Summer French Language Bursary
Specific Application

If you are currently a full-time post-secondary student with either permanent resident status or Canadian citizenship, you are eligible to receive the $2000 Explore Spring/Summer French language bursary. 
Explore another province in Canada while learning French in a stimulating immersion environment and enjoy five weeks of classes, fun, and discovery. Many institutions across Canada offer Explore and French language courses are adapted to your knowledge of French (beginner, intermediate, or advanced). For more information on Explore or other Official-Languages Programs call toll-free at 1 (877) 866-4242. Apply at by February 28.    

Gallivan Student Health and Wellness Award for International Students
Automatic Selection
This $1000 bursary has been established by Gallivan Student Health & Wellness to support international students who need financial support during their studies at RRC.  Gallivan was established in 1996, the only true Buying Group of student benefits in Canada. The company is innovation-focused and community-minded. In the most unsettling times, Gallivan has partnered with RRC to help international students study away from home and become an integral part of the Canadian educational system. Bursary recipients will be selected from applications received for other existing bursaries, available to students in all full-time programs.
Global Emergency Student Support Bursary

This bursary program has been established to support international students who have been impacted by humanitarian crises and emergencies, including war and civil war, environment and climate or economic hardship.  Bursaries will be valued at a maximum of $2500 each.  Students currently at “registered” status and in good academic standing, in a minimum 8-month program, are eligible to submit an application for consideration.  A completed application (including financial information) should be accompanied by a copy of the student’s current study permit from a country impacted as indicated.  Also required is a personal statement outlining their specific financial circumstances and explaining why they need financial assistance (financial documents may be requested during the review process).  The statement should also demonstrate that the shortfall is beyond their budget expectations and control.  Expenses that should have been allocated before moving to Canada will not be considered. The deadline for applications is February 1, June 1 and October 1 of every year. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Hannah (Nancy) Boon Bursary
Through The Winnipeg Foundation, bursaries of $500 will be awarded to Indigenous students enrolled in regular full-time programs at Red River College Polytechnic. Selection will be based on satisfactory academic progress and financial need. Applicants for this bursary may also be considered for the Indigenous Student Bursary from RRC Polytech.  Application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
John and Marilyn Kenny Award
A minimum $400 award will be available to a full-time student, with one or more dependents, who is pursuing a post-secondary education at Red River College Polytechnic after having been out of high school for five or more years. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and provide a statement explaining why they choose to go back to school. The application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Lieutenant Governor’s Medals
Specific Application
A maximum of four silver Lieutenant Governor’s Medals will be awarded annually to full-time students graduating from Red River College Polytechnic who, in the opinion of the selection committee, combine, to the greatest extent: a) academic and technical achievement, b) involvement in College and/or community activities, c) good character. One medal will be awarded at the Fall Convocation, and three medals will be awarded at the Spring Convocation. Students who meet the minimum academic requirement will be sent an information package outlining the required documentation for selection consideration, prior to the Fall and Spring Convocation ceremonies each year.
Louis Riel Bursary
Through funding provided by the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) and matched by the Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative (MSBI), bursaries, valued a minimum of $1000, are available to eligible Metis students attending a certificate, diploma or degree program (excluding Apprenticeship and upgrading programs) at Red River College Polytechnic, who are maintaining satisfactory academic progress in their program.  There are two applications that must be submitted:  1. the Louis Riel Bursary online application is available from Louis Riel Institute; 2. the General RRC Polytech Application for Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships (link above) should be completed and submitted online. Only applicants who have submitted both applications by the application date will be eligible for consideration. Selection will be based on financial need (those receiving other funding, including MMF funding are still eligible to apply).  Applications will be accepted from August 1st to September 15th each year.  Applicants must be attending their program at the time of the application deadline.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.

Manitoba Hydro Bursaries
Specific Application
Manitoba Hydro offers a number of awards, bursaries and scholarships to Red River College students who are of Indigenous ancestry or members of employment equity designated groups (women, Indigenous people, members of visible minority groups, and persons with disabilities).  A complete list including eligibility criteria, deadline dates, and application forms are available from their website .  Manitoba Hydro reviews all applications and selects the recipients.  Those selected are generally notified by early December.  Completed application forms should be submitted directly to Manitoba Hydro by the indicated deadline date (October 1 in most cases).
Mary Guilbault Metis Award
Specific Application
This award is available to Red River Metis students across Manitoba who excel in academics and show a strong connection to their Metis community.  Post-secondary students who have been a resident of Manitoba for the last 12 months may qualify for the Mary Guilbault Metis Award, administered by the Louis Riel Institute.  For further information and to apply, visit Louis Riel Institute (  Application deadline is October 1st.
Mínwastánikéwin Truth and Reconciliation Award

Valued at $1,000, the Mínwastánikéwin Truth and Reconciliation Award aims to combat the long lasting intergenerational impacts that Indigenous people face on their journey towards success in post-secondary education. Mínwastánikéwin is a Cree word that means ‘to set it right.’  This award was made possible through the generous support of RRC Polytech students, staff and faculty supporting campaigns at the RRC Polytech Campus Store that bring awareness to Truth and Reconciliation and Indigenous issues such as Orange Shirt Day: Every Child Matters and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Honouring and Awareness Day. We know that over the last 150 years, 150,000 Indigenous children attended Canadian Residential Schools. We know that 90% of children in Manitoba’s foster care system are Indigenous and more than one-third of Winnipeg’s Indigenous population, nearly 70,000 people, live in poverty. And we also know that despite making up almost 17% of the provincial population, Indigenous peoples are typically underrepresented in post-secondary institutions.

This award is available to RRC Polytech Indigenous full-time students who have a stake in Truth and Reconciliation and a personal connection to the international effects of colonialism. Recipients will be selected based on an essay response on what Truth and Reconciliation means to you.  To be eligible, applicants are required to submit a General RRC Polytech Application, proof of Indigenous heritage, and a one-page essay submission. Deadline for applications is February 26th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Owen Desnoyers Memorial Award
This award was established by family and friends in memory of Owen Desnoyers, who was the Executive Director of the RRC Students' Association for a number of years.  A minimum two awards valued at $1000 each will be available annually to students enrolled in the final year of a diploma, certificate or degree program at Red River College Polytechnic.  Eligible applicants will have attained a minimum GPA of 3.00; have been involved in the College community and contributed to student life at the College.  To be considered, students should submit an application form, accompanied by a one-page essay describing how they meet the criteria for this bursary as indicated.  Fall term application deadline is December 1st, and winter term application deadline is March 1st. Students are welcome to apply for each deadline but must submit a new (updated) application and essay. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional requested documents ready to upload.
Red River College Polytechnic Gold Medals
Automatic Selection
The Red River College Polytechnic Gold Medals recognize students in diploma or degree programs who attain the highest cumulative grade point average at or above 3.80 in each academic year. Recipients are presented with a gold medal engraved with their name, program of studies and year at the College's convocation ceremonies. Gold medals for programs which graduate students only between June and December will be presented at the January convocation ceremonies.
Red River College Polytechnic Heritage Group Award
A minimum of three awards valued at a minimum of $500 each are available annually to domestic students who are enrolled in a regular RRC Polytech day program leading to a certificate, diploma or joint college/university degree. To be eligible, applicants must have completed one term. Criteria include satisfactory academic progress and demonstrated financial need. A one-page letter must accompany the application.  The letter should briefly outline your financial circumstances and, should indicate how this award will make a difference.  Application deadline date is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Richard (Asher) Webb Social Justice Activist Memorial Award

This is an $1000 award given annually to a student who demonstrates exceptional effort and/or the ability to lead, organize and engage students or members of the community in embodying the values of equity, diversity, inclusion, multiculturalism and social justice.

The successful recipient will be a community activist, advocate or leader who has worked for systemic changes at various levels and with various social identities in mind. Their advocacy may involve (but is not limited to): human rights, LGBTT* issues, anti-racism, anti-poverty, public health, non-violence, community-building and student engagement, or encouraging others on issues of social justice that impact the lives of students and the broader community.

Applications will be evaluated by the Selection Committee, based on the following criteria:
• Making a significant contribution to equity, inclusion and social justice through community engagement, either in specific positions of responsibility or while involved in organizing activities. (Requirements: Student statement and at least one reference letter)
• Engaging and inspiring other students or members of the community to advocate on social justice issues that impact the lives of students or the general community.
• Financial need may also be considered. Applicants may choose to complete the financial section of the application, and/or include information.
All full-time and part-time Red River College students are welcome to apply. The general application form must be accompanied by a student statement and required letter(s) of reference in order to be considered. The deadline for applications is March 1st.  Completed application forms should be submitted by email to .

RRC Introduction or Pathway Program Indigenous Student Bursaries
Two bursaries valued at $750 each are available to students of indigenous descent who have completed one of the following programs: Pathway Business Creative Communications Digital Technology; Pathway to Health; Pathway to Engineering; College Transition; Introduction to Electrical Engineering Technology; Introduction to Business Information Technology, Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, or Introduction to Trades at RRC Polytech.  Recipients will have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA for their Intro/ Pathway program, and must be entering a certificate, diploma or degree program to continue their studies at RRC Polytech.  The bursaries are intended to assist with program fees and, as such, will be applied directly to those fees.  Students, whose fees are being covered by a sponsoring agency, will be eligible to receive the bursary to assist with other related costs. Selection will be based on academic achievement and financial need.  Applicants for this bursary may also be considered for the Indigenous Student Bursary from Red River College.  Deadline for applications is October 15th for fall programs and January 15th for winter programs.  (Students should apply by the earliest application deadline date occurring during their studies in the certificate, diploma or degree program.)  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
RRC Polytech Bridging Bursaries
Forty bursaries valued at $1000 each are available annually to full-time students who are continuing into the subsequent year of a multi-year, regular full-time program at RRC Polytech, who have successfully completed the previous year.  Selection criteria will include academic progress and financial need.  Recipients of this bursary will not be eligible to also receive an RRC Polytech Single-parent Student and/or Parent Student bursary or an RRC Polytech Mature Student Bursary, for the same academic year, therefore only one application (for one of these bursaries) should be submitted.  Deadline for applications is October 15th for fall and spring start programs and February 15th for winter start programs (applications for the February deadline will only be accepted from students who were not attending classes as a full-time student in the fall term, or whose classes for the current academic year did not commence until after the October 15th deadline, regardless of when they initially commenced their studies). Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
RRC Polytech Employees' Dependent Award
Specific Application

An award valued at a minimum of $400 is available annually to a student who is currently enrolled in a full time certificate or diploma program at RRC Polytech, and is a dependent (defined as: an employee's or their spouse’s unmarried and financially dependent natural, adopted or step child or any other unmarried financially dependent child for whom you or your spouse has been appointed guardian and who is less than 25 years of age; or your spouse or common-law partner who is not engaged in full time employment and dependent on you for financial support) of an RRC Polytech employee (member of the MGEU bargaining unit).  To be considered, students should submit an application form, accompanied by a one-page letter describing why they chose RRC Polytech, and specifically their program, for their post-secondary education, as well as their short- and long-term career goals.  Also required is a statement from the RRC Polytech employee, including their full name, work address and phone number as well as the number of years they have been employed at RRC Polytech.  Application deadline date is September 30th.

RRC Polytech Mature Student Bursaries
Forty bursaries valued at $1000 each are available to full-time students who are enrolled in a regular full-time certificate, diploma or degree programs at RRC Polytech.  These bursaries are intended for students who have not been a regular full-time high school student for a period of five or more years prior to enrolling in their current program.  The selection will be based on financial need.  Recipients of this bursary will not be eligible to also receive an RRC Polytech Single-parent Student and/or Parent Student bursary or an RRC Polytech Bridging Bursary, for the same academic year, therefore only one application (for one of these bursaries) should be submitted.  Deadline for applications is October 15th for fall and spring start programs and February 15th for winter start programs (applications for the February deadline will only be accepted from students who were not attending classes as a full-time student in the fall term, or whose classes for the current academic year did not commence until after the October 15th deadline, regardless of when they initially commenced their studies). Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
RRC Polytech Single-parent Student and/or Parent Student Bursaries
Forty bursaries valued at $1000 each are available to full-time students who are enrolled in a regular full-time certificate, diploma or degree programs at RRC Polytech. The selection will be based on financial need.  Recipients of this bursary will not be eligible to also receive an RRC Polytech Mature Student Bursary or an RRC Polytech Bridging Bursary, for the same academic year, therefore only one application (for one of these bursaries) should be submitted.   Deadline for applications is October 15th for fall and spring start programs and February 15th for winter start programs (applications for the February deadline will only be accepted from students who were not attending classes as a full-time student in the fall term, or whose classes for the current academic year did not commence until after the October 15th deadline, regardless of when they initially commenced their studies). Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
RRC Polytech Students' Association Accessibility Student Bursary
A bursary of $1,000 shall be awarded to a full-time Red River College Polytechnic student with a documented disability who is able to demonstrate financial need.  As part of the application, the student must provide confirmation of a disability by obtaining a letter from either: a) their Accessibility Specialist/Manager (if registered with RRC Polytech's Student Accessibility Services or Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services) or b) their family doctor.  Note:  the confirmation letter does not have to include details of your disability, including a diagnosis.  The application deadline is October 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
RRC Polytech Students' Association Alumni Award

One $1000 award will be awarded annually to a full-time Red River College Polytechnic student who has graduated within 12 months, achieved a GPA of 4.0 or above and is employed. To be considered, a completed application should be submitted, accompanied by a reference letter from their employer, as well as a one-page statement explaining how they will be contributing to the economy. Preference will be given to alumni who are working in the field of their Red River College Polytechnic education.  The application deadline is March 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

RRC Polytech Students' Association Bursary

Five bursaries valued at $1000 each are available annually to full-time Red River College Polytechnic students who are enrolled in the following programs:  Administrative Assistant; Applied Commerce Education (Business/Technology Teacher Education); Dental Assisting; Health Care Aide; Indigenous Language – Cree; Indigenous Language – Ojibwe; MRI and Spectroscopy; Paramedicine – Primary Care Paramedic; Pathway Business Creative Communications Digital Technology; Pharmaceutical and Food Manufacturing or Professional Photography.  To be considered, students should submit an application form, accompanied by a letter describing their financial circumstances. Recipients will be selected based on financial need.  The application deadline is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

RRC Polytech Students' Association Chad Hildebrand Memorial Award
Chad, a BA student, was a member of the Student Advisory Board (SAB) during the 1998-99 school year. He died in March of 2000 as a result of a hockey accident. The 1999-2000 SAB agreed to dedicate the Students’ Association Scholarship fund’s first award in Chad’s memory.  One $1,000 award shall be presented to a Red River College Polytechnic student, who is a current Student Association Board member, exhibits leadership qualities and is actively involved in the college and/or community. Applicants must submit a one-page statement describing their involvement in the college and/ or community.  The application deadline is February 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

RRC Polytech Students' Association Community Involvement Recognition Award

One award of $1000 will be awarded annually to a Red River College Polytechnic student who can demonstrate exceptional involvement in their community and/or college. A letter of reference verifying the applicant's involvement must accompany the application.  The application deadline is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

RRC Polytech Students' Association Go Green Machine Award
One scholarship of $1,000 shall be awarded annually to a student enrolled full-time in any Red River College Polytechnic program, who shows their environmental/sustainable green thumb to the committee.  The application deadline is October 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

RRC Polytech Students' Association Indigenous Student Award
One scholarship of $1000 shall be awarded annually to an Indigenous student enrolled full-time in any RRC Polytech program, who can demonstrate satisfactory academic progress and financial need, and is actively involved in the college and/or community.  Applicants must be self-identified as Indigenous in their Red River College Polytechnic student record.  Applicants must submit along with their application form, a one-page outline with a specific focus on their college/community involvement.  The application deadline is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
RRC Polytech Students' Association International Student Bursaries
Two bursaries of $1000 each will be awarded to second-year international students attending a post-secondary Red River College Polytechnic program on a full-time basis. The recipients will have shown volunteer dedication to the RRC Polytech community or community involvement outside college life.  Eligible applicants will maintain satisfactory academic progress. To be considered, a general application demonstrating financial need should be submitted, accompanied by a written reference from a community member attesting to the applicant’s volunteer dedication, a one-page statement from the applicant outlining their impactful community involvement. The application deadline is September 15th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
RRC Polytech Students' Association International Student Scholarship

Four scholarships of $500 each will be awarded to international students, attending a post-secondary Red River College Polytechnic program on a full-time basis. The scholarships will be presented to the students who attain the highest GPA after their first term; applicants must have achieved a minimum 4.25 GPA after first term.  A first term grade report should accompany the application, as well as a one-page statement outlining your experience thus far in Canada and at Red River College Polytechnic.  In the event of a tie for GPA achieved after first term, the contents of the one-page statement will be considered to select the successful recipients. The application deadline is January 15th (students must apply while enrolled in their first year, with the exception of those students who have not yet completed their first term by January 15th). Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

RRC Polytech Students' Association Racialized Person Award

One $1000 award will be awarded annually to a full-time Red River College Polytechnic student who identifies as a racialized person. To be considered, a completed application should be submitted, accompanied by a letter explaining their experience at the College as a racialized student and advocating for their community at the College. The application deadline is October 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

RRC Polytech Students' Association Regional Campus Scholarship
A $1000 scholarship will be awarded annually to a full-time Red River College Polytechnic student attending a regional campus (Portage, Steinbach, Winker, Interlake and Peguis-Fisher River). The scholarship will be presented to the student who attains the highest GPA after the first term. Applicants must have completed their first term to be considered.  A first-term grade report should accompany the application. The application deadline is February 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
RRC Polytech Students' Association Relocation Bursary

One $1000 bursary is available annually to a full time Red River College Polytechnic student in any year of their program who is a resident of Canada and has demonstrated the need for financial support in relocating to Canada, moving to Winnipeg from a rural area or hardship inside the city with housing services. The application should include a short statement describing the relocation hardship.  The application deadline is October 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

RRC Polytech Students' Association Single Parent Bursary
Two bursaries of $1000 each shall be awarded annually to two full-time Red River College Polytechnic students who are single parents with demonstrated financial need.   The application deadline is October 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
RRC Polytech Students' Association Women in the Workforce Award

One $1000 award will be awarded annually to a full-time Red River College Polytechnic student who identifies as a female and has contributed to their field of studies. To be considered, a completed application should be submitted, accompanied by a short paragraph outlining their previous/current employment, related to their current field of study.  The application deadline October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

RRC Polytech Students’ Association 2SLGBTQIA+ Academic Excellence Scholarship

One $1000 scholarship shall be given to a full-time RRC Polytech student who shows dedication to their community, be it RRC Polytech SA, RRC Polytech, or community involvement outside college life. Eligible applicants will have achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 4.00.  To be considered, the student must identify as a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.  A general application should be submitted, accompanied by a written reference from a community member attesting to the applicant’s volunteer dedication and a one-page statement from the applicant outlining their impactful community involvement.  The application deadline is April 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

RRC Polytech Students’ Association 2SLGBTQIA+ Awards

Three awards, valued at $1000 each, are available with preference given to the following groups: Two-Spirit, Racialized Person, and Trans and Gender Diverse.  The recipients will have shown volunteer dedication to their respective community, whether RRC Polytech SA, RRC Polytech, or community involvement outside college life.  Eligible applicants will be maintaining satisfactory academic progress.  To be considered, the student must identify as a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. A general application should be submitted, accompanied by a written reference from a community member attesting to the applicant’s volunteer dedication and a one-page statement from the applicant outlining their impactful community involvement. Financial need will also be considered.  The application deadline is April 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Scotiabank International Student Scholarship
Scotiabank has established a scholarship for international students enrolled in diploma programs at Red River College Polytechnic.  A minimum $1000 scholarship will be awarded annually to an international student who has achieved the highest cumulative GPA after their first year of studies.  Those interested in being considered should include a copy of their first-year mark statement with their application.  Deadline for applications is September 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Sibyl McKay Inkster Bursary
Through The Winnipeg Foundation, two bursaries of $450 will be awarded to female Metis students enrolled in regular full-time programs at RRC Polytech. Selection will be based on satisfactory academic progress and financial need. Applicants for this bursary may also be considered for the Indigenous Student Bursary from Red River College.  Deadline for applications is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Southport Aerospace Centre Award
Specific Application
One award of $1000 is available annually to a student graduating from a full-time program at Red River College's Portage Campus.  Students must have maintained satisfactory academic achievement, attended 80% of their classes and have graduated in the preceding 12 months.  Application deadline is February 15th.  Decision will be made in in the first week of July.  Students must submit a letter of application describing their volunteer activities in their home community and contributions made to their class (ie. peer tutoring, organizing activities, etc.).  For further information, please contact the Administration Office at 1-204-856-1914.
Student Accessibility Services Award
Specific Application

One award, valued at $1500 is available annually to assist a student with a disability or disabilities (documented physical, mental health, learning disabilities, chronic medical conditions as well as a vision and hearing loss). Students who are experiencing significant financial need, and are maintaining satisfactory academic progress, may be eligible to receive this award.  Students may apply by speaking with an Accessibility Specialist in Student Accessibility Services or the Manager, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services. The application must include a letter of support from the Manager/Accessibility Specialist the student is working with and an essay or summary from the student describing their situation/need.  Submit the application to the Manager, Student Accessibility Services.  Deadline for applications is December 5th.

Student Accessibility Services Crisis Bursary
Specific Application
Bursaries are available annually to assist students, who are clients of Student Accessibility Services. Students who are experiencing financial hardship may be eligible to receive a bursary.  Criteria:
•The student is eligible to continue in program
•The student has significant financial need that without assistance, may place them at risk for withdrawing from their program
•The student demonstrates efforts at academic progress
Maximum bursary is $500. Students may apply one time per year for a crisis bursary.  No deadline date. Bursaries are available until limited funds expire. Inquiries should be directed to the student's Accessibility Specialist or Manager, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (when applicable).
Student Counselling Services Award
Specific Application
One award, valued at $1500 is available annually to assist a student who is a client of Student Counselling Services who is experiencing a complex situation, and where issues resulting from this situation may place the student at academic risk.  The student must be eligible to continue in their program.   Students may apply by speaking with a counsellor in Student Counselling Services.  The application must include a letter of support from the counsellor the student is working with, and an essay or summary from the student describing their situation/need.  Submit the application to the Manager, Student Counselling Services. Deadline for applications is December 5th.
Student Counselling Services Crisis Bursaries
Specific Application

Bursaries are available annually to assist students, who are clients of Student Counselling Services. Students who are experiencing financial hardship may be eligible to receive a bursary.  Criteria:
•The student is eligible to continue in program
•The student has significant financial need that without assistance, may place them at risk for withdrawing from their program
•The student demonstrates efforts at academic progress
Maximum bursary is $500. Students may apply one time per year for a crisis bursary.  No deadline date. Bursaries are available until limited funds expire. Inquiries should be directed to a manager or counsellor in Student Counselling Services.

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization Every Child Matters Scholarship

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization Every Child Matters Scholarship was created in honour of the children who attended residential schools and those who never made it home. Southern Chiefs’ Organization recognizes that all First Nation people, families, and communities have been impacted by the residential schools. The $2000 scholarship is intended to support Survivors and their descendants, as well as descendants of the families of the children who died.  The scholarship is to be awarded on the basis of academic merit to a status citizen of one of the Southern Chiefs’ Organization member First Nations (Berens River, Birdtail Sioux, Black River, Bloodvein, Brokenhead, Buffalo, Canupawakpa, Dakota, Dakota Tipi, Dauphin River, Ebb and Flow, Gambler, Hollow Water, Keeseekoowenin, Kinonjeoshtegon, Lake Manitoba, Lake St. Martin, Little Grand Rapids, Little Saskatchewan, Long Plain, O-Ch-Chak-Koo-Sipi, Pauingassi, Point Pegui, Pinaymootang, Plains Pine Creek, Poplar River, Rolling River, Roseau River, Sagkeeng, Sandy Bay, Skownan, Swan Lake, Tootinaowaziibeeng, or Waywayseecappo), who is a full- or part-time continuing student at the Red River College Polytechnic, who has successfully completed at least 12 credit hours, and who has made contributions to their school community or their community at large.  Applicants must submit a letter describing their school or community involvement.  The contact information of the chosen recipient shall be disclosed to the donor each year. Southern Chiefs' Organization Inc. observes an annual commemoration of all successful applicants. By submitting an application for the scholarship, the recipient of the Scholarship consents to be contacted through electronic mail or telephone for a brief interview with a member of Southern Chiefs’ Organization.  In the unlikely event of a mitigating circumstance, such as a protection order or equivalent, anonymity will be granted to the recipient of the Scholarship.  Application deadline is February 26, 2024.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Verna and Stanley Mckay, Sr. Educational Bursary for First Nations Students
One $1000 bursary is available annually to a full-time, first-year RRC Polytech Indigenous student who has been denied Band funding for their post-secondary studies at the College.  Those interested in being considered should submit a completed application, accompanied by a letter from their Band stating that they have been denied funding, as well as a short statement (paragraph) outlining their involvement in the Indigenous community.  Selection will be based on financial need and community involvement.  Application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Victoria Inn Hotel & Convention Centre Award
A minimum $1000 award will be presented annually to an employee of the Victoria Inn who is enrolled in a full-time program at Red River College Polytechnic. Applicants must have completed a successful coop placement at the Victoria Inn Hotel & Convention Centre or have been employed for at least four months with the hotel. Selection criteria also includes professional student behavior, teamwork and career goals. Applicants should include a 250-word statement of their career goals and award qualifications, with the application.  Deadline date is September 30th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Indigenous Student Awards

Accutech Engineering Resident of Nunavut Award
Established by Accutech Engineering, a $3,000 award is available to support a full-time student. Applicants must have been a resident of Nunavut and graduated from a Nunavut high school (preference will be given to Nunavut land claim beneficiaries). To be eligible, applicants must have relocated to Winnipeg, to attend one of the following programs at Red River College Polytechnic: Civil Engineering Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology or Mechanical Engineering Technology. Preference will be given to students enrolled in their first year of studies, to help ease the stress associated with relocating to attend post-secondary education in Winnipeg.  However, students in the second or third year of their program, who meet the other criteria, are still encouraged to apply.   Those interested in being considered should submit a general application for awards, accompanied by a short write-up outlining their career goals, and reasons for choosing this career. Previous recipients of this award are eligible to apply again, but preference will be given to those who have not been selected as a recipient in the past. The application deadline is September 15th, annually. The applicants’ contact information will be provided to the award donor/sponsor.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Assiniboine Credit Union Bursary
One bursary valued at a minimum of $1000, to be paid towards the program fees for their next year of the program, will be awarded annually to an Indigenous student enrolled in the first year of Business Administration at RRC Polytech. Selection criteria include satisfactory academic progress (minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00), demonstrated financial need, community involvement and mentorship qualities. Applicants must submit, along with their application form, a resume with a specific focus on their community involvement. Deadline for applications is March 15.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Babcock Canada Award for Indigenous Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Student
One $5000 award has been established by Babcock International, founded in 1891 as an aerospace, defense, and security company.  Presently, Babcock is a leading naval business and provides value-added services across the UK, France, Canada, Australia, and South Africa.  This transformation is encapsulated in Babcock's purpose: to create a safe and secure world together.  This award will be presented to an Indigenous student (First Nations, Metis or Inuit) who has successfully completed the second term of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer program and continued into the second year of the program at RRC Polytech.  The successful candidate must demonstrate good academic progress and financial need (secondary consideration). Proof of Indigenous ancestry must accompany the application.    The application deadline is January 31st. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Building Foundations Bursary
Specific Application
A minimum of five bursaries of $1000 each are available to Indigenous students living in subsidized rental units in Manitoba or receiving rental subsidy funded by Manitoba Housing, who are enrolled in a college program of a minimum one year duration.  Further information is available at .  Application deadline is September 30.
Business Council of Manitoba Indigenous Education Awards
Specific Application

Awards are available to persons of Indigenous ancestry who are Canadian citizens and Manitoba residents who are presently enrolled or planning to enroll in a Manitoba public post-secondary institution in any program. You must maintain full-time status (60% or more course load) and be in need of financial assistance. Awards for college students are valued at a minimum of $2000.00 and students are eligible to reapply each year of their studies. Recipients may be considered for summer and part-time employment with one of the Business Council’s member companies. Applications are available from the Business Council's website at (  Please submit applications as soon as possible even if you are not yet registered for classes.  Award application deadline is May31st.

Please contact us with any questions:  or (204) 942-3637.

Canada Post Indigenous Education Incentive Award
Specific Application

Indigenous students who have returned to school after a prolonged absence (minimum 12 months) and have successfully completed one year of post-secondary education are eligible to apply for a $2000 award. For more information please visit or contact Mariam Merasty, Financial Aid Officer, Room F210 (204-632-2186). Deadline for applications is August 31. 

CIBC Award
CIBC is a leading and well-diversified North American financial institution dedicated to creating lasting value for all its stakeholders. Guided by the purpose of helping make ambitions a reality, CIBC leverages its resources to drive positive change and contribute to a more secure, equitable, and sustainable future in supporting post-secondary education in Manitoba. To further its commitment to education and community development, CIBC has established bursaries of a minimum of $2,000 each to support Indigenous students in the Pathway to Business, Creative Arts, and Digital Technology programs at Red River College Polytech. These bursaries are intended to assist students with their educational expenses and are available to all students enrolled in the program.
Students are invited to apply by submitting a statement outlining their career goals and explaining how this bursary will impact their educational journey. Each bursary, covering a total of a minimum $2,000 in school-related expenses, will be disbursed in three increments: a minimum of $1,000 at the start of the program, $500 after the first term, and $500 upon successful completion of the second term. The application deadline is October 15th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Cindy Petrowski and Phillip Marsh Helping Hands Bursary
This bursary was created by Cindy Petrowski and Phillip Marsh to support a First Nations or Metis student in their academic aspirations and help with the financial burden. One bursary valued at a minimum $875 is available to a full-time student attending any program at Red River College Polytechnic. Application deadline is January 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Cummins Canada Award
One award valued at $1000 is available annually to a full-time Heavy Duty Equipment Technician student at RRC Polytech; preference will be given to an Indigenous student. Applicants must be maintaining a "B" average in their studies.  Selection will be based on financial need.  Application deadline is February 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Denis Delorme Memorial Award
This award is presented to an Indigenous student graduating from the Child and Youth Care program. The recipient will have demonstrated a high level of achievement in academic courses and all field placements, a strong commitment to the Child and Youth Care field and a desire to assist in improving the quality of life for Indigenous children and youth.  The application should be accompanied by a 250-word essay, explaining why you are a deserving candidate for this award, specifically considering the criteria indicated.  Application deadline is March 15th.
Eliza Cummings Machan and Helen Machan Memorial Nursing Award
The “Eliza Cummings Machan and Helen Machan Memorial Nursing Award” is a loving tribute to honour two extraordinary women: Elizabeth (Eliza) Cummings Machan, the great-grandmother, and Helen Machan, the mother. Eliza Cummings, a Metis with a heritage of herbal healing, passed on her wisdom to her granddaughter, Helen, who served as a World War II veteran in the Royal Canadian Army Nurse Corps. Helen's nursing career, spanning from 1939 to her retirement as the Associate Director of Nursing at the City of Hope, reflected enduring kindness, compassion, and concern. This award celebrates their legacy, recognizing these qualities that define nursing as a heartfelt calling, inspiring nurses dedicated to serving humanity. A $1,000 award is available to 3rd year Indigenous Nursing students who have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.00. The application should be accompanied by proof of indigenous ancestry and a paragraph outlining their financial situation. Additionally, a short statement is required with this topic: "Tell me a story about yourself that provides me with some insight into you as a person. Or just tell me your favorite story about yourself, one you like to tell others."  The application deadline is September 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Gil Purcell Memorial Journalism Scholarship
Specific Application
One award of $4000 is available to an Indigenous student who is studying journalism at a Canadian university or college. For more information please visit or contact Mariam Merasty, Financial Aid Officer, Room F210 and 632-2186. Deadline for applications is November 15.
Hannah (Nancy) Boon Bursary
Through The Winnipeg Foundation, bursaries of $500 will be awarded to Indigenous students enrolled in regular full-time programs at Red River College Polytechnic. Selection will be based on satisfactory academic progress and financial need. Applicants for this bursary may also be considered for the Indigenous Student Bursary from RRC Polytech.  Application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
Indspire - Indigenous Health Careers Awards
Specific Application
Numerous awards valued at $1000 each are available for Indigenous students pursuing full-time study during the upcoming year in Health Sciences programs (Nursing, Radiology, Lab Technology).  Applications deadlines are June 1, November 1 and February 1.  Further information is available at  Applications are only accepted on-line and students will need to create a login.
Indspire Post-Secondary Education Bursary Award
Specific Application

Numerous awards with various values are available for Indigenous students pursuing full-time study in an eligible program with minimum two year duration. Applications deadlines are June 1, November 1 and February 1.  Further information is available at  Applications are only accepted on-line and students will need to create a login.

