FULL-TIME | WINNIPEG LOCATIONS PLUCF-NA Plumbing Cross Connection Control

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  • Five-day program
  • Spring entry date
  • Notre Dame Campus, Winnipeg
  • Graduates may apply and pay for a Tester's License issued by the City of Winnipeg

Consider this program if you are a trades person looking to improve your understanding of cross-connection control or to obtain certification. The program's emphasis is on hazards, devices, and testing. It is designed for those already involved with the planning, design, installation, maintenance, and inspection of plumbing, piping systems, or water-supplied equipment that connects to the potable water system, either inside or outside of buildings.

A cross-connection is any physical connection between two separate systems, one of which is drinking water and the other polluted water or contaminated fluids, gases, or substances. The pressure differential between the two systems may cause contaminated fluids to flow through connections in subtle forms and unsuspected places. Reversal of flow in the water may be freakish and unpredictable, and education and training will help you to effectively combat all actual and potential types of cross-connections.

Admission Requirements

Regular Admission Requirements

  • Journeyperson's Certificate or Work Resume
    • Submit one of the following:
      • Journeyperson's Certificate
      • Work resume which will be reviewed for eligibility and acceptance

To register for this course, submit one of the above to mbaylon@rrc.ca

Who Should Enrol?

Consider this program if you are involved with the planning, design, installation, maintenance, and inspection of plumbing, piping systems, or water supplied equipment that connects to the potable water system, either inside or outside of buildings.

Plumbing Cross Connection Control is a dual stream program. One stream of students from all walks of life can take this program to increase their basic knowledge of recognizing cross connections and recommending proper cross connection devises to protect the occupants in the building as well as the public water supply.  These students will write a Red River College exam. The other stream of students consisting of Journeyperson Plumbers, Steamfitters and Sprinkler Fitters may go on to write the AWWA sanctioned exam to become a AWWA certified Cross Connection Control Specialist and later apply to the city of Winnipeg for a City of Winnipeg Cross Connection Control Testers License.

Locations, Dates and Fees

Costs (estimates only; subject to change)

Program/Student Fees
Year 1
Books and Supplies
Year 1
Other Fees
Year 1
1For Registration form see Admission Requirements
2Certification fee by Western Canada Section, American Water Works Association: $105. Please note - City of Winnipeg Tester's License fee is an additional cost.

Courses and Descriptions

(Click the course name to view the description of the course)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In addition to Transfer of Credit from a recognized post secondary institution, other RPL processes are available for RPL courses. Click here for more information. For courses with no RPL, please check www.rrc.ca/rpl for additional contact information.
SEMR-9068Cross Connection Control - Practical
More Information

The practical part of the course involves testing of devices with various test kits and recording the information accurately so that the values efficiency can be established.

TRAD-1115Cross Connection Control - Theory
More Information

This course deals with the protection of the water supply from non-potable water and covers the causes of backflow, types of backflow prevention devices, application of device, maintenance and testing of device and health aspects.

Computer/Laptop Requirements

Online learning is a critical component of course delivery in all Red River College programs. To ensure each student has the tools they need to achieve their academic goals, all Red River College students require, at minimum:

1.  Off-campus access to a current computer with a webcam

2.  A high speed internet connection

• Recommended minimum speed: 10 mbps for download, 3 mbps for upload
• Slower internet connection speeds may result in audio and video issues. Please keep in mind that if others in your home are using the same internet connection at the same time as you are, you may also experience audio and video issues.
• Please refer to https://www.rrc.ca/future-students/computer-requirements/ for further information on Computer Requirements for Students.

Please note that any anticipated costs are not included in Books and Supplies estimates.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process which documents and compares an individual's prior learning gained from prior education, work and life experiences and personal study to the learning outcomes in College courses/programs. For more information, please visit www.rrc.ca/rpl.

Other Information

The protection of the potable water supply in the city of Winnipeg is a matter of mutual concern and benefit. Therefore, the Province of Manitoba, in conjunction with the National Research Council of Canada, has embarked on a program where industry is required to install backflow prevention devices in any situation where a possible cross-connection could occur. These devices must be tested upon installation and annually thereafter by a licensed tester.

A list of testers licensed to service and test protective devices is mailed to industry annually. Those persons working without licensing by the City of Winnipeg program are bound by the Canadian and Manitoba Plumbing Codes to eliminate all cross-connections by the installation of the proper backflow prevention devices.

Page produced on 2025-03-13 11:39:24
Red River College Polytechnic endeavours to provide the most current version of all program and course information on this website. Please be advised that classes may be scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any course, program, process, or procedure without notice or prejudice. Fees may change without notice.