PART-TIME | INTERLAKE CAMPUS HEARP-NA Health Related/Safety Workshops

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Health related courses are offered on a part-time basis throughout the year.

Courses and Descriptions

(Click the course name to view the description of the course)
Year 1
Term 1Credit Hours
WRKS-1330BLS Provider
HEAL-1020CPR Level B
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In addition to Transfer of Credit from a recognized post secondary institution, other RPL processes are available for RPL courses. Click here for more information. For courses with no RPL, please check for additional contact information.
GENI-1010Red Cross Babysitting Course
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This course is designed to prepare adolescents 11 years of age and older for babysitting. Participants will learn important child care skills, safety tips for children of all ages, how to cope with common problems, how to make the children's environment safe and enjoyable, some great games and what to do incase of an emergency.

GENI-1153Tofu & Your Health
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Learn about the benefits of this ancient Oriental "superfood" with a hands-on demonstration of cooking with tofu.

HEAL-1003Medical Terminology
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Discuss the technical language of medical science. Includes the fundamentals of medical language including word components, definitions, spelling and pronunciation using a systems approach. Basic anatomy and physiology are included to assist in understanding the structure and function of organs and systems in the human body.

HEAL-1005Standard First Aid
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Includes 2005 First Aid & CPR Guidelines.  Comprehensive First Aid & CPR techniques for those who want more knowledge to respond to emergencies in the home or workplace.  The course covers a variety of topics from basic (such as cardiovascular and breathing emergencies, CPR Level B, prevention of disease transmission) to in-depth topics, such as sudden medical conditions and injuries to the head and spine.  Certificate is valid for 3 years and is recognized in the workplace.

HEAL-1008Standard First Aid
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(No description available at this time)

HEAL-1009Wilderness Remote First Aid-Level C CPR
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Wilderness & Remote First Aid & CPR is for personnel who work in insolated or wilderness settings and need to respond to emergencies when advanced care is not immediately available. The course covers material in Red Cross Standard First Aid & CPR plus special material on techniques for wilderness and remote areas as well as offers strategies to provide extended care for up to 24 hours.

HEAL-1020CPR Level B
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(No description available at this time)

HEAL-1024Workplace CPR Level A
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This course covers skills needed to recognize and respond to cardiovascular emergencies and choking for adults (people aged 8 and over).

HEAL-1038Community Standard First Aid - Level C
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This course provides simple First Aid and CPR techniques taught in an interactive environment for individuals who want an overview of First Aid and CPR for the home or workplace. This course covers the role, function and responsibilities of the first aider, skills needed to recognize and respond to emergencies, basic anatomy and physiology,  major bleeds including bandaging,  and nose bleeds, bone fractures and splinting, obstructed airway and other breathing emergencies, diabetic emergency, seizure emergency, heat and cold emergency, poisoning,  cardiovascular emergencies, symptoms and treatment of shock, trauma, head and spine injury, wounds, infection control and CPR Level C. CPR Level C covers adult/child/baby CPR - one rescuer, adult/child/baby choking, barrier devices/pocket masks, AED, adult/child 2-rescuer CPR.   Certification is valid for three years.


HEAL-1039Emergency Child Care First Aid/CPR
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This course provides an overview of First Aid & CPR techniques taught in an interactive environment, for individuals who care for babies or children at home. It covers skills needed to recognize, prevent and respond to cardiovascular emergencies for adults, children, and babies, CPR Level B. Other topics covered include: choking, airway and breathing emergencies and prevention of disease transmissions. Certification is valid for three years.

HEAL-1040Emergency First Aid-Level HCP
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This course covers life threatening injuries, including major bleeds, stroke, internal bleeding, shock, chocking, CPR for infant, child and adult - one and two rescuer and the use of AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and use of a Bag-Valve-Mask; intended for healthcare provider.

HEAL-1043CPR Level C Recertification
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Recertification for Level C CPR.

HEAL-1045Mental Health First Aid - Basic
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Learn how to provide initial help to people who are showing signs of a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. This course is delivered in four modules of three hours each.    Students who successfully complete the course will have the skills to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health problems, provide initial help, and guide a person towards appropriate professional help.  A certificate from Mental Health First Aid Canada will be awarded to successful students.