Iron Spear Award
A $2,500 award has been established by Iron Spear, a niche cyber security consulting firm. The award is available to domestic students who have completed the first term of the Information Security or Business Information Technology program at RRC Polytech, and achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA. Preference will be given to Indigenous and/or female candidates, but all are encouraged to apply. The award funds will be disbursed in two parts; $1500 will be awarded at the time of selection; the remainder will be awarded at the beginning of the second year of the program, once enrolment is completed. Selection criteria will include academic progress and financial need. The application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
John W. Dafoe Winnipeg Free Press Scholarship
Specific Application

If you are an Indigenous or visible minority student with an interest in pursuing journalism as a career, you are invited to apply for the John W. Dafoe Free Press Scholarship.  This annual award is named after John Dafoe, editor of the Manitoba, then the Winnipeg Free Press, from 1901 to 1944, and one of the first Indigenous-rights advocates in Western Canada.
The scholarship includes a $650 cash award and a newsroom internship during the Christmas break.  Our internships are known across Canada for being personally and professionally rewarding. Interns get invaluable experience in journalism, and come away with a portfolio of published material. You'll also connect with Free Press journalists who can mentor you through the remainder of your school year and beyond.
Interested students are asked to submit a brief resume, several samples of their writing and a 350-word essay on their goals as an Indigenous or visible minority journalist.  Send your application to:  Paul Samyn, Editor, Winnipeg Free Press,, 1355 Mountain Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba R2X 3B6.  Application deadline: 5 p.m. November 1st.  Further information is available from instructor James Turner, 204-949-8345 or email

Karen Wall Indigenous Nursing Student Award
Established upon the retirement of Karen Wall, Chair of the Nursing Department from 1998 to 2014, one award of $750 award will be available annually to a nursing student of Indigenous heritage who is in the 3rd year of the BN Program. The student must a have a record of community service to an Indigenous community and have a cumulative GPA of 2.5. The General RRC Polytech Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository, as well as a letter of reference supporting the applicant's community service activities. Application deadline is September 15th annually.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.  Once the application is submitted, instructions will be provided for submitting required documents. 
Ken and Peggy French - Culinary Skills Award for Indigenous Students
This bursary was established by Ken and Peggy French who believed in the importance of post-secondary education and acted on it by establishing a fund at Winnipeg Foundation. Four bursaries ($2000 each) are available, to assist with costs for Indigenous heritage students attending the Culinary Skills program at Red River College Polytechnic.  Interested students should submit an application form, including financial information, along with a document verifying Indigenous heritage. Recipient selection will be based on financial need.  Bursary funds will be applied first to tuition costs for the program, with surplus funds being disbursed to the recipients.  If there are insufficient applications from deserving Culinary Skills students, bursary funds will be awarded to Indigenous heritage students attending other program at the College, who have submitted applications for other bursaries.  Application deadline is October 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Louis Riel Bursary
Through funding provided by the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) and matched by the Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative (MSBI), bursaries, valued a minimum of $1000, are available to eligible Metis students attending a certificate, diploma or degree program (excluding Apprenticeship and upgrading programs) at Red River College Polytechnic, who are maintaining satisfactory academic progress in their program.  There are two applications that must be submitted:  1. the Louis Riel Bursary online application is available from Louis Riel Institute; 2. the General RRC Polytech Application for Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships (link above) should be completed and submitted online. Only applicants who have submitted both applications by the application date will be eligible for consideration. Selection will be based on financial need (those receiving other funding, including MMF funding are still eligible to apply).  Applications will be accepted from August 1st to September 15th each year.  Applicants must be attending their program at the time of the application deadline.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.

M.D. Steele Carpentry Award
This $1000 award for a student enrolled in a Carpentry program at RRC Polytech, has been established by M.D. Steele to celebrate St. Andrews Lock and Dam project. M.D. Steele was born as an innovative and integrity-focused construction company. The firm's steadfast commitment to being reliable, fair, and trustworthy is paramount to M.D. Steele being a leader in the industry. The selection criteria include successful academic progress, leadership qualities, and interest in civil construction. Preference will be given to applicants with Indigenous ancestry. To be considered, the general application form should be accompanied by a reference letter from a teacher, instructor, community leader, or employer attesting to the applicant's leadership qualities in school, work, or the community. Also required is a short statement from the applicant indicating their interest in civil construction. The application deadlines are October 15th for the fall term and March 15th for the winter term. One recipient will be selected each spring annually. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Manitoba Hydro Bursaries
Specific Application
Manitoba Hydro offers a number of awards, bursaries and scholarships to Red River College students who are of Indigenous ancestry or members of employment equity designated groups (women, Indigenous people, members of visible minority groups, and persons with disabilities).  A complete list including eligibility criteria, deadline dates, and application forms are available from their website .  Manitoba Hydro reviews all applications and selects the recipients.  Those selected are generally notified by early December.  Completed application forms should be submitted directly to Manitoba Hydro by the indicated deadline date (October 1 in most cases).
Manitoba Metis Federation-Vickar Community Chevrolet Student Awards
Established jointly by the Manitoba Metis Federation and Vickar Community Chevrolet, two $1000 awards are available annually to full-time Metis students.  Eligible applicants will be enrolled in one of the following programs at RRC Polytech:  Automotive Technician (Certificate); Automotive Technician (Diploma); Collision Repair & Refinishing; Introduction to Trades (Automotive); Business Administration; or Commerce, Industry Sales and Marketing.  There are two applications that must be submitted:  1. the Louis Riel Bursary application is available from  Louis Riel Institute Vickar Award Application and must be submitted to the Louis Riel Institute (contact information is included on page 1 of the form); 2. for the General RRC Polytech Application for Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships (link above) please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. Only applicants who have submitted both applications will be eligible for consideration.  The application submitted to RRC Polytech should be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from an instructor, employer or high school teacher or other reference, that attests to at least one of the following: team work in the classroom or on the job; leadership or volunteer experience in the community; or strong work ethic/commitment to learning, as well as a one-page (maximum) narrative from the applicant, including their career goals, plans for the future, and how this award would make a difference to them. Deadline for applications is October 15th. 

Mary Guilbault Metis Award
Specific Application
This award is available to Red River Metis students across Manitoba who excel in academics and show a strong connection to their Metis community.  Post-secondary students who have been a resident of Manitoba for the last 12 months may qualify for the Mary Guilbault Metis Award, administered by the Louis Riel Institute.  For further information and to apply, visit Louis Riel Institute (  Application deadline is October 1st.
Mínwastánikéwin Truth and Reconciliation Award

Valued at $1,000, the Mínwastánikéwin Truth and Reconciliation Award aims to combat the long lasting intergenerational impacts that Indigenous people face on their journey towards success in post-secondary education. Mínwastánikéwin is a Cree word that means ‘to set it right.’  This award was made possible through the generous support of RRC Polytech students, staff and faculty supporting campaigns at the RRC Polytech Campus Store that bring awareness to Truth and Reconciliation and Indigenous issues such as Orange Shirt Day: Every Child Matters and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Honouring and Awareness Day. We know that over the last 150 years, 150,000 Indigenous children attended Canadian Residential Schools. We know that 90% of children in Manitoba’s foster care system are Indigenous and more than one-third of Winnipeg’s Indigenous population, nearly 70,000 people, live in poverty. And we also know that despite making up almost 17% of the provincial population, Indigenous peoples are typically underrepresented in post-secondary institutions.

This award is available to RRC Polytech Indigenous full-time students who have a stake in Truth and Reconciliation and a personal connection to the international effects of colonialism. Recipients will be selected based on an essay response on what Truth and Reconciliation means to you.  To be eligible, applicants are required to submit a General RRC Polytech Application, proof of Indigenous heritage, and a one-page essay submission. Deadline for applications is February 26th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

North West Company Award
Two awards valued at $1000 each, provided by the North West Company, will be awarded annually to deserving Indigenous students enrolled in the second year of Business Administration at RRC Polytech. Eligible applicants will have achieved a minimum 2.5 GPA in each previous semester and demonstrate financial need. The application deadline is October 15th. The award funds will be applied first to program fees for the year, with any surplus being disbursed to the recipient.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
“Our Children, Our Ways” Award
Up to two annual cash awards, up to $1000 each, are presented to Indigenous students enrolled in the Early Childhood Education or Early Childhood Education Workplace program at RRC Polytech; one to a first-year student and one to a second-year student. Criteria include academic achievement and service to Indigenous children and families. To be considered, submit a General RRC Polytech Application, accompanied by a one- to two-page typed, response to the question: 'As an Indigenous student studying ECE, how do you see yourself contributing to the health and well-being of children in the future?'  Application deadline is April 5th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Pitblado Law Legal Assistant Awards
Two $500 awards, one of which is to be awarded to an Indigenous student, are available annually to students enrolled in the full-time Legal Assistant Certificate program at Red River College Polytechnic.  Selection criteria will include: suitability for employment at Pitblado Law; prior background in work, school, volunteer and other activities; academic performance; and employability skills.  Students interested in being considered should submit an application form, along with a resumé, and a one-page statement detailing: why you would like to work for Pitblado Law as a Legal Assistant; qualities and abilities which make you suitable for a position there; long-term career aspirations; and commitment to lifelong learning.  The annual deadline for applications is February 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Portage Mutual Insurance Award for Indigenous Nursing Students
A $1000 award has been established by the Donor to support Indigenous students who resides in Portage la Prairie and attend the Nursing Degree program (including the LPN to BN Pathway) at Red River College Polytech. Portage Mutual Insurance is a national company established in 1884. In keeping with their “mutual frame of mind”, Portage Mutual Insurance cares deeply about what is happening in the communities in which they operate, and the challenges communities can face. The company is demonstrating these values by establishing long-term commitments and partnerships across the nation. This award is a long-term commitment to further education within the Indigenous community. To be considered for this award, the applicant needs to have a good academic standing and demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to Indigenous Nursing students who attend the Nursing Degree program (including the LPN to BN Pathway) at RRC Polytech Portage Campus. Secondary consideration will be given to Indigenous Students who attend the Nursing Degree program (including the LPN to BN Pathway) at RRC Polytech in Winnipeg.  The General RRC Polytech Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository. The application deadline for this award is September 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.  Once the application is submitted, instructions for submitting the required documents will be provided.
Red River Co-op Indigenous Culinary Skills Award
The Red River Co-op Indigenous Culinary Skills Award supports Indigenous students in the Culinary Skills (Indigenous) program at Red River College Polytechnic. This program equips students with essential culinary techniques, food knowledge, and introductory business skills. It includes Indigenous content, pre-employment supports, and a paid co-op work placement to help students gain practical experience and industry connections.
As a co-operative, Red River Co-op is guided by the principle of doing the right thing for their members, employees, communities, and the environment. With a commitment to giving back and improving the lives of those in the communities they serve, Red River Co-op has created this award to remove financial barriers for students progressing into the second term of the program. The award, ranging from $1,000 to $3,000, will help cover costs directly related to the successful completion of the program, including materials, certifications, or any other necessary expenses. This aligns with Red River Co-op's mission of investing in people, supporting local communities, and fostering success. The recipient will be awarded this award to assist them to successfully complete the program.  Application deadline is October 31st. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.

Red River Metis & Cantor's Family Award
Specific Application
This award is available to Red River Metis students who are attending a post-secondary institution in Manitoba.  The student must be enrolled in butcher/abattoir, culinary arts, or any agricultural programs which focus on the study of livestock and processes used for the purpose of feeding people, or a related field in which you can express the connection to the butcher/abbattoir field.  For further information and to apply, visit Louis Riel Institute (  Application deadline is November 1st.
Ross A. Johnston Award
Ross A. Johnston, a retired Provincial Court Judge who recognized the importance of child and family supports provided through social services, established an award program to assist students enrolled in the second year of the Child and Youth Care program at RRC Polytech.  Three awards valued at a minimum of $1000 each will be available annually.  Preference for one award will be given to an Indigenous applicant. Criteria will include satisfactory academic progress (minimum GPA of 2.50 in each first-year term) and financial need. Applications should be accompanied by a one-page essay discussing the role of the child and youth care professional in supporting children, youth and families.  Deadline for applications is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Rotary Winnipeg West Award

Rotary Winnipeg West has established two $2500 awards to support full-time Indigenous students in overcoming financial barriers, while pursuing their career dreams in one of the following full-time programs at Red River College Polytechnic's Notre Dame Campus:  Educational Assistant, Health Care Aide or Health Unit Clerk.   The primary mission of Rotarians is to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.   Rotary West is acting on this mission with the ongoing support of Winnipeggers.  This award will allow more Indigenous scholars to achieve their career dreams by assisting with tuition or associated costs to ensure successful graduates.  Those interested in being considered for this award should submit a general application accompanied by a letter/statement outlining their career aspirations.  Selection criteria includes financial need and career goals.  One award is available to fall term students; application deadline is October 15th.  The other award is available to winter term students; application deadline is February 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

RRC Introduction or Pathway Program Indigenous Student Bursaries
Two bursaries valued at $750 each are available to students of indigenous descent who have completed one of the following programs: Pathway Business Creative Communications Digital Technology; Pathway to Health; Pathway to Engineering; College Transition; Introduction to Electrical Engineering Technology; Introduction to Business Information Technology, Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, or Introduction to Trades at RRC Polytech.  Recipients will have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA for their Intro/ Pathway program, and must be entering a certificate, diploma or degree program to continue their studies at RRC Polytech.  The bursaries are intended to assist with program fees and, as such, will be applied directly to those fees.  Students, whose fees are being covered by a sponsoring agency, will be eligible to receive the bursary to assist with other related costs. Selection will be based on academic achievement and financial need.  Applicants for this bursary may also be considered for the Indigenous Student Bursary from Red River College.  Deadline for applications is October 15th for fall programs and January 15th for winter programs.  (Students should apply by the earliest application deadline date occurring during their studies in the certificate, diploma or degree program.)  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
RRC Polytech Students' Association Bursary

Five bursaries valued at $1000 each are available annually to full-time Red River College Polytechnic students who are enrolled in the following programs:  Administrative Assistant; Applied Commerce Education (Business/Technology Teacher Education); Dental Assisting; Health Care Aide; Indigenous Language – Cree; Indigenous Language – Ojibwe; MRI and Spectroscopy; Paramedicine – Primary Care Paramedic; Pathway Business Creative Communications Digital Technology; Pharmaceutical and Food Manufacturing or Professional Photography.  To be considered, students should submit an application form, accompanied by a letter describing their financial circumstances. Recipients will be selected based on financial need.  The application deadline is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

RRC Polytech Students' Association Indigenous Student Award
One scholarship of $1000 shall be awarded annually to an Indigenous student enrolled full-time in any RRC Polytech program, who can demonstrate satisfactory academic progress and financial need, and is actively involved in the college and/or community.  Applicants must be self-identified as Indigenous in their Red River College Polytechnic student record.  Applicants must submit along with their application form, a one-page outline with a specific focus on their college/community involvement.  The application deadline is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Shirley (Perret) Loewen Indigenous Graduation Bursary
This bursary is supported by Shirley (Perret) Loewen endowment fund to assist Indigenous nursing graduates with the cost of the required licensure examination (NCLEX-RN). Established in loving memory of Shirley Loewen who exemplified a lifelong commitment to nursing, education, family, and community. A dedicated nurse by trade, Shirley recognized the vital role that nurses play in community lead healthcare. The family wishes to thank RRC Polytech for supporting this bursary and making our community a better place. $1000 bursaries are available to graduating Indigenous students who successfully completed the Senior Practicum course and have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.00. The General RRC Polytech Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository, as well as proof of indigenous ancestry and a paragraph outlining their financial situation and how this bursary will assist them in their future career. The application deadlines are September 30th, March 31st, and June 30th. Students should apply by the deadline immediately following their completion of the Senior Practicum course.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.  Once the application is submitted, instructions for submitting required documents will be provided.
Shirley (Perret) Loewen Indigenous Nursing Student Bursary
This bursary is supported by Shirley (Perret) Loewen endowment fund to support Indigenous students to become future nurses. Established in loving memory of Shirley Loewen who exemplified a lifelong commitment to nursing, education, family, and community. A dedicated nurse by trade, Shirley recognized the vital role that nurses play in community lead healthcare. The family wishes to thank RRC Polytech for supporting this bursary and making our community a better place. $5000 bursaries are available to first and second-year students (terms 1-6) to assist the student with the cost of tuition and books. $3000 will be applied to these costs, and the remaining $2000 will be provided to the student for other school-related expenses. Students receiving funding for tuition and book costs are not eligible to apply (excluding Manitoba Student Aid). First-year students must have already completed one term of studies. To be eligible, students must be enrolled full-time (60%) course load and have achieved a minimum GPA of 2.5. The General RRC Polytech Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository as well as proof of indigenous ancestry and a paragraph outlining how the bursary will assist them in pursuing their career. The application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.  Once the application is submitted, instructions for submitting required documents will be provided.
Sibyl McKay Inkster Bursary
Through The Winnipeg Foundation, two bursaries of $450 will be awarded to female Metis students enrolled in regular full-time programs at RRC Polytech. Selection will be based on satisfactory academic progress and financial need. Applicants for this bursary may also be considered for the Indigenous Student Bursary from Red River College.  Deadline for applications is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Staffmax Graduate Scholarship for Skilled Trades
Automatic Selection
A $1000 scholarship for the Welding program has been established by Staffmax, a leading provider of High-Quality Temporary Staffing, Permanent Recruiting, Executive Search, and HR Services. Staffmax is headquartered in Winnipeg and has offices across Canada, USA, Australia & Europe. Staffmax is known for providing ready, reliable & experienced employees across all roles and disciplines. Using advanced recruitment technologies, artificial intelligence, and a team of dedicated specialized recruiters, Staffmax is able to find hidden talent quickly to fill roles on their client’s timeline. Staffmax is involved by helping future professionals to become a part of the talented workforce. The successful candidates will be selected by the faculty based on academic achievement, with preference given to an Indigenous student.
Staffmax Scholarship for Business Administration
Automatic Selection
Two $1000 scholarships for the Business Administration program have been established by Staffmax, a leading provider of High-Quality Temporary Staffing, Permanent Recruiting, Executive Search, and HR Services. Staffmax is headquartered in Winnipeg and has offices across Canada, USA, Australia & Europe. Staffmax is known for providing ready, reliable & experienced employees across all roles and disciplines. Using advanced recruitment technologies, artificial intelligence, and a team of dedicated specialized recruiters, Staffmax is able to find hidden talent quickly to fill roles on their client’s timeline. Staffmax is involved in helping future professionals to become a part of the talented workforce. The scholarships will be presented to full-time Indigenous students who have completed the first year of the program and will continue into the second year.  Award funds will be paid to program fees for the upcoming year.   In the case of students who are funded for their program by a third-party sponsor, funds will be released to the recipient to assist with other costs, after the fall term has commenced.   The successful candidates will be selected by the faculty based on academic achievement.
TD Aboriginal Nursing Fund
Specific Application
Awards are available for Aboriginal students who are enrolled full-time in a Nursing program.  Students must enroll with the Canadian Nurses Foundation. Further information is available at  Deadline for applications is March 31.
The Southern Chiefs’ Organization Every Child Matters Scholarship

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization Every Child Matters Scholarship was created in honour of the children who attended residential schools and those who never made it home. Southern Chiefs’ Organization recognizes that all First Nation people, families, and communities have been impacted by the residential schools. The $2000 scholarship is intended to support Survivors and their descendants, as well as descendants of the families of the children who died.  The scholarship is to be awarded on the basis of academic merit to a status citizen of one of the Southern Chiefs’ Organization member First Nations (Berens River, Birdtail Sioux, Black River, Bloodvein, Brokenhead, Buffalo, Canupawakpa, Dakota, Dakota Tipi, Dauphin River, Ebb and Flow, Gambler, Hollow Water, Keeseekoowenin, Kinonjeoshtegon, Lake Manitoba, Lake St. Martin, Little Grand Rapids, Little Saskatchewan, Long Plain, O-Ch-Chak-Koo-Sipi, Pauingassi, Point Pegui, Pinaymootang, Plains Pine Creek, Poplar River, Rolling River, Roseau River, Sagkeeng, Sandy Bay, Skownan, Swan Lake, Tootinaowaziibeeng, or Waywayseecappo), who is a full- or part-time continuing student at the Red River College Polytechnic, who has successfully completed at least 12 credit hours, and who has made contributions to their school community or their community at large.  Applicants must submit a letter describing their school or community involvement.  The contact information of the chosen recipient shall be disclosed to the donor each year. Southern Chiefs' Organization Inc. observes an annual commemoration of all successful applicants. By submitting an application for the scholarship, the recipient of the Scholarship consents to be contacted through electronic mail or telephone for a brief interview with a member of Southern Chiefs’ Organization.  In the unlikely event of a mitigating circumstance, such as a protection order or equivalent, anonymity will be granted to the recipient of the Scholarship.  Application deadline is February 26, 2024.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Tim McLean Memorial Bursary
Specific Application
A bursary is available to an Indigenous student with financial need entering apprenticeship training to obtain certification in a Manitoba designated trade.  Further information is available at .  Application deadline is May 30.
Verna and Stanley Mckay, Sr. Educational Bursary for First Nations Students
One $1000 bursary is available annually to a full-time, first-year RRC Polytech Indigenous student who has been denied Band funding for their post-secondary studies at the College.  Those interested in being considered should submit a completed application, accompanied by a letter from their Band stating that they have been denied funding, as well as a short statement (paragraph) outlining their involvement in the Indigenous community.  Selection will be based on financial need and community involvement.  Application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Viterra Inc. Scholarships for First Nations, Inuit, Metis Electrical Engineering
Established by Viterra Inc. to support first or second year First Nations, Inuit, or Metis students in the Electrical Engineering Technology program at RRC Polytech after successful completion of at least one term. One $500 scholarship is available annually for each intake to an Electrical Engineering Technology program student. Deadline for applications for fall intake is October 15th and for winter intake is February 15th. Recipient selection will be based on academic achievement.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.

Academic Preparation

English Speaking Union Award
Automatic Selection
Awards, valued at a minimum of $500 each, will be presented annually to Permanent Resident students who have successfully completed any of the College’s English as an Additional Language programs. Recipients will be selected by program faculty.  Selection will be based on academic excellence reflected by competency in all aspects of language development (reading, writing, speaking and listening).
Powerland Computers English as an Additional Language Awards
Automatic Selection
Two awards, valued at a minimum of $500 each, will be presented to Permanent Resident students who have successfully completed any of the College's English as an Additional Language programs on a full-time basis.  Recipients will be selected by program faculty. Preference will be given to students who have a background, or have demonstrated a particular interest, in the field of Information Technology.
RRC Polytech Adult Learning Centre Bursaries
Two bursaries valued at $750 each are available to students who have attended a minimum of four courses, achieved a minimum 75% average in their final term and graduated from an RRC Polytech Adult Learning Centre, who are continuing their education at RRC Polytech.  The bursaries are intended to assist with program fees for a certificate, diploma or degree program at the College and, as such, will be applied directly to those fees.  Students, whose fees are being covered by a sponsoring agency, will be eligible to receive the bursary to assist with other related costs.  Selection will be based on academic achievement and financial need.  Deadline for applications is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 


Alan and Doreen Thompson Business Administration Award

The Alan and Doreen Thompson Charitable Foundation Business Administration Award, valued at $1000, stands as a testament to the philanthropic legacy of Alan and Doreen Thompson at Red River College Polytechnic.  Alan Thompson and his wife Doreen were born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba and spent most of their lives in Winnipeg and West Vancouver, BC.  In honoring Alan's distinguished career in the investment industry and the couple's shared commitment to supporting medical research, education and local/national organizations, this award aims to provide financial assistance to deserving students.  Eligible candidates must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents, enrolled full-time in any year of the Business Administration program, and demonstrate both good academic standing and financial need.  Academic performance is evaluated after the successful completion of one term.  The selection process will be managed by the student award and financial aid office and the Business Administration faculty.  In order to maximize the reach of the award a new student will be selected to receive the award each year. This award aims to not only provide financial assistance but also to celebrate Alan and Doreen Thompson by supporting students whose goal is to strive for excellence in the field of business administration.  RRC Polytech Business Administration students who have completed at least one term are eligible to apply by the annual deadline date of September 30th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.

Applied Commerce & Management Education International Student Award
Automatic Selection
Two $500 awards will be presented to graduating International Students who were enrolled full-time in an Applied Commerce & Management Education program .  One will be awarded to a student who has graduated from Business Administration, and the other will be awarded to a student who has graduated from Applied Accounting or Commerce, Industry Sales and Marketing.  Recipient selection will be based on outstanding academic achievement.
Applied Computer Education Academic Achievement Awards for First-Year Students
Awards of $750 each are available annually, to students enrolled in the second term of an Applied Computer Education diploma program at RRC Polytech.  Applications must include a letter of reference from an instructor and a grade report.  Financial need may be considered.  Applications deadline is December 30th and April 30th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Applied Computer Education Department Award
Awards of $1250 will be presented annually, each spring, to students enrolled in an Applied Computer Education program (first or second year) at RRC Polytech.  Applications must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from an instructor, a grade report and an essay.  The essay should describe their experience in the program, their career aspirations, and include examples of class leadership.  Academic achievement will also be considered.   Application deadline is April 30th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Applied Computer Education Leadership and Community Awards
Awards of $1000 will be awarded to students enrolled in their second year of an Applied Computer Education program at RRC Polytech, who show leadership in the College or community.  Applications must be accompanied by an essay describing (with examples) their leadership qualities in their family, College and community.  Also required are letters of recommendation from an RRC Polytech instructor and a member of the community.   Application deadline is April 30th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Applied Computer Education Outstanding Graduate Awards
Automatic Selection

Awards of $1000 each will be presented annually, to students graduating from an Applied Computer Education diploma program, on the basis of outstanding academic achievement, and their contribution to the department.  Recipients will be automatically selected for each academic term by ACE instructor nomination.  Awards will be distributed after November 30th and March 30th.

Applied Computer Education Research and Innovation Awards
Awards of $1000 each will be presented annually, each spring, to second-year students from Applied Computer Education diploma programs at RRC Polytech.  The purpose of this award is to recognize innovative achievement or research, including the process of discovery, and creation or conception of the innovation or research.  Applications must be accompanied by an essay describing your unique idea or research project, that helps the community in a positive way, and how you have implemented the idea.   Application deadline is April 30th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Assiniboine Credit Union Bursary
One bursary valued at a minimum of $1000, to be paid towards the program fees for their next year of the program, will be awarded annually to an Indigenous student enrolled in the first year of Business Administration at RRC Polytech. Selection criteria include satisfactory academic progress (minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00), demonstrated financial need, community involvement and mentorship qualities. Applicants must submit, along with their application form, a resume with a specific focus on their community involvement. Deadline for applications is March 15.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Bell MTS Academic Excellence Award for Information Technology
Automatic Selection
Two $500 awards will be presented annually to students in the second year of the Business Information Technology programs based on outstanding academic achievement in the first year of the program.  One award will be presented for each class start date.
Business Administration Academic Achievement Awards
Automatic Selection
Two awards valued at $750 and $500 will be presented annually, in each major of the Business Administration program, to graduating full-time students, based on outstanding academic achievement.
Canada Life Awards
$2000 awards are available annually to students who will be entering their final year of the following programs: Business Administration, Business Information Technology, IT Operations or Creative Communications at RRC Polytech. Students will apply prior to the end of their first year of studies. Criteria include financial need and a strong academic record (minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00), as well as volunteerism/community involvement.  An essay or letter outlining volunteerism/community involvement must accompany the application form. Awards will be paid to program fees for the upcoming year. Students who are funded for their program fees by a third-party agency will not be eligible to receive the award.  Application deadline is March 15.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Castellan Information Security Services Inc. Scholarship
Automatic Selection

A $1000 scholarship has been established for the Information Security program at Red River College, by Castellan Information Security Services Inc. (“Castellan” a Canadian corporation headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Castellan is an end-to-end provider of Information Security Services, Products, and Personnel. Castellan’s purpose is to empower our clients to protect their information in all forms (physical and digital) against internal and external threats. Castellan’s mission is to be trained and trusted partner for our clients to successfully protect their most valuable asset – information. This scholarship supports excellence and the hard work of students and will support a student who is building their career to benefit this rapidly growing industry. The recipient will be selected by the faculty based on academic excellence throughout the program and will be awarded during the fourth term of the program.

Chartered Life Underwriters Award
This awards program was established by the Winnipeg Chapter of the Chartered Life Underwriters and Chartered Financial Consultants when their association disbanded. Two awards of $750 each will be available annually to students in the second year of Business Administration at RRC Polytech. Criteria will include a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 and demonstrated financial need. Deadline for applications is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Deanna Marie Thomas Memorial Award
Established by her family in memory of Deanna Marie Thomas, daughter of two former Red River College students, two awards of $300 each will be presented annually to students with dependent children. Applications will be accepted from students with demonstrated financial need enrolled in the Business Information Technology, Graphic Design or Business Administration programs at RRC Polytech who have completed at least one semester and have attained a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5. First consideration will be given to those enrolled in the Business Information Technology or Graphic Design programs. Application deadline is January 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Doug Newton Memorial Scholarship
Automatic Selection
A $500 scholarship will be presented annually to a full-time student who is graduating from the Applied Accounting  program based on outstanding academic achievement.
Dylan Fontaine Work Integrated Learning Award
Automatic Selection

Awards of $1000 each will be presented to students, enrolled in Work Integrated Learning in an Applied Computer Education (ACE) diploma program, who demonstrated exemplary work ethic, helped others, and showed leadership.  Recipients will be automatically selected for each academic term by the ACE Work Integrated Learning Committee.

Enterprise Rent-a-Car Canada Ltd Awards
One award, valued at $500, is available to a student enrolled full-time in the second year of the Business Administration program at RRC Polytech, majoring in Marketing. Applicants must have maintained a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00. Selection will be based on academic achievement and volunteer involvement in the community or at RRC. Those interested in being considered should submit an application form accompanied by a one-page statement describing their volunteer activities. Deadline for applications is September 30th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Entrepreneurial Spirit Global Giving Award for International Students
One $1000 award, established by the Centre for International Education and Global Partnerships department at Red River College, is available annually to International students who have graduated from one of the following RRC programs: Business Administration, Business Information Technology, Business Technology Management or Social Innovation and Community Development and intend to start a business in Manitoba. Eligible applicants will have been enrolled full-time as an International student, graduated within the previous twelve months, developed a business plan and intend to start a business in Manitoba. The application form should be accompanied by a business plan. The award will be available until 2024. Application deadline is October 15, annually.  Completed application forms should be submitted by email to .
Frontier Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. Scholarship
Automatic Selection
Established by Frontier Supply Chain Solutions, Inc., a scholarship valued at $500 is available annually to an International Business student (fall term entry) who has successfully completed the first term of the program. The successful candidate will have achieved a minimum 4.00 GPA in first term, including a minimum grade of A in the International Logistics course.
Gary Coleman Award for Inner-City Scholars

Removing barriers to post-secondary education from enrollment to graduation, the Gary Coleman Award will support two domestic students who:
• Graduated in the previous 24 months from one of the Inner City High Schools (Argyle Alternative High School, Children of the Earth High School, Daniel McIntyre Collegiate, Gordon Bell High School, R. B. Russell Vocational High School, Sisler High School, St. John’s High School, Technical Vocational High School); and
• Have been accepted into one of the following Red River College Polytechnic programs:  Applied Accounting (Certificate), Business Administration (Diploma), Applied Development and Delivery (Diploma), Commerce Industry Sales and Marketing (Certificate), Data Science and Machine Learning (Diploma), IT Operations (Diploma) or Information Security (Post Graduate Diploma).

