Courses and Descriptions

COMP-3007Healthcare Information Analytics

Health care is one of the most data-intense industries today. However, the data within the system often is not used to the best advantage to address health care research and business questions. Data sources have traditionally been in the hospital setting. More and more data is being collected at every level of the health care delivery system to assess, monitor, and provide treatment to Canadians. This course will expose the student to various data sources within the continuum of the Canadian Health care system, providing the student with methods for the retrieval, organizing, analysis, interpretation, and application of the data to health care research and business questions. Data quality activities as well as planning for future data needs within various health care sectors will be a point of emphasis throughout the course. Students are instructed on the use and content of the basic Canadian Institute of Health Information (CIHI) reports and on data presentation and graphing techniques.


Page produced on 2024-09-18 14:03:41
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