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This course is for health-care providers.  You will learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the skills needed to recognize and respond to cardiovascular emergencies. You will also learn to use an automated external defibrillator (AED).   Areas covered will be the First Aider’s Role; Check, Call, Care; H.A.IN.E.S. Recovery Position;  Assisting with Medications; Angina and Heart Attack; Stroke; Deadly Bleeding;  Choking—adult, child and baby;  CPR—adult, child and baby; Rescue breathing—adult, child, and baby; Two-rescuer CPR—adult, child, baby;  BVM—adult, child, and baby.


HEAL-1112Take Charge of Your Diabetes
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(No description available at this time)

HEAL-1263Worksite Health Promotion
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(No description available at this time)

HEAL-1434Emergency First Aid (no Cpr)
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This course covers initial assessments, airway management, breathing, shock, posons, how to call for emergency and medical assistance, secondary assessments, wounds and medical emergencies. Conscious and inconscious choking will also be covered.

HEAL-1499Food Allergies Information for Restaurant Workers
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This class will teach you to understand the life-threatening nature of allergies,  to learn about the food sources of common allergies and to interpret labels.

HEAL-1500Food and Cancer
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Learn how making the right food choices can help you protect yourself from cancer and other life-threatening illmesses.

HEAL-1501Food Handlers Certificate
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The purpose of this course is to provide individuals with information, techniques and procedures essential for safe food preparation, service and storage. This is a one day course and is comprised of modules providing information on the following: foodborne illnesses; procedures for safe preparation and service of food; procedures for cleaning and sanitizing dishes and utensils. This course is recommended for persons seeking employment or promotion in the food industry.


HEAL-1502Food Handlers Certificate Workshop
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This workshop is designed for anyone entering or working in food services.  Upon successful completion, a Manitoba Health Certificate is issued which is valid for five years.  Persons without previous experience or those seeking promotion in the food industry are strongly advised to have this certificate.

HEAL-1503Foodsafe Refresher
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Challenge the Manitoba Health Foodsafe exam. The Foodsafe refresher is a food safety course designed to maximize you time by covering critical food safety principles. The course is delivered in a fun, interactive format designed to prepare you to challenge the Manitoba Health exam for Certification. The course will cover: personal hygiene, microbes and foodborne illness, cleaning and sanitizing, pest control, preparing food safely, receiving and storing food, and causes of foodborne illness.

 Certification is valid for 5 years.

HEAL-1505Food Preservation
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A course for learning and/or reviewing the basics of safe and delicious food preservation, including canning, freezing and drying fruits and vegetables.  The emphasis will be on maximizing food safety and enhancing flavour and appearance of preserved foods.

HEAL-1506Traincan - Advanced.Fst
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Advanced.fst is a food safety training course for Managers and Restaurant Owners. This workshop will help your management team learn/understand the importance of food safety and help them to manage the food safety aspects of the day to day operations. The information and recommendations are based on the Canadian Food Retail and Food Services Regulation and Code (FRFSRC), Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Learning about food safety is the best way to ensure the safety of your guests and team members and reduce liability for your business.

Certification is valid for 5 years.


HEAL-1507Food Microbiology Short Course
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This 6 hour short course is designed for anyone working in the food industry to gain a better and more intricate understanding of food microbes and their influence on our food supply. The short course provides insight into the most recent developments of food-borne pathogens, toxins and emerging issues in food safety. The course will over a number of food microbiology concepts.

HEAL-1508Food Safety = Behaviour
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Are you looking to change or improve your food safety culture within your organization? Food safety is at a critical high with new and emerging threats introduced in the food system. Food safety is more than a technical disciple, it is behaviour-based. This 6 hour course will uncover proven behavioural-science techniques you can employ to help change ones' behavior and improve your food safety program. The course is intended for food safety professionals involved with the retail and foodservice industry.

HEAL-1509GMP/HACCP Short Course
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This 6 hour course will cover the principles of Prerequisite Programs (CMPs) and the seven principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). Topics covered are: premises, equipment, sanitation & pest control, transportation & storage, personnel, recall and traceability, and hazard analysis, critical control points, critical limits, monitoring, corrective action, verification and documentation, and records.