This award will cover tuition, program fees and books and supplies required for successful completion of the program (no cash will be provided to the student). Students receiving other tuition funding need to specify this on their application so that the amount of the award may be adjusted accordingly. Students fully funded by private or public sources will not be eligible for the award. Selection will be based on financial need and the content of the reference letter and essay. Preference may be given to applicants who have demonstrated community /school involvement.  To be eligible applicants are required to submit:

• Proof of acceptance/conditional acceptance as full-time student to one of the eligible programs
• General RRC Polytech Awards application form with financial need section completed
• Documentation to support financial application: Income Tax Notice of Assessment form from the previous tax year from a parent/guardian; or from the applicant (if applicant no longer lives with his/her parents). If, due to your family situation, tax forms cannot be obtained, please provide an explanation of the situation in your essay or contact the Student Awards and Financial Aid office at 204-632-3979 or
• Reference letter from a school counselor, community leader, teacher or school principal, specifically addressing this statement: The qualified candidate is smart, ambitious and has a career dream. Financial challenges are the main barrier to fulfilment of this dream. Please describe how, in your experience, this applicant fits these criteria.
• An essay, based on the following statement: I have ambition, and a dream to become a successful professional. With financial assistance, I will be able to achieve great things in my program at Red River College Polytechnic, and in my career. In a statement, please describe your motivation and ambition, and why your talent makes you an ideal candidate for this award.
• Reference letter confirming community/school involvement, if applicable.
• A Release of Information in order to communicate the award recipient's name to the donor.

The Award shall be renewable by award recipient, for use in subsequent years/semesters of study at RRC Polytech, provided the award recipient continues to be enrolled full-time in the original program of study at the College and achieves a minimum 3.0 GPA.  For students commencing their studies in the fall term, the application deadline is the first Friday of July.  The secondary deadline is September 10th (preference will be given to the July applicants).  For students commencing their studies in the winter term, the application deadline is November 30th. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to connect with the Student Awards and Financial Aid office at 204-632-3979.  Completed application forms should be submitted by email to .

Global Giving Award for Social Innovation and Community Development
Automatic Selection
A $1000 award has been established by the Centre for International Education and Global Partnerships at Red River College, and will be available annually until the 2024/25 academic year. The award will be presented annually to the full-time international student, enrolled in the Social Innovation and Community Development diploma program, who achieves the highest GPA at the end of the first year of the program. The award funds will be applied to the program fees for the second year of the program.
Henry Penner Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
Established in memory of Henry Penner, an instructor in the Information Systems Technology program, one award valued at a $400 will be presented annually.  The recipient will be a full-time student entering the second year of the Business Information Technology program who is actively pursuing their Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification.  Selection will be determined by the program faculty.
Industrial Truck Service Ltd. - Commerce/Industry Sales and Marketing Award
One award valued at $1000 is available to a full-time Commerce/Industry Sales and Marketing student at RRC Polytech. Applicants must have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA in the first term and have demonstrated financial need.  Application deadline date is January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Informanix Future Information Security Architect Award
Automatic Selection
A $2,500 award has been established by Informanix, a leading Information Technology company that provides unparalleled excellence across an array of industries.  Informanix was founded in 2013 by senior Information Technology professionals.  Informanix has quickly established itself as an industry leader in Western Canada.  The award will be presented to an Information Security student.  The recipient will be an IT visionary, who is living, breathing, and inspired by technology, and keen on implementing technology efficiencies through innovation, optimization, and flexibility.  They will also have career aspirations of becoming a future IT Security Architect.  Faculty will select a student, who has presented the above qualities during the entire program, as the recipient.
Iron Spear Award
A $2,500 award has been established by Iron Spear, a niche cyber security consulting firm. The award is available to domestic students who have completed the first term of the Information Security or Business Information Technology program at RRC Polytech, and achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA. Preference will be given to Indigenous and/or female candidates, but all are encouraged to apply. The award funds will be disbursed in two parts; $1500 will be awarded at the time of selection; the remainder will be awarded at the beginning of the second year of the program, once enrolment is completed. Selection criteria will include academic progress and financial need. The application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Manitoba Hydro Bursaries
Specific Application
Manitoba Hydro offers a number of awards, bursaries and scholarships to Red River College students who are of Indigenous ancestry or members of employment equity designated groups (women, Indigenous people, members of visible minority groups, and persons with disabilities).  A complete list including eligibility criteria, deadline dates, and application forms are available from their website .  Manitoba Hydro reviews all applications and selects the recipients.  Those selected are generally notified by early December.  Completed application forms should be submitted directly to Manitoba Hydro by the indicated deadline date (October 1 in most cases).
Manitoba Metis Federation-Vickar Community Chevrolet Student Awards
Established jointly by the Manitoba Metis Federation and Vickar Community Chevrolet, two $1000 awards are available annually to full-time Metis students.  Eligible applicants will be enrolled in one of the following programs at RRC Polytech:  Automotive Technician (Certificate); Automotive Technician (Diploma); Collision Repair & Refinishing; Introduction to Trades (Automotive); Business Administration; or Commerce, Industry Sales and Marketing.  There are two applications that must be submitted:  1. the Louis Riel Bursary application is available from  Louis Riel Institute Vickar Award Application and must be submitted to the Louis Riel Institute (contact information is included on page 1 of the form); 2. for the General RRC Polytech Application for Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships (link above) please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. Only applicants who have submitted both applications will be eligible for consideration.  The application submitted to RRC Polytech should be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from an instructor, employer or high school teacher or other reference, that attests to at least one of the following: team work in the classroom or on the job; leadership or volunteer experience in the community; or strong work ethic/commitment to learning, as well as a one-page (maximum) narrative from the applicant, including their career goals, plans for the future, and how this award would make a difference to them. Deadline for applications is October 15th. 

Norm Konowalchuk Memorial Award for Business Administration Students
This award was established by family and friends in memory of Norm Konowalchuk, a longtime employee of Red River College. A minimum of one $1200 award will be available annually to a second-year Business Administration student at RRC Polytech enrolled in the final semester, who has attained a minimum 3.50 GPA in term 3 and intends to pursue a university degree and/or professional designation upon receiving their Business Administration diploma. Eligible applicants will have demonstrated volunteerism and leadership, as well as commitment to RRC Polytech, the community and life-long learning. Application forms should be accompanied by a one-page essay outlining the applicant's career aspirations, community activity and suitability for the award (an indication of how this award would make a difference to them and their plans may also be included); a letter of reference from a Business Administration instructor, commenting on the applicant’s degree of commitment and enthusiasm for life-long learning and; a letter of reference related to the applicant's volunteerism, leadership and commitment to the community.  Financial need is a secondary consideration; applicants may choose to complete the financial section of the application and/or include information pertaining to their financial situation in their essay.  The award funds will be issued directly to registration fees for a university program and/or professional designation classes, upon confirmation of registration by the recipient.  Application deadline is March 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
North West Company Award
Two awards valued at $1000 each, provided by the North West Company, will be awarded annually to deserving Indigenous students enrolled in the second year of Business Administration at RRC Polytech. Eligible applicants will have achieved a minimum 2.5 GPA in each previous semester and demonstrate financial need. The application deadline is October 15th. The award funds will be applied first to program fees for the year, with any surplus being disbursed to the recipient.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Outstanding Academic Innovation Award
Automatic Selection
The Outstanding Academic Innovation Award, established by Kirk Johnson, Dean of the School of Business, IT & Creative at RRC Polytechnic, is valued at $500. This award recognizes a student who has completed the Industry Project course (ACE Project Space) and has been nominated by the ACE Project team for showcasing a dedication to innovative problem-solving.
Paterson GlobalFoods Business Administration Award
One $1000 award is available for a student enrolled full-time in the second year of the Business Administration program at RRC Polytech.  Recipients will have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA, demonstrated volunteer activity in the community and displayed a strong work ethic in class.  Applications should be accompanied by a one-page statement describing career aspirations and volunteer activity in the community, as well as a reference letter from an instructor attesting to a strong work ethic in class.  Application deadline is September 30th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Paterson GlobalFoods Business Information Technology Award
Two $1000 awards (one for each start date) are available for students enrolled full-time in Term 3 (second year) of the Business Information Technology program at RRC Polytech.  Recipients will have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA, demonstrated volunteer activity in the community and displayed a strong work ethic in class.  Applications should be accompanied by a one-page statement describing career aspirations and volunteer activity in the community, as well as a reference letter from an instructor attesting to a strong work ethic in class.  Application deadlines are September 30th (for fall term) and January 31st (for winter term).  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Payworks Entrance Award
One award of $2500 has been established by Payworks, a leading expert in the field of total workforce management solutions, providing cloud-based Payroll, Human Resources, Employee Time, and Absence Management to businesses across Canada. This entrance award will be presented to one Red River College Polytechnic student with a record of a community involvement who is pursuing studies in a full-time Business or Computer and Information Systems Technology program (Business Administration, Business Information Technology or IT Operations) with preference to students from Manitoba or members of the First Nations status/non-status, Inuit or Métis communities. To be considered please submit your application, accompanied by a short paragraph outlining volunteer involvement, by the application deadline of September 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Peter Nykoluk Memorial Award
This award was established by his family in memory of Peter Nykoluk, a Business Administration student at the College at the time of his accidental death. A minimum of four awards valued at a minimum $1000 each will be awarded annually. Applications will be accepted by students enrolled in the following RRC Polytech programs: Business Administration, Business Administration Integrated, Applied Accounting or Commerce/Industry Sales and Marketing. Criteria include satisfactory academic progress and financial need. Deadline for applications is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
Pitblado Law Legal Assistant Awards
Two $500 awards, one of which is to be awarded to an Indigenous student, are available annually to students enrolled in the full-time Legal Assistant Certificate program at Red River College Polytechnic.  Selection criteria will include: suitability for employment at Pitblado Law; prior background in work, school, volunteer and other activities; academic performance; and employability skills.  Students interested in being considered should submit an application form, along with a resumé, and a one-page statement detailing: why you would like to work for Pitblado Law as a Legal Assistant; qualities and abilities which make you suitable for a position there; long-term career aspirations; and commitment to lifelong learning.  The annual deadline for applications is February 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
PTI Transformers Future Innovator Award

PTI Transformers has established three $2,500 awards for students in the following programs: Business Administration (Accounting and Finance Majors), Mechanical Engineering Technology, and Electrical Engineering Technology (Electronic and Instrumentation & Control Engineering.) Eligible students must be enrolled in the second year of their programs and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Recipients will be selected based on the quality of their required statement, which must outline how PTI Transformers’ Four Pillars for Success—Safety, Quality, Happy Customers, and Making Money—are integrated into their studies, work, or personal life.

PTI Transformers, established in 1989 in Regina, Saskatchewan, has grown from a small maintenance shop into Canada’s largest 100% Canadian-owned transformer manufacturer and a recognized innovator in transformer technology. In 2015, PTI expanded by acquiring CG Power Systems Canada’s Winnipeg operations, broadening its product range to include medium and large power transformers, and repatriating key technology to North America. Offering a comprehensive suite of solutions from distribution transformers to specialized products, PTI serves utility, renewable, and commercial/industrial markets. The company, a Platinum Member of Canada’s Best Managed Companies since 2008, is committed to providing innovative, sustainable, and customized solutions, fostering long-term customer relationships, and upholding values of safety, integrity, and continuous improvement. The application deadline for all the awards is October 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Red River Exhibition Foundation Inc. Business Industry Scholarship
Specific Application
Students entering or continuing in the Business Administration program at Red River College are eligible to be considered for a scholarship of $1000. Applicants must provide proof of successful completion of last level of education, acceptance to the program, and submit a letter of reference and an essay. Further information is available from the Red River Exhibition website Business Scholarship Red River Exhibition Association.  Deadline for applications is 11:59 p.m., the second Friday in May each year.
Ricoh Canada Award for Commerce, Industry Sales and Marketing
A $1000 award is available annually to a full-time (60% course load) Commerce, Industry and Marketing student at RRC Polytech.  To be eligible, applicants must be a Manitoba resident and Canadian citizen, and have achieved a minimum 2.50 GPA in the first semester of the program.  Selection will be based on financial need.  Application deadline is January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Ricoh Canada Award for First-Year Business Information Technology Students
A $1000 award is available annually to a full-time (60% course load) first-year Business Information Technology student at RRC Polytech.  To be eligible, applicants must be a Manitoba resident and Canadian citizen, and have achieved a minimum 2.50 GPA in the first semester of the program, if currently enrolled in the second semester; or 60% in Grade 12, if currently enrolled in the first semester.  Selection will be based on financial need.  Application deadline is January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.  
Ricoh Canada Award for Second-Year Business Information Technology Students
A $1000 award is available annually to a full-time (60% course load) second-year Business Information Technology student at RRC Polytech.  To be eligible, applicants must be a Manitoba resident and Canadian citizen, and have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA.  Selection will be based on financial need.  Application deadline is January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Staffmax Scholarship for Business Administration
Automatic Selection
Two $1000 scholarships for the Business Administration program have been established by Staffmax, a leading provider of High-Quality Temporary Staffing, Permanent Recruiting, Executive Search, and HR Services. Staffmax is headquartered in Winnipeg and has offices across Canada, USA, Australia & Europe. Staffmax is known for providing ready, reliable & experienced employees across all roles and disciplines. Using advanced recruitment technologies, artificial intelligence, and a team of dedicated specialized recruiters, Staffmax is able to find hidden talent quickly to fill roles on their client’s timeline. Staffmax is involved in helping future professionals to become a part of the talented workforce. The scholarships will be presented to full-time Indigenous students who have completed the first year of the program and will continue into the second year.  Award funds will be paid to program fees for the upcoming year.   In the case of students who are funded for their program by a third-party sponsor, funds will be released to the recipient to assist with other costs, after the fall term has commenced.   The successful candidates will be selected by the faculty based on academic achievement.
Stu and Heather Charles Award

A $1000 award has been established by Stu and Heather Charles, both of whom are Distinguished RRC Graduates, to support a student entering the Application Development and Delivery program at RRC Polytech. “Red River College is where it all started for us,” says Heather. “It was a place that gave us our first opportunity to enter into a new and emerging field and meet 75 like-minded people who were interested in learning more about computers. After graduating, both Stu and Heather went on to successful careers, rising through the ranks of the IT field while serving as longstanding members of the College’s advisory committees, and establishing paid co-op opportunities for students at their places of work. Stu spent the last 17 years as Chief Information Officer at the Workers Compensation Board and is currently a member of the RRC Board of Governors. Heather’s career includes HR experience and application development at Manitoba Public Insurance, and as manager of the project management career centre and software developers career centre at Great-West Life. Today Stu and Heather are passionate to give back and support the program and school that gave them so much by creating an opportunity for future professionals. This award is available to a Grade 12 graduate who, in the year following their graduation, is entering the Application Development and Delivery program at RRC Polytech. Eligible applicants must be admitted to the Application Development and Delivery program as of the application deadline. Recipient selection will be based on high school average and financial need. Preference will be given to a female applicant. Application deadline is September 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.

Women’s Enterprise Centre Award
A $500 award is presented annually to a female student who has completed the first year of Business Administration at RRC Polytech. Selection criteria include academic progress and an indication of plans for her future business as presented in a 250-word essay, accompanying the application form.  Application deadline is September 30th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Yuri César Memorial Award for Business Administration International Students
This award was established by Flávio Raphael to cherish the memory of his nephew Yuri, who had a very short life, but made a significant impact on all people who knew him.  His love, laughter, and energy served as a motivation for this award. The award is available to assist an international student, entering the second year of the Business Administration program at Red River College Polytechnic, who is inspired by education, and displays no fear in experiencing change by making Canada their new home, and RRC Polytech their knowledge hub. To be considered for the award, applicants must be an International Student must have a dependent in Canada and have achieved a high academic standing.  Those interested in being considered should submit a general application form, along with a statement outlining their family and financial situation. The application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Community Services

Anne Grape Memorial Award
Automatic Selection

Established by her family in memory of Anne Grape, a much loved faculty member of the Early Childhood Education Program.  This award is based on the faculty nomination of a student in the Early Childhood Education Workplace Program who is in their graduating term.   Two awards will be presented to students annually; one at the end of the fall term and the other at the end of the winter term.  The successful recipient will have displayed the same qualities and standards exhibited by Anne Grape; determination, child focused practice and an overall nurturing and kind-hearted approach in their work with children and families.  Anne was a woman who genuinely cared about the well-being and success of the students she had the opportunity to mentor during her time working at Red River College.

Bob Ramrattan Memorial Award for Community Services Students
An award in memory of Mr. Arnold Bobby Ramrattan was developed by family and friends in support of education and students at Red River College Polytechnic. Education was a top priority for Mr. Ramrattan, he was considered a pioneer for Continuing Education in Manitoba and played a significant role in adult training for Economic Development of Manitoba through the development of the FRED project (Fund for Rural Economic Development). Bob believed in life-long learning, the importance of accessible education and a strong commitment to community. His legacy will be carried forward through the Bob Ramrattan Memorial Award for Community Services Students. One minimum $500 award will be available annually to a student enrolled in the second year of studies in one of the Community Services programs: Child and Youth Care, Early Childhood Education, and Disability and Community Support. Selection criteria will include financial need and community involvement. Completed application forms should be accompanied by a reference letter outlining community involvement. Preference may be given to a First Nations or New Canadian (Permanent Resident or Protected Person) students; applicants should indicate their eligibility in this regard on the application form. The application deadline is January 31st.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Canadian Torch Foundation Award
A $1000 award is available annually to a student enrolled in one of the following RRC Polytech programs: Child and Youth Care; Disability and Community Support; Early Childhood Education; or Early Childhood Education (Workplace).  The recipient will be a student who has a disability (physical, mental, or documented learning disability, or a visual or hearing impairment), whose request for disability-related accommodations and/or supports from Student Accessibility Services at Red River College, has been approved.  A letter from the applicant's Accessibility Specialist indicating approval for these accommodations/supports should accompany the application.  Also required is a one-page statement/letter documenting the applicant's involvement in the community, as well as an outline of their short- and long-term goals. Deadline for applications is January 31.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Child and Youth Care Pathfinder Award
Automatic Selection

This award recognizes an outstanding Year 2 student who demonstrates exceptional leadership, initiative, and a positive impact within their classroom and school community. Selection criteria include:

  • Leadership: Demonstrates exceptional leadership skills by taking initiative, guiding peers, and contributing positively to the classroom environment.
  • CYC Competencies: Displays the competencies of a Child and Youth Care Worker within the classroom environment
  • Commitment: Exhibits dedication to academic excellence, teamwork, and contributing to a supportive and inclusive classroom atmosphere.
  • Impact: Has a noticeable positive effect on the classroom and school community through actions, projects, or leadership roles.


Child and Youth Care Workers Association of Manitoba (CYCWAM) Award
Automatic Selection
This award is presented to a graduating Child and Youth Care (CYC) student member who has demonstrated a strong dedication to their profession through their active employment as a CYC practitioner during their last year of studies.  Their commitment to their professional growth and development is further illustrated by outstanding attendance and participation in their classes.
Dale and Barbara Kendel Award
Automatic Selection
Established by Dale and Barbara Kendel, one award valued at $500, will be awarded to a full-time student in the final term (4th term) of the Disability and Community Support Program. The successful candidate should show good promise, passion and interest in a career in the field of intellectual disabilities; solid academic performance; and positive practicum performance.  Recipient selection will be made by faculty of the program at the beginning of the winter term.
Darlene Koch Memorial Bursary
Through The Winnipeg Foundation, a minimum $600 bursary will be awarded annually to a student enrolled in the second year of the Disability and Community Support program at RRC Polytech. who has completed the Term 3 Practicum - Education course.  A letter of reference from a parent of a special needs child or a positive practicum for the Term 3 Practicum - Education course should also be included. Deadline for applications is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Dawne MacKay-Chiddenton Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
Dawne MacKay-Chiddenton was a dedicated Child and Youth Care Practitioner who worked in the field for over 20 years and was a strong advocate and fierce voice for vulnerable youth in Winnipeg. Dawne was a key player nationally in the ongoing development of training and education for the CYC Professional. Dawne was a mentor for numerous students in developing their child and youth care practice. This $1000 award is dedicated to support the second year Child and Youth Care student who has demonstrated a passion for their work as a Child and Youth Care Practitioner. Recipient selection will be based on instructor’s observation.
Denis Delorme Memorial Award
This award is presented to an Indigenous student graduating from the Child and Youth Care program. The recipient will have demonstrated a high level of achievement in academic courses and all field placements, a strong commitment to the Child and Youth Care field and a desire to assist in improving the quality of life for Indigenous children and youth.  The application should be accompanied by a 250-word essay, explaining why you are a deserving candidate for this award, specifically considering the criteria indicated.  Application deadline is March 15th.
Dr. Gretta Brown Scholarship
Automatic Selection
This scholarship was established by the Manitoba Child Care Association (MCCA) in memory of Dr. Gretta Brown and her distinguished contributions to the child care field. Dr. Brown’s lifelong commitment and work forms the basis of the best child care standards in Canada. She led the establishment of the Child Care Services Diploma Program (Early Childhood Education Program (at RRC). A cash award will be made annually to an ECE student who is a member of the MCCA, who upon beginning the second year of her/his studies has demonstrated professionalism and leadership, qualities that Gretta upheld in her long and distinguished career.
Early Childhood Education Entrance Award

Awards valued at $4000 each are available to first-year Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Education Workplace students (both domestic and international students) at Red River College Polytechnic (all campuses).  Selection criteria will include course load, financial need, and essay content.  Award funds will be paid first to any program fees for the current academic year; if all fees have been paid, any remaining award funds will be released to the recipient.  Award funds will be paid in two disbursements.  $2000 will be released in the fall term and, for recipients who have achieved a minimum 2.00 GPA in the fall term, $2000 will be applied to winter term fees.  (Any students who have not achieved a 2.00 GPA will not receive the winter term portion.)  Those interested in being considered should submit a completed application form, accompanied by a short essay (maximum 250 words) describing career plans after graduation.  Students receiving other funding for tuition (full or partial) should include this information on their application form.  Deadline for applications is October 31st. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Early Childhood Education Student Award
Up to four annual cash awards of up to $750 each will be presented to returning second year students, with a full-time course load (60%), in the Early Childhood Education Diploma programs, at any RRC Polytech campus.  Two awards are available to students in the Early Childhood Education program and two to students in the Early Childhood Education Workplace program. To be considered, submit a General RRC Application (Page 1 and signature only, accompanied by a Practicum Feedback Form and a typed response to the question, "How do you see yourself contributing to children and families after graduation and how will this award help you to meet your goals?" (maximum 2 double-spaced pages).  Academic progress will also be considered. Annual application deadline date is October 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Frances Evers Early Childhood Bursary
A cash award of up to $750 will be presented annually to an Early Childhood Education student who is returning to the second year of the program (Early Childhood Education or Early Childhood Education Workplace), at any RRC Polytech campus. Recipients of the award must demonstrate an inquiring, reflective approach to learning; willingness to go beyond the minimal requirements in academics and practicums; a loving, respectful commitment to children; and a dedication to the profession of early childhood education.  The application form should be accompanied by a one- to two-page, double-spaced, typed letter, stating how you meet the conditions of the award. Annual application deadline date is October 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Inclusion Winnipeg Inc. Award
A award valued at $1,000, will be awarded to a student after completion of the first year of the Disability and Community Support program at RRC Polytech.  Criteria to be considered in the selection include academic responsibility and capability, positive practicum performance and demonstrated leadership qualities.  Students interested in being considered should submit an application form along with a letter outlining how they meet the criteria for this award.  Deadline for applications is October 15th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Irene Stratford Memorial Scholarship
Established by the family of Irene Stratford, an annual cash award valued at $500 will be presented to a student returning for the second year of the Early Childhood Education program, with a full-time course load (60%), at any RRC Polytech campus, who has demonstrated both academic skill and a natural nurturing care for children. Financial need will also be considered.  The application form should be accompanied by a Practicum Feedback Form and a letter stating how they meet the criteria for this award.  Academic progress will also be considered. Application deadline date is October 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Jason Mueller Memorial Award
Automatic Selection

Established to honour the memory of Jason Mueller who graduated from the Disability and Community Support Diploma Program in 2003. This award is intended to honour his spirit by recognizing a student each year who has been able to maintain a positive and energetic approach to their work and others in spite of adversity.  A award valued at $1000 will be presented annually to a student graduating from the Disability & Community Support program, as selected by the program faculty.  If there is not a suitable recipient graduating from the diploma student, the award may be presented to a student graduating from the one-year certificate program. 

Jessie Home Award

The recipient will be a graduating Child and Youth Care student who has demonstrated the following: initiative and leadership qualities, an enthusiasm for learning reflected in academic achievement, a high level of ability in all practicum sites, and the attributes indicative of a positive role-model for children and youth for future child and youth care practitioners. The application should be accompanied by a 250-word essay, explaining why you are a deserving candidate for this award, specifically considering the criteria indicated.  Application deadline is March 15th.

Knowles Centre Justice Jim Smith Memorial Award
This award is presented to a graduating Child and Youth Care student who has demonstrated a commitment to the Child and Youth Care field. The recipient will have demonstrated further commitment to the profession through volunteering in a school, agency or organization that provides services for at-risk children and youth.  The application should be accompanied by a 250-word essay, explaining why you are a deserving candidate for this award, specifically considering the criteria indicated.  Application deadline is March 15th.
Manitoba Association of Community Care Providers Award
A field placement award will be presented to a graduate of the Child and Youth Care Diploma program. The recipient will have demonstrated a high degree of achievement in field placements and a sincere dedication to a career in Child and Youth Care. The application should be accompanied by a 250-word essay, explaining why you are a deserving candidate for this award, specifically considering the criteria indicated.  Application deadline is March 15th.
Marymound Child and Youth Care Award
This award is presented to a graduating Child and Youth Care student who demonstrates a belief in the inherent value of individuals, has a strengths-based approach to working with young people and their families, and who plans to work in a residential/group placement setting.  The application should be accompanied by a 250-word essay, explaining why you are a deserving candidate for this award, specifically considering the criteria indicated.  Application deadline is March 15th.
MAVLI Student Achievement Award
Established by Manitoba Association of Visual Language Interpreters (MAVLI), an award of a minimum $350 is available to a first-year student enrolled in the ASL - English Interpretation program at Red River College Polytechnic. To be eligible, applicants must be a member of MAVLI and a full- time student. Selection will be based on academic standing, and involvement in MAVLI, the interpreting community, Deaf community and the community at large.  Information pertaining to involvement as noted above should be outlined in a one-page statement which must accompany the application.  An RRC Polytech transcript must also be included.  Deadline for applications is February 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Men In Early Childhood Education Award
Up to two annual awards, valued at up to $750 each, will be presented to men enrolled in the first year of the Early Childhood Education or Early Childhood Education Workplace Programs, at any RRC Polytech campus, with a full-time course load (60%). This award has been established to recognize the importance of men in ECE, to honour men who have chosen ECE, and ultimately support growing numbers of men in ECE. Selection is based on academic achievement and contribution to Early Learning and Child Care. To be considered, submit a General RRC Polytech Application, accompanied by a one-page typed response to the following question, “How will you contribute to ECE and how will this award help you meet those goals?”  Application deadline is April 5th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

MK (Community Services) Award for Child and Youth Care

An award valued at a minimum of $1000 is available for a full-time student, who is a parent, and has completed the first year of the Child and Youth Care program at RRC Polytech and is continuing in the second year of the program.  Applicants will have attained a minimum GPA of 3.00 and have had a strong first practicum.  Those interested in being considered should submit an application accompanied by a letter describing how their practicum experience has affected their desire to work in the field, as well as a letter of support from their practicum supervisor.  Application deadline is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

MK (Community Services) Award for Disability and Community Support
An award valued at a minimum of $1000 is available for a full-time student, who is a parent, enrolled in the first year of the Disability and Community Support program at Red River College Polytechnic.  Applicants will have attained a minimum GPA of 3.00 and have had a strong first practicum.  Those interested in being considered should submit an application, accompanied by a letter describing how their training has affected their desire to work in the field, as well as a positive practicum or disability sector employer evaluation.  Deadline for applications is April 15th.    Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
MK (Community Services) Award for Early Childhood Education
Awards, valued at a minimum of $1000 each, are available to full-time students (minimum 60% course load), who are parents, enrolled in the second year of an Early Childhood Education program at RRC Polytech: one award is available for Early Childhood Education and one award is available for Early Childhood Education Workplace. Students can be attending at any campus. One award will be available in each program.  Applicants will have attained a minimum GPA of 3.00 and have had a strong first practicum. ECE students interested in being considered should submit a General RRC Polytech Application, accompanied by a Practicum Feedback Form and a one-page typed letter describing how their training has affected their desire to work in the field.  Application deadline is October 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

New Directions Award
The New Directions for Children, Youth and Families Award is for an individual in the Child and Youth Care program who demonstrates the value of respect in his or her work with children, their families and communities as well as colleagues in class and field placements.  The application should be accompanied by a 250-word essay, explaining why you are a deserving candidate for this award, specifically considering the criteria indicated.  Application deadline is March 15th.
“Our Children, Our Ways” Award
Up to two annual cash awards, up to $1000 each, are presented to Indigenous students enrolled in the Early Childhood Education or Early Childhood Education Workplace program at RRC Polytech; one to a first-year student and one to a second-year student. Criteria include academic achievement and service to Indigenous children and families. To be considered, submit a General RRC Polytech Application, accompanied by a one- to two-page typed, response to the question: 'As an Indigenous student studying ECE, how do you see yourself contributing to the health and well-being of children in the future?'  Application deadline is April 5th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Pat Lucki Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
This award was established by Elmwood Day Nursery in memory of Pat Lucki, a Child Care Services graduate of the College. A $750 award along with a certificate will be presented annually to a graduating student in the full-time Early Childhood Education Diploma Program (formerly Child Care Services)  based on personal characteristics exhibited by Pat such as enthusiasm, love, thoughtfulness and dedication to children, as recommended by the faculty of the Early Childhood Education Full Time program.
Ross A. Johnston Award
Ross A. Johnston, a retired Provincial Court Judge who recognized the importance of child and family supports provided through social services, established an award program to assist students enrolled in the second year of the Child and Youth Care program at RRC Polytech.  Three awards valued at a minimum of $1000 each will be available annually.  Preference for one award will be given to an Indigenous applicant. Criteria will include satisfactory academic progress (minimum GPA of 2.50 in each first-year term) and financial need. Applications should be accompanied by a one-page essay discussing the role of the child and youth care professional in supporting children, youth and families.  Deadline for applications is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

The Link Award

The Link Award has been established to support equitable access to post-secondary education; two awards valued at $1000 each are available to Child and Youth Care students at RRC Polytech. The recipients of this award will have demonstrated The Link's values of compassion, community and well-being.  In upholding these values, they are creating a person-centered professional practice that supports opportunities to strengthen and empower the youth and families they walk along side.  The application should be accompanied by a 250-word essay, explaining why you are a deserving candidate for this award, specifically considering the criteria indicated.  Application deadline is March 15th. 

Youth Recreation Activity Worker Bursary
One bursary valued at $750 is available to a student who has graduated from the Youth Recreation Activity Worker program at RRC Polytech, having achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA, and is continuing their studies in the Child and Youth Care diploma program at RRC Polytech.  The bursary is intended to assist with program fees for the Child and Youth Care program and, as such, will be applied directly to those fees.  Students whose fees are being covered by a sponsoring agency, will be eligible to receive the bursary to assist with other related costs.  Selection will be based on academic achievement and financial need.  Deadline for applications is October 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 

Continuing Education

Betty Andrich Memorial Award

One award, valued at $1000 is available annually to students who have successfully completed the Field Placement 1 course in the Library and Information Technology program at RRC Polytech and have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA. Students should submit a general application form accompanied by a statement outlining volunteer work in the community and/or Library community, as well as a letter of reference supporting the applicants' volunteer activity. The deadline for applications is October 15.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. Please click here to learn more about Betty Andrich and the establishment of the awards.

Betty Andrich Memorial Graduation Scholarship
Automatic Selection

One $1000 scholarship will be awarded to a student graduating from the Library and Information Technology program who has achieved the highest cumulative achievement in Reference courses (minimum grade of A in these courses).  Recipient selection will occur annually in May.  Please click here to learn more about Betty Andrich and the establishment of the awards.

