PART-TIME | PORTAGE CAMPUS MECEP-DP Mechanical Engineering Technology

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Earn credits toward the full-time Mechanical Engineering Technology while you acquire the knowledge and skills to work in the design and production of high-quality manufactured goods. The topics covered include:
  • Design
  • Manufacturing methods
  • Quality assurance
  • Equipment selection
  • Computer-aided engineering
  • Building systems design and control
  • Mechanical analysis
  • Computer applications
  • Supervision and management

For more information, visit Mechanical Engineering Technology.

Admission Requirements

Students submitting a CanTEST to meet English language proficiency requirements must meet the following minimum levels for this program: 4.5 - 4.0 - 4.5 - 4.0.

Grade 12 Physics is much more highly recommended than Grade 12 Chemistry as an appropriate background for technology.

Regular Admission Requirements
Successful completion of Grade 12, including one credit in each of the following courses:
  • Grade 12 English
  • Grade 12 Applied Math 40S or Pre-Calculus Math 40S
  • Grade 12 Chemistry or Physics

Program Outline

Earn credits towards the full-time Mechanical Engineering Technology by studying part-time.

Core Courses

  • Algebra and Trigonometry 1 - D
  • Algebra and Trigonometry 2 - D
  • Applied Mechanics - C
  • Calculus - C
  • Electrical/Electronic Fundamentals - C
  • Manufacturing Basics - C
  • Mathematics for Technology - C
  • Numerical Methods/Programming - C
  • Physical Science - D
  • Statistics - D
  • Strength of Materials - C/D
  • Technical Communication 1 - C/D*
  • Thermodynamics - C

Please note: that taking any of these courses does not guarantee you entry into the Mechanical Engineering Technology program. For more information, visit Mechanical Engineering Technology


  • C/D - Classroom or Distance Delivery
  • C - Classroom Delivery
  • D - Distance Delivery
  • * Gold Seal Accredited
Mechanical Engineering TechnologyMechanical Engineering Technology

Courses and Descriptions

(Click the course name to view the description of the course)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In addition to Transfer of Credit from a recognized post secondary institution, other RPL processes are available for RPL courses. Click here for more information. For courses with no RPL, please check for additional contact information.
CIVL-1011Algebra & Trigonometry 1
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This math course covers fundamental principles, definitions of mathematical terms and basic graphing techniques.  Students will learn to simplify expressions and solve equations involving trigonometric functions, systems of linear equations, factoring and fractions.

CIVL-2023Algebra & Trigonometry 2
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Students simplify expressions and solve equations involving quadratic functions, integral and fractional exponents, radicals and logarithms.  Topics also include inverse trigonometric functions, sine law, cosine law, plane analytic geometry and graphing.

COMM-1243Technical Communication 1
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Learn the principles of technical communication. Develop your skills to research, design and organize documents. Practice your skills using plain language techniques to produce clear, effective writing. Ideal for anyone who writes for business, government or industry.

COMP-1153Numerical Methods/Programming
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The course concentrates on numerical method techniques. Students will write computer programs to find solutions for practical problems in mechanical engineering technology. Basic frameworks and/or codes for applications may be given as case studies.

ELEC-1061Electrical /Electronic Fundamentals
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This course introduces students to basic terms, definitions, and symbols used in the discipline. As well, it prepares students for work in industry by using safe practices and common industrial measuring equipment. Students develop an understanding of the fundamentals of direct current (DC) circuitry and its analysis.

ENGI-1018Manufacturing Basics
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Divided into two modules, this course serves as a general introduction to manufacturing principles and methods. Students will learn the production processes and skills required to manufacture a product by building a stirling engine in a modern factory environment. The procedures demonstrated include Lean, 5S, kanban shop floor scheduling, statistical process control (SPC), dimensional inspection reports (DIR), operation sheets, bills of material (BOM), and engineering drawings. The manufacturing processes used are: CNC milling, CNC turning, punch press operation, manual milling, drilling and turning, anodizing, burnishing, rapid prototyping, quick change tooling, jigs and fixtures. Inspections will be accomplished with the use of surface roughness measuring tools, micrometers, verniers, co-ordinate measuring machines, and an optical comparator. This is a unique opportunity to not just talk about manufacturing concepts like JIT, lean, 5S SPC, and operation instructions but to use them in a world class facility. Each operation is fully documented with the use of operation and process instructions with all parts having engineered drawings with appropriate tolerances.

ENGI-1043Applied Mechanics
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This course introduces students to equilibrium of forces and moments in both static and dynamic situations. Students will analyze structures and mechanisms to calculate unknown forces or motions.

ENGI-1152Strength of MaterialsRPL
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In this course, students will calculate stresses, strains, and displacements in mechanical structures and components subjected to various types of loading, and compare the results to the strength of the material and design allowables. Students will use current finite element analytical techniques to obtain accurate results economically, and verify these results. During lab time, students will solve problems using hand calculators and finite element software.

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This course helps students understand heat-related phenomena and equipment encountered in engineering practice. As well, it provides the theoretical foundation for other courses related to energy manipulation.

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This is an introduction to the differential and integral calculus of one variable.  The focus is the applications related to engineering technology such as:  minima and maxima, curve sketching, tangents and normals, related rates, small errors and changes, particle and rotational dynamics, growth and decay of current in electric circuits, areas, volumes and surfaces of rotation, centroids and moments of inertia, hydraulic pressure, mechanical work, average values of functions.

Scientific calculator required.

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This course is an introduction to economic and business statistics. Topics include charts and graphs, frequency distributions, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, probability rules, probability and sampling distributions, and estimation.

MATH-1023Math for Technology
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Review and enhance your knowledge of mathematics with an emphasis on trigonometry, algebra, exponents, and logarithms. Establish a basic knowledge of calculus. A scientific calculator will be required throughout the course.

For students needing a math refresher, or retaking CIV2102 Algebra & Trigonometry, or Electronic Engineering ELEM103 Pre-Calculus.


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The Workplace Hazardous Materials System (WHMIS) is a system for ensuring that important information about hazardous products is communicated where products are used, stored and handled. This course provides Information necessary to understand and interpret information about hazardous products, including pictograms (symbols), labels and Safety Data Sheets.

SCIE-1036Physical Science
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The course provides students with a fundamental background in the physical sciences, and is comprised of two components, Physics and Chemistry, which are delivered in series. Emphasis is placed on conceptual understanding of subject matter rather than carrying out complex calculations.

Computer/Laptop Requirements

Online learning is a critical component of course delivery in all Red River College programs. To ensure each student has the tools they need to achieve their academic goals, all Red River College students require, at a minimum:

1.  Off-campus access to a current computer with a webcam

2.  A high-speed internet connection

• Recommended minimum speed: 10 mbps for download, 3 mbps for upload
• Slower internet connection speeds may result in audio and video issues. Please keep in mind that if others in your home are using the same internet connection at the same time as you are, you may also experience audio and video issues.
• Please refer to  for further information on Computer Requirements for Students.

Please note that any anticipated costs are not included in Books and Supplies estimates.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process which documents and compares an individual's prior learning gained from prior education, work and life experiences and personal study to the learning outcomes in College courses/programs. For more information, please visit

Employment Potential

Graduates will have the training to be employed as mechanical engineers. Opportunities also exist in fields such as mining, aerospace, refrigeration, transportation and government agencies.
Page produced on 2025-02-18 16:46:24
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