HEAL-1833Standard First Aid Recertification
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Available to those who have a valid Standard First Aid Certificate.  Must present valid certificate and identification.  Manual needed and the purchase of a new certificate is required.  Cost of certificate is $13.00.

HEAL-1840Emergency Frist Aid - CPR A
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(No description available at this time)

HEAL-1846Emerg. First Aid with CPR C
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This course provides simple First Aid and CPR techniques taught in an interactive environment for individuals who want an overview of First Aid and CPR for the home or workplace. This  course covers the role, function and responsibilities of the first aider, skills needed to recognize and respond to emergencies, shock and  treatment, major bleeds. obstructed airway and other breathing emergencies, cardiovascular emergencies,  and CPR Level C. CPR Level C covers adult/child/baby CPR - one rescuer, adult/child/baby choking, barrier devices/pocket masks, AED, adult/child 2-rescuer CPR.

HEAL-9003Caring for an Aging Parent
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Today many adults are finding themselves caring for their aging parents while continuing to juggle their family and work responsibilities. This interactive workshop will provide useful tools, information and resources on how to manage the various aspects of caring for aging parents. Topics include: understanding the aging process; assisting with activities of daily living; ensuring a safe home environment; interpersonal strain and difficult conversations; dealing with Alzheimer's, dementia and Parkinson's Disease, understanding the different levels of care, housing options and health care systems; important legal and financial matters such as power of attorney, wills and advance planning for the final stages of life; and useful coping strategies for caregiver stress.

NVCI-1815Non-Violent Conflict Management
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Non-Violent Conflict Management/Crisis Intervention is a safe, non-harmful behaviour management system designed to help human service workers provide the best possible care for assaultive, disruptive or out-of-control persons during a violent moment. In this workshop, you will learn techniques that have proven effective in resolving potentially violent crises time and time again.  The techniques you learn will help you prevent violence and safely intervene when disruptive behaviour is exhibited by others.

PDEV-1009Helping Arts Learning to Listen
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(No description available at this time)

PDEV-9009Nutritional Therapy: Intro
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Food provides the building blocks we need to obtain and maintain an optimum state of health. Unfortunately, today's society has changed the role that food plays in our lives and the fast- paced lifestyle has forced many to reach for processed, instant and fast-food meals resulting in the burden of poor health and obesity. This workshop provides an introduction to nutritional therapy - a holistic healing method that ensures that the body has the correct nutrition and healing therapies leading to better physical, mental and emotional health. Topics covered in this workshop include healthy diets, alternatives to convenience foods, the hidden culprits, ordinary versus organic foods, body helpers and healers, toxins in our households and dietary supplements. The final session in this workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to prepare a healthy meal.

SEMR-9078Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (r) Training Program
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The Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (R) Program is a safe, non-harmful behaviour management system designed to aid human service professionals in the management of disruptive and assaultive people, even during the most violent moments. It has been developed by the Crisis Prevention Institute, a training organization devoted to training staff in the safe management of potentially violent individuals.

SEMR-9174Emergency First Aid - Recertification
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Designed for recertification for those who have been previously certified at the Emergency First Aid level.

WRKS-1325CPR - Basic Rescuer Level C
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Learn the basics of infant, child, and adult CPR based on Heart and Stroke Foundation guidelines. Handbook is required.

WRKS-1330BLS Provider
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The BLS Provider Course is designed to prepare healthcare professionals to recognize several life-threatening emergencies and to provide CPR, use an AED, and relieve choking in a safe, timely, and effective manner as per the Heart and Stroke Foundation. This course includes adult, child and infant rescue skills in both out of hospital and in-hospital settings.

WRKS-1331Basic Life Support - Renewal
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As per the Heart and Stroke Foundation: Renewal Course for Health Care Providers (BLS-C), the course completion requirements are to demonstrate competency in
Adult/Child/infant CPR 1 and 2 rescuer (adult 30:2 and child/infant 15:2 ratios)
Adult/Child/infant choking
Barrier device/pocket mask usage
Students must read manual and view CD prior to attending class.  Please bring pocket mask to class. Manual with CD and mask may be purchased at RRC Bookstore.