Betty Andrich Memorial Mature Student Award

One award, valued at $1500 is available to students enrolled in the Library and Information Technology program at, who have successfully completed a minimum of six courses, for whom the decision to attend Red River College Polytechnic comes after a break or interruption in the continuity of school or employment. Recipients will have demonstrated interest in volunteerism. Students should submit a general application form accompanied by a statement indicating why they have chosen to make the transition to this program as well as outlining volunteer work. A letter of reference supporting the applicants' volunteer activity should also be included. The deadline for applications is October 15.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. Please click here to learn more about Betty Andrich and the establishment of the awards.

Brian Rountree Cataloguing Excellence Award
Automatic Selection
In recognition of the service of long-time LIT cataloguing instructor Brian Rountree, in honour of his retirement, the Library and Information Technology Endowment Award has been renamed. An award of $1000 will be presented to the graduating student with the highest cumulative achievement in the Cataloguing courses.  Recipient selection will occur annually in May. 
Continuing Education Student Growth Award
An award valued at $500 has been established by RRC Polytech Continuing Education staff members and is available to any part time continuing education student with demonstrated financial need. The eligible candidate should submit a general application form, along with a short statement outlining how this award will make a difference. The award will be applied to the cost of an upcoming Continuing Education course.  The application deadline is November 15th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Diane Gray CentrePort Canada Scholarship
Automatic Selection
CentrePort Canada Inc., the master planner and facilitator of development of the largest trimodal inland port in North America, has announced a scholarship of $500. This scholarship recognizes the exceptional leadership and contributions of Diane Gray, the founding President and CEO who led the corporation for fourteen years. Diane's incredible vision, along with her collaborative approach and perseverance, was fundamental in establishing CentrePort Canada, which has now become a thriving industrial hub connected to multiple modes of transportation. The scholarship is aimed at full-time students in their third term of the Transportation, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management program at Red River College Polytechnic who embody excellent leadership qualities. The selection process is led by faculty and based on academic achievement and leadership, with a preference to female candidates.
Gervin Alexander Dobbin Memorial Award
A $1000 award has been established to honour the memory of former Red River College Evening Program Supervisor, Gervin Alexander Dobbin. The award is available annually and is presented during the fall term to a part-time evening/Saturday program student who is a single parent with a financial need and who is currently registered in a Continuing Education program at RRC Polytech.  Application deadline is October 1st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
Karel Van Helden Memorial Award

This award was created by his family, in memory of Karel Van Helden, a former instructor for the Power Engineering Fourth Class courses in the School of Continuing Education at Red River College. One award valued at $700 will be available annually.  Eligible applicants will be enrolled in one of the following programs/courses: Power Engineering Fourth Class Part A course within the School of Continuing Education, or the Power Engineering Technology diploma program at RRC Polytech.  The award is intended to assist the recipient with the cost of their studies and, as such, will be applied as a payment to the course/program fees for the academic year.  If payment has already been made, the award recipient(s) will be reimbursed an amount equal to the award amount. Students interested in being considered for this award should submit an application form accompanied by a letter, in which they describe how receiving this award will make a difference to them.  Selection will be based on financial need and evidence of a strong work ethic; a recommendation letter from an instructor, focused on work ethic in the classroom, should also accompany this application.  Although preference will be given to students with dependent children, all are encouraged to apply.  Deadline for applications is December 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Library Technicians Division of the Manitoba Library Association Award
Automatic Selection

The Manitoba Library Association presents a $500 award to a graduating student in the Library and Information Technology program who has demonstrated academic excellence and career promise. The recipient’s achievement is also honoured on a plaque displayed in the Library at the College.  Recipient selection will occur annually in May.  

Marylla van Ginkel Apparel Design Award
A $1000 award has been created by the late Ramon Zelech to honour the memory of his mother, Marylla van Ginkel. Marylla was a premiere ladies dress designer whose fashion design education began in Poland, and was pursued further at a reputable Fashion Academy in New York during the 1940s. This award is available to an Apparel Design student whose passion is to develop a career in this industry. The successful candidate will have completed three courses from the Apparel Design program at Red River College with minimum 3.0 GPA. The application should be accompanied by a short paragraph outlining the applicant’s career goals. The application deadline in Jan 15th. 
Occupational Health & Safety Minerva SAFE Manitoba Award
Automatic Selection
Several years ago, a committee called Minerva SAFE Manitoba was established with a mandate to introduce and strengthen safety content into existing post-secondary curricula. From funding secured through the Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba, Research & Workplace Innovation Program and then matched by Manitoba Scholarship & Bursary Initiative, Minerva award fund at Red River College.  Safety is a people business and it’s no surprise that those who become most successful do so because they are leaders.  From the Minerva endowment fund, Red River College annually awards $750 to a student leader that emerges from the full-time Occupational Safety and Health Certificate program. 
Students will be asked to nominate two of their fellow students based on the following criteria: commitment to Safety & Health, leadership, positive work ethic, supportive of others: positive attitude and behavior, desire for continuous improvement, academic performance and academic improvement.  The top ranked students will then be considered by faculty and, including consideration of academic performance and improvement, a recipient will be selected.
Par Excellence EQ Award

Established by former Library and Information Technology instructor Pat Routledge, the recipient of this award is supportive of his or her classmates and displays a positive attitude. The recipient contributes to an encouraging teaching experience. Students who have successfully completed the Field Placement 1 course in the Library and Information Technology program at RRC Polytech and have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA, are eligible to be considered. Students should submit a general application form accompanied by a letter of reference from an instructor indicating how the student has demonstrated these attributes.  The application deadline is October 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Pitblado Law Legal Assistant Awards
Two $500 awards, one of which is to be awarded to an Indigenous student, are available annually to students enrolled in the full-time Legal Assistant Certificate program at Red River College Polytechnic.  Selection criteria will include: suitability for employment at Pitblado Law; prior background in work, school, volunteer and other activities; academic performance; and employability skills.  Students interested in being considered should submit an application form, along with a resumé, and a one-page statement detailing: why you would like to work for Pitblado Law as a Legal Assistant; qualities and abilities which make you suitable for a position there; long-term career aspirations; and commitment to lifelong learning.  The annual deadline for applications is February 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Project Management Institute (PMI) Scholarship
Automatic Selection
A $500 scholarship will be awarded annually to a Continuing Education Project Management graduate based on the following criteria. 60% will be based on student academic performance and 40% will be based on demonstrated mentorship, professional ethics and leadership qualities. A selection committee will recommend a recipient to the Advisory Committee for endorsement.
Richard Bevan Memorial Award
Established by the Incident Prevention Association of Manitoba (IPAM) in memory of Richard Bevan who had a varied career journey and always strived to make a safe work environment not only for himself, but also for his fellow workers. A $500 award is available to a full-time mature student, over 25 years of age and a Manitoba resident, who is undertaking a career change by attending the Occupational Health & Safety program at Red River College. To be considered, eligible applicants should complete a general application, accompanied by a statement that outlines a circumstance surrounding the career change. Preference will be given to a student who demonstrates a commitment to safety. The application deadline is April 30th. The selection will be made by faculty. The recipient information will be provided to the IPAM representative.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.  Once the application is submitted, instructions will be provided for submitting required documents.
Rotary Winnipeg West Award

Rotary Winnipeg West has established two $2500 awards to support full-time Indigenous students in overcoming financial barriers, while pursuing their career dreams in one of the following full-time programs at Red River College Polytechnic's Notre Dame Campus:  Educational Assistant, Health Care Aide or Health Unit Clerk.   The primary mission of Rotarians is to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.   Rotary West is acting on this mission with the ongoing support of Winnipeggers.  This award will allow more Indigenous scholars to achieve their career dreams by assisting with tuition or associated costs to ensure successful graduates.  Those interested in being considered for this award should submit a general application accompanied by a letter/statement outlining their career aspirations.  Selection criteria includes financial need and career goals.  One award is available to fall term students; application deadline is October 15th.  The other award is available to winter term students; application deadline is February 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

RRC Polytech Students' Association Bursary

Five bursaries valued at $1000 each are available annually to full-time Red River College Polytechnic students who are enrolled in the following programs:  Administrative Assistant; Applied Commerce Education (Business/Technology Teacher Education); Dental Assisting; Health Care Aide; Indigenous Language – Cree; Indigenous Language – Ojibwe; MRI and Spectroscopy; Paramedicine – Primary Care Paramedic; Pathway Business Creative Communications Digital Technology; Pharmaceutical and Food Manufacturing or Professional Photography.  To be considered, students should submit an application form, accompanied by a letter describing their financial circumstances. Recipients will be selected based on financial need.  The application deadline is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Safety Services Manitoba Future Award For Occupational Health and Safety
This $2,500 entrance award has been established by Safety Services Manitoba and will be available to a student registering for the Occupational Health and Safety certificate program at Red River College Polytechnic. SSM is the largest and oldest non-profit provider of occupational and road safety training and consulting in Manitoba. Its mission is to ensure that every Manitoban arrives home safely every day, from work and road travel. SSM strives to make Manitoba safer with innovative, responsive safety services. The organization's goal is to support the development of more skilled professionals in this field and maintain the highest professional standards. This bursary award will support a student who has demonstrated a financial need and is successful in completing the program. The award funds will be provided in two $1,250 installments. The first installment is provided as an entrance award near the beginning of the program, and the second will be provided upon successful completion of the program. For students to be considered, they should submit a general application with a short statement answering the question, "Why do you choose Occupational Health and Safety as a career?". SSM is committed to reconciliation, diversity, equity, and inclusion at all levels of its programs and services. Award applicants who identify as Indigenous and or represent visible minorities are encouraged to self-declare such status on their application.  The application deadline for this award is October 7th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Creative Arts

Advertising Association of Winnipeg Award
Automatic Selection
Created by the Advertising Association of Winnipeg, two awards of a minimum $500 will be available annually.  One will be presented to a first-year Creative Communications student pursuing a major in Advertising in 2nd year, and the other will be presented to a second-year Graphic Design student pursuing a Communication Design diploma. The selected students must have a minimum GPA of 3.5, have positive attitudes, show leadership, and support fellow classmates.
Asper Media Studies Award

Two awards valued at $2000 each are available annually to full-time first-year students: one to a Creative Communications student and the other to a Digital Media Design student at RRC Polytech.  To be eligible, applicants will have completed the first term of their program and have attained a minimum 3.00 GPA.  Selection will be based on financial need.  Those interested in being considered should submit a fully completed application accompanied by a one-page statement indicating how this award will make a difference to them and their educational goals.  Deadline for applications is March 15.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Barbara Cook Endres Award
Automatic Selection
This award was created by the Manitoba Society of Artists to honour the vast contributions of Barbara Cook Endres to the MSA over her lifetime, to perpetuate her memory, and to express gratitude for her abiding interest in supporting the continuance of the MSA mission of promoting and encouraging Manitoba’s visual artists. One $300 award will be presented bi-annually (beginning in 2013) to the Communication Design student, who has achieved the highest grade in the Visual Exploration course.  The recipient will be selected by department faculty.
Bob Brandson Student Award
Automatic Selection
Established in honour of the retirement of Bob Brandson, Writing Supervisor for 24 years, at CHUM Radio.  Bob was a graduate of the Creative Communications program at RRC, and made an immeasurable contribution to radio.  A $1000 award will be presented annually to a first-year Creative Communications student who has chosen advertising as their major.  The award will be paid to the recipient's second-year tuition.  The recipient will have demonstrated raw talent for radio, creativity, willingness to assist fellow students, and the ability to lead by example.
Bruce Gillespie Award
Automatic Selection

A $500 entrance award will be given annually by family and the department, to a Communication Design student based on the highest scoring entrance portfolio. The award will be paid directly to the program fees.  Bruce Gillespie was an instructor in the Graphic Design program at Red River College from 1989 until his passing in 2008. Over the course of his two decades at RRC, he crossed paths with hundreds of aspiring graphic designers whose lives he touched as a teacher, mentor, big brother and friend. It was Bruce’s great passions for teaching, music, collecting and sharing that led some of his former students and colleagues to create the Bruce Gillespie Award, to honor his memory and his contribution to the program.

C2 Custom Furnishings Award

An annual $1000 award for an RRC Polytech Creative Communications student has been established by Carla Coyle, President & CEO of C2 Custom Furnishings (C2). C2 was founded in 2010 and began with manufacturing and supplying only sofas and dining chairs. They have now expanded to a nearly 200-page catalogue including assisted-living and hotel furniture, appliances, pianos, artwork, window coverings, and the innovative GoodKnight Bed Bug Control Bed. First-year students who have completed the first term with satisfactory academic standing are eligible to be considered. Recipient selection will be based on academic progress and financial need. The application deadline is January 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.

Canada Life Awards
$2000 awards are available annually to students who will be entering their final year of the following programs: Business Administration, Business Information Technology, IT Operations or Creative Communications at RRC Polytech. Students will apply prior to the end of their first year of studies. Criteria include financial need and a strong academic record (minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00), as well as volunteerism/community involvement.  An essay or letter outlining volunteerism/community involvement must accompany the application form. Awards will be paid to program fees for the upcoming year. Students who are funded for their program fees by a third-party agency will not be eligible to receive the award.  Application deadline is March 15.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Canadian Public Relations Society - Manitoba Public Relations Scholarship
Automatic Selection
This scholarship is presented annually by the Canadian Public Relations Society - Manitoba to a second-year Creative Communications student who is a CPRS Manitoba student member. The scholarship is awarded to the student with the highest overall academic achievement in PR. The $500 award is made by CPRS Manitoba to recognize the student’s achievement and to assist the winner as they make the transition to a career in  public relations.
Dawna Friesen Global News Award for Journalism
Specific Application

An award valued at $3000 has been established by Corus Entertainment Inc. In Manitoba Corus owns and operates 3 radio stations, Global Winnipeg, and Corus encourages an environment where employees show we care by giving back to the communities we serve. This award exemplifies that value. Dawna Friesen is the Chief Anchor and Executive Editor of Global National, and an alumni of Red River College. Having Dawna associated with this award will help inspire the next generation of excellent journalists. Students enrolled in the second year of the Creative Communications (Journalism or Media Production Specializations) are eligible to apply.  Those interested in being considered should submit a one-page letter (including their name, student number and year of program) explaining why they deserve the award.  All submissions will be reviewed by Global News staff. Global News Winnipeg staff will interview the top three students and choose the recipient by March 1.   Global News Winnipeg staff will interview the top three students.  Dawna Friesen will be involved in the selection of the recipient.  The award will be presented in late April.  Deadline for applications is January 31st.  Applications (letters) should be submitted by email to directly to the Creative Arts Department.  Completed applications should be submitted by email to

Deanna Marie Thomas Memorial Award
Established by her family in memory of Deanna Marie Thomas, daughter of two former Red River College students, two awards of $300 each will be presented annually to students with dependent children. Applications will be accepted from students with demonstrated financial need enrolled in the Business Information Technology, Graphic Design or Business Administration programs at RRC Polytech who have completed at least one semester and have attained a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5. First consideration will be given to those enrolled in the Business Information Technology or Graphic Design programs. Application deadline is January 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Dennis B. Pankiw Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
One award valued at a minimum of $1300 will be awarded annually to a full-time student enrolled in the first year of the Graphic Design program.  The recipient will have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5. While academic achievement shall be considered, the award will not necessarily be awarded to the candidate with the highest grades. A selection committee will look at student improvement during the program.  Consideration will be given to financial hardship situations such as single parent, living away from home or self-supporting. The criteria carrying the most weight in the selection process will be demonstrated artistic merit, professional promise and academic achievement as judged by the selection committee.
Digital Media Design Community Award
One award of $1000 is available annually to a first or second year DMD student at RRC Polytech who demonstrates that they have given back to the community.  This award is intended to encourage and acknowledge volunteerism and the spirit of giving back.  Relevant supporting letters documenting community involvement should accompany the application.  Application deadline is March 15.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Digital Media Design Leadership Award
Specific Application
One $1000 award will be presented annually to a first year DMD student. The recipient will have demonstrated leadership, maturity, positivity, professionalism, willingness to be a team player, and be someone that actively motivates and helps out other students.  The selection process will be by ballot; both students and faculty will vote (faculty votes will count as three votes and student votes will count as one vote). 
Don Wittman Memorial Award

Two awards (value to be determined by interest earned) of a minimum $2400 each will be available annually to full-time students in the Creative Communications program; one to a first-year student and the other to a second-year student.  The recipients will have demonstrated an interest and proficiency in the widest range of sports and sports journalism and have shown initiative and commitment to volunteering and /or involvement in the sports community.  Those interested in being considered should submit a brief letter or resume in which they outline their interest and activities in sports and sports journalism.  Letter(s) of reference should also be included.  Deadline for applications is March 15.

Eric and Jack Wells Excellence in Journalism Award
Specific Application
The Eric and Jack Wells Excellence in Journalism Award is named after two nationally recognized journalists who were mentors to scores of young journalists. One award of $2500 is available to a second year Creative Communications student who is majoring in journalism. The award is based on commitment to journalism, excellence, and volunteerism. Interested students should submit an application to the Journalism instructor. The application should be accompanied by:
• a summary document written about Eric and Jack Wells, and what they meant to the craft of journalism in Winnipeg
• a statement of your career plan
• a best work project at the point of submission
• Grade report
Application deadline is March 15.  Completed applications should be submitted by email to  Recipient selection will be done by faculty and experienced journalists from Wells foundation.

Game Development Leadership Award
Automatic Selection
Four $500 awards will be presented annually to Game Development students: one to each of first year Art and first year Programming, and one to each of second year Art and second year Programming.  The recipients will have demonstrated leadership, maturity, positivity, professionalism, willingness to be a team player, and be someone that actively motivates and helps other students.  Recipient selections will be made by department faculty.
Ginette Bedard Memorial Scholarship
Automatic Selection
The $1000 Ginette Bedard Memorial Scholarship has been established by Warehouse One - the Jean Store and Parian Retail.  Warehouse One is a Canadian retail clothing company specializing in denim and casual wear.  Ginette Berard worked as a Fashion Graphic Designer at Warehouse One, where she was able to combine her love for drawing with her career.  In memory of Ginette's passion for art and design, the scholarship was created to support a encourage a full-time student (preference to a mature student) enrolled in the final term of the Graphic Design Program (Diploma) at Red River College Polytechnic to pursue their career aspirations.  The recipient will be selected by the faculty.
Harold and Doris Margolis Scholarships
Automatic Selection
Through The Winnipeg Foundation, two $1400 scholarships will be presented annually to students enrolled full-time in the Graphic Design program; one to a first-year student and one to a second-year student.  One $700 scholarship will be presented annually to a student enrolled full-time in the Communication Design program.  Selection will be made by the Graphic Design faculty based on overall academic performance and exceptional visual creative abilities.
IATSE Local 856 Digital Film and Media Production Award
This $1000 award was created by the Members of the Board of the IATSE Local 856 (International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada) to support a Digital Film and Media Production student at Red River College Polytechnic. To be eligible students must have achieved a minimum grade point average of 2.50 in the Digital Film and Media Production program and demonstrate financial need. Application forms should be accompanied by a paragraph explaining in what area of the industry you would potentially like to have a career.  The application deadline is March 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

James S. Purvis Bursary Fund
Automatic Selection
A $500 award will be presented annually to a first-year Creative Communications student on the basis of outstanding academic achievement.
John Harding Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
John Harding was a Creative Communications instructor who taught and encouraged his students to write well. This award, valued at $500, was established by his family, friends and colleagues to give a promising Creative Communications student facing emotional or financial hardship, an impetus to continue to write well. It is presented annually with selection of the recipient being made by the department’s instructors. Contact the Creative Arts department for further information.
John W. Dafoe Winnipeg Free Press Scholarship
Specific Application

If you are an Indigenous or visible minority student with an interest in pursuing journalism as a career, you are invited to apply for the John W. Dafoe Free Press Scholarship.  This annual award is named after John Dafoe, editor of the Manitoba, then the Winnipeg Free Press, from 1901 to 1944, and one of the first Indigenous-rights advocates in Western Canada.
The scholarship includes a $650 cash award and a newsroom internship during the Christmas break.  Our internships are known across Canada for being personally and professionally rewarding. Interns get invaluable experience in journalism, and come away with a portfolio of published material. You'll also connect with Free Press journalists who can mentor you through the remainder of your school year and beyond.
Interested students are asked to submit a brief resume, several samples of their writing and a 350-word essay on their goals as an Indigenous or visible minority journalist.  Send your application to:  Paul Samyn, Editor, Winnipeg Free Press,, 1355 Mountain Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba R2X 3B6.  Application deadline: 5 p.m. November 1st.  Further information is available from instructor James Turner, 204-949-8345 or email

Louise Charette Memorial Award
This $450 award was established in loving memory of Louise Charette, an award-winning CBC journalist.  It is available annually to a first-year Creative Communications student at RRC Polytech. Students who are members of under-represented groups, or who face physical, social, economic, cultural or other barriers in their pursuit of education, are encouraged to apply. Applications should be accompanied by a one-page statement describing the barriers they have overcome and their plans for the future.  In the selection process, preference will be given to those applicants who have declared their major as Journalism, and/or have graduated from Elmwood High School.  Deadline for applications is March 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Mandy Coyne Memorial Scholarship
Automatic Selection
This award was established by the family of Mandy Coyne who was a Graphic Design student.  A $500 scholarship will be awarded annually to a first-year Graphic Design student who has demonstrated a high degree of dedication, self-discipline and overall professionalism in his or her studies.
Manitoba Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association (MSSA) Jack Matheson Award
Specific Application

The MSSA initiated this award in recognition of Jack Matheson, former Winnipeg Tribune sports editor and CJOB broadcaster, who was the first person to hire Red River College graduates to work in sports journalism in Manitoba. Awards valued at a minimum of $750 will be available annually to students enrolled at Red River College who demonstrate an interest in a career in sports writing, sports broadcasting, sports production and/or sports public relations. Recipients will have had sports-related post-secondary, freelance and/or volunteer work experience and involvement in sports and community activities. They will have demonstrated academic achievement and shown potential for success in the field of sports writing, broadcasting production, or public relations. Application forms will be emailed to all students the first week of March. Completed applications should be submitted by email to Deadline for application forms is March 15.

Murray Lloy Memorial Bursary
Specific Application
Three bursaries of up to $750 each may be presented annually to Creative Communications students on the basis of need. This award was established to honour the memory of Creative Communications graduate and instructor, Murray Lloy. A first-year student should be carrying a full course load and plan to continue into second year. A second-year student should be eligible for graduation at the time application is made. Students should contact the Creative Communications Chair for further information.
SAM Advertising Awards for Excellence
Automatic Selection
Two $1000 awards are presented to second-year Graphic Design and Creative Communications students (one in each program) based on attendance, academic progress and attitude.
Tactica Bursary Award
The Tactica Bursary Fund has created a $1,000 award available to a domestic student attending Red River College Polytechnic who shows academic excellence and the highest potential for success in the Digital Media Design-Interaction Design and Development program, as well as financial need. Applicants must have earned a minimum 3.00 GPA after the first term of their studies and demonstrate a commitment to the program. The award acknowledges the hard work and dedication of students, particularly those facing financial constraints, and exemplifies the Tactica Bursary Fund's commitment to nurturing future leaders in business and technology. Students must apply by January 15th with a general application and a reference letter from an instructor endorsing their program dedication and completion potential.  The recipient's name and contact information will be provided to the award donor. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Terry Kuzina Memorial Award for Graphic Design
Automatic Selection
This award was established to honour the memory of Terry Kuzina, who founded two companies, Kuzina Design and Fusion Communications, after attaining his diploma in Advertising Art as well as a Bachelor of Fine Arts. His enthusiasm and persistence shone, as he invested himself into the lives of many young designers, several of them students from the College's Graphic design program.  A $2000 award will be presented annually to a second-year Graphic Design student who plans to enter the Communication Design program; the award will be paid directly to the program fees. Selection will be done by department faculty, Theresa Kuzina and her committee.
University Women's Club of Winnipeg Millennium Scholarship
Specific Application
An annual scholarship of $600 will be awarded to a student in the Creative Communications program who: has completed either three years of the joint-degree program (two at the University of Winnipeg and one at Red River College) or two years at any university and one at Red River College; has achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and; has shown evidence of leadership, outreach and community involvement. The Journalism instructors will initiate the application process and determine the award recipient.
Valerie Fostey Memorial Scholarship
Automatic Selection
This scholarship was established by her family in memory of Valerie Fostey who, due to a severe illness, passed away during her first year in Graphic Design at the College. A $500 scholarship will be awarded annually to a first-year Graphic Design student who has demonstrated a high degree of dedication, self-discipline and overall professionalism in their studies.
Vision TV Scholarship

S-Vox is the owner and operator of Joytv 11 (CIIT-TV), Winnipeg’s first faith-based local television station. S-Vox (now ZoomerMedia) established the Vision TV Scholarship in honour of Betty and Willard Thiessen who founded CIIT-TV, Winnipeg's first faith-based television station, and are Canadian broadcast pioneers, particularly in Christian-based broadcasting. Two awards valued at a minimum of $2000 each will be available annually to students who have successfully completed the first semester of the Digital Media Design program at Red River College Polytechnic, and are enrolled for a minimum of 12 hours of credit courses in that program. Selection criteria will include demonstration of a contribution to the College and/or the wider Winnipeg community, through an interest in spirituality and faith. Those interested in being considered should submit an application form, accompanied by: a statement explaining how their faith/spirituality may affect their career direction (100 words of less); a statement pertaining to their choice of three words based on spirituality/faith that best describe them, and providing evidence/examples of how they exhibit these qualities, and; two letters of reference - one from a Creative Arts faculty member  and the second from an adult community member who knows them outside of Red River College Polytechnic (excluding relatives). Application deadline is March 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Women in Media Foundation Awards
Two awards of $1000 are available to female students enrolled in the Creative Communications or Digital Media Design programs at Red River College Polytechnic (preference will be given to first-year students, but all are encouraged to apply). Applicants will have achieved a minimum GPA of 2.50 and have a demonstrated financial need. Preference for one award will be to an Indigenous, visible minority, or student with a disability. Applications should be accompanied by a one-page statement outlining the applicant's career aspirations, their experience at RRC Polytech and what the award would mean to them.  Deadline for applications is March 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Health and Applied Sciences

Association of Registered Nurses of Manitoba (ARNM) Gold Medal
Automatic Selection
A gold medal is awarded to the student who achieves the highest cumulative GPA (minimum 3.75) and excels clinically throughout the Bachelor of Nursing program.
Barbara Nagler Memorial Bursary (Barbara’s Bursary)
Established by her family in memory of Barbara Nagler, two bursaries, valued at a minimum of $1400, are available annually to students enrolled in the second year of the Veterinary Technology program at RRC Polytech. Selection criteria include a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and financial.  Preference will be given to applicants who have participated in volunteer activities (including within the Veterinary Technology program such as peer tutoring, assisting with department events/displays, etc.). A one-page letter indicating volunteer and other relevant information must accompany the application. Application deadline is September 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Bernice Parrott Award
Automatic Selection
Established to recognize the hard work and effort put forth by students as they work towards completion of the requirements of the Bachelor of Nursing program, eleven awards, valued at $1000 are presented annually.  Four awards will be presented to Year 2 students, and four awards will be presented to Year 3 students.  Recipients will be selected by faculty nomination.
Blue Ribbon Award for Proficiency
Automatic Selection
This $1, 000 award has been established by Fort Garry Kennel Club, one of the oldest kennel clubs in Canada that throughout the past century shown exceptional leadership and dedication to the advancement and promotion of purebred dogs, and expansion of dog shows and performance events. The award will be available annually until the 2024/25 academic year.  The purpose of the award is to support a student who is a Manitoba resident. Preference will be given to single parent or mature students (students who have not been a regular full-time high school student for a period of five or more years before enrolling in their current program). The recipient will have completed the first year of the Veterinary Technology program and have displayed an interest in working with small animal breeds. The faculty will make the selection based on positive feedback of practical skills during the first-year practicum placement.
Canadian Animal Blood Bank Award
Automatic Selection
A $200 award will be presented annually to a graduating Veterinary Technology student who demonstrated exceptional interest and skills during the blood collection labs.
Christiane Bonin Memorial Award

This award has been established by her family and friends in honour of Christiane Gabrielle Jacqueline Bonin, who dedicated 43 years of her professional life as an emergency nurse. Chris loved nursing and cared deeply for her patients; she was an “old school” nurse who prided herself on bedside nursing and easing peoples’ suffering. Compassion and helping others came naturally in Chris’s day to day life and this award will concur and celebrate those qualities with future nurses graduating from RRC. This award, valued at a minimum of $1000, will be presented annually to a student graduating from the Bachelor of Nursing program.  The recipient will have successfully completed Senior Practicum in an emergency setting and have expressed a particular interest in emergency nursing practice. They will also have demonstrated a high level of skill, sound academic achievement, and a caring and compassionate attitude with patients. The General RRC Polytech Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository, as well as a reference letter from a preceptor or faculty member. Applications will be accepted throughout the year until September 15th annually.  The recipient will be selected after the fall deadline. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.  Once the application is submitted, instructions for submitting required documents will be provided. 

