PART-TIME | STEINBACH CAMPUS HEARP-NA Health Related/Safety Workshops

Courses and Descriptions

PDEV-9009Nutritional Therapy: Intro

Food provides the building blocks we need to obtain and maintain an optimum state of health. Unfortunately, today's society has changed the role that food plays in our lives and the fast- paced lifestyle has forced many to reach for processed, instant and fast-food meals resulting in the burden of poor health and obesity. This workshop provides an introduction to nutritional therapy - a holistic healing method that ensures that the body has the correct nutrition and healing therapies leading to better physical, mental and emotional health. Topics covered in this workshop include healthy diets, alternatives to convenience foods, the hidden culprits, ordinary versus organic foods, body helpers and healers, toxins in our households and dietary supplements. The final session in this workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to prepare a healthy meal.
Page produced on 2024-07-26 19:14:28
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