WRKS-1431Emergency First Aid
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This Red Cross course covers life threatening injury, including choking, CPR for infant, child and adult, major bleeds, stroke, internal bleeding, and shock.  Certificate is valid for three years.  The required textbook cost is $27.56.

WRKS-1438Emergency First Aid Recertification
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Available to those who have a valid Emergency Certificate.  Must present valid certificate and identification.  Manual needed and the purchase of a new certificate is required.  Cost of certificate is $13.00.

Click the "More Info" link beside the course's name to view the description of the course.

Course Dates and Fees

2025 Winter Term
HEAL-1501 Food Handlers Certificatemore info
Location: Portage La Prairie Campus
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Mar 08, 25 - Mar 08, 25Sa9:00AM - 3:00PMR. Mancini266291$115
Location: Selkirk
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Mar 08, 25 - Mar 08, 25Sa9:00AM - 3:00PMR. Mancini260011$115
Location: Steinbach
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Mar 08, 25 - Mar 08, 25Sa9:00AM - 3:00PMR. Mancini260467$115
Location: Winkler Campus
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Mar 08, 25 - Mar 08, 25Sa9:00AM - 3:00PMR. Mancini259979$115
Location: Portage La Prairie Campus
Mar 08, 25 - Mar 08, 25
Class days
9:00AM - 3:00PM
R. Mancini
Location: Selkirk
Mar 08, 25 - Mar 08, 25
Class days
9:00AM - 3:00PM
R. Mancini
Location: Steinbach
Mar 08, 25 - Mar 08, 25
Class days
9:00AM - 3:00PM
R. Mancini
Location: Winkler Campus
Mar 08, 25 - Mar 08, 25
Class days
9:00AM - 3:00PM
R. Mancini

2025 Spring Term
HEAL-1038 Community Standard First Aid - Level Cmore info
Location: Portage La Prairie Campus
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Apr 12, 25 - Apr 13, 25Sa Su9:00AM - 5:00PMTBA269721$155
Location: Portage La Prairie Campus
Apr 12, 25 - Apr 13, 25
Class days
Sa Su
9:00AM - 5:00PM
HEAL-1846 Emerg. First Aid with CPR Cmore info
Location: Portage La Prairie Campus
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Apr 12, 25 - Apr 12, 25Sa9:00AM - 5:00PMTBA269653$123
Location: Portage La Prairie Campus
Apr 12, 25 - Apr 12, 25
Class days
9:00AM - 5:00PM
HEAL-1501 Food Handlers Certificatemore info
Location: Selkirk
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Apr 19, 25 - Apr 19, 25Sa9:00AM - 3:00PMR. Mancini260012$115
Location: Winkler Campus
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Apr 19, 25 - Apr 19, 25Sa9:00AM - 3:00PMR. Mancini259980$115
Location: Selkirk
Apr 19, 25 - Apr 19, 25
Class days
9:00AM - 3:00PM
R. Mancini
Location: Winkler Campus
Apr 19, 25 - Apr 19, 25
Class days
9:00AM - 3:00PM
R. Mancini
GENI-1010 Red Cross Babysitting Coursemore info
Location: Portage La Prairie Campus
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Apr 11, 25 - Apr 12, 25F Sa9:00AM - 1:00PMTBA269603$60
Location: Portage La Prairie Campus
Apr 11, 25 - Apr 12, 25
Class days
F Sa
9:00AM - 1:00PM

Computer/Laptop Requirements

Online learning is a critical component of course delivery in all Red River College programs. To ensure each student has the tools they need to achieve their academic goals, all Red River College students require, at minimum:

1.  Off-campus access to a current computer with a webcam

2.  A high speed internet connection

• Recommended minimum speed: 10 mbps for download, 3 mbps for upload
• Slower internet connection speeds may result in audio and video issues. Please keep in mind that if others in your home are using the same internet connection at the same time as you are, you may also experience audio and video issues.
• Please refer to for further information on Computer Requirements for Students.