Colin Maxwell Memorial Bursary
One $250 bursary is available to assist students entering the Medical Radiologic Technology program. Selection will be based on financial need.   Deadline for applications is September 30th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Commodore D. A. Ritchie Veterinary Technology Scholarship
A scholarship valued at a minimum of $1000 was created by the Pine Ridge Veterinary Technology Scholarship Fund to be given annually to a deserving student meeting the following criteria. The student must be pursuing a Diploma in Veterinary Technology at Red River College Polytechnic, have started the last term of the program, display a genuine interest in working with avian and/or exotic animals as indicated by a statement, and have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the Veterinary Technology program. The scholarship aims to support and encourage students who have a passion for working with avian and exotic animals and have shown academic excellence in their studies. The application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Community Service Award - Nursing
Two awards of $750 are available annually in the BN program, one to a 2nd year student and one to a 3rd year student. Eligible students must have a record of volunteering/community service within the last two years, attend school full time and have a degree GPA of 3.0.  The General RRC Polytech Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository. Application deadline is September 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.  Once the application is submitted, instructions for submitting required documents will be provided. 
Dental Assisting Program Awards
Automatic Selection
Up to four monetary awards will be presented annually to Dental Assisting students; up to two to full-time students and up to two to part-time students.  Awards will be presented to students based on satisfactory overall academic standing, exemplary team work and leadership in practical environments.  In addition, awards will be presented to students based on demonstrated commitment to the program by taking initiative and being self-directed to assist and support, however needed.
Dr. Michaela Burley Outstanding Work Ethics Awards
Automatic Selection
A monetary award will be presented annually to a  Dental Assisting student who maintain a positive attitude, is punctual, works hard, helps other students, goes over and above expectations, and give their best effort at all times. 
Duracan Impact Award: Advancing Excellence in Science Lab Technology
Duracan is proud to offer a $2500 award to a deserving domestic student in the final academic term of the Science Laboratory Technology program. Duracan is a prominent business contributing significantly to Winnipeg's entrepreneurial landscape. The company is a key player in maintaining the highest standards for water quality and soil integrity. Specializing in in-house mold testing and sampling for asbestos-containing materials, Duracan addresses crucial aspects of environmental safety. Leveraging its leadership's firsthand understanding of the challenges faced by students committing to a lifechanging experience in their aspired careers, this award specifically targets individuals with good academic standing who have diligently progressed through the program.  Priority consideration will be given to single-parents, mature students, or those with dependents, but all are encouraged to apply. Applications should be accompanied by a statement articulating their passion for Science Laboratory Technology, emphasizing its personal significance and addressing the challenges of managing schedules and educational hardships. The goal is to recognize not only academic achievement but also the dedication and resilience demonstrated by students. The application deadline is April 2, 2024.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Eliza Cummings Machan and Helen Machan Memorial Nursing Award
The “Eliza Cummings Machan and Helen Machan Memorial Nursing Award” is a loving tribute to honour two extraordinary women: Elizabeth (Eliza) Cummings Machan, the great-grandmother, and Helen Machan, the mother. Eliza Cummings, a Metis with a heritage of herbal healing, passed on her wisdom to her granddaughter, Helen, who served as a World War II veteran in the Royal Canadian Army Nurse Corps. Helen's nursing career, spanning from 1939 to her retirement as the Associate Director of Nursing at the City of Hope, reflected enduring kindness, compassion, and concern. This award celebrates their legacy, recognizing these qualities that define nursing as a heartfelt calling, inspiring nurses dedicated to serving humanity. A $1,000 award is available to 3rd year Indigenous Nursing students who have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.00. The application should be accompanied by proof of indigenous ancestry and a paragraph outlining their financial situation. Additionally, a short statement is required with this topic: "Tell me a story about yourself that provides me with some insight into you as a person. Or just tell me your favorite story about yourself, one you like to tell others."  The application deadline is September 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Elizabeth Scaife Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
An award valued at $750 will be presented annually to a Nursing Re-Entry (internationally educated) student who intends to become a nurse in Canada.  The recipient will have achieved outstanding academic achievement in three of the five academic courses in the program, and have demonstrated exceptional performance in the clinical portion of the program.  The recipient will be selected by the program faculty. 
Foundation for Registered Nurses of Manitoba Bursaries
Six bursaries of $800 each are awarded annually to students enrolled full time in Year 3 of the Bachelor of Nursing program.  Eligible applicants must be enrolled full-time and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50. Financial need will be the primary selection criterion. The General RRC Polytech Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository.  Application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional documents ready to upload.  Once the application is submitted, instructions for submitting required documents will be provided. 
Foundation for Registered Nurses of Manitoba Nursing Re-Entry Bursary
Bursaries of $600 each are awarded annually to students enrolled in the Nursing Re-Entry program (applicants must have successfully completed the COMM-1206 Professional Communication in Nursing and NRSG-1012 Registered Nurse Practice courses) and achieved a minimum 2.50 GPA . Selection will be based on demonstrated financial need.  The General RRC Polytech application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Re-entry Repository.  Application deadlines are January 19th and June 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional documents ready to upload.  Once the application is submitted, instructions for submitting required documents will be provided.
Germiphene Corporation Award
Automatic Selection
A monetary award is presented annually to a graduating Dental Assisting student with the highest achievement in Infection Control.
Gudmunder Myrdal Bursary
Specific Application
This bursary was established in tribute to Gudmunder Myrdal, first Executive Director of Seven Oaks General Hospital, to assist full-time students in the health profession with the cost of tuition fees.  One bursary of $750 is available annually. Candidates must be enrolled or accepted for enrolment in a post-secondary institution on a full-time basis in a health service program of studies. Deadline for applications is usually late April.  For exact deadline date as well as application forms, contact Educational Services at Seven Oaks General Hospital, phone 632-3180 or  visit the SOGH website at
Harold and Julia Saddington Award
Automatic Selection
Through The Winnipeg Foundation, a $2000 award is available to a first-year Nursing student, enrolled full-time (minimum 60%), who has graduated from a regular Manitoba high school program.  Eligible candidates will be from the "high school entrants" and selection will be based on academic achievement in the following Grade 12 courses: English 40S; Math 40S from the student's (regular) Grade 12 year, as well as Human Anatomy and Physiology grades (as included in the AGPA calculation for admission to the Nursing program).   Only students who have successfully completed the first term of the Nursing program will be considered; selection will be done in June.
Indspire - Indigenous Health Careers Awards
Specific Application
Numerous awards valued at $1000 each are available for Indigenous students pursuing full-time study during the upcoming year in Health Sciences programs (Nursing, Radiology, Lab Technology).  Applications deadlines are June 1, November 1 and February 1.  Further information is available at  Applications are only accepted on-line and students will need to create a login.
Jaime and Edward Acuna - Hike Manitoba Nursing Award
This $1,000 award is established by RRC alumna and dedicated instructor, Jaime Manness. During the pandemic in 2020-2021, Jaime shared her passion for the outdoors with all Manitobans by publishing hiking guides and launching the Hike Manitoba project - a website where folks can go to find information on hiking trails throughout the province. Jaime would like to share her passion for the wilderness with a like-minded second year RRC Polytech nursing student who has good academic standing. The application form should be accompanied by a short essay that answers the question: "Why I choose to spend time in the wilderness." The application deadline is September 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Jean Burrows Scholarship
Automatic Selection
Established upon the retirement of Jean Burrows, Chair of the Nursing Department from 1974 to 1998. One award will be presented annually to a student with outstanding academic achievement in Year 1 of the Bachelor of Nursing Program. Course load is taken into consideration in determining the award recipient.
John Elsbury Memorial Award
Two awards valued at $500 each are available annually to students completing the first year and entering the second year of the Medical Laboratory Sciences program at RRC Polytech.  Criteria will include outstanding academic achievement (with emphasis on Transfusion Science and related courses) and demonstrated financial need. Annual deadline for applications is December 1st. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
Journey Award for Nursing Students
The Journey Award for Nursing Students is a compassionate initiative by a nursing student and her family.  It has been established to provide crucial support to a Red River College Polytechnic Bachelor of Nursing student who has encountered formidable challenges along their academic journey.  Having personally navigated a difficult path, including a two-year hiatus from the Nursing program due to pandemic-related challenges and a life-changing diagnosis, this student saw an opportunity to give bank to a fellow student facing adversity.  The award, valued at a minimum of $1000, is available annually to a nursing student, with preference given to those from the Indigenous community, reflecting the donor's commitment to inclusivity and support for those who may have encountered unique obstacles.

Students entering a second- or third-year term (204 to 309) are eligible to apply, ensuring that the award contributes to the ongoing educational journey of the recipient. To qualify for this award, the application should be accompanied by a one-page statement that delves into their resilient journey as a post-secondary student.  Applicants are encouraged to share reflections on community service involvement, lessons learned from volunteering, the impact of volunteerism on their student life, motivations for pursuing nursing, and aspirations for the future.  If applicable, proof of Indigenous ancestry should also be provided.  The recipient will be selected by the selection committee based on satisfactory continuation in the program and statement content. The recipient's contact information will be shared with the donor.  As the award continues to recognize and uplift deserving nursing students annually, it stands as a testament to the power of empathy and the enduring impact of a community coming together to support one another on their educational journeys.  The application deadline is September 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.  Once the application is submitted, instructions will be provided for submitting required documents.
Karen Wall Indigenous Nursing Student Award
Established upon the retirement of Karen Wall, Chair of the Nursing Department from 1998 to 2014, one award of $750 award will be available annually to a nursing student of Indigenous heritage who is in the 3rd year of the BN Program. The student must a have a record of community service to an Indigenous community and have a cumulative GPA of 2.5. The General RRC Polytech Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository, as well as a letter of reference supporting the applicant's community service activities. Application deadline is September 15th annually.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.  Once the application is submitted, instructions will be provided for submitting required documents. 
Karla Ferens Memorial Entrance Award for Health Care Aide
The Karla Ferens Memorial Entrance Award for Health Care Aide was established by family and friends in memory of Karla Ferens, a 2011 Red River College graduate of the Health Care Aide program. Two awards, valued at a minimum of $1000 will be available annually to students attending the Health Care Aide certificate program at the RRC Polytech Notre Dame Campus; one award will be available to each of the start dates for this program. The successful recipients will have displayed the same accomplishments exhibited by Karla Ferens; involved in sports and leadership qualities. Those interested in being considered should submit an application form accompanied by a one-page essay or statement describing how they display the qualities noted above, why they chose the Health Care Aide program, and how they embrace healthy living in their daily routine.  Application deadlines are November 30th for the fall term and April 15, 2024, for the winter term. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Kathy Purves Infection Control Award
Automatic Selection
A monetary award is presented annually to a graduating Dental Assisting student with the highest achievement in Infection Control.
Kim Kotelo Memorial Nursing Award
Kimberly Rachael Kotelo (1994-2021) graduated from Red River College with a Bachelor of Nursing degree in February 2020, realizing her childhood dream. With a very short career, Kim was a true nurse and dedicated herself to helping others and advocating for vulnerable populations. As she entered her career, she believed it was up to her and her colleagues to make a positive impact – not just for her patients, but for all people, every day.  Kim believed in people and humanity, and this award brings her belief into action by inspiring and supporting future nurses. This award was established by Mark and Sharon Evans, who were inspired by Kim’s story, and is supported by Kim’s family and friends.
The award is valued at $3000 and will be presented annually to a student completing the third year of the Bachelor of Nursing program. The recipient will have successfully completed a Senior Practicum in a surgery setting or respiratory medicine. They will demonstrate a caring and compassionate attitude with patients and colleagues, show a commitment to their education through attendance and participation, and have a strong work ethic. The General RRC Polytech Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository, as well as by one reference letter that attests to the applicant’s compassionate attitude with patients and a short, written statement from the applicant expressing why they should be selected for the award. Applications will be accepted throughout the year until September 15th annually.  The recipient will be selected after the fall deadline.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.  Once the application is submitted, instructions for submitting required documents will be provided. 
Manitoba Dental Assistants Association Award
Automatic Selection
A certificate and monetary award is presented annually to a graduating Dental Assisting student whose conduct and qualities characterize a professional.
Manitoba Dental Association Award
Automatic Selection
A certificate and monetary award is presented annually to a graduating Dental Assisting student based on academic achievement.
Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association Bursary
One $300 bursary is available annually to a second-year Veterinary Technology student at RRC Polytech.  Recipient selection will be based on high academic standing and demonstrated financial need.  Deadline for applications is September 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association Scholarships
Automatic Selection
Two $300 scholarships will be presented annually to Veterinary Technology students. One scholarship will be awarded to a student who has demonstrated academic proficiency and practical technical abilities during the first year of the program. One scholarship will be awarded to a graduating student who demonstrates outstanding academic and technical proficiency.
Manitoba Veterinary Technologist Association Awards
Automatic Selection
Two $400 awards are available annually to students in the Veterinary Technology program. One award is presented to a student with outstanding academic achievement after the first year of the program. One award is presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated compassion to animals and fellow students throughout the program. A class vote will be used to select this recipient.  Both recipients will receive a personalized stethoscope from the Manitoba Veterinary Technologists Association.
Mary Langhan Nursing Award
Automatic Selection

Established by friends and family of Mary Langhan, a $500 award will be presented annually to a third-year student who has has expressed a special interest in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and demonstrated a high level of skill in these clinical settings. Mary nursed in ICU, taught prenatal classes and worked in her favourite discipline of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for 26 years until her retirement in 2000. Two of Mary’s greatest strengths were kindness and courage, and the recipient of this award will be a student who also exemplifies these qualities.

Maureen Barrett Award
Established by her parents as a memorial to their late daughter, a cash award of $700 is available annually to a student completing the first year and entering the second year of the Medical Laboratory Sciences program at RRC Polytech. Criteria will include outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated financial need. Annual deadline for applications is December 1st. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
MED2020 Health Care Software Inc. Award
Automatic Selection
An award of $500 will be presented to a graduating Health Information Management student who has achieved the highest overall GPA. 
Medical Radiologic Technology First-Year Award
Two bursary awards of $500 are available to full-time students in the first year of the Medical Radiologic Technology program at RRC Polytech. The selection criteria include satisfactory academic progress (a minimum 3.0 GPA at the end of Term 1) and financial need.  Deadline for applications is February 28th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Medical Radiologic Technology Second-Year Awards

Two $500 awards are available to full-time students enrolled in the second year of the Medical Radiologic Technology program at RRC Polytech.  Selection criteria will include financial need and satisfactory academic progress (applicants must have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA in each term of Year 1).   Deadline for applications is September 30th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 

Minor Illness & Injury Clinic Award for Health Information Management
A $1000 award has been established by the Minor Illness & Injury Clinic for a Health Information Management student at RRC Polytech. The Minor Illness & Injury Clinic wants to change how urgent care medicine is delivered by providing convenient, high-quality, appointment-based health care for children and adults suffering from non-life-threatening illnesses or injuries. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the clinic partnered with RRC Polytech in creating an efficient drive-through COVID testing site to help Manitobans stop the spread of the disease. The clinic was extremely impressed with the RRC Polytech team and their ‘can-do’ attitude. This award is designed to celebrate a ‘can-do’ attitude and to help someone overcome financial barriers. A general application should be submitted, including financial information, accompanied by a short statement answering the question, “How is a ‘can-do’ attitude reflected in you?”. The application deadline for Year 1 students is January 21st, and for Year 2 students are September 30th. A student may only receive this award one time.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
MRI Academic Achievement Award
Automatic Selection

A $250 cash award will be presented annually to the MRI student who attains the highest academic standing at the end of the first semester. 

Nursing Legacy Awards
Automatic Selection
Established by combining donations from a number of sources, including substantial contributions from the Stanton and Duncan families, and Nursing faculty. These award recognizes outstanding clinical performance of students during the various Clinical Nursing Practice courses within the Bachelor of Nursing program. Course load is taken into consideration in the selection process.  Recipients are selected by the Nursing faculty.
Nursing Student International Education Awards
Specific Application

Four awards (minimum value of $750 each) will be presented to those students who meet the criteria for educational opportunities internationally. Students must be enrolled in Year 2 or Year 3 of the BN program. Students must apply for this award and will undergo a significant application and interview process.  Application deadlines will be TBA, based on travel opportunities.

Nursing Students Endowment Bursaries
Bursaries of $500 each are available annually to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Nursing program. Bursaries are available for Year 1 students and Year 2 students. Eligible applicants must be enrolled full-time and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50. Financial need will be the primary selection criterion. The General RRC Polytech Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository.  Application deadline for Year 1 students is April 15th annually and for Year 2 students is February 15th annually.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional documents ready to upload.  Once the application is submitted, instructions for submitting required documents will be provided.  
Nursing Students Endowment Scholarships
Automatic Selection
The Nursing Awards Committee annually distributes two scholarships based on outstanding academic achievement to students enrolled in the third year of the Bachelor of Nursing program. Recipients will have been enrolled in a minimum of 9 credit hours per term.
Peer Leadership Award - Nursing
Two awards of $750 are available annually in the BN program, one to a 2nd year student and one to a 3rd year student, who have demonstrated leadership amongst their peers within the nursing program. Students are nominated by a peer or a faculty member for this award. For students wishing to nominate a peer for this award, the General RRC Polytech Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository.  Application deadline is September 15th annually.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.  Once the application is submitted, instructions for submitting required documents will be provided. 
Portage Mutual Insurance Award for Indigenous Nursing Students
A $1000 award has been established by the Donor to support Indigenous students who resides in Portage la Prairie and attend the Nursing Degree program (including the LPN to BN Pathway) at Red River College Polytech. Portage Mutual Insurance is a national company established in 1884. In keeping with their “mutual frame of mind”, Portage Mutual Insurance cares deeply about what is happening in the communities in which they operate, and the challenges communities can face. The company is demonstrating these values by establishing long-term commitments and partnerships across the nation. This award is a long-term commitment to further education within the Indigenous community. To be considered for this award, the applicant needs to have a good academic standing and demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to Indigenous Nursing students who attend the Nursing Degree program (including the LPN to BN Pathway) at RRC Polytech Portage Campus. Secondary consideration will be given to Indigenous Students who attend the Nursing Degree program (including the LPN to BN Pathway) at RRC Polytech in Winnipeg.  The General RRC Polytech Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository. The application deadline for this award is September 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.  Once the application is submitted, instructions for submitting the required documents will be provided.
Rotary Winnipeg West Award

Rotary Winnipeg West has established two $2500 awards to support full-time Indigenous students in overcoming financial barriers, while pursuing their career dreams in one of the following full-time programs at Red River College Polytechnic's Notre Dame Campus:  Educational Assistant, Health Care Aide or Health Unit Clerk.   The primary mission of Rotarians is to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.   Rotary West is acting on this mission with the ongoing support of Winnipeggers.  This award will allow more Indigenous scholars to achieve their career dreams by assisting with tuition or associated costs to ensure successful graduates.  Those interested in being considered for this award should submit a general application accompanied by a letter/statement outlining their career aspirations.  Selection criteria includes financial need and career goals.  One award is available to fall term students; application deadline is October 15th.  The other award is available to winter term students; application deadline is February 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

RRC Polytech Students' Association Be the Change You Want To See Award

One $1000 award is available annually to a full-time Red River College Polytechnic Nursing Student who is maintaining satisfactory academic progress. The nursing student must be enrolled in the second or third year of the program and have a full-time course load in the program. To be considered, a completed application should be submitted, accompanied by a maximum 200-word paragraph describing a challenge they faced during their studies at the College, and how they overcame it.  The application deadline is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

RRC Polytech Students' Association Bursary

Five bursaries valued at $1000 each are available annually to full-time Red River College Polytechnic students who are enrolled in the following programs:  Administrative Assistant; Applied Commerce Education (Business/Technology Teacher Education); Dental Assisting; Health Care Aide; Indigenous Language – Cree; Indigenous Language – Ojibwe; MRI and Spectroscopy; Paramedicine – Primary Care Paramedic; Pathway Business Creative Communications Digital Technology; Pharmaceutical and Food Manufacturing or Professional Photography.  To be considered, students should submit an application form, accompanied by a letter describing their financial circumstances. Recipients will be selected based on financial need.  The application deadline is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Shannon Gray Memorial Award
Shannon Gray (1989-2018) was an accomplished graduate of Red River College’s Bachelor of Nursing program, who had a promising career ahead of her as a Registered Nurse. She was a bright light and lived life with courage and exuberance while practicing gentleness and kindness in each interaction. It was her dream to become a pediatric nurse, and it was the prospect of providing care that gave her hope while fighting Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The award will honour Shannon’s legacy, and support Nursing students with a passion for helping others. Established by her loving husband Aaron Trachtenberg, along with family and friends, this award will be valued at $3700 and presented annually to a student graduating from the Bachelor of Nursing program. The recipient will have successfully completed a Senior Practicum in a pediatric or oncology setting with a preference for those who have expressed a particular interest in pediatric oncology specifically. They will also have demonstrated a high level of skill and academic achievement, but most importantly a caring and compassionate attitude with patients and colleagues. The General RRC Polytech Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository as well as two reference letters: one from a preceptor and one from a faculty member, and a short write up about their future goals in the interest area. Applications will be accepted throughout the year until September 15th.  The recipient will be selected after the fall deadline. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.  Once the application is submitted, instructions for submitting required documents will be provided.
Sharon Hopfner Memorial Award
Through The Winnipeg Foundation, a minimum $500 bursary will be awarded annually to a student enrolled in the second year of Medical Radiologic Technology program at RRC Polytech who is attending their clinical practice courses in a rural facility (name and location of facility should be included on the application form). To be eligible, applicants will have completed the first year of their program and have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA in each term. Selection will be based on financial need.  Deadline for applications is January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Sharon Towarnicki Memorial Award
Specific Application
Established in memory of Sharon Towarnicki, an instructor and student advisor in the Nursing program at RRC. Funds are available to assist students enrolled in the Bachelor of Nursing Program who are experiencing emergency financial crises. Applicants must be full-time students with regular attendance. Application forms are available from the Student Service Centre and an appointment, with the Coordinator, Student Awards and Financial Aid to discuss the financial situation, is required. No awards will be made until after January 1 each year.
Shirley (Perret) Loewen Indigenous Graduation Bursary
This bursary is supported by Shirley (Perret) Loewen endowment fund to assist Indigenous nursing graduates with the cost of the required licensure examination (NCLEX-RN). Established in loving memory of Shirley Loewen who exemplified a lifelong commitment to nursing, education, family, and community. A dedicated nurse by trade, Shirley recognized the vital role that nurses play in community lead healthcare. The family wishes to thank RRC Polytech for supporting this bursary and making our community a better place. $1000 bursaries are available to graduating Indigenous students who successfully completed the Senior Practicum course and have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.00. The General RRC Polytech Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository, as well as proof of indigenous ancestry and a paragraph outlining their financial situation and how this bursary will assist them in their future career. The application deadlines are September 30th, March 31st, and June 30th. Students should apply by the deadline immediately following their completion of the Senior Practicum course.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.  Once the application is submitted, instructions for submitting required documents will be provided.
Shirley (Perret) Loewen Indigenous Nursing Student Bursary
This bursary is supported by Shirley (Perret) Loewen endowment fund to support Indigenous students to become future nurses. Established in loving memory of Shirley Loewen who exemplified a lifelong commitment to nursing, education, family, and community. A dedicated nurse by trade, Shirley recognized the vital role that nurses play in community lead healthcare. The family wishes to thank RRC Polytech for supporting this bursary and making our community a better place. $5000 bursaries are available to first and second-year students (terms 1-6) to assist the student with the cost of tuition and books. $3000 will be applied to these costs, and the remaining $2000 will be provided to the student for other school-related expenses. Students receiving funding for tuition and book costs are not eligible to apply (excluding Manitoba Student Aid). First-year students must have already completed one term of studies. To be eligible, students must be enrolled full-time (60%) course load and have achieved a minimum GPA of 2.5. The General RRC Polytech Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository as well as proof of indigenous ancestry and a paragraph outlining how the bursary will assist them in pursuing their career. The application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.  Once the application is submitted, instructions for submitting required documents will be provided.
Sinclair Dental Award
Automatic Selection
A certificate and monetary award is presented annually to a Dental Assisting student for outstanding practical skills and overall performance.
Sophie Katarynych Award
Through The Winnipeg Foundation, two awards valued at a minimum of $1000 will be presented annually to second-year students in the Veterinary Technology program at RRC Polytech. Selection will be based on high academic standing with financial need also taken into consideration. Deadline for applications is September 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
TD Aboriginal Nursing Fund
Specific Application
Awards are available for Aboriginal students who are enrolled full-time in a Nursing program.  Students must enroll with the Canadian Nurses Foundation. Further information is available at  Deadline for applications is March 31.
Thorey Johnson Nursing Award
In honour of their mother, Mrs. Johnson’s daughters have established this award to be presented to a nursing student in the Bachelor of Nursing program, who has successfully completed Senior Practicum in a rural setting, and who has expressed a special interest in rural nursing practice. The recipient will have demonstrated a high level of skill in the clinical setting, sound academic achievement, as well as a caring and compassionate attitude with patients. The General RRC Application form should be accompanied by the specific supplemental form available online from the Nursing Repository.  Applications will be accepted throughout the year until September 15th annually.  The recipient will be selected after the fall deadline.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.  Once the application is submitted, instructions for submitting the required documents will be provided.
Veterinary Technology Faculty Awards
Automatic Selection
A $750 cash award is presented annually to a Veterinary Technology student based academic achievement after the first year of the program. A $500 award is presented annually to a graduating student who demonstrated continued improvement academically and in skills throughout the program.
Veterinary Technology Technical Excellence Award
Automatic Selection
One $500 award will be presented annually to a graduating Veterinary Technology student who has demonstrated outstanding technical proficiency throughout the course of the program.
VetStrategy Awards for Skilled Veterinary Technicians

Established by VetStrategy, two $1000 awards are available for students attending the Veterinary Technology program at RRC Polytech. This company blends modern management techniques, a belief in the veterinary clinic staff's extraordinary capability, and insistence that highly skilled veterinarians are free to practice responsible veterinary medicine. One award is available to a first-year student, after completion the first term of the Veterinary Technology program. The second award is available to a second-year student, after completion of the second term of the program. To be considered, applicants must demonstrate financial need and good academic standing, having achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA, as well as technical skills excellence.  The application deadline for the first-year award is January 15th. The application deadline for the second-year award is September 15th. A selection committee, including program faculty will select the successful candidates. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.


Ardent Mills Award
Automatic Selection
A $200 award is presented annually to a student in Professional Baking, who demonstrates excellent daily practical performance including reliability, safety/sanitation and professionalism.
Bakemark Canada Award
Automatic Selection
A $300 award is presented annually to a dedicated student in Professional Baking who demonstrates leadership, teamwork and professional skills.
Barry Callebaut Professional Baking and Pastry Graduate Award
Automatic Selection

A $500 award has been established by Barry Callebaut for a student graduating from the Professional Baking and Pastry program. Barry Callebaut is the heart and engine of the chocolate and cocoa industry. The company follows five core values; customer focus, passion, entrepreneurship, team spirit, integrity, and belief in doing well to do good. This is also reflected in the company’s generous support of students’ experience at Red River College Polytechnic. The deserving recipient will be selected by the faculty, based on skill level in the Plated Desserts course, as well as overall academic achievement in the program.  Per Nastaran, pledge is done - remove from website.

Canada Beef Award for Culinary Excellence
Automatic Selection
This award is intended to encourage and recognize Culinary Arts students who demonstrate strength in beef butchery and cookery, passion for local ingredients and support for local producers, and who recognize the importance of Canadian beef in professional cooking. A $1,000 award is available annually to a second-year student who demonstrated excellence in the meat cutting class and is based on academic standing and performance in the lab.
Canadian Culinary Federation (CCF) Awards
Automatic Selection
An award valued at $350 and a one-year CCF Winnipeg Branch membership will be awarded to the second-year Culinary Arts student (who is a Junior CCF member) with the best overall ratings and feedback for both their cooperative education work terms. 
Chef's Hat Inc. Award
Automatic Selection
Two awards are presented to term 6 Culinary Arts students.  The recipients will have exhibited the qualities of a positive attitude, teamwork, leadership and initiative while performing their role as chef of the day.  
Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Award
Automatic Selection
Annually, two awards of $1000 are presented to Culinary Arts students and one award of $1000 is presented to a Hotel and Restaurant Management student in their final academic term. The recipients will have demonstrated excellence in cuisine and service, and professionalism in academic work and practical labs. Recipients will also be selected based on demonstrated outstanding professional promise.
Culinary Arts Legacy Award
An award of $1000 is available annually to a second year RRC Polytech Culinary Arts student who has displayed leadership skills and demonstrated community involvement.  Deadline for applications is September 30th.  A 250-word essay describing the applicant's leadership skills, volunteer service/community involvement and financial need should accompany the application.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Demos "Jimmy" Ginakes Memorial Award
Established by his family and friends in memory of Demos “Jimmy Ginakes”, one award, valued at $1500 is available for each intake, to students enrolled in the second year of the Culinary Arts program at Red River College Polytechnic. The successful recipients will have displayed professional behavior in class and be career focused. Preference will be given to Pony Corral Restaurant & Bar employees. Those interested in being considered should submit an application form accompanied by a one-page essay describing how you display the qualities noted above.  Deadline date is September 30th or January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Doug Stephen and Kerri Irvin-Ross Award
A $1000 award is available annually to a term 5 RRC Polytech Culinary Arts student.  Selection will be based on financial need and academic achievement.  Applicants must have achieved a minimum 2.5 GPA in their first year of the Culinary Arts program to be considered for this award. Applications are due September 30th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
Fairmont Winnipeg Student Award
Automatic Selection
A $1500 award will be presented annually to a second-year Hotel and Restaurant Management student.  Department faculty will select a student who as acted as an ambassador for the College and has displayed leadership in the program, with consideration given to their accomplishments since being enrolled in the program.
Garland Commercial Ranges Limited Awards
Automatic Selection
One award of $750 will be presented to a Culinary Arts student in their final term.  Selection criteria includes outstanding academic achievement and excellent ratings from co-op placements.
Hospitality and Culinary Arts Competition Travel Awards
Automatic Selection
Awards are available to students in Hospitality or Culinary Arts programs who are selected to represent RRC at local, national or International competitions. Recipients of the award will have demonstrated outstanding professional promise defined as evidence of future ability and potential to perform exceptionally in their professional life. Recipients will be selected by faculty. Award value will be dependent upon travel costs and available funds.
Hy's Steakhouse John Aisenstat Memorial Excellence in Culinary Arts and Hospital
A $1000 award was created by Hy's Steakhouse and Cocktail Bar in memory of John Aisenstat, former Executive Vice President. Known for his passion for the hospitality industry, John was unfailing in his support of the staff who made Hy’s Steakhouse a success for more than 65 years. He was equally aware of the need to attract new talent in an increasingly competitive world.   Hy's Steakhouse is committed to supporting the development of Canada's culinary arts and hospitality industry through community support and post-secondary education initiatives. The John Aisenstat Memorial Scholarship award at Red River College Polytechnic is just one example of the restaurant's ongoing commitment to supporting the industry's future leaders.  Website: John Aisenstat Memorial Scholarship.  The John Aisenstat Memorial Scholarship award is for students entering the second year of Red River College Polytechnic's Culinary Arts and Hotel Restaurant Management diploma programs with a high academic standing, a genuine passion for the industry, and financial need. The recipient must have exhibited a strong commitment to the culinary arts and hospitality industry and demonstrated a clear plan for their future in the field.  The application should be accompanied by a short statement outlining the applicant's commitment to the industry and future career plans. Application deadline is January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional documents ready to upload.  
Joey Restaurant Culinary Award
 A $500 award is available to a second-year Culinary Arts student at RRC Polytech.  Selection criteria will include financial need and academic progress.  Applications are due September 30th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
Joey Restaurant Culinary Entrance Award
A $500 award is available to a first year RRC Polytech Culinary Arts student.  Selection will be based on financial need.  The application form should be accompanied by a one-page statement explaining the applicant's career goals and impact the award will have in achieving those goals.  Application deadline is January 31st. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Joey Restaurant Hospitality Award
A $500 award is available to a second-year Hotel and Restaurant Management student at RRC Polytech.  Selection criteria will include financial need and academic progress.  Applications are due September 30th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
Judy Storey Award for Hospitality Students
Automatic Selection
A fund has been established in memory of Judy Storey at The Winnipeg Foundation, by the Manitoba Food Processors Association, with the support of Keith Storey and family. To honour Judy’s contributions to the Manitoba food industry, a $1000 scholarship will be provided to a student at Red River College who is pursuing a career in the field of Hospitality and Culinary Arts.  The recipients will be either entering the second year of the program for two year programs, or the last term of the program for one year programs. The qualified candidate should present a financial need, good academic standing and a have a good rating either from the cooperative education work or instructor.
Kamal and Sudha Mehra Experimentation and Innovation Award

The $750 Kamal and Sudha Mehra Experimentation and Innovation Award will be awarded annually to a student enrolled in the Culinary Arts program at Red River College Polytechnic who has successfully completed Term 3 and meets the following criteria:

  •  Identifies as a person of colour (including but not limited to international students) 
  •  Is testing, creating, or developing new recipes using South Asian cuisine (identified as cuisine hailing from the following regions: India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Sri Lanka) 

The application should be accompanied by a paragraph indicating the types of recipes the applicant has been working with, as well as a sample recipe, submitted in a standardized metric format.  The application deadline is January 31st. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional documents ready to upload.

Ken and Peggy French - Culinary Skills Award for Indigenous Students
This bursary was established by Ken and Peggy French who believed in the importance of post-secondary education and acted on it by establishing a fund at Winnipeg Foundation. Four bursaries ($2000 each) are available, to assist with costs for Indigenous heritage students attending the Culinary Skills program at Red River College Polytechnic.  Interested students should submit an application form, including financial information, along with a document verifying Indigenous heritage. Recipient selection will be based on financial need.  Bursary funds will be applied first to tuition costs for the program, with surplus funds being disbursed to the recipients.  If there are insufficient applications from deserving Culinary Skills students, bursary funds will be awarded to Indigenous heritage students attending other program at the College, who have submitted applications for other bursaries.  Application deadline is October 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Les Marmitons Most Promising Chef Award
Les Marmitons International is a gastronomic and social club of gentlemen who have a common interest in fine food, wine and the culinary arts. Through regular gatherings, members gain knowledge and experience in the preparation and presentation of cuisine under the direction a recognized chef invited to lead events. The Les Marmitons motto is "From Friendship to Gastronomy".  The Les Marmitons Winnipeg Chapter supports local chefs, the culinary arts and community events. In support of culinary arts education, Les Marmitons Winnipeg Chapter presents one annual award valued at $1000 to a second year Red River College Polytech Culinary Arts student. Selection for this award will be based on performance in second year academics and coop terms, as well as leadership qualities. In addition to the financial award, the selected recipient may have an opportunity to showcase their skill and talent by attending a Les Marmitons event, where they will be able to lead the preparation of a meal.  To be considered, a general application should be submitted, accompanied by a statement explaining the importance of being a good ambassador, as well as a summary of the meal they would teach the group to make, if selected as the recipient. Note: contact information of the selected recipient for this award will be provided to the award donor, to allow for the delivery of the event invitation.  Deadline for applications is September 30th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Manitoba Canola Growers Association Award
Automatic Selection
A $1000 competition award will be given to the Professional Baking student who has developed the most innovative baking recipe using Canola Oil as their main fat, with the emphasis on using local products. 
Manitoba Hotel Association Award
A $1000 award has been established by the Manitoba Hotel Association to support a Hotel and Restaurant Management student in their second year of studies. The qualified candidate will have demonstrated professional behavior, completed a co-op placement in one of the Manitoba Hotel Association member locations and have received excellent feedback from the co-op employer. Applications should be accompanied by a statement describing “why do you want to work in the hotel industry.” The student information will be provided to the donor.  Deadline for applications is September 30th.  Please note the name of the award to include on the application and have additional documents ready to upload.

