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  • Certificate program
  • Microsoft Certification-aligned courses
  • Online delivery


Develop your computer application skills and enhance your career opportunities by becoming certification-ready in today’s most popular office applications. You will gain hands-on experience using the latest Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite applications.

This program covers a range of relevant topics including word processing, spreadsheets, photo-editing software, accounting software, and more.

Except where a required prerequisite is noted, you do not require any prior experience to take a certification-aligned course.

Note: Many of the Microsoft 2013 & 2016 Applications classes follow the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification curriculum. Click to learn more about the Microsoft Office Specialist certifications. 

Admission Requirements

Regular Admission Requirements

  1. Successful completion of Grade 12.

Special Admission Requirements
If you are 19 years of age or older on or before September 30 in your year of registration, have been out of high school for a minimum of one year, and you do not meet the regular admission requirements, you may apply under the special admission requirements.

Program Outline

You must successfully complete nine courses to earn a certificate.

If you are taking Microsoft Office courses by distance delivery, you must have access to a computer running Windows and the appropriate Microsoft Office software. 

Core Courses:

  • Introduction to Computers - D
  • Microsoft Word 2013 - D (Course content is Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Aligned) 
  • Microsoft Excel 2013 or Excel 2016 - D (Course content is Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Aligned) *Not suitable for MAC Software*

Elective Courses (combine six from any specialization):

Microsoft Office Specialization

  • Microsoft Excel 2016 - Advanced - D  (Excel Advanced classes are Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Aligned) *Not suitable for MAC Software
  • Microsoft Access 2013 - D (Access 2013 classes are Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Aligned)
Accounting and Office Management Software Specialization
  • Simply Accounting (PC) - C/D
  • Microsoft Project 2016 - D
  • Microsoft Outlook & OneNote Complete - D (Outlook and OneNote Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Aligned)

Web and Design Specialization

  • HTML5 - D
  • Photoshop 1 - C/D
  • Photoshop 2 - C/D

I.T. Specialization

  • IT Fundamentals - C/D 
  • Digital UX for Businesses 


  • C/D - Classroom or Distance Delivery
  • C - Classroom Delivery
  • D - Distance Delivery 

Courses and Descriptions

(Click the course name to view the description of the course)
Year 1
Term 1Credit Hours
COMP-1237Excel 2016
COMP-1275Excel 2019
COMP-1218Word 2013
COMP-1222Access 2013
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In addition to Transfer of Credit from a recognized post secondary institution, other RPL processes are available for RPL courses. Click here for more information. For courses with no RPL, please check for additional contact information.
ACCT-1088Simply Accounting (PC)
More Information

By using Sage 50 software, you will develop an understanding on how to enter business transactions into the general ledger, prepare and adjust entries, and print out financial statements. Sage 50 is used for accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, and inventory.

COMP-1061IT Fundamentals
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This course will enables you to identify and explain PC components, setup a basic PC workstation, conduct basic software installation, identify compatibility issues and recognize and prevent basic security risks. You will gain knowledge in the areas of Green IT and preventative maintenance of computers while becoming familiar with many of the hardware concepts in the industry. The course will prepare your to take the COMP TIA, Strata I.T.Fundamentals, Exam number:FC0-U41. Topics covered include operating systems, central processing units, memory management, data storage, printers, communication devices and backup systems.

More Information

Current Web development is about creating sites that look and work great across a variety of devices. In this course, you will learn how to develop website content using the Responsive Web Design approach - a design approach aimed at creating web content that adapts to work across a variety of devices from desktop computers to smart phones. You will learn how to properly structure web documents using HTML5 and how to effectively use CSS3. Throughout the course, you will use a variety of development tools for writing HTML and CSS including Sublime Text, Brackets, and Dreamweaver. In addition, you will use JavaScript and JQuery to improve the user experience and build a variety of responsive websites using the skills you learn.

Note: The tuition fee includes a $40 non-refundable software activation fee.

COMP-1218Word 2013
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Learn the basics of word processing along with some advanced Word 2013 features. Skill areas covered will include: basic word processing, formatting and editing; inserting and customizing pictures and graphics; formatting for multiple page documents; utilizing wizards and templates; adding charts, tables, columns, and mail merging for letters, envelopes and labels.            

If you are taking courses by distance delivery, you must have access to a computer with the appropriate Microsoft Office software

* This class is recommended for students with a good working knowledge of Microsoft Windows. Students who need to upgrade their computer skills prior to taking this class should take  Computers - Intro (Comp-1081).