Please note that any anticipated costs are not included in Books and Supplies estimates.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process which documents and compares an individual's prior learning gained from prior education, work and life experiences and personal study to the learning outcomes in College courses/programs. For more information, please visit

Awards and Scholarships

A complete list of awards, bursaries, and scholarships can be found at

Entrance Awards

UFCW Local 832 Annual Scholarship Award
Specific Application
Scholarships are available for those who are UFCW members employed by companies that contribute to the Education and Training Trust Fund. Students enrolling in both full-time and part-time studies are eligible. Application deadline is June 1. For further information, contact the UFCW Training Centre.

General Awards

Louis Riel Bursary
Through funding provided by the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) and matched by the Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative (MSBI), bursaries, valued a minimum of $1000, are available to eligible Metis students attending a certificate, diploma or degree program (excluding Apprenticeship and upgrading programs) at Red River College Polytechnic, who are maintaining satisfactory academic progress in their program.  There are two applications that must be submitted:  1. the Louis Riel Bursary online application is available from Louis Riel Institute; 2. the General RRC Polytech Application for Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships (link above) should be completed and submitted online. Only applicants who have submitted both applications by the application date will be eligible for consideration. Selection will be based on financial need (those receiving other funding, including MMF funding are still eligible to apply).  Applications will be accepted from August 1st to September 15th each year.  Applicants must be attending their program at the time of the application deadline.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.

Richard (Asher) Webb Social Justice Activist Memorial Award

This is an $1000 award given annually to a student who demonstrates exceptional effort and/or the ability to lead, organize and engage students or members of the community in embodying the values of equity, diversity, inclusion, multiculturalism and social justice.

The successful recipient will be a community activist, advocate or leader who has worked for systemic changes at various levels and with various social identities in mind. Their advocacy may involve (but is not limited to): human rights, LGBTT* issues, anti-racism, anti-poverty, public health, non-violence, community-building and student engagement, or encouraging others on issues of social justice that impact the lives of students and the broader community.

Applications will be evaluated by the Selection Committee, based on the following criteria:
• Making a significant contribution to equity, inclusion and social justice through community engagement, either in specific positions of responsibility or while involved in organizing activities. (Requirements: Student statement and at least one reference letter)
• Engaging and inspiring other students or members of the community to advocate on social justice issues that impact the lives of students or the general community.
• Financial need may also be considered. Applicants may choose to complete the financial section of the application, and/or include information.
All full-time and part-time Red River College students are welcome to apply. The general application form must be accompanied by a student statement and required letter(s) of reference in order to be considered. The deadline for applications is March 1st.  Completed application forms should be submitted by email to .

RRC Polytech Students' Association Chad Hildebrand Memorial Award
Chad, a BA student, was a member of the Student Advisory Board (SAB) during the 1998-99 school year. He died in March of 2000 as a result of a hockey accident. The 1999-2000 SAB agreed to dedicate the Students’ Association Scholarship fund’s first award in Chad’s memory.  One $1,000 award shall be presented to a Red River College Polytechnic student, who is a current Student Association Board member, exhibits leadership qualities and is actively involved in the college and/or community. Applicants must submit a one-page statement describing their involvement in the college and/ or community.  The application deadline is February 15th.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload. 

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization Every Child Matters Scholarship

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization Every Child Matters Scholarship was created in honour of the children who attended residential schools and those who never made it home. Southern Chiefs’ Organization recognizes that all First Nation people, families, and communities have been impacted by the residential schools. The $2000 scholarship is intended to support Survivors and their descendants, as well as descendants of the families of the children who died.  The scholarship is to be awarded on the basis of academic merit to a status citizen of one of the Southern Chiefs’ Organization member First Nations (Berens River, Birdtail Sioux, Black River, Bloodvein, Brokenhead, Buffalo, Canupawakpa, Dakota, Dauphin River, Ebb and Flow, Gambler, Hollow Water, Keeseekoowenin, Kinonjeoshtegon, Lake Manitoba, Lake St. Martin, Little Grand Rapids, Little Saskatchewan, Long Plain, O-Ch-Chak-Koo-Sipi, Pauingassi, Point Pegui, Pinaymootang, Plains Pine Creek, Poplar River, Rolling River, Roseau River, Sagkeeng, Sandy Bay, Skownan, Swan Lake, Tootinaowaziibeeng, or Waywayseecappo), who is a full- or part-time continuing student at the Red River College Polytechnic, who has successfully completed at least 12 credit hours, and who has made contributions to their school community or their community at large.  Applicants must submit a letter describing their school or community involvement.  The contact information of the chosen recipient shall be disclosed to the donor each year. Southern Chiefs' Organization Inc. observes an annual commemoration of all successful applicants. By submitting an application for the scholarship, the recipient of the Scholarship consents to be contacted through electronic mail or telephone for a brief interview with a member of Southern Chiefs’ Organization.  In the unlikely event of a mitigating circumstance, such as a protection order or equivalent, anonymity will be granted to the recipient of the Scholarship.  Application deadline is January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Indigenous Student Awards