Manitoba Pork Award
Automatic Selection
Annual awards of $1000, $750 and $500 will be given to three deserving Culinary Arts students who have developed the most innovative pork recipes.
Manitoba Restaurant and Foodservice Association Awards
Automatic Selection
Two $300 awards are offered to second-year students in Hotel and Restaurant Management and Culinary Arts. The award is based on high academic achievement, co-op work performance evaluations and a preference for work in restaurants.  Students must have completed a co-op placement at an MRFA member's establishment.
Manitoba Turkey Producers and Granny's Poultry Award
Automatic Selection
Awards totaling $2250 (1st place $1000; 2nd place $750; and 3rd place $500) are presented annually to Culinary Arts students who have developed the most innovative turkey recipes. 
Norm Konowalchuk Memorial Award for Culinary Arts Students
This award was established by family and friends in memory of Norm Konowalchuk, a longtime employee of Red River College. One award, valued at $500 is available annually to an RRC Polytech Culinary Arts student with a satisfactory academic standing who is enrolled in, or entering, the second year of the program. Applications should be accompanied by a one-page statement describing the applicant's leadership skills, volunteerism and career goals.  Application deadline is the September 30th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Paterson GlobalFoods Culinary Arts Award
Three $1000 awards are available to students enrolled full-time in term 4 (second year) of the Culinary Arts program at RRC Polytech.  Recipients will have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA, demonstrated volunteer activity in the community and displayed a strong work ethic in class.  Applications should be accompanied by a one-page statement describing career aspirations and volunteer activity in the community.  Applications are due September 30th or January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Paterson GlobalFoods Entrance Bursary for Professional Baking & Patisserie
One bursary valued at $1000 is available annually to a student entering the Professional Baking & Pastry program at Red River College Polytechnic.  Those interested in being considered should submit an application form including the financial information section, as well as a 250-word essay outlining their career goals.  Applications are due September 30th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Paterson GlobalFoods Hospitality Award
A $1000 award is available to a student enrolled full-time in term 4 of the Hotel and Restaurant Management program at RRC Polytech.  Recipients will have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA, demonstrated volunteer activity in the community and displayed a strong work ethic in class.  Applications should be accompanied by a one-page statement describing career aspirations and volunteer activity in the community.  Applications are due September 30th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Paterson GlobalFoods Professional Baking & Patisserie Graduate Award
Automatic Selection
One award valued at $1000 will be presented annually to a student graduating from the Professional Baking & Patiserrie program.  The recipient will have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA, displayed leadership qualities and demonstrated professionalism.
Pepsi Hospitality Student Co-op Travel Award
Automatic Selection
Awards are available to students in Hospitality, Culinary Arts or Baking programs who will be attending a study program outside of Manitoba. Recipients of the award will have demonstrated outstanding professional promise defined as evidence of future ability and potential to perform exceptionally in their professional life. Scholastic achievement will also be considered in the selection process. The award will be provided to partially cover expenses associated with travel. No application required. Recipients will be selected by faculty. Award value dependent upon travel costs and available funds.
Professional Baking Academic Achievement Award
Automatic Selection
A $500 award is presented annually to a Professional Baking student based on outstanding academic achievement.
Professional Baking Practical Skills Achievement Award
Automatic Selection
A $500 award is presented annually to a Professional Baking student who has displayed exceptional practical skills in the lab.
Red River Co-op Indigenous Culinary Skills Award
The Red River Co-op Indigenous Culinary Skills Award supports Indigenous students in the Culinary Skills (Indigenous) program at Red River College Polytechnic. This program equips students with essential culinary techniques, food knowledge, and introductory business skills. It includes Indigenous content, pre-employment supports, and a paid co-op work placement to help students gain practical experience and industry connections.
As a co-operative, Red River Co-op is guided by the principle of doing the right thing for their members, employees, communities, and the environment. With a commitment to giving back and improving the lives of those in the communities they serve, Red River Co-op has created this award to remove financial barriers for students progressing into the second term of the program. The award, ranging from $1,000 to $3,000, will help cover costs directly related to the successful completion of the program, including materials, certifications, or any other necessary expenses. This aligns with Red River Co-op's mission of investing in people, supporting local communities, and fostering success. The recipient will be awarded this award to assist them to successfully complete the program.  Application deadline is October 31st. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.

Red River Exhibition Foundation Inc. Tourism Industry Scholarship
Specific Application
The Red River Exhibition Foundation Inc. offers scholarships to students who are entering their first or second year of a Tourism Management Program. Each award is a minimum value of $1000. Applicants must provide proof of successful completion of their last level of education, acceptance or enrolment in the program, letters of reference from an educator and employer, and an essay. Application deadline is the second week of May. Further information is available from the Red River Exhibition website Tourism Scholarship - Red River Exhibition Association.  Deadline for applications is 11:59 p.m., the second Friday in May each year.
Red River Metis & Cantor's Family Award
Specific Application
This award is available to Red River Metis students who are attending a post-secondary institution in Manitoba.  The student must be enrolled in butcher/abattoir, culinary arts, or any agricultural programs which focus on the study of livestock and processes used for the purpose of feeding people, or a related field in which you can express the connection to the butcher/abbattoir field.  For further information and to apply, visit Louis Riel Institute (  Application deadline is November 1st.
Ron Long Memorial Award

Established in memory of Ron Long, a long time and founding member of the Canadian Culinary Federation (CCF).  One award valued at $500 is available annually to a Term 5 student enrolled in the Culinary Arts program at RRC Polytech.  Selection will be based on demonstrated commitment and passion for the industry; traits for which Ron Long was known.  Some consideration will also be given to financial need and satisfactory academic progress.  Those interested in being considered should submit an application form along with a one-page explanation of their career goals and volunteer service related to the hospitality sector.  Applications are due September 30th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Russell Hendrix Award
Automatic Selection
Two $250 awards are presented to students entering their second year; one in Culinary Arts and the other in Hotel and Restaurant Management.  Selection criteria includes an above average first co-op assessment and lab practical assessment; volunteer involvement in the industry and must show an eagerness to learn about the industry.
School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts Bridging Awards
Awards with a minimum value of $500 are available to students entering the second year of Culinary Arts, Hotel and Restaurant Management or Tourism Management at RRC Polytech.  The awards are based on good academic standing, professional goals and financial need. Applications must be submitted before the date their work term begins, accompanied by a 250-word explanation of their career goals. Applications are due September 30th or January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts Graduate Awards
Automatic Selection
Awards of $750 will be presented to a graduating student in the Culinary Arts, Hotel and Restaurant Management or Tourism program. The scholarship is awarded based on a successful academic record of honours status. Professional promise will also be considered as demonstrated by successful cooperative education placements and professional student behaviour. Scholarships will be awarded after completion of all academic program requirements.
School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts Professional Leadership Awards
Automatic Selection
Awards with a minimum value of $750 are available to students who are completing their final academic term in either Culinary Arts, Hotel and Restaurant Management or Tourism Management. Recipient selection is based on leadership, as demonstrated in practical labs, group projects, professional student behaviour, and a commitment to their studies profession through volunteerism, mentorship and employment.
Shannon Ellis Outstanding Student Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
A $1000 award is presented annually to a Professional Baking student who has displayed commitment to the baking profession, by volunteering their own time to learning new skills, while maintaining an above average GPA and exceptional lab skills. 
Tourism Ambassador Award

A $1000 award will be presented annually to a second year RRC Polytech Tourism Management student. Selection will reflect a student who has acted as an ambassador for the tourism industry. This would be evident in their achievements in the program and during their coop placement. To be considered, a General RRC Polytech application should be accompanied by a one-page statement describing the applicant's commitment to the tourism industry. Application deadline is September 30th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Tourism Management Community Engagement Award
A $1000 award will be presented annually to a second year RRC Polytech Tourism Management student. Selection will be based on demonstrated volunteerism and a commitment to their community.  To be considered, a General RRC application should be accompanied by a one-page statement describing the applicant's community involvement volunteerism.  Application deadline is September 30th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Victoria Inn Hotel & Convention Centre Award
A minimum $1000 award will be presented annually to an employee of the Victoria Inn who is enrolled in a full-time program at Red River College Polytechnic. Applicants must have completed a successful coop placement at the Victoria Inn Hotel & Convention Centre or have been employed for at least four months with the hotel. Selection criteria also includes professional student behavior, teamwork and career goals. Applicants should include a 250-word statement of their career goals and award qualifications, with the application.  Deadline date is September 30th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
WOW! Hospitality Award
A $1000 is available annually to students currently enrolled in the second year of the Hotel and Restaurant Management program at RRC Polytech.  Selection will be based on financial need and career aspirations.  Applications should be accompanied by a one-page statement outlining the applicant's career aspirations.  Applications are due September 30th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Teacher Education

Isabella Dryden Award for Teaching Excellence
Specific Application

The intention of this annual award, valued at $250, is to assist in furthering the educational goals, professional learning and development of pre-service Applied Commerce Education teachers. This award is to stimulate, encourage and acknowledge teaching excellence and volunteerism.  A practicum cooperating teacher may make the nomination.  The nominee may be a current student in the Red River College/University of Winnipeg Business Teacher Education program.  One recipient will be honoured annually.  A nominee can only be the recipient of this award one time.  Nomination forms will be supplied to cooperating teachers each spring by the Teacher Education faculty supervisor.  The nomination application form and supporting documents must be submitted by June 1 of the current year.

Manitoba Teachers’ Society Bursaries
Automatic Selection
Cash awards will be presented to students enrolled in the final year of the Business/Technology, Industrial Arts/Technology or Technical Vocational Teacher Education programs. Selection of recipients will be made by the Teacher Education faculty based on criteria such as academic progress and student teaching success. Recipients will have exhibited the personal qualities considered essential for successful teaching.
RRC Polytech Students' Association Bursary

Five bursaries valued at $1000 each are available annually to full-time Red River College Polytechnic students who are enrolled in the following programs:  Administrative Assistant; Applied Commerce Education (Business/Technology Teacher Education); Dental Assisting; Health Care Aide; Indigenous Language – Cree; Indigenous Language – Ojibwe; MRI and Spectroscopy; Paramedicine – Primary Care Paramedic; Pathway Business Creative Communications Digital Technology; Pharmaceutical and Food Manufacturing or Professional Photography.  To be considered, students should submit an application form, accompanied by a letter describing their financial circumstances. Recipients will be selected based on financial need.  The application deadline is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.


Accutech Engineering Resident of Nunavut Award
Established by Accutech Engineering, a $3,000 award is available to support a full-time student. Applicants must have been a resident of Nunavut and graduated from a Nunavut high school (preference will be given to Nunavut land claim beneficiaries). To be eligible, applicants must have relocated to Winnipeg, to attend one of the following programs at Red River College Polytechnic: Civil Engineering Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology or Mechanical Engineering Technology. Preference will be given to students enrolled in their first year of studies, to help ease the stress associated with relocating to attend post-secondary education in Winnipeg.  However, students in the second or third year of their program, who meet the other criteria, are still encouraged to apply.   Those interested in being considered should submit a general application for awards, accompanied by a short write-up outlining their career goals, and reasons for choosing this career. Previous recipients of this award are eligible to apply again, but preference will be given to those who have not been selected as a recipient in the past. The application deadline is September 15th, annually. The applicants’ contact information will be provided to the award donor/sponsor.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
AECOM Scholarships
Automatic Selection
Two scholarships of $1000 each are available to students entering the final year of Municipal Engineering Technology and Structural Engineering Technology.
Akman Construction Environmental Engineering Technology Award
A $1500 award has been established by Akman Construction to assist an Environmental Engineering Technology student at RRC Polytech. Akman Construction has played a key role in shaping the Manitoba landscape for over 100 years. The company was founded in 1912 with the core values of integrity, collaboration, and commitment. Since then, the Akman team has dedicated themselves to offering valuable services to clients, building partnerships in the community, and creating important resources such as schools, workplaces, residential units, correctional facilities, and personal care homes. Akman Construction takes pride in close working relationships with LEED consultants and remains highly committed to the LEED goals. This award will celebrate the important mission of the company to build a sustainable community with a suitable environmental focus. The deserving recipient of this award will have successfully completed the first year of the Civil Engineering Technology program with a minimum 3.00 GPA and have entered the Environmental Engineering Technology program. To be considered a general application should be submitted, accompanied by a short statement that outlines the importance of incorporating LEED certification in Building construction. Financial need will be considered, and preference may be given to Indigenous applicants. Application deadline is the first Friday in November.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
American Concrete Institute (ACI) Manitoba Chapter Scholarship

Established by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Manitoba Chapter, a minimum $1000 award is available to a student enrolled in their final year of the Architectural/Engineering Technology, Municipal Engineering Technology, Structural Engineering Technology or Construction Management program at RRC Polytech.  To be eligible applicants must have attained a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA.  To be considered, interested student should complete an application form and submit it along with a statement (paragraph) describing the applicant's past experience and intended career plans, and how these relate to concrete.  Deadline for applications is the first Friday in November. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Andrew Rohulych Memorial Award for Electronic Engineering Technology
Automatic Selection
One award valued at a minimum $1,500 has been established by family and friends of Andrew Rohulych, a proud alumnus of the Electronic Engineering Technology program at RRC. After graduation, Andrew was able to realize his dream, and had an outstanding career as a technical lead with BSD Solutions in one of the largest projects in Manitoba. This award will be presented annually to a student entering third year of the Electronic Engineering Technology program. The student will have demonstrated a passion for the industry, high work ethic, leadership skills, and been an active class participant, as well as shown willingness to assist fellow students. The selection will be made by faculty.
Architectural Technology Achievement Award
Automatic Selection
A $1000 award will be presented annually to a Year 2 Architectural Technology student, based on academic achievement, class participation, class performance and passion for the profession.
ASM International Manitoba Chapter Materials Science Scholarship
Automatic Selection
A $500 award and an ASM Metals Handbook is presented to a student entering the second year of the Mechanical Engineering Technology program who is taking a full program load and attains the highest standing in the metallurgy course.
Association of MB Land Surveyors Scholarship
Automatic Selection
One $800 Association of Manitoba Land Surveyors Scholarship is given to a student entering Geomatics Technology.
Beach Rocke Award
Automatic Selection

One award of $1000 is presented annually to full-time Year 3 Structural Engineering Technology student based on outstanding academic achievement.

Bell MTS Academic Excellence Award for Electronic Engineering Technology
Automatic Selection
Two $500 awards will be presented annually to students in the second year of the Electronic Engineering Technology program based on outstanding academic achievement in the first year of the program.  One award will be presented for each class start date.
Bird Build Your Future Alumni Award
This award was established by a long-standing partner of RRC, Bird Construction, and its employees who are graduates of Red River College. One award, valued at a minimum of $1,000, will be awarded to a student in the final year of his/her studies in Construction Management or Architectural/Engineering Technology, who has achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA.  Selection will be based on academic achievement and financial need.  Deadline for applications is the first Friday in November. Preference will be given to employment equity groups.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.
Bird Build Your Future Scholarships
Automatic Selection
Established by Bird Construction, a leading general contractor in Canada who has supported students at Red River College since 1998. Two awards are available annually; a $2000 award is presented to a student entering Architectural/Engineering Technology and a $2,000 award is presented to a student in the second year of Construction Management program. The successful candidate will have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA.
Bockstael Construction - Construction Management Award
A $1500 award will be presented annually to a Year 3 Construction Management student at RRC Polytech who has attained a minimum 2.50 GPA at the end of Year 2. Selection will be based on demonstrated leadership qualities, as well as financial need.  The application should be accompanied by a letter of reference from a teacher, guidance counselor, instructor, community leader or employer attesting to the applicant's leadership qualities in school, work or the community.  Application deadline is the first Friday in November.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Boeing Canada Technology Limited Scholarship
Automatic Selection
One award of $1000 and two awards of $500 are given to students entering the second year of Mechanical Engineering Technology.
Bryan I. Dreger Award
Automatic Selection

Established in memory of Bryan I. Dreger by the Association of Manitoba Land Surveyors and his friends and colleagues, four awards are available for full-time Geomatics Technology students at Red River College. Two awards, minimum $1500 each, will be granted annually to students entering the third year of the Geomatics Technology program at Red River College. Deserving candidates must have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA, and have worked for a land surveying firm. Two awards, minimum $750 each, will be granted annually to students entering the second year of the Geomatics Technology program at Red River College. Deserving candidates must have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA.  All awards recipients will be selected by the department faculty.

Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society (CHES) Award for Power Engineering Tech
Automatic Selection
One award of $1000 has been established by Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society (CHES), a non-profit voluntary society promoting improved planning, design, operation, and management of healthcare technology services systems. This award will be presented to a Power Engineering Technology (4th Class) student. The successful candidate will have completed the first term of the program with a minimum 3.0 GPA. The selection is based on GPA, as well as class participation and will be made by faculty.
Canadian Public Works Association (CPWA) Civil Engineering Tech Entrance Award
The Canadian Public Works Association Manitoba Chapter Civil Engineering Technology Entrance Award, valued at $1000, is available to first-year Civil Engineering Technology students at RRC Polytech.  Selection will be based on financial need.  To be considered, students should submit a completed application form by the deadline date of September 30th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Canadian Public Works Association (CPWA) Municipal Engineering Technology Award
The Canadian Public Works Association Manitoba Chapter Municipal Engineering Technology Award, valued at $1000, is available to third-year Municipal Engineering Technology students at RRC Polytech.  To be eligible for consideration, students should submit an application form accompanied by a short statement describing their desire to pursue a career in public works.  Selection will be based on this statement content as well as financial need.  Deadline for applications is the first Friday in November.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Certified Technicians and Technologists Association of MB (CTTAM) Scholarships
Automatic Selection
Three scholarships of $1000 are given to one student member entering the second year of each program family: Civil Engineering Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology, and Mechanical Engineering Technology, based on academic standing. An additional $1000 scholarship will be given to a student entering second year of the Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology program, based on academic standing.
Cibinel Architecture Award for Architectural/Engineering Technology
Automatic Selection
Created by Cibinel Architecture Ltd an award valued at a minimum of $1200 is available to a student who has completed 2nd year and is enrolled in 3rd year of the Architectural/Engineering Technology program. The recipient will be selected by faculty, based on individual performance and professionalism throughout the year.
CIQS Construction Management Award
One award of $1000, established by CIQS, is available to a student in the final year of the Construction Management Degree program at RRC Polytech. The Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (CIQS) is a self-regulatory, professional body that sets the highest standard for construction economics in Canada. Designated Professional Quantity Surveyors (PQS) and Construction Estimator Certified (CEC) professionals counsel building owners, developers, government bodies, designers and contractors at every stage of the design, procurement and construction process to help ensure a return on investment is delivered. The association is interested in supporting a student who is interested in building his/her career as part of this industry. The successful candidate must be invested in the program and have achieved a minimum 3.0 GPA , with emphasis on the CMDP-3004 Quantity Surveying and CMDP-3007 Estimating - Heavy Construction or Building Construction courses. To be considered, a general application should be submitted, accompanied by a statement outlining their career aspirations, why QS is part of their career focus and why they feel they should be selected as the recipient of this award. Note: contact information of the selected recipient for this award will be provided to the award donor. Application deadline is the first Friday in November. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Concord Projects Award
An annual award, valued at $2000 has been established by Concord Projects, a fully diversified construction management, general contracting, and design-build company. This award will support a domestic student in the third year of the Construction Management Degree program at RRC Polytech. Eligible applicants will have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA at the end of second year and have demonstrated financial need. In keeping with the spirit of the Concord Project Foundation, preference will be given to applicants who have volunteer involvement in the community. Students who are fully funded (not including student loans) for their tuition are not eligible to apply. Applicants should include a short statement outlining volunteer involvement, if applicable. Application deadline is the first Friday in November.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Concrete Manitoba Award
A $1000 award is available annually to a Structural or Municipal Engineering Technology student at RRC Polytech who has completed Year 2 with a minimum 2.50 GPA. Eligible students will have graduated from a Manitoba high school and be a Manitoba resident.  Those interested in being considered should submit an application along with an essay or statement (maximum one page) describing their interest in concrete technology, and in expanding their knowledge in this field.  Application deadline is the first Friday in November.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Construction Management Achievement Award
Automatic Selection
A $1000 award will be presented annually to a Year 3 Construction Management student, based on academic achievement.
Construction Management Advanced Education Award
Automatic Selection
A $1000 will be awarded to an RRC Civil Engineering Technology diploma student entering Year 3 of the Construction Management program, based on academic achievement.
Construction Management Continuing Students Awards

Three awards of $1,500 have been established by the Winnipeg Construction Association for full-time students continuing their studies in the 2nd or 3rd of the Construction Management program at RRC Polytech. The Winnipeg Construction Association is an incorporated, not-for-profit trade association representing commercial contractors and suppliers throughout Manitoba. They currently have over 750 member firms, including manufacturers, suppliers, financial institutions, lawyers, insurance and bonding companies, and brokers. Part of WCA’s mandate is to help promote the construction industry to the next generation to ensure a healthy labour force for the industry, which is why they’re thrilled to support RRC students with this bursary. One award of $2000 has been established by Paul Charette, the former CEO of Bird Construction and graduate of the college’s Civil Technology program. Paul also played a pivotal role in helping to establish the Construction Management Degree program at RRC Polytech. This award is available to students continuing their studies in the 2nd,3rd, or 4th-year of Construction Management program at RRC Polytech. Eligible students will have attained a minimum 70% (3.00 GPA). Selection will be based on demonstrated financial need. If the applicant has been employed by a Winnipeg Construction Association Member, that information should be included on the application. The deadline for applications is the first Friday in November. Only one application is required to be considered for these. Award name is Construction Management Continuing Students Awards. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.

Construction Management Entrance Award

One award of $2000 has been established by Paul Charette, the former CEO of Bird Construction and graduate of the college’s Civil Technology program. Paul also played a pivotal role in helping to establish the Construction Management Degree program at RRC Polytech. This award is available to students who are entering or are in the first year of the Construction Management Degree Program.  To be eligible applicants must be full time students and will have achieved a minimum 70% average using three Grade 12 (40S) courses: English; Mathematics; and one additional 40S course (highest grade). To be considered for this award, applicants should submit an application, high school transcript, maximum one-page statement indicating why they have chosen this program and how they will benefit from this award. Although not a requirement, a letter of reference from a teacher, guidance counselor, employer or other individual with whom the applicant is well acquainted is recommended and will be considered an asset. Recipient selection will be based on financial need, statement content and, if included the letter of reference. Deadline for applications is September 15th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.   

David Allen Grant Memorial Scholarship
Automatic Selection
A minimum $1000 award will be awarded annually to a student attending the first year of the Mechanical Engineering Technology program at River College Polytechnic, who has graduated from high school within the past five years and has no previous post-secondary education. Recipient selection will be based on the Grade 12 average, calculated on four 40S courses. Highest grade attained in an English and Mathematics course, as well as two additional 40S academic courses (highest grade) from the following list: Biology; Chemistry; Computer Science; Economics; French; Geography; Global Issues; History; Law or Physics. Recipients will be determined automatically, based on final Grade 12 grades recorded on applicants' records. Preference will be given to students who graduated from a rural high school.
Dillon Consulting Award

Established by Dillon Consulting, one $1500 award is available to support an Indigenous student who has completed the Pathway to Engineering Technology program and has entered the first year of the Civil Engineering Technology program at RRC Polytech.  Dillon is a proudly Canadian, employee-owned professional consulting firm specializing in planning, engineering, environmental science, and management.  To be eligible, students are requested to submit a general application form, accompanied by a reference letter from a Pathway to Engineering instructor, as well as a statement from the student indicating their career goals in Municipal, Structural, Geomatics or Environmental Engineering.  Selection criteria will include financial need, academic progress and career goals. Application deadline is September 15th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Dylan Fontaine Work Integrated Learning Award
Automatic Selection

Awards of $1000 each will be presented to students, enrolled in Work Integrated Learning in an Applied Computer Education (ACE) diploma program, who demonstrated exemplary work ethic, helped others, and showed leadership.  Recipients will be automatically selected for each academic term by the ACE Work Integrated Learning Committee.

Dynamic Machine Corporation Mechanical Engineering Technology Award
Automatic Selection
A $1000 award will be presented annually to a Mechanical Engineering Technology student based on academic and technical achievement in the Fluid Power component of the program.
Edward S. Smendziuk Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
This award is presented annually to a full-time Civil Technology student in his or her graduating year and is based upon high academic standing, participation in extracurricular activities, and leadership qualities. The award honours the memory of Edward S. Smendziuk, department head of Civil Technology, who passed away suddenly in October of 1984.
Elizabeth Ptashnik Memorial Award
Established by the friends and family of Elizabeth Ptashnik, cash awards totalling $1800 is available annually to female students entering the second or third year of the Environmental Engineering Technology program at RRC Polytech (preference will be given to third-year students).  Applicants will have achieved a minimum 2.75 GPA and display a strong work ethic.  Application forms should be accompanied by a one-page letter describing the applicant's motivation in selecting this program of studies, their career goals, and why they believe they should be selected to receive this award.  Although not mandatory, a letter of reference from a co-op employer would be considered an asset.  Application deadline is the first Friday in November.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Environmental and Sustainable Economy Education Award
Automatic Selection
A $300 award is available to a third-year Environmental Technology student.  Recipients will have demonstrated volunteerism and initiative in the class, and have received a positive co-op work placement report. 
Environmental Engineering Technology Achievement Award
Automatic Selection
A $1000 award will be presented annually to a student entering Year 2 of the Environmental Engineering Technology program, based on academic achievement.
Ernst Hansch Construction Ltd. Award
Automatic Selection
Four awards of $500 each are given to students who have demonstrated academic excellence, and interest and commitment in the Architectural or Structural Engineering Technology program.
F. Ross Browne CSC Scholarship
Automatic Selection
Through The Winnipeg Foundation, a scholarship in the amount of $1000 plus a one-year student membership in the CSC is given for high academic performance to a student enrolled in the second year of Civil Engineering Technology in one of the following specializations: Architectural/Engineering Technology; Municipal Engineering Technology or; Structural Engineering Technology program.
Flynn Canada Awards
Automatic Selection
Two $1000 awards will be presented annually to the students achieving the highest GPA; one to a second-year Architectural Engineering Technology student, and the other to a second-year Structural Engineering Technology student as selected by program faculty.
Frank M. Fowler Memorial Scholarships
Automatic Selection
Through The Winnipeg Foundation, five scholarships of a minimum $1000 each will be awarded annually to students who have attained a minimum GPA of 3.00 after the first year of Civil Technology and have entered one of the major fields of study (currently Architectural/Engineering, Environmental , Geomatics, Municipal and Structural Engineering Technology). Recipients will have displayed good character and demonstrated community commitment through some participation outside the classroom.
Gary Giesbrecht Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
Established by family and friends of Gary Giesbrecht, one $500 award will be presented annually to support a second-year Structural Engineering student at Red River College. Gary was a teacher and colleague, but more importantly he was a coach, mentor, and friend. He was passionate about learning, with a student-centered philosophy focused on knowledge, growth, and development, both within and beyond the classroom. The deserving recipient will be selected by the faculty. The recipient will have achieved a good academic standing, demonstrated class participation as well as exhibited a genuine interest and enthusiasm for the profession (this is the key guiding factor).
Graham Construction Craig Waldmo Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
Craig Waldmo was a leader, mentor, and good friend to many people in the construction industry, and always conducted himself with honesty and integrity throughout his career.  In his honour, Craig's friends and colleagues at Graham Construction, a company he held in high regard, have established this $1000 award to be presented to a student entering the third year of the Architectural/Engineering Technology or Structural Engineering Technology program.  The recipient of this award must have a minimum 3.00 GPA and demonstrated a leadership mentality in the classroom, embodying the same qualities that Craig exemplified throughout his life.  Craig was a Senior Project Manager for Graham Construction and was genuinely pleased to be a part of the management team.  His dedication and enthusiasm for his work at Graham reflected his passion for the construction industry.  This award is a testament to Craig's legacy, the opportunities he embraced, and the enduring commitment to excellence and integrity upheld by both Graham Construction and the recipient of this award.
Henry Penner Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
Established in memory of Henry Penner, an instructor in the Information Systems Technology program, one award valued at a $400 will be presented annually.  The recipient will be a full-time student entering the second year of the Business Information Technology program who is actively pursuing their Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification.  Selection will be determined by the program faculty.
Imperial Award for Electrical Engineering Technology
A $2000 award has been established by Imperial for students who identify as female entering (enrolled in the first term) of the Electrical Engineering Technology program (Electrical Engineering Technology, Electronic Engineering Technology, Instrumentation, and Control Engineering Technology) at RRC Polytech. Imperial is a Canadian company that, after more than a century, continues to be an industry leader in applying technology and innovation to responsibly develop Canada's energy resources. As Canada's largest petroleum refiner, a major producer of crude oil, a key petrochemical producer, and a leading fuels marketer from coast to coast, our company remains committed to high standards across all areas of our business. Community building and support are essential aspects of the company. This award is one of the many ways Imperial invests in the future of the upcoming generation. The recipient will be selected primarily based on leadership within their community, with secondary consideration to academic achievement in high school. Application forms should be accompanied by a reference letter from a teacher, inspirational leader, or supervisor, attesting to the applicant’s leadership experience. The selected recipient’s name will be forwarded to the donor for a potential employment opportunity. The application deadline is September 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Integrated Power Services Electrical Engineering Technology Award
Automatic Selection
A $1000 award will be presented annually to a student continuing in the Electrical Engineering Technology program who has achieved a minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA for Year 1, exhibited leadership qualities and been actively involved in the College.
Iron Spear Award
A $2,500 award has been established by Iron Spear, a niche cyber security consulting firm. The award is available to domestic students who have completed the first term of the Information Security or Business Information Technology program at RRC Polytech, and achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA. Preference will be given to Indigenous and/or female candidates, but all are encouraged to apply. The award funds will be disbursed in two parts; $1500 will be awarded at the time of selection; the remainder will be awarded at the beginning of the second year of the program, once enrolment is completed. Selection criteria will include academic progress and financial need. The application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Jessica Miner Scholarship
Automatic Selection
One award valued at $700 will be presented annually to an outstanding Network Services Technician graduate, beginning in 2023.
Jim Mandryk Civil Engineering Leadership Award
This award, valued at $1000, has been established in memory of Jim Mandryk to assist individuals entering the Civil Engineering Technology program at Red River College Polytechnic. Selection criteria will include academic standing (minimum 2.5/C+ average in Grade 12) and volunteer/leadership roles in school and/or community organizations. A statement from the applicant should accompany the application and will be considered in the selection process. The statement should include examples of volunteer/leadership roles as well as the answers to the following questions: a) On what basis have you decided to choose this career? and b) How do you foresee this training benefiting you? Application deadline is September 30th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Jim S. McEwan Memorial Award
This award was created by his family, in memory of Jim S. McEwan, to assist a second-year Mechanical Engineering student at RRC Polytech. One award of $1200 is available annually. To be eligible, students must have achieved a minimum 2.8 cumulative GPA at the end of Year 1 and a minimum “B” average in the first year Technical Communication course, as well as have a demonstrated financial need. Recipients will be selected using these criteria. Deadline for applications is October 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
Karel Van Helden Memorial Award

This award was created by his family, in memory of Karel Van Helden, a former instructor for the Power Engineering Fourth Class courses in the School of Continuing Education at Red River College. One award valued at $700 will be available annually.  Eligible applicants will be enrolled in one of the following programs/courses: Power Engineering Fourth Class Part A course within the School of Continuing Education, or the Power Engineering Technology diploma program at RRC Polytech.  The award is intended to assist the recipient with the cost of their studies and, as such, will be applied as a payment to the course/program fees for the academic year.  If payment has already been made, the award recipient(s) will be reimbursed an amount equal to the award amount. Students interested in being considered for this award should submit an application form accompanied by a letter, in which they describe how receiving this award will make a difference to them.  Selection will be based on financial need and evidence of a strong work ethic; a recommendation letter from an instructor, focused on work ethic in the classroom, should also accompany this application.  Although preference will be given to students with dependent children, all are encouraged to apply.  Deadline for applications is December 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Ken Rist Memorial Scholarship
Automatic Selection
A $350 award is presented annually in memory of Ken Rist, a 1981 alumni of the Civil Technology - Building Technology program to a full-time student who has demonstrated academic excellence and is entering the second year of studies in Structural Engineering or Architectural/Engineering Technology.
Keystone Projects Ltd. Project Team Award
Specific Application

This award has been established by proud alumnus and successful business owner, Glenn Garbett, CEO at Keystone Projects Ltd.  Keystone Projects Ltd was established in 2010 with a goal of building a company that provides customized and sustainable services, including project and construction management and facilities management and repairs. Glenn believes that cutting-edge technology drives the industry forward, and the cooperative effort of motivated professionals will bring a solution to any project. This award follows this philosophy. A $5000 award will be provided to the best fourth-year Construction Management degree program applied research project team of students at Red River College (min $1000 to each team member). The project needs to stand out and be focused on cutting-edge technology that improves or benefits the industry. Based on the requirements of the Capstone Project (CMDP 400 and CMDP 4005), the faculty will select the winning team, and the final project will be shared with the donor. For further information, students should contact the Construction Management Department.


