MBIO-2000Nursing Microbiology
Nursing Microbiology (formerly MBIO 1016). This course examines knowledge of medically-significant organisms, how microorganisms interact with a host and the range of defences available to the host. Theoretical and practical exercises in the control of microorganisms are included. Laboratory experiences reinforce the understanding of the characteristics of bacteria.
Other Information
Continuing Education MBIO-2000 (section
257874) for the 2024FA term will be offered online. Mandatory synchronous
(instructor-led in real time) orientation session on LEARN Tuesday September 3, 2024 @ 6:00pm, followed by asynchronous (self-directed) lecture and virtual
office hours Tuesdays 7:00pm - 9:00pm via LEARN. Testing will occur
online on Tuesday evenings on the weeks outlined in the course outline provided
at the orientation session.
This course is presently not being offered by this program. Please check back later.