Louis Riel Bursary
Through funding provided by the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) and matched by the Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative (MSBI), bursaries, valued a minimum of $1000, are available to eligible Metis students attending a certificate, diploma or degree program (excluding Apprenticeship and upgrading programs) at Red River College Polytechnic, who are maintaining satisfactory academic progress in their program.  There are two applications that must be submitted:  1. the Louis Riel Bursary online application is available from Louis Riel Institute; 2. the General RRC Polytech Application for Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships (link above) should be completed and submitted online. Only applicants who have submitted both applications by the application date will be eligible for consideration. Selection will be based on financial need (those receiving other funding, including MMF funding are still eligible to apply).  Applications will be accepted from August 1st to September 15th each year.  Applicants must be attending their program at the time of the application deadline.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application.

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization Every Child Matters Scholarship

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization Every Child Matters Scholarship was created in honour of the children who attended residential schools and those who never made it home. Southern Chiefs’ Organization recognizes that all First Nation people, families, and communities have been impacted by the residential schools. The $2000 scholarship is intended to support Survivors and their descendants, as well as descendants of the families of the children who died.  The scholarship is to be awarded on the basis of academic merit to a status citizen of one of the Southern Chiefs’ Organization member First Nations (Berens River, Birdtail Sioux, Black River, Bloodvein, Brokenhead, Buffalo, Canupawakpa, Dakota, Dauphin River, Ebb and Flow, Gambler, Hollow Water, Keeseekoowenin, Kinonjeoshtegon, Lake Manitoba, Lake St. Martin, Little Grand Rapids, Little Saskatchewan, Long Plain, O-Ch-Chak-Koo-Sipi, Pauingassi, Point Pegui, Pinaymootang, Plains Pine Creek, Poplar River, Rolling River, Roseau River, Sagkeeng, Sandy Bay, Skownan, Swan Lake, Tootinaowaziibeeng, or Waywayseecappo), who is a full- or part-time continuing student at the Red River College Polytechnic, who has successfully completed at least 12 credit hours, and who has made contributions to their school community or their community at large.  Applicants must submit a letter describing their school or community involvement.  The contact information of the chosen recipient shall be disclosed to the donor each year. Southern Chiefs' Organization Inc. observes an annual commemoration of all successful applicants. By submitting an application for the scholarship, the recipient of the Scholarship consents to be contacted through electronic mail or telephone for a brief interview with a member of Southern Chiefs’ Organization.  In the unlikely event of a mitigating circumstance, such as a protection order or equivalent, anonymity will be granted to the recipient of the Scholarship.  Application deadline is January 31st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application form and have additional required documents ready to upload.

Continuing Education

Gervin Alexander Dobbin Memorial Award
A $1000 award has been established to honour the memory of former Red River College Evening Program Supervisor, Gervin Alexander Dobbin. The award is available annually and is presented during the fall term to a part-time evening/Saturday program student who is a single parent with a financial need and who is currently registered in a Continuing Education program at RRC Polytech.  Application deadline is October 1st.  Please note the name of the award to enter on the application. 
Page produced on 2025-02-12 22:00:20
Red River College Polytechnic endeavours to provide the most current version of all program and course information on this website. Please be advised that classes may be scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any course, program, process, or procedure without notice or prejudice. Fees may change without notice.