Lee Shirtliffe Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
In memory of Lee A. Shirtliffe, former Lead Instructor in the Instrumentation Engineering program, an award of $550 will be presented annually to a regular full-time student entering the third year of Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology. Selection will be made by program faculty.  The successful candidate will have demonstrated academic excellence and leadership qualities in class.
Lewis Instruments Ltd. Scholarship
Automatic Selection
Proudly sponsored by Lewis Instruments Ltd., a 60-year-old company supplying Land Surveying equipment, a $1500 award is provided annually to a student entering the second year of full-time studies in the Geomatics Technology program. The recipient will have demonstrated both academic excellence and leadership qualities.
Louis Picard Memorial Award
A $1500 award is available annually to a third-year Geomatics Technology student at RRC Polytech, who has achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA.  Selection will be based on financial need.  Deadline for applications is the first Friday in November.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
M.D. Steele Second-Year Civil Engineering Technology Award

This $1000 award is established by M.D. Steele, for an RRC Polytech student who has attained a minimum GPA of 3.00 after the first year of Civil Engineering Technology and has entered one of the major fields of study: Architectural/Engineering, Environmental, Geomatics, Municipal and Structural Engineering Technology. M.D. Steele was born as an innovative and integrity-focused construction company. The firm's steadfast commitment to being reliable, fair, and trustworthy is paramount to M.D. Steele being a leader in the industry. The selection criteria include successful academic progress and leadership qualities. Preference will be given to mature or single-parent students. To be considered, the general application form should be accompanied by a reference letter from a teacher, instructor, community leader, or employer attesting to the applicant's leadership qualities in school, work, or the community. The application deadline is the first Friday in November. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Magellan Aerospace James S. "Jim" Butyniec Memorial Award
Magellan Aerospace Corporation is a global aerospace company that provides complex assemblies and systems solutions to aircraft and engine manufacturers and defense and space agencies worldwide. Magellan designs and manufactures aeroengine and aerostructure assemblies and components for aerospace markets, advanced proprietary products for military and space markets, and provides engine and component repair and overhaul services worldwide. To celebrate and remember their former president and CEO, Jim Butyniec, who was a respected leader in the Aerospace industry for many decades, awards valued at $1000 each will be presented annually to students at Red River College Polytechnic. Jim and his family immigrated to Canada after World War II. The early years in Canada were not easy from these humble beginnings; Jim worked hard and made himself a success story. This award, available to Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Technology students, who have demonstrated leadership qualities during their studies at the College, will keep Jim’s story celebrated for many years. Two awards are available annually, and recipient selection will be based on leadership qualities, financial need and academic standing. One $1000 award is available to a domestic student enrolled in the final term (307) of the Mechanical Engineering Technology program. The other award is available to a domestic student enrolled in the final term (307) of the Electrical Engineering Technology program in the fall academic term annually.  Deadline for applications is October 15th. To be considered, eligible students should submit a completed application, accompanied by a reference letter from an instructor, attesting to the student’s leadership qualities and academic standing. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Magellan Aerospace Scholarships
Automatic Selection
Two awards of $400 each are given to students entering the second year of Electronic Engineering Technology and Mechanical Engineering Technology.
Manitoba Aerospace Inc. D'Arcy Phillips Award
Automatic Selection
The Manitoba Aerospace D'Arcy Phillips Award is sponsored by Manitoba Aerospace Inc. and Manitoba Aerospace Human Resources Council. One $1500 award will be presented to a student attending the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Diploma program. The recipient will have following characteristics: honesty, reliability, team work, work ethic and attention to detail. The recipient will be selected by the department faculty.
Manitoba Aerospace Inc. Electrical Engineering Technology Award
Automatic Selection

Established by Manitoba Aerospace Inc., a $1500 award will be presented annually to a third-year Electrical, Electronic or Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology program.  The recipient will have demonstrated teamwork, work ethic, attention to details, as well as honesty and reliability.  Recipient selection will be done by department faculty.

Manitoba Aerospace Inc. Mechanical Engineering Technology Award
Automatic Selection
Established by Manitoba Aerospace Inc., a $1500 award will be presented annually to a third-year Mechanical Engineering Technology student enrolled in the Aerospace Technology elective course, who has completed a co-op placement with an aerospace company. The eligible candidate will have demonstrated teamwork, work ethic, attention to details, as well as honesty and reliability. Selection will be done by department faculty.
Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corp. Award
One award of $2000 is available annually to a second- or third-year student in the Environmental Engineering Technology program at RRC Polytech. Eligible applicants will have attained a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the previous year and demonstrated financial need. Application forms should be accompanied by a short statement including your thoughts on what recycling used oil products means to you. The deadline for applications is the first Friday in November. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Manitoba Good Roads Association Municipal Engineering Technology Scholarship
Automatic Selection
The MGRA Scholarship is a tribute to the memory of Robert Kwok,a long term Municipal Engineering Technology instructor, as an acknowledgement of the many years of service Robert provided in training Municipal Councils, Managers and Operations staff in gravel road design and maintenance, providing an invaluable service to this association.  A $1000 scholarship will be presented annually to a Municipal Engineering Technology student who has excelled in the Roadway Design I course and is enrolled in Roadway Design II.
Manitoba Hydro Bursaries
Specific Application
Manitoba Hydro offers a number of awards, bursaries and scholarships to Red River College students who are of Indigenous ancestry or members of employment equity designated groups (women, Indigenous people, members of visible minority groups, and persons with disabilities).  A complete list including eligibility criteria, deadline dates, and application forms are available from their website .  Manitoba Hydro reviews all applications and selects the recipients.  Those selected are generally notified by early December.  Completed application forms should be submitted directly to Manitoba Hydro by the indicated deadline date (October 1 in most cases).
Manitoba Hydro Scholarship
Automatic Selection
A scholarship of $1000, along with the opportunity to be considered for summer employment will be awarded annually to a student entering the second year of Electrical Engineering Technology.  Selection will be made by program faculty.
Manitoba Hydro X Club Winnipeg Chapter Bursary
A $500 bursary is available annually to a first-year Electrical Engineering Technology student at RRC Polytech.  Selection will be based on demonstrated financial need.  Application deadline is January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.  
Manitoba Women in Construction Award

A $1,500 award has been established by the Winnipeg Construction Association. Manitoba Women in Construction is a group working within Manitoba’s construction industry who share a common goal of increasing the representation and retention of women in the industry. They strive to provide a voice for women in the construction industry today and in the future.  Supporting women who join the construction industry is key to MWC’s mandate, and that’s why they’re excited about the opportunity to support women with their education in the field. MWC is an initiative of the Winnipeg Construction Association.  Eligible applicants will be enrolled in the Construction Management program at RRC Polytech and identify as female.  To be considered for this award, applicants should submit an application accompanied by a statement outlining their passion for the construction field and their commitment to supporting other women in construction.  The deadline for applications is the first Friday in November.  If the applicant has any construction experience and/or affiliation with Winnipeg Construction Association members, that information should be included as well.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

MHCA Cornerstone Award

Two awards, valued at a minimum of $2500, are available annually to students enrolled in the fourth year of the Construction Management Degree Program at RRC Polytech, who are interested in the Heavy Construction industry as a career. Established by the Manitoba Heavy Construction Association (MHCA), this award recognizes its past Board Chairs who since 1945 have laid the cornerstone foundations upon which the MHCA has been built. It is upon this cornerstone foundation that the MHCA has been able to make, and strives to continue to make, constructive contributions in the development and evolution of public policy at the provincial, regional and national levels. Each Chair is recognized through a 'A Salute to our Past: A Tribute to our Chairs' (click link to view all of our past chairs). To be considered for this award, applicants should have a satisfactory academic standing and successfully completed the Infrastructure/Heavy Construction course in the second year of the program and the Estimating – Heavy Construction or Building Construction course in the program's third year. To be considered, students should submit a general application form, accompanied by a letter of reference from a coop placement employer or coop coordinator. This reference letter should speak to the applicant's initiative, energy, enthusiasm, perseverance to succeed, and passion for making a difference. Applicants should also provide a statement outlining their interest in the field of heavy construction. The deadline for applications is the first Friday in November. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application for and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Milton Matheson Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
Mrs. Eulah Matheson has established a scholarship fund in memory of her husband, Milton Matheson as a lasting tribute to Milton's unwavering belief and interest in young people and educational achievement.  Two awards, valued at a minimum of $1000 will be presented annually to third-year Electronic Engineering Technology students based on outstanding academic achievement.
Municipal Engineering Technology Achievement Award
Automatic Selection
A $1000 award will be presented annually to a student entering Year 2 of the Municipal Engineering Technology program, based on academic achievement.
Neelin Wilson Construction Inc. Scholarship
Automatic Selection
Two awards of $1150 each are to be awarded to students entering the second year of Civil Engineering Technology who have demonstrated either highest academic achievement or greatest improvement in both written and oral communication.
Nigel Wills Memorial Award
Automatic Selection

The Nigel Wills Memorial Award, established by the Energy Sector Alliance of Manitoba (ESAM), honors the memory of Nigel Wills, a visionary leader whose contributions were crucial to the development of Manitoba Hydro International and global energy systems. ESAM is a coalition of 16 private sector companies in Manitoba dedicated to sustainable energy solutions. They created this $2,000 award to support a final-term student in the Electronic Engineering Technology program who demonstrates leadership, vision, and a commitment to excellence. The selection committee will choose the candidate who best represents the spirit and values of Nigel Wills.

Number TEN Architectural Group Scholarship

A $1000 scholarship has been established by Number TEN Architectural Group to support a student attending second year of RRC Polytech’s Architectural Engineering Technology or first year of the Architectural Technology program. For many years, Number TEN Architectural Group served communities by designing places that make life better. The focus of the company is on people who go the extra mile, strive for design excellence and push themselves to achieve more than expected. Innovation is central to the company’s practices. Number TEN aims to pursue new ideas that challenge the conventional perceptions of architectural form and its relationship to the environment. Public spaces define the city and are a reflection of who we are as a community. Supporting education defines the learning community and creates people who can share many ideas and become contributors to our economic growth. The successful scholarship recipient will be selected based on outstanding academic achievement in the program. In addition to the financial scholarship, the selected recipient will have an opportunity to be offered an interview at NTAG for co-op placement. The student information will be provided to the Donor for interview coordination. Application deadline is January 15th.  Please note the name of the name of the award to enter on the application.  

Paterson GlobalFoods Architectural Technology Award
One $1500 award is available to a student enrolled full-time in the second year of the Architectural Technology program at RRC Polytech.  Recipients will have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA, demonstrated volunteer activity in the community and displayed a strong work ethic in class.  Applications should be accompanied by a one-page statement describing career aspirations and volunteer activity in the community, as well as a reference letter from an instructor attesting to a strong work ethic in class.  Application deadline is the first Friday in November. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Paterson GlobalFoods Business Information Technology Award
Two $1000 awards (one for each start date) are available for students enrolled full-time in Term 3 (second year) of the Business Information Technology program at RRC Polytech.  Recipients will have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA, demonstrated volunteer activity in the community and displayed a strong work ethic in class.  Applications should be accompanied by a one-page statement describing career aspirations and volunteer activity in the community, as well as a reference letter from an instructor attesting to a strong work ethic in class.  Application deadlines are September 30th (for fall term) and January 31st (for winter term).  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Paterson GlobalFoods Structural Engineering Technology Award
One $1500 award is available to a student enrolled full-time in the third year of the Civil Engineering Technology program at RRC Polytech, in the Structural Engineering Technology specialization.  Recipients will have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA, demonstrated volunteer activity in the community and displayed a strong work ethic in class.  Applications should be accompanied by a one-page statement describing career aspirations and volunteer activity in the community, as well as a reference letter from an instructor attesting to a strong work ethic in class.  Application deadline is the first Friday in November.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Paul Charette Entrance Award for Civil Technology and Construction Management
Five awards valued at $5000 each towards first-year tuition are available annually to students entering the Civil Engineering Technology or Construction Management program at Red River College Polytechnic. Preference will be given to students coming directly from a Manitoba high school. Criteria include having achieved an academic standing of a minimum 70% or "B" average for Grade 12 courses, and financial need. Applicants will also have displayed leadership qualities in the family, school and/or community. Applications should be accompanied by a high school transcript, a one-page essay indicating information regarding the applicant's financial need, and responses to the following questions: What impact will this bursary have on your career goals? What are some examples of how you have demonstrated leadership qualities? Will you be considering a career in the construction industry?.  Also required are two letters of recommendation (one from a teacher or guidance counselor and the other from someone who knows you outside of school (not a relative).  Application deadline is June 1st for students who are in Grade 12.  Others may apply by the deadline date of September 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Paul Charette Year 2 Civil Technology and Construction Management Awards
Five awards valued at $3000 each towards second-year tuition are available annually to second-year students (third-year students who have required Manitoba Student Aid funding for their previous years may also apply) in the Civil Engineering Technology (any major) or Construction Management programs at RRC Polytech. Criteria include having achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 and financial need. Applications should be accompanied by a one-page essay.  The essay should demonstrate your interest in the Civil Engineering Technology/Construction Management program and include answers to the following questions: a) Will you be considering a career in the construction industry? b) What impact will this award have on your career goals? and c) How have you demonstrated leadership qualities (provide examples)?  A reference letter from an instructor, commenting on your degree of commitment and enthusiasm for life-long learning, is also required.  Deadline for applications is the first Friday in November.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Price Scholarships for Engineering Technology Year One
Automatic Selection
The Price Family established awards valued from $1000 to $3000, are available to full time Electrical Engineering Technology and Mechanical Engineering Technology students who have completed the first term of the program. The qualified candidate will have achieved a minimum 3.0 Program GPA. Recipient selection will be made by faculty with consideration given to leadership qualities, class participation, and attendance.
Price Scholarships for Engineering Technology Year Three
The purpose of the scholarships is to recognize and provide financial support to capable students who have proven that they are high achievers, and who could possibly reach even higher levels of accomplishment if they had some financial support, so as to minimize time spent in part-time jobs needed to pay for tuition or living costs.  The Price Family established awards valued from $1000 to $3000, are available to full time Electrical, Electronic, Instrumentation and Control, and Mechanical Engineering Technology students at RRC Polytech who have completed the second year (term six) of the program. The qualified candidate will have achieved a minimum 3.0 Program GPA. Preference may be given to previous recipients of Price Scholarships at RRC Polytech. The selection will be based on leadership qualities, class participation, attendance and community involvement and financial need.  Interested applicants should include a short statement outlining how the award would make a difference for them and how they meet these criteria. The application deadline is the second Friday of term seven.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Price Scholarships for Engineering Technology Year Two
The purpose of the scholarships is to recognize and provide financial support to capable students who have proven that they are high achievers, and who could possibly reach even higher levels of accomplishment if they had some financial support, so as to minimize time spent in part-time jobs needed to pay for tuition or living costs.  The Price Family established awards valued from $1000 to $3000, are available to full time Electrical, Electronic, Instrumentation and Control, and Mechanical Engineering Technology students at RRC Polytech who have completed the first year (term two or three) of the program. The qualified candidate will have achieved a minimum 3.0 Program GPA. Preference may be given to previous recipients of Price Scholarships at RRC Polytech. The selection will be based on leadership qualities, class participation, attendance and community involvement and financial need. Interested applicants should include a short statement outlining how the award would make a difference for them and how they meet these criteria. The application deadline is the second Friday of term four.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
PTI Transformers Future Innovator Award

PTI Transformers has established three $2,500 awards for students in the following programs: Business Administration (Accounting and Finance Majors), Mechanical Engineering Technology, and Electrical Engineering Technology (Electronic and Instrumentation & Control Engineering.) Eligible students must be enrolled in the second year of their programs and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Recipients will be selected based on the quality of their required statement, which must outline how PTI Transformers’ Four Pillars for Success—Safety, Quality, Happy Customers, and Making Money—are integrated into their studies, work, or personal life.

PTI Transformers, established in 1989 in Regina, Saskatchewan, has grown from a small maintenance shop into Canada’s largest 100% Canadian-owned transformer manufacturer and a recognized innovator in transformer technology. In 2015, PTI expanded by acquiring CG Power Systems Canada’s Winnipeg operations, broadening its product range to include medium and large power transformers, and repatriating key technology to North America. Offering a comprehensive suite of solutions from distribution transformers to specialized products, PTI serves utility, renewable, and commercial/industrial markets. The company, a Platinum Member of Canada’s Best Managed Companies since 2008, is committed to providing innovative, sustainable, and customized solutions, fostering long-term customer relationships, and upholding values of safety, integrity, and continuous improvement. The application deadline for all the awards is October 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Ricoh Canada Award for First-Year Business Information Technology Students
A $1000 award is available annually to a full-time (60% course load) first-year Business Information Technology student at RRC Polytech.  To be eligible, applicants must be a Manitoba resident and Canadian citizen, and have achieved a minimum 2.50 GPA in the first semester of the program, if currently enrolled in the second semester; or 60% in Grade 12, if currently enrolled in the first semester.  Selection will be based on financial need.  Application deadline is January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.  
Ricoh Canada Award for Second-Year Business Information Technology Students
A $1000 award is available annually to a full-time (60% course load) second-year Business Information Technology student at RRC Polytech.  To be eligible, applicants must be a Manitoba resident and Canadian citizen, and have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA.  Selection will be based on financial need.  Application deadline is January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Robert Kwok Memorial Award
A $1500 award is available annually to a second-year student who has achieved a minimum 2.50 GPA at the end of the first year of the Civil Engineering Technology program at RRC Polytech and is pursuing a diploma in one of the available majors.  The recipient will have displayed a positive attitude with respect to attendance, actively participated in his classes, and have shown an improvement in grades over the course of the first year.  Eligible students should submit an application form, accompanied by a letter from an instructor that speaks to the requirements as outlined.  Deadline for applications is the first Friday in November.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Robert Okabe Achievement Award for Civil Engineering Technology
Two awards were created by Robert Okabe a proud graduate of the Civil Technology program at Red River College. A $1000 is available to support an RRC Polytech student entering third year of Municipal Engineering Technology, and a $1000 is available to support an RRC Polytech student entering third year of Geomatics Technology. For both awards candidates should maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA and believes in the importance of volunteerism. The eligible candidates should submit a general application with a short statement outlining their recent volunteer experience. The application deadline is the first Friday in November. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Roning Group Award
Automatic Selection
An award of $1000 is given to a Civil Engineering Technology (all specializations), Electrical Engineering Technology (all specializations) or Mechanical Engineering Technology student displaying the greatest proficiency in oral and written communication, and in report writing.
SMS Engineering James Stewart Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
Colleagues in the Manitoba Building Industry now have the opportunity to honour the legacy of the late James Stewart, an exceptional designer and former partner of the Winnipeg-based consulting engineering firm SMS Engineering.  James earned an advanced diploma in Technical Management from Red River College, which in combination with his project work, allowed him to use the designation C.Tech. In honour of James' intelligence, passion, and commitment to excellence, SMS Engineering, with the permission of his family, has established a $1,500 award. The award will be given annually to a student enrolled in their final year of study in the Mechanical Engineering Technology program. The recipient will exemplify James' characteristics, leadership, work ethic, and determination, with a focus on practicality, efficiency, and directness. The recipient will be chosen by the faculty of Red River College Polytechnic.
Stantec Consulting Ltd. Electrical Engineering Technology Scholarship
Automatic Selection
Established by Stantec Consulting Ltd., to reflect their commitment to champion educational excellence, a $1000 award will be presented annually to a student entering the second year of Electrical Engineering Technology, who has attained a minimum 4.00 GPA in the first year of their program.
Stantec Consulting Ltd. Mechanical Engineering Technology Scholarship
Automatic Selection
Established by Stantec Consulting Ltd., to reflect their commitment to champion educational excellence, a $1000 award will be presented annually to a student entering the second year of Mechanical Engineering Technology, who has attained a minimum 4.00 GPA in the first year of their program.
Stantec Consulting Ltd. Municipal Engineering Technology Scholarship
Automatic Selection
Established by Stantec Consulting Ltd., to reflect their commitment to champion educational excellence, a $1000 award will be presented annually to a student entering the second year of Municipal Engineering Technology, who has attained a minimum 4.00 GPA in the first year of their program.
Technologies Student Award
In honour of Ron Blicq’s outstanding service to Red River College and the community at large, an award of $350 is presented annually to a student in second year of full-time studies in the Civil (all specializations), Electrical (all specializations) or Mechanical Engineering Technology program at RRC Polytech. Selection will be based on the applicant’s involvement in the College community and/or their contributions to student life at the College as well as demonstrated financial need. To be considered, students should submit an application form, accompanied by a one-page statement outlining how they meet the criteria for this award. Application deadline the first Friday in November.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Terry Gifford CTTAM Leadership Award
Automatic Selection
CTTAM (Certified Technicians and Technologists Association of Manitoba) has established a $1000 award in memory of a dear friend and extraordinary leader, Terry Gifford. Terry worked for ten years at CTTAM as an executive director. During those years, he was instrumental in establishing a solid connection between Red River College Polytechnic and CTTAM. Under Terry’s leadership, the association supported students, incentives, and competitions at RRC Polytech. Terry made a positive impact on so many people's lives. He drew you in, and you knew he was sincerely interested in you as a person. He was a great friend and would help anyone. You could count on him no matter how small or large the job. This award will carry his memory on for many years to come. The award is available to a student entering the second year of any of the following Engineering Technology programs: Civil, Electrical, or Mechanical, including all related specializations. The successful recipient will be selected by faculty based on the following criteria: interpersonal skills; ability to lead teams with compassion, willingness to go the extra mile to help other students, and excellent academic standing.
Viterra Inc. Scholarship
Automatic Selection
Established by Viterra Inc to support academic excellence, two scholarships of a minimum $1000 are available annually.  One will be awarded to an Electrical (Pre-Employment) certificate program student and the other will be awarded to a Power Engineering Technology (3rd Class) student.  The successful recipients for these awards will be selected by the faculty based on outstanding academic achievement.
Viterra Inc. Scholarships for First Nations, Inuit, Metis Electrical Engineering
Established by Viterra Inc. to support first or second year First Nations, Inuit, or Metis students in the Electrical Engineering Technology program at RRC Polytech after successful completion of at least one term. One $500 scholarship is available annually for each intake to an Electrical Engineering Technology program student. Deadline for applications for fall intake is October 15th and for winter intake is February 15th. Recipient selection will be based on academic achievement.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Winnipeg Construction Association Outstanding Student Awards
Automatic Selection

Established by the Winnipeg Construction Association, two awards valued at $2500 each will be presented to Construction Management students.  One award is available to a student in each of Year 2 and 3.  Program faculty will select the recipients based on outstanding academic achievement in the program.

YCLM Outstanding Student Award

This award was established by the Winnipeg Construction Association.  The Young Constructions Leaders of Manitoba are a group of young professionals working in Manitoba's construction industry.  They work to provide their members with education, mentorship and networking as they progress through the early part of their careers.  Students and recent graduates are encouraged to check out a YCLM event and start building their network as they embark on careers in the construction industry.  YCLM is an initiative of the Winnipeg Construction Association.  One award of $3000 is available to a student continuing their studies in the 4th year of the Construction Management program at RRC Polytech.  To be considered for this award, applicants should submit an application accompanied by a statement outlining examples of leadership, contribution to the student experience and/or construction industry involvement.  The deadline for applications is the first Friday in November.  If the applicant has any construction experience and/or affiliation with Winnipeg Construction Association members, that information should be included as well.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional require documents ready to upload.


Allan and Louise Windas Bursary Award
Through The Winnipeg Foundation, bursaries valued at $750 are available to assist  full-time students financially who are pursuing careers in a Trades area in one of the following RRC Polytech programs: Automotive Technician (Certificate or Diploma); Cabinetry & Woodworking Technology; Carpentry (five-month); CNC Machinist Technician; CNC Machining and Advanced Technology; Collision Repair & Refinishing; Electrical (five-month); Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic; Manufacturing CAD; Marine and Powersports Technician; Plumbing (five-month); Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician (five-month) or Welding, on a full-time basis in a minimum five-month program. Selection will be based on satisfactory academic progress and financial need. Deadline for applications for fall start programs is October 15th and for winter start programs is March 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Arnold Bros. Transport Award for Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic
Automatic Selection
Arnold Bros. Transport, one of the best Canadian Transport Companies, partnered with Red River College to support Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanics in their educational journey. Two awards of $500 each are available to students completing the Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic program. Eligible candidates should have a strong work ethic, be a team player, and present leadership qualities in the class. The selection will be made by faculty based on the instructor’s recommendations and practicum feedback.
Automotive Industries Association (AIA) of Canada Award
Automatic Selection
One award of $1,500 has been established by the Automotive Industries Association (AIA) of Canada, the only national industry association in Canada that brings together the entire automotive aftermarket supply and service chain. This award will be available to all levels of Automotive Apprenticeship program at Red River College. Eligible students will be employed by or had a co-op/work experience in an independent repair shop, and be interested in moving towards a career that will involve the Automotive aftermarket industry. The recipient will be selected by Red River College’s Apprenticeship instructors, based on the co-op/employer feedback, use of time in classroom, efficient lab work and satisfactory GPA. The recipient information will be forwarded to the donor.
Babcock Canada Award for Indigenous Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Student
One $5000 award has been established by Babcock International, founded in 1891 as an aerospace, defense, and security company.  Presently, Babcock is a leading naval business and provides value-added services across the UK, France, Canada, Australia, and South Africa.  This transformation is encapsulated in Babcock's purpose: to create a safe and secure world together.  This award will be presented to an Indigenous student (First Nations, Metis or Inuit) who has successfully completed the second term of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer program and continued into the second year of the program at RRC Polytech.  The successful candidate must demonstrate good academic progress and financial need (secondary consideration). Proof of Indigenous ancestry must accompany the application.    The application deadline is January 31st. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Barry Campbell Memorial Award for Skilled Trades
Automatic Selection

This award was established by Barry Louis Campbell, who passed away in May 2020. The mission of the award is to celebrate young individuals who devote their passion to skilled trades. Barry was a hard-working man who had a successful career and a sincere interest in motorcycles and photography. An award valued at a minimum of $1000 will be presented to a Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (Pre-Employment) student, for each intake of the program (August and January). Recipients will be selected by faculty based on academic achievement, class participation, and practical skills.

Birchwood Automotive Group Limited Award for Automotive Students
This award was established by Birchwood Automotive Group Limited to honour their retired technicians who have made significant contributions within the automotive industry. Two awards of $1,400 will be available  annually to students graduating from the Automotive Technician certificate program at RRC Polytech whose work experience is completed at a dealership. Selection will be based on commitment to the program, satisfactory academic achievement, and demonstrated leadership qualities. Applications should be accompanied by a reference letter from the dealership and short statement outlining “why do you think you should be selected as the recipient of this award?”.  Application deadline is June 15th.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Bison Transport Justin St. Hilaire Award
Automatic Selection
Bison Transport provides a $500 award to a Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic student.  The successful candidate will have maintained a minimum 3.00 GPA and show an interest in pursuing a career in the on road equipment industry.  Selection will be done by department faculty.
Bockstael Construction - Carpentry Bursaries
Two $1000 bursaries are available annually to students enrolled in the Carpentry (five-month) program at RRC Polytech.  Selection will be based on financial need.  Application deadline for the fall start date is October 15th and for the winter start date is March 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
Builders Furniture Ltd. Entrance Scholarship
A $500 award is available to a Cabinetry and Woodworking student who has graduated from Elmwood High School, Kildonan East Collegiate or Miles Macdonell Collegiate.  The recipient will have attained a minimum 70% average in Grade 12.  Those interested in being considered for this scholarship should submit an application form accompanied by their final high school transcript.   Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Cabinetry and Woodworking Academic Achievement Award
Automatic Selection
Three awards ($750, $500 and $350) are presented annually to students enrolled in the Cabinetry and Woodworking program based on outstanding academic achievement.  Award recipients are selected by instructors in the Cabinetry and Woodworking program.
Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society (CHES) Award for Power Engineering Tech
Automatic Selection
One award of $1000 has been established by Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society (CHES), a non-profit voluntary society promoting improved planning, design, operation, and management of healthcare technology services systems. This award will be presented to a Power Engineering Technology (4th Class) student. The successful candidate will have completed the first term of the program with a minimum 3.0 GPA. The selection is based on GPA, as well as class participation and will be made by faculty.
Canadian Vintage Motorcycles Group (CVMG) Awards
Automatic Selection
Two awards of $1000 each have been established by the Canadian Vintage Motorcycles Group (CVMG), a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting the use, restoration, and interest in older motorcycles and those of historical interest. The awards will support two students in the Marine and Powersports Technician program, who exhibit an interest in motorcycles. Both candidates will be maintaining a satisfactory academic standing, and demonstrate leadership qualities and team work. One award will be provided after the first term of the program. The second award will be provided at the end of the program. Recipients will be selected by the department faculty.
Canerector Foundation Awards

Canerector Foundation Awards have been established to provide financial assistance to students embarking on and throughout their academic journey in designated Trades programs.  Eligible programs include:

·       Automotive Technician (Certificate or Diploma)

·       Marine and Powersports Technician

·       Cabinetry and Woodworking

·       Plumbing

·       Carpentry

·       Power Engineering (3rd Class)

·       Collision Repair and Refinishing

·       Power Engineering (4th Class)

·       Electrical

·       Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technician

·       Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic

·       Welding


Applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons/refugees and show a commitment to mentorship and volunteerism.  Financial need may also be considered during the selection process.  If applicable, the financial section of the application should be completed.


The Canerector Foundation Awards, valued at a minimum of $2000 each, will be disbursed in two payments:  the first disbursement will be released upon selection of the recipients; the second disbursement will be released upon successful completion of the program, with a minimum 3.00 GPA, as well as verification that mentorship and volunteerism commitments have been fulfilled.


Volunteer opportunities include GETT Camps (supported by the Canerector Foundation), RBC Collisions Trades Kickoff Event, Gene Haas Manufacturing Bootcamps, Jill of all Trades Event, Manitoba Skills Competition. Other options include participating in workshops, seminars and panel discussions, or attending networking events that facilitate connections with professionals, alumni and potential mentors.  Mentorship will include work-integrated learning or trade related work experience during which students will connect with experienced professionals in their respective trades.


Award recipients will be required to submit a short statement explaining how this mentorship opportunity benefitted them personally, as well as an outline of their volunteer activities before the second disbursement will be released. 


Students interested in being considered for a Canerector Foundation Award should submit an application (including the financial section, if applicable), accompanied by a statement outlining their intention to take full advantage of the mentorship and volunteer opportunities available during their studies, as well as how the award will support their academic journey.  Application deadline is September 30th.  For (five-month) programs commencing in the winter term, the application deadline is February 28th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Carl Robert Ballegeer Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
Friends and family established this $1000 annual award in memory of their loved one Carl Robert Ballegeer. Carl was a true friend, a dedicated and skilled tradesman and an honest and straightforward man of great character. He had a heart of gold, the biggest smile in the room, and the best moves on the dance floor. Carl's career started early after high school when he attended Red River College Polytech and worked for a local heating and cooling company primarily focused on commercial developments. Carl continued to attend Red River College Polytech to complete higher levels of certification, advance his career and eventually obtain his Red Seal. Ten years after completing the program, Carl took the initiative to start his own company, Ballegeer Heating and Cooling. Carl spent countless hours working with and mentoring his younger colleagues and took great pride in his work and career. He was well-liked and highly respected by everyone he worked with. This award will celebrate friendship and highlight a student passionate about their career and who excels in problem-solving, creativity, teamwork and displays a strong work ethic and positive attitude. The successful candidate will be an Apprentice Sheet Metal student who has displayed the above qualities, as selected by the faculty.
Carpentry Awards
Automatic Selection
Awards are presented annually to students enrolled in full-time Carpentry program: Three awards ($750, $500 and $350) are presented to the top three students in each of the "pre-employment" intakes (Fall and Winter). 
Cummins Canada Award
One award valued at $1000 is available annually to a full-time Heavy Duty Equipment Technician student at RRC Polytech; preference will be given to an Indigenous student. Applicants must be maintaining a "B" average in their studies.  Selection will be based on financial need.  Application deadline is February 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
dahl Valve Limited Outstanding Student Award
Automatic Selection
Established by dahl Valve Limited, one award valued at $500 is available to students enrolled in the Level two Plumbing program. Recipient will have to take an 80% of a full course load and obtain 3.0 GPA or higher. Selection will be based on academic achievement and personal skills such as teamwork, accountability, and positive attitude. The selection will be made by the instructional team.
Daniel Harrison Impey Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
Established by family and friends in memory of Daniel Harrison Impey, an RRC Plumbing Certificate student. Dan had an aptitude for mechanical work, and was a caring, funny, outgoing person, always extending a helping hand to others. A $500 award will be presented to two students, one from the fall and the other from the winter intake, attending the (pre-employment) Plumbing program at Red River College. The faculty will select the recipients based on leadership skills and team spirit demonstrated in the classroom, positive attitude, and accountability.
Dave McClelland Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
This award has been established in memory of David McClelland by his family, friends and colleges, to honour David's significant impact on the success of Red River College’s carpentry department. A $400 award will be presented annually to two Carpentry students; one from the fall and the other from the winter intake.  Effective verbal and written communication skills, attendance and punctuality will be factors used by the department faculty in selecting a deserving recipient.
De Zaaier Dutch Heritage Fund Bursaries
Through The Winnipeg Foundation, bursaries of $1000 will be awarded to full-time students enrolled in any of the following RRC Polytech programs: Aerospace Manufacturing, Automotive Technician (Certificate or Diploma), Cabinetry & Woodworking Technology, Carpentry (five-month), CNC Machinist Technician, CNC Machining and Advanced Technology, Collision Repair and Refinishing, Electrical (five-month), Heavy Equipment Mechanic, Marine and Powersports Technician, Plumbing (five-month), Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technician (five-month), or Welding. Students must be maintaining a minimum 60% academic average and have demonstrated financial need. Deadline for applications for fall start programs is October 15th and for winter start programs is March 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Dermot "John" Rooney Memorial Scholarship for Electrical Apprentices
Automatic Selection

A $1000 award has been established by faculty, family, and friends in memory of Dermot "John" Rooney, a devoted instructor at RRC.  John took tremendous pride in instructing Electrical Apprentices for more than 15 years. He was very well respected within our College community and had an incredible impact on so many lives. John was also very active in the community. His charismatic attitude and astonishing patience had an immense effect on Apprenticeship students. John had a passion for teaching and effortlessness in which he engaged students. Recipients for the scholarship will be selected by the program faculty and will have achieved outstanding academic success and share common qualities that John brought to the classroom.

Dynamic Machine Corporation CNC Award
Automatic Selection
A $1000 award will be presented annually to a CNC Machining and Advanced Technology student based on academic and technical achievement in the program.
Edward John Przednowek Sr. Memorial Award for Cabinetry and Woodworking
Automatic Selection
This award, valued at $1750, was established in memory of RRC alumni Edward John Przednowek Sr., who graduated in the early 1950s from the Cabinetry and Woodworking Technology program at Manitoba Technical Institute (now Red River College Polytechnic). It serves to honor Edward's legacy and support talented individuals in the field. The recipient of this award will be selected by the faculty based on their outstanding performance in the practical aspects of the Cabinetry and Woodworking program. The chosen student will demonstrate excellence in their craft and show promise in their career. Edward's journey, which included completing his technical training in Winnipeg and establishing his own company, St. Paul Builders, serves as an inspiration for future generations of Cabinetry and Woodworking students.
EECOL Electric Award
Automatic Selection
Two gift card awards will be presented to Electrical (pre-employment) students based on outstanding academic achievement; one to a fall term student, and the other to a winter term student.
Electrical Academic Achievement Awards
Automatic Selection
Two awards valued at $500 each are presented annually to Electrical ("pre-employment") students; one to a fall term student, and the other to a winter term student.  Recipients must have attained a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (70%) or greater, and have demonstrated a positive attitude, displayed initiative and leadership in the program, and assisted other students.
Electrical Construction Association of Manitoba (ECAM) Award
ECAM has established a $ 1,500 award, administered by RRC Polytech, for a 3rd or 4th level Construction or Power Electrician student having successfully completed their level within the academic year. The award would be provided to the student demonstrating values consistent with the association: diversity, integrity, and being membership-driven. Applicants must include a written statement of how they have demonstrated leadership skills consistent with these values to accompany the application. The deadline for application is March 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 
Frank James Thiessen Memorial Award for Automotive Technician-Diploma
This award has been established by Frank’s daughter, Janis Thiessen, to honor her father’s pronounced investment in Automotive Industry training at Red River College. Frank was a licensed inter-provincial motor vehicle mechanic, and a vocational industrial instructor at Red River College. Frank was also a prolific author of more than 20 books on automotive technology. While at Red River College, he was awarded a grant to research automotive training programs, for two years. Frank was one of the creators of the first work experience components being introduced to training programs at the College. Frank was very invested in Red River College and served on many boards throughout his working career. One $1000 award is available to assist an Automotive Technician Diploma student at RRC Polytech who has demonstrated financial need, a good academic standing and obtained positive feedback regarding their work experience placement. The application form should be accompanied by a letter of reference from the work experience placement/coordinator.  The application deadline is January 31st. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.  

Frank Thomas Memorial Carpentry Bursary
Established to honour Mr. Thomas’ lifelong commitment to the carpentry trade, two $250 bursaries will be available annually to deserving students enrolled full-time in the RRC Polytech Carpentry (five-month) program.  Selection will be based on financial need.  Deadline for applications for fall start programs is October 15th and for winter start programs is March 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
Frederick David Taylor IV Memorial Award
Automatic Selection
This award was established by family and friends in memory of Frederick David Taylor IV, a 2014 graduate of the Greenspace Management program at Red River College. Frederick was always passionate about the environment and outdoors. This passion continued after graduation from RRC when he started Sustainable Organic Solutions, which focuses on the environment and organic soil health amendments. To keep Frederick’s legacy going and to support students who share similar qualities, a minimum of $400 will be available annually to an Apprentice Landscape Horticulturist (level 2 or 3) student.  The recipient will be selected by faculty based on commitment to the environment and sustainable horticultural practices, along with exemplary teamwork and leadership in the classroom.
Gene Haas /Thomas Skinner Bursaries
Established by the Gene Haas Foundation (established by Gene Haas: Haas Automation, Inc. leading CNC machine tool manufacturer), 14 bursaries valued at $2000 each are available annually to students enrolled in the CNC Machinist Technician and CNC Machining and Advanced Technology programs at RRC Polytech. Selection will be based on demonstrated financial need.  Applications should be submitted by the deadline date of February 16, 2024.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
Gene Haas Foundation Award
Automatic Selection
Established by the Gene Haas Foundation (established by Gene Haas: Haas Automation, Inc. leading CNC machine tool manufacturer), a minimum of four awards valued at $2000 each are available annually to full-time students attending either CNC Machinist Technician or CNC Machining and Advanced Technology. Selection will be based on leadership qualities, involvement in extracurricular activities, mentorship qualities and good academic standing.
Gerald Biehl Memorial Award for Cabinetry and Woodworking Technology
Automatic Selection

Born in Morden, MB in 1918, Gerald Biehl worked with North American Lumber and Beaver Lumber, and developed a hobby making furniture and cabinets with no formal training.  He encouraged his children to pursue post-secondary education as he felt that he could have done better with more education.  This award was established to help students in the Cabinetry and Woodworking program to fund their education, and to help them build a career in this trade.  One award, valued at a minimum of $650, is available to a full time student, entering the second year of the Cabinetry and Woodworking diploma program.  The successful candidate for this award will be nominated by the faculty and instructor.  During the first school year, the student will have to demonstrate craftsmanship, and will be selected based on the uniqueness and design and planning of the capstone project, as well as teamwork qualities, and attendance.  Preference will be given to students graduated from Nelson McIntyre Collegiate.  The selection will be made in April.

Graham Besse Memorial Award
Automatic Selection

This award was established by Barry Louis Campbell, who passed away in May 2020 to celebrate a lifelong friendship with Graham Besse. An award value at a minimum of $1000 will be presented to an Electrical (Pre-Employment) student, for each intake of the program (August and January). Recipients will be selected by faculty based on academic achievement, class participation, and practical skills.

Gunther Hille Award
Automatic Selection
This award was created by family, friends and colleagues of Gunther Hille, Piping Trades instructor at Red River College. Gunther began his career at Red River College in 2000. He taught hundreds of  students; both apprenticeship and pre-employment. He was a passionate and exceptional instructor who made an important difference in his students’ lives. A $250 award will be presented to two students, one from the fall and the other from the winter intake, attending the (pre-employment) Plumbing program at Red River College. The faculty will select the candidates based on leadership skills and team spirit demonstrated in the classroom, positive attitude, and minimum 3.0 GPA.
H.C. McGregor Merit Awards
Automatic Selection
Merit awards of $750 each will be presented annually to a student in each of the following programs: Automotive Technician (Certificate or Diploma); Cabinetry & Woodworking Technology Carpentry (five-month); CNC Machinist Technician; CNC Machining and Advanced Technology; Collision Repair & Refinishing; Electrical (five-month); Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic; Manufacturing CAD; Marine and Powersports Technician; Plumbing (five-month); Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician (five-month) and Welding. The selected recipients will have achieved a minimum 75% average and have demonstrated: academic excellence, leadership skills and teamwork in a classroom, lab, shop and work experience environment, where applicable.
H.T. Kleysen Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Awards
Three awards of a minimum $1000 are available annually to students enrolled full-time in the RRC Polytech Aircraft Maintenance Engineer program who have completed at least two terms of the program achieving a minimum 3.00 GPA and have demonstrated financial need. The application deadline is December 1st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
Henry deRidder Memorial Award
This award was created in memory of Henry deRidder, by his family, in recognition of the strong work ethic and attention to detail demonstrated in his career as a Power Engineer in the petroleum and cement industries and in building operations. An award valued at a minimum of $1500 will be available annually to a Power Engineering Technology (3rd Class) student who had been out of high school for more than five years prior to their enrolment at RRC Polytech, shows promise, and has a passion for a Power Engineering career. The successful candidate will have completed the first year of the program as well as the 4th class Provincial exam successfully, have a good academic standing, and show dedication in the classroom. Preference may be given to students with dependent children; however, all are encouraged to apply. Application forms should be accompanied by verification of a successful licensing exam; a short letter in which they describe how receiving this award will make a difference to them; and a reference letter from an instructor. The application deadline is October 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Industrial Truck Service Ltd. - Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic Award
One award valued at $1000 is available to a full-time Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic student at RRC Polytech. Applicants must have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA and have demonstrated financial need.  Recipients will be selected using these criteria.  Application deadline is February 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 

Jack Meyer Memorial Scholarship
Automatic Selection
Scholarships are awarded annually to students enrolled in Collision Repair and Refinishing and Automotive Technician – Certificate. $200 is available for each subsequent apprenticeship level (maximum value $600 per scholarship), starting in 2024/25. Selection is made by the department faculty based on criteria such as academic standing, good verbal and written communication skills, attendance and punctuality, cooperation, ability to work independently, positive attitude, ability to accept criticism and suggestions and meets or exceed standards set by the Department of Education, Apprenticeship Board and Trade Advisory Committee.
Jeffrey (Jeff) Andruchuk Memorial Bursary
A $1000 bursary is available to students enrolled in the Electrical (five-month) certificate program at Red River College Polytechnic.  This bursary has been established by friends of Jeff Andruchuk, in his memory.  Jeff Andruchuk was born in Winnipeg in 1959 and worked in his father's electrical contracting company, Safeway Electric, eventually taking it over.  In 2009, he changed careers to become an instructor at Red River College Polytechnic, teaching others to become electricians.  Jeff believed that communication skills are essential to a successful life, particularly in the education of electricians.  Jeff passed away at the early age of 63 in November 2022, but his legacy will stay within the industry for years to come.  Eligible applicants must have passed the RRC Polytech reading and math skills diagnostic test for this program and demonstrate financial need.   The application form should be accompanied by a short statement describing why they are interested in this career.  The application deadline is March 15th each year.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Jim Takacs Sheet Metal Apprenticeship Memorial Award
Automatic Selection

To keep Jim’s legacy and contribution to his trade alive, the Takacs family have established a $1,000 award that will support a student who has graduated from the Sheet Metal Apprenticeship program and is eligible to write the exam to obtain their Red Seal. After immigrating to Canada in 1957, Jim created a life with his own business but was always willing to help others. There are many HVAC companies that Jim helped start and mentor—highly regarded by wholesalers, competitors, and employees alike. Jim’s successful career can inspire many young professionals who are taking their first steps into the industry. The deserving candidate will have a good academic standing and demonstrate leadership qualities, teamwork, and entrepreneurial spirit. The program faculty will select the recipient of this award based on those qualities.

Karel Van Helden Memorial Award

This award was created by his family, in memory of Karel Van Helden, a former instructor for the Power Engineering Fourth Class courses in the School of Continuing Education at Red River College. One award valued at $700 will be available annually.  Eligible applicants will be enrolled in one of the following programs/courses: Power Engineering Fourth Class Part A course within the School of Continuing Education, or the Power Engineering Technology diploma program at RRC Polytech.  The award is intended to assist the recipient with the cost of their studies and, as such, will be applied as a payment to the course/program fees for the academic year.  If payment has already been made, the award recipient(s) will be reimbursed an amount equal to the award amount. Students interested in being considered for this award should submit an application form accompanied by a letter, in which they describe how receiving this award will make a difference to them.  Selection will be based on financial need and evidence of a strong work ethic; a recommendation letter from an instructor, focused on work ethic in the classroom, should also accompany this application.  Although preference will be given to students with dependent children, all are encouraged to apply.  Deadline for applications is December 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Lather ISM (Interior Systems Mechanic Apprentice) Awards
Automatic Selection
Awards are available to students graduating from the Apprentice Lather program.  Selection will be based on outstanding academic achievement.
Leonardo Canada Award for Indigenous Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Students
The Leonardo Canada Award for Indigenous Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Students has been established to provide three $5000 awards to Indigenous individuals interested in pursuing an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer diploma at Red River College Polytechnic. Supported by Leonardo Canada Co., a global leader in Electronic Attack, Electronic Protection, and Electronic Support technologies with a rich history in the aerospace and defense industries, the award aims to foster diversity and inclusivity in the aviation sector. The awards funds will be applied to the recipients' fee account to cover upcoming tuition. with any surplus being issued to the student.  Through the Leonardo Canada Award for Indigenous Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Students, Leonardo Canada Co., aims to wholeheartedly support and encourage Indigenous students to pursue a rewarding career as Aircraft Maintenance Engineers. By investing in talented individuals from diverse backgrounds, the company remains committed to driving positive change and innovation within the aviation industry, further solidifying its position as a catalyst for progress and inclusivity.  Indigenous students who successfully complete term one and are enrolled in term two of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer program are eligible to apply by the application deadline immediately following the start date of term two.  Recipients will be selected based on academic standing and financial need.  Application deadlines are March 15th, September 15th and January 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
M.D. Steele Carpentry Award
This $1000 award for a student enrolled in a Carpentry program at RRC Polytech, has been established by M.D. Steele to celebrate St. Andrews Lock and Dam project. M.D. Steele was born as an innovative and integrity-focused construction company. The firm's steadfast commitment to being reliable, fair, and trustworthy is paramount to M.D. Steele being a leader in the industry. The selection criteria include successful academic progress, leadership qualities, and interest in civil construction. Preference will be given to applicants with Indigenous ancestry. To be considered, the general application form should be accompanied by a reference letter from a teacher, instructor, community leader, or employer attesting to the applicant's leadership qualities in school, work, or the community. Also required is a short statement from the applicant indicating their interest in civil construction. The application deadlines are October 15th for the fall term and March 15th for the winter term. One recipient will be selected each spring annually. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Machine Girl Fearless Female Award
A $1000 has been established by Machine Girl Motorsports Company, a one-of-a-kind company built to support, empower, and promote women in all areas of motorsports. Machine Girls Motorsport Company was created from humble beginnings; mixed with a burning passion for anything with an engine and the want to share that passion with women across the globe by owner, Tina Stefanson. This award is available to a woman, who is in the final term required to complete a trades program at Red River College Polytechnic. Eligible programs are: Aircraft Maintenance Engineer; Aerospace Manufacturing; Automotive Technician (Certificate or Diploma); Cabinetry & Woodworking Technology; Carpentry (five-month); CNC Machinist Technician; CNC Machining and Advanced Technology; Collision Repair & Refinishing; Electrical (five-month); Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic; Manufacturing CAD; Marine and Powersports Technician; Plumbing (five-month); Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician (five-month) and Welding. The award is intended to cover the cost of tuition first. Along with the financial award, the selected recipient will receive a gift package from the donor. Eligible students need to demonstrate a financial need and be maintaining satisfactory academic achievement. The application deadline is October 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.  Note: contact information of the selected recipient for this award will be provided to the award donor.

Manitoba Aerospace Inc. D'Arcy Phillips Award
Automatic Selection
The Manitoba Aerospace D'Arcy Phillips Award is sponsored by Manitoba Aerospace Inc. and Manitoba Aerospace Human Resources Council. One $1500 award will be presented to a student attending the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Diploma program. The recipient will have following characteristics: honesty, reliability, team work, work ethic and attention to detail. The recipient will be selected by the department faculty.
Manitoba Home Builders’ Association Excellence Award
Two $1,000 awards have been established by Manitoba Home Builders’ Association, the oldest provincial home builders’ association in Canada. The association was established to be the voice of the residential construction industry in Manitoba; to provide a forum for the ongoing education of the membership, with respect to technology and business practices; to achieve an environment in which the membership can operate successfully; and to promote affordability and choice in housing, for all Manitobans. The Manitoba Home Builders’ Association would like to celebrate the excellence of future leaders in the residential construction industry by establishing this award at Red River College Polytechnic. The successful candidate will be currently enrolled in the Carpentry (five-month) program and should have a connection to residential construction (i.e. working in the industry before or during the program) and/or career aspirations in residential construction, as well as a good academic standing. Applications should be accompanied by a statement clearly outlining the applicant’s connection to/interest in residential construction. The application deadlines for these awards are October 15 (for the fall term) and March 15 (for the winter term). Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Manitoba Metis Federation-Vickar Community Chevrolet Student Awards
Established jointly by the Manitoba Metis Federation and Vickar Community Chevrolet, two $1000 awards are available annually to full-time Metis students.  Eligible applicants will be enrolled in one of the following programs at RRC Polytech:  Automotive Technician (Certificate); Automotive Technician (Diploma); Collision Repair & Refinishing; Introduction to Trades (Automotive); Business Administration; or Commerce, Industry Sales and Marketing.  There are two applications that must be submitted:  1. the Louis Riel Bursary application is available from  Louis Riel Institute Vickar Award Application and must be submitted to the Louis Riel Institute (contact information is included on page 1 of the form); 2. for the General RRC Polytech Application for Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships (link above) please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. Only applicants who have submitted both applications will be eligible for consideration.  The application submitted to RRC Polytech should be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from an instructor, employer or high school teacher or other reference, that attests to at least one of the following: team work in the classroom or on the job; leadership or volunteer experience in the community; or strong work ethic/commitment to learning, as well as a one-page (maximum) narrative from the applicant, including their career goals, plans for the future, and how this award would make a difference to them. Deadline for applications is October 15th. 

Manitoba Motor Dealers Association Transportation Technology Awards
Automatic Selection
Three awards valued at $1000 each will be presented annually to students enrolled full-time in Transportation Technology-related programs at Red River College; Automotive Technician - Certificate, Automotive Technician - Diploma; and Collision Repair and Refinishing, whose Work Experience is completed at a dealership. Selection will be based on students' outstanding academic achievement and performance and attitude during work experience placements, as demonstrated in the reference letter submitted by the dealership. 
Manitoba Trucking Association Awards
Automatic Selection

Two $1000 awards are available annually to Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic students.  Department faculty will nominate students using the following criteria: interim grades; attendance; class participation; academic achievement (both theoretical and practical); and leadership.  Consideration will also be given to students' intended career path.  Final selection of recipients will be made by the Manitoba Trucking Association. 

Mercedes-Benz Winnipeg Technician Excellence Award
Automatic Selection
This award was established in 2015 by Mercedes-Benz Winnipeg. One award valued at min $1,000 will be presented annually to a full-time student enrolled in the Automotive Technician Diploma program at Red River College whose work experience is completed at a dealership. Selection will be based on academic achievement (minimum 3.00 GPA), leadership skills, and teamwork in classroom, shop and work experience settings. The selection will be made by the RRC instructional team, taking into consideration instructor recommendations and references from the work experience dealership.
Mid Canada Marine and Powersports Dealer Association Awards
Automatic Selection
A $500 award will be presented annually to a student graduating from the Marine and Powersports Technician certificate program, and a $1000 award will be presented annually to a student graduating from the three-year Marine and Outdoor Equipment Technician Apprenticeship program.  Recipients will be selected based on high academic achievement, and demonstrated trade, teamwork and leadership skills.  The recipients will also have displayed the ability to work independently and a positive attitude.
Paterson GlobalFoods Carpentry and Electrical Bursaries
Four $1000 bursaries are available for students enrolled full-time in the Carpentry and Electrical programs (five-month) at RRC Polytech; two are available for Carpentry students (one for the fall and one for the winter term), and two are available for Electrical students (one for the fall and one for the winter term).  Selection will be based on demonstrated financial need.  Application deadlines are October 15th (for the fall term) and March 15th (for the winter term).  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form.

Paterson GlobalFoods Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic Awards
Automatic Selection
Two $1000 awards are available annually to students enrolled in the Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic program at RRC Polytech.  Selection will be based on outstanding achievement in both the theory and practical aspects of the program.
Paterson GlobalFoods Welding Bursaries
Four $1000 bursaries are available for students enrolled full-time in the Welding program at Red River College Polytechnic.  Selection will be based on demonstrated financial need.  Application deadline is October 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.
Perry Allan Scholarship Award
Automatic Selection
Established to honour the memory of Perry Allan, who taught in gasfitting for twenty-five years, and to recognize his dedication to students. An award valued at $1500 will be presented annually to a Gas B Red Seal gasfitting student for demonstrated academic and technical ability and professionalism.
Peterbilt Manitoba Awards
Established by Peterbilt Manitoba, two awards of $1000 each will be available annually to RRC Polytech students enrolled in the Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic or Collision Repair and Refinishing program.  Eligible students will be enrolled in a full course load and maintaining satisfactory academic achievement.  Selection will be based on financial need as well as personal integrity, commitment to the program, good character, class engagement and involvement in student life and the College community.  Applications should be accompanied by a reference letter from an instructor providing background regarding the selection criteria indicated.  A one-page statement from the applicant should also be included, outlining their involvement in student life and the College community.  Application deadline is February 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Price Entrance Scholarships for Manufacturing CAD
Automatic Selection

The Price Family established 3 entrance awards of minimum $1,500 for students entering the Manufacturing CAD program as full time students. Recipient selection will be made faculty, with consideration given to interim academic achievement (mid-term), leadership qualities, class participation, and attendance.

Price Scholarships for Manufacturing CAD
The purpose of the scholarships is to recognize and provide financial support to capable students who have proven that they are high achievers, and who could possibly reach even higher levels of accomplishment if they had some financial support, so as to minimize time spent in part-time jobs needed to pay for tuition or living costs.  The Price Family established awards valued from $1000 to $3000, are available to full time Manufacturing CAD students at RRC Polytech who have completed the first term of the program and are enrolled in the second term. The qualified candidate will have achieved a minimum 3.0 Program GPA. Preference may be given to previous recipients of Price Scholarships at RRC. The selection will be based on leadership qualities, class participation, attendance and community involvement and financial need.  Interested applicants should include a short statement outlining how the award would make a difference for them and how they meet these criteria. The application deadline is the second Friday of term two. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Princess Auto Foundation Awards
Awards valued at a minimum of $1000 are available to domestic students enrolled in the following RRC Polytech programs: Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, Aerospace Manufacturing, Automotive Technician (Certificate or Diploma), Cabinetry & Woodworking Technology, Carpentry (five-month), CNC Machinist Technician, CNC Machining and Advanced Technology, Collision Repair & Refinishing, Electrical (five-month), Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic, Introduction to Trades, Manufacturing CAD, Marine and Powersports Technician, Plumbing (five-month), Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician (five-month) or Welding.  An essay or statement discussing the impact that receiving this award would have on the applicants' studies/goals, should accompany the application.  Selection will be based on financial need and the applicants' essay/statement.  Deadline for applications for fall start programs is October 15th and for winter start programs is March 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.
Raj Kulathungam Craftsman Award for Welding and Electrical
Automatic Selection

Awards will be presented annually to celebrate an activist, community leader, and successful businessman Raj Kulathungam.  The award will support promising craftsman graduating from the Welding and Electrical programs at Red River College Polytechnic. Raj believes that “welding is a talent, but it’s much more than that when you do it well”. The recipients of these awards will be selected by the faculty and will have displayed creativity in welding or electrical projects, leadership skills and helpfulness to others, as well as showing high potential for a career in the industry.  The Welding awards are valued at $1000 each and the Electrical awards are valued at $530.

Robert E. Crabbe Memorial Skilled Trades Award
This award was established by the family to honor Robert E. Crabbe, the beloved brother, and outstanding craftsman. Robert did not pursue a formal academic path to his success but was a life-long learner and self-taught in many fields including plumbing, electricity, construction, and woodcarving. Robert could do anything that he set his mind to and had vast areas of interests. Within his career he firmly believed in education, and its powerful life-changing potential. One award, valued at $1000, is available to help a student who faces financial difficulty while trying to realize their talents and dreams, by gaining a diploma or certificate at Red River College Polytechnic from one of the Skilled Trades programs (Cabinetry and Woodworking, Carpentry, CNC Machinist Technician, CNC Machining and Advanced Technology, Electrical, Plumbing, Power Engineering Technology, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician, Welding). To be considered for this award students should submit a general application, accompanied by a statement that outlines their involvement in the social well-being of the community (volunteering, helping in the neighborhood, or helping a family member). The application deadline is October 15th. Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

RRC Apprentice Bricklayer Skills Scholarship
Automatic Selection
A $2500 scholarship will be awarded to an apprentice student chosen to represent Canada at any World Skills competition in the bricklaying category.
Sandvik Coromant Awards
Automatic Selection
Established by Sandvik Coromant, two awards valued at $1000 each are available annually to students entering the CNC Machining and Advanced Technology program.  The Academic Achievement and Leadership Award will be presented to a student who has attained a minimum 3.50 GPA at the end of first year, and has demonstrated leadership in the classroom.  The Academic Excellence Scholarship will be presented to the student who has achieved the highest GPA at the end of first year. 
Southport Stevenson Aviation Scholarship
Automatic Selection
One award of $1000 will be presented annually to the student completing Level 4 of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Apprenticeship program.  Recipient selection will be made by faculty, based on outstanding academic standing.
Staffmax Graduate Scholarship for Skilled Trades
Automatic Selection
A $1000 scholarship for the Welding program has been established by Staffmax, a leading provider of High-Quality Temporary Staffing, Permanent Recruiting, Executive Search, and HR Services. Staffmax is headquartered in Winnipeg and has offices across Canada, USA, Australia & Europe. Staffmax is known for providing ready, reliable & experienced employees across all roles and disciplines. Using advanced recruitment technologies, artificial intelligence, and a team of dedicated specialized recruiters, Staffmax is able to find hidden talent quickly to fill roles on their client’s timeline. Staffmax is involved by helping future professionals to become a part of the talented workforce. The successful candidates will be selected by the faculty based on academic achievement, with preference given to an Indigenous student.
Ted M. Konyk Bursary

The Ted M. Konyk Bursary, founding partner Dynamic Machine Corp., is available to assist RRC Polytech students completing the CNC Machinist Technician (certificate) program and continuing into the CNC Machining and Advanced Technology (diploma) program. Three bursaries (maximum value is $2250 each) are available annually.  Selection will be based on financial need and satisfactory academic progress; applicants will have achieved a minimum 3.00 GPA.  Preference will be given to students from northern Manitoba (including Creighton, SK). The bursary funds will be disbursed in two parts; half will be awarded at the time of selection (end of CNC Machinist Technician program); the remainder will be awarded as a payment to fees for the CNC Machinist and Advanced Technology program, once the enrolment is completed.  A letter introducing the candidate and indicating how he/she sees training fitting into future career plans must accompany the application. Deadline for applications is March 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

Thomas Skinner Gift Card Award
Automatic Selection
Thomas Skinner and Mitutoyo have teamed up to present certificates to the two students in the CNC Machining and Advanced Machining Technology program, that best exemplify the following characteristics: great attitude, initiative, interested and proud.
Tim McLean Memorial Bursary
Specific Application
A bursary is available to an Indigenous student with financial need entering apprenticeship training to obtain certification in a Manitoba designated trade.  Further information is available at .  Application deadline is May 30.
Toromont/Caterpillar Foundation Scholarship
Automatic Selection
Established by the Toromont and Caterpillar Foundations, three scholarships are awarded annually to students graduating from the Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic certificate program. Scholarships will be awarded in the following categories: top academic standing, safety, leadership.

Viterra Inc. Scholarship
Automatic Selection
Established by Viterra Inc to support academic excellence, two scholarships of a minimum $1000 are available annually.  One will be awarded to an Electrical (Pre-Employment) certificate program student and the other will be awarded to a Power Engineering Technology (3rd Class) student.  The successful recipients for these awards will be selected by the faculty based on outstanding academic achievement.
William J. Atkinson Award
Specific Application
Awards of $1000 will be presented annually to students completing the following trade technician programs: Refrigeration Level 1, Plumbing Level 2, or Steamfitter Level 3.  Students must have attained an academic standing of at least 75%, have had community involvement and/or volunteerism and have demonstrated leadership skills.  Eligible students will be contacted and provided the application form in late spring each year.  Applications must be accompanied by a current transcript as well as a reference from a former educator or employer, to  Application deadline date is August 15th.

Wolseley Mechanical Steve Murowski Scholarship
Automatic Selection
This scholarship program was created by Wolseley Mechanical to honour Steve Murowski at the time of his retirement. Two awards of $500 will be presented annually to students in the Plumbing program. Selection will be made by program faculty based on academic achievement. 
Women in Trades Bursary
Three awards valued at a maximum of $3000 each are available to women who wish to enter non-traditional trades programs at RRC Polytech.  Eligible programs are: Aircraft Maintenance Engineer; Aerospace Manufacturing; Automotive Technician (Certificate or Diploma); Cabinetry & Woodworking Technology; Carpentry (five-month); CNC Machinist Technician; Collision Repair & Refinishing; Electrical (five-month); Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic; Manufacturing CAD; Marine and Powersports Technician; Plumbing (five-month); Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician (five-month) and Welding.  The awards are intended to cover the cost of tuition, fees and books and, as such, will be paid directly to the student program fees account first. Selection criteria will include satisfactory academic progress, a strong work ethic and financial need. Applications should be accompanied by a one-page essay or letter describing your career goals and a brief life history as well as a reference letter from a previous instructor, employer or professional who knows you well. Deadline for applications for fall start programs is October 15th and for winter start programs is March 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Red River College Polytechnic endeavours to provide the most current version of all program and course information on this website. Please be advised that classes may be scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any course, program, process, or procedure without notice or prejudice. Fees may change without notice.