COMP-1222Access 2013
More Information

Become familiar with good design principles to create Access databases with related tables. Gain knowledge of table relationships, field types and become familiar with formatting table fields and objects. Create and edit forms to input data, extract data using queries and design print reports. Explore sharing and integrate information between programs to increase productivity. Construct macros to automate tasks and write visual basic for applications code to perform operations. Manage and secure a database. Course textbook and content follow the MOS: Microsoft Office Access 2013 exam skills being measured.

COMP-1236Microsoft Project 2016
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Take an in-depth look at Microsoft Project 2016 for entering, updating, and reporting on project activities, time and people. This course will provide you with a detailed look at tracking, baseline and variance, what-if scenarios, Gantt chart formatting, task linking and organizing, time-tracking, variance, customization, and tracking of project financials. You will explore new concepts such as peak units and task inactivation. 

A study of the ‘Scheduler’ is included.

COMP-1237Excel 2016
More Information

Become familiar with spreadsheet concepts, use basic features, obtain skills for further training and be able to use Excel 2016 in the workplace environment. Topics covered include using worksheets to make decisions, planning, building, testing and documenting worksheets, formatting and printing, functions, formulas and absolute references, charts and graphing, solving complex problems, and working with multiple worksheets and workbooks.

* This course is recommended for students with a good working knowledge of Microsoft Windows. Students who need to upgrade their computer skills prior to taking this class should take COMP-1313 Introduction to Computers.

Distance Delivery:
Students must have access to a computer with the appropriate Microsoft Office software.
Excel 2016 and Excel 2016 Advanced are not suitable for use with Mac computer software
Required textbook sold separately and can be purchased at the Campus Store.

COMP-1259Digital UX for Businesses
More Information

Digital experiences are all around us. The advance of digital technologies combined with the expansion of the Internet across all things made it such that we live most of our lives through those technologies. This means that the quality of our life experiences are directly affected by those technologies. 

This course is a practical introduction to digital user experience design. The course’s main objective is to provide business leaders, managers, user experience professionals, and anyone who aspires to become a user experience professional the necessary knowledge and foundation to deliver exceptional digital user experiences. 

Students will learn the business rationale and the fundamental notions of sound digital experience design in a fast and changing landscape. 

Topics will include:
  • User experience theory
  • The place of digital experience design in an organization and its relationship with technology
  • Digital design necessary skills
  • Processes and tools
  • The measurement of user experience to maximize business success

COMP-1275Excel 2019
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Become familiar with spreadsheet concepts, use basic features, obtain skills for further training, and be able to use Excel 2019 in the workplace environment. Topics covered include using worksheets to make decisions, planning, building, testing and documenting worksheets, formatting and printing, functions, formulas and absolute references, charts and graphing, solving complex problems, and working with multiple worksheets and workbooks.

COMP-1313Introduction to ComputersRPL
More Information

In this course, students will be introduced to software in the Microsoft 365 productivity platform. Students will explore the fundamentals of editing and formatting text in a variety of documents in Word and the essentials of working with data in Excel spreadsheets. Then, students will learn how to work collaboratively using sharing platforms and create slide decks with a presentation program. By the end of this course, students will be prepared to further their skills using specific Microsoft applications.

COMP-1483PhotoShop (Mac or PC) 1
More Information

Professional digital image editing and image manipulation at its finest.  Learn the comprehensive basic program functions of PhotoShop including the use of painting and editing tools, making selections, colour correcting images, working with channels, preparing images for print. Learn many of the shortcuts and tips used by more experienced PhotoShop users.

COMP-2054Excel 2016 Advanced
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By using advanced features such as what-if analysis and Business Intelligence tools, you will develop the skills to analyze data. You will develop Excel applications and become more efficient with automation features such as macros and through collaboration with workbooks and the integration of Excel with other Office applications. Other topics include advanced formula function and enhanced formatting tools.

* This course is not suitable for use with Mac Software

COMP-2275Excel 2019 Advanced
More Information

Using advanced features such as what-if analysis and Business Intelligence tools will build skills to analyze data. Become more efficient with automation features such as macros and data validation. Create PivotTables to summarize and analyze data. Other topics include advanced formula functions. 

MUME-2112PhotoShop (Mac or PC) 2
More Information

Receive instruction in advanced creative image manipulation, experimental illustrative techniques and prepress operations. Delve into some of the more complex operational features of this software program.


Click the "More Info" link beside the course's name to view the description of the course.

Course Dates and Fees

2025 Winter Term
COMP-1313 Introduction to Computersmore info
Location: Portage La Prairie Campus
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Feb 28, 25 - Mar 12, 25M Tu W Th F9:00AM - 3:00PMTBA271120$558
Location: Selkirk
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Feb 28, 25 - Mar 12, 25F9:00AM - 3:00PMS. McIntosh267535$558
M Tu W9:00AM - 3:00PM
M Tu W Th F9:00AM - 3:00PM
Location: Portage La Prairie Campus
Feb 28, 25 - Mar 12, 25
Class days
M Tu W Th F
9:00AM - 3:00PM
Location: Selkirk
Feb 28, 25 - Mar 12, 25
Class days
9:00AM - 3:00PM
M Tu W
9:00AM - 3:00PM
M Tu W Th F
9:00AM - 3:00PM
S. McIntosh
ACCT-1088 Simply Accounting (PC)more info
Location: Selkirk
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Mar 11, 25 - May 06, 25  TBA268144$695
Location: Steinbach
DatesClass DaysTimeDeliveryInstructorSectionCostActions
Mar 11, 25 - May 06, 25F1:00PM - 2:30PMF. Thiessen266656$665
Tu Th1:00PM - 2:30PM
Tu Th F2:30PM - 4:00PM
Location: Selkirk
Mar 11, 25 - May 06, 25
Class days
Location: Steinbach
Mar 11, 25 - May 06, 25
Class days
1:00PM - 2:30PM
Tu Th
1:00PM - 2:30PM
Tu Th F
2:30PM - 4:00PM
F. Thiessen

Computer/Laptop Requirements

Online learning is a critical component of course delivery in all Red River College programs. To ensure each student has the tools they need to achieve their academic goals, all Red River College students require, at minimum:

1.  Off-campus access to a current computer with a webcam

2.  A high speed internet connection

• Recommended minimum speed: 10 mbps for download, 3 mbps for upload
• Slower internet connection speeds may result in audio and video issues. Please keep in mind that if others in your home are using the same internet connection at the same time as you are, you may also experience audio and video issues.
• Please refer to for further information on Computer Requirements for Students.

* Excel courses are not suitable for MAC Software
Please note that any anticipated costs are not included in Books and Supplies estimates.

Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the program, you should have the skills to:
  • Work effectively with a range of current, standard, Office Productivity software applications.
  • Evaluate, select and use office productivity software appropriate to a given situation.
  • Apply basic adult learning and assessment principles in the design, development, and presentation of material produced by office productivity applications.
  • Demonstrate employability skills and a commitment to professionalism.
  • Operate a variety of advanced spreadsheet, operating system and word processing functions.
  • Solve a range of problems using office productivity applications, and adapt quickly to new software releases.
  • Maintain quality assurance through critically evaluating procedures and results.

Recent Changes

Course delivery
  • Microsoft office 2010 classes will no longer be offered but will remain as credits to the program.
  • Except where noted, all distance courses will be taught with the expectation that students are using Windows 7  or later. If you are using another operating systems (Mac, Unix or earlier version of Windows) contact Customer Service at 204-694-1789 before you register to determine whether the course is suitable for your operating system.
  • Please note that Microsoft Office course resources and textbook are for Windows and you may need to make adjustments on your own if you are using a Mac

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process which documents and compares an individual's prior learning gained from prior education, work and life experiences and personal study to the learning outcomes in College courses/programs. For more information, please visit

Other Information

Computer Lab Accessibility
Some, but not all, labs are accessible after hours to students. You will require a RRC photo identification card to access the labs.

Graduation Requirements

You must complete your part-time program within four years from the start of the first course in the program, unless otherwise stated in the program outline.

A program GPA of 2.0 (60%) is required to graduate.

You will not be granted more than 75% of your credit requirements for graduation through transfer of credit.

When you have successfully completed all the required courses in this program, be sure to apply to graduate. For complete details on applying to graduate and convocation, see

Questions about graduation? Please call 204-694-1789 or 1-866-242-7073 for assistance.

Graduation with Honours
If you obtain a grade point average (GPA) of 3.8 or better for the program, you will graduate with honours. If you fail any course in the program, you will not be eligible for this honours designation.

Page produced on 2025-02-17 21:17:55
Red River College Polytechnic endeavours to provide the most current version of all program and course information on this website. Please be advised that classes may be scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any course, program, process, or procedure without notice or prejudice. Fees may change without notice.