Courses and Descriptions

SOSC-3003Gender Studies for Health Professionals

Relational nursing practice emphasizes the nurse and client partnership. This partnership is predicated on understanding, compassion, and empathy towards all clients. It is therefore crucial that nurses analyze how gender frames both themselves and their clients. This course will utilize gender, queer, and nursing theory to redefine, question, critique, and challenge concepts related to gender. Beginning with broad concepts of gender normativity and gender performativity, students will explore gender roles and the impact these roles have on their lives and their nursing care. Focusing in with feminist theory, students will then critique patriarchal ideologies that create unique challenges for women and perpetuate gendered violence; however, the concept of intersectionality will be introduced to explore how discrimination and oppression are not framed by gender alone. The course will then redefine the concept of gender itself, as students deconstruct the male/female binary and work towards an inclusive conception of gender that acknowledges individual identities inside and outside the traditional gender binary. This course seeks to illuminate and challenge students’ personal biases towards gender and how those biases could both positively and negatively influence client care.

Disclaimer: The content of this course focuses on some controversial and uncomfortable topics. Readings may be graphic and include explicit language. Some content may be challenging for students. As the course seeks to illuminate and challenge students’ personal biases towards gender, it is important to acknowledge, confront, and discuss topics both inside and outside personal comfort zones. Respectful debate is integral to gender studies for health professionals.


Page produced on 2024-09-07 18